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Legend of Zu

Express your self - Index it

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From the day you were born to the day you die, you develop ways to express yourself, a way to communicate with your fellow human beings and well…the animals too… you tend to use these expressive skills to the extent where sometimes you laugh at yourself when you find out that you have just attempted to speak in catenglish/ dogenglish with a cat/dog by convincing yourself they would understand you if bark or sound like them…funny eh!


Speaking of the ways we express our emotions, argue/ debate about things that are dear to us, we also ironically talk to ourselves (inside our heads) in a way that only we can understand….but try to verbalise or turn those ideas into written words…you would struggle and the character comes out…


Even in SOL, you have your Ngonge’s who express their opinions by seeing things in humorous way, while few others are quite – literally - wordsmiths or verbose.


Various others are story tellers aka BOB ciyaal faanoole and the xaajiyo khamsiin crew, who can claim anything but clarity other than me self and the Aussies [ok you got me there], and you have to admit folks there are some posters in here that you can’t help but scratch your head when you attempt to make any sense of what they wrote aka Rudy-esque.


Ok…am getting bored with me self…with all my blah blah I am asking "how do you express our self when communicating with others?…how about your self, yep when you talk to yourself? How do you make a sense of your surroundings?


There is this blog that I am a huge fan of, a lady named Jessica Hagy who uses funny diagrams to make sense or have a laugh about things... this is how she looks at Debt (Haves and Have Nots) :D




Her Blog Indexed


lets see what the Nomads got, any hidden talents and so on.

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Are we meant to draw something? Because words suit me just fine? :confused:


Sometimes I find a look is more than enough.

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That's a cool blog. Thanks for posting. I tend to mind map when I'm planning things, just like she does there. It stayed with me from my student days but generally my thoughts based more on a series of images than words.


I’m not artistic though, well I can’t draw to safe my life even though I took art at school. Alhamdulilah for abstract art.

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Nice blog. Very creative.


People express themselves differently depending on where they are and who they are communicating with, don't they?


My thoughts are often composed of vivid moving imagery, akin to a docudrama complete with an unseen deep-voiced narrator.

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Altho I am very visual and I can quickly grasp anything visual, but when it comes to I doing the talk I tend to be more animated particularly when I'm dealing with friends, family and colleagues. You see me doing faces, throwing hands, making faces and gestures from afar youi will simply assume "I am either lunatic or perhaps an actor...ok..clown"


On the other hand, I tend to speak chinese inside my head and perfectly understand every word of it.



[Cheers will return after theb ramadaan]

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Lol..Loz chinese aa!


I was asked once,what language do I use when thinking,when I thought about its,I use English in my thoughts,despite Swahili and Somali being the main home languages.


I usually have a role play acting scenes in my thoughts..alot of debating goes on with myself and my inner selves.But when expressing myself to others I tend to be more calm,very collective in what I say..just the opposite of what goes on within myself when on my own..much more drama within.[doest this mean am a mad woman in disguised..Lol]


When am talking on the phone or in deep thoughts I doddle,usually its a 3D square shapes!

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But when expressing myself to others I tend to be more calm,very collective in what I say..just the opposite of what goes on within myself when on my own..much more drama within.[doest this mean am a mad woman in disguised..Lol]



I can totally relate to that. Inside my mind its thoughts bouncing off like electrical yo-yos and on the outside I'm absolute calmness to the extend that it unnerves ppl. But sometimes my clinical, devoid of emotion rationalizing with myself even freaks me out. I also think a lot more than I speak, that's why writing is a wonderful tool to express myself.

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hmm I like the blog. My thoughts are vivid moving imagery like Val, kind like role acting, most of the time I know how some one is going to react when I tell them something, because I'd played it out in my head before hand, and I can confuse myself into thinking that I'm already had this conversation before with them, I'm forever accusing people of having conversations with them....does that mean I’m going mad toolow.


As for thinking before speaking....erm I normal think AFTER I have spoken. I say things as and when I think of them, so I tent to jump from 10 different subjects in 5mins (or talking about a number topics in one go), no obvious links from one topic to another, no warning that I’m changing topics. I also talk very fast. People tent to get lost, and I might have to point out links or repeat myself. I come across as habaar waalan who is very jumpy and excited, I’m always laughing/ smiling even when there is nothing to laugh about ( it cheers me up) people either think I’m mad or it rubs off on them.


I tent to think in english, but it comes out mix of somali, english, and some Arabic.

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