
Maamulka Garowe follows Somaliland's lead in null&void Seychelles Piracy agreement

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Baarlamaanka Puntland Oo Laalay Heshiiskii Seychelles ee Burcad-badeeda

Golaha Wakiilada Puntland ayaa maanta laalay heshiis is-afgarad ah oo u dhexeeyey Puntland iyo dowlada Seychelles, kaas oo la galay 15kii bishii maarso sanadkii 2011.

Heshiiska ayaa ahaa in xabsiyada Puntland lagu hayo maxaabiis Soomaaliyeed oo ay dowlada Seychelles u haystey falal burcad-badeednimo, balse golaha wakiilada Puntland oo maanta dood dheer ka yeeshay ayaa cod aqlabiyad ah ku laalay heshiiskaas.

Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland, Cabdirashiid Yuusuf Jibriil ayaa u sababeeyey inay laalaan heshiiska maadaama aanan maxaabiista fursad loo siin racfaan markii xukunada lagu ridayey taasina ay tahay cadaalad darro.

Ugu dambayn baarlamaanka Puntland ayaa guddi farsamo u saaray ka shaqeynta siideynta maxaabiista loo heysto burcad-badeednimada ee ku xiran xabsiyadda Puntland.

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 Can any of you secessionists provide proof of Northern clan enclave's Parliament nullifying any Seycheles piracy agreement? 😂😂

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6 hours ago, Amigos said:

Dhbyaco, Somaliland's annulment of the 2011 agreement with Seychelles is no secret. When Somaliland released the 19 Somali pirates this was the Seychellois government's response: 

Seychelles has written to express its strong disapproval of the decision of Somaliland authorities to release, yesterday, the 19 pirates convicted by Seychelles authorities, who were transferred into their custody in 2012 and called for the strict observance of the ‘Memorandum of Understanding on Transfer of sentenced pirates between the Government of the Republic of Somaliland and the Republic of Seychelles’ which the two parties formally agreed to in April 2011. This decision is clearly in violation of the principles of the MoU.

The Department further wishes to inform that the unilateral decision by the Somaliland authorities to modify the sentences of the convicted pirates is in breach of the provisions of the MoU which allocates to Seychelles the responsibility for the review of judgment or sentences.




😂😂😂 Do you have a  reading comprehension problem? I did not ask how many prisoners have been released or kept. You are saying your clan enclave nullified an agreement with Seychelles that Puntland copied from you. Do you have any proof you were first to nullify any agreement with Seychelles?

The article you posted is talking about a violation of MOT not  cancellation of an agreement.


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Instead of blame gaming each other sxbyaal, will Someone here Please tell me the reason why both States reneged against Seychelles?

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1 hour ago, Timacaddeh said:

Lol... you are a peculiar fellow aren't you? Somaliland annulled it's cooperation on piracy with Seychelles in 2012, when it chose to deal with pirates in its own way, outside of the MOA it had with Seychelles. By default that meant that the agreement they had was cancelled. 8 years before Puntland does basically the same thing.

So the wording between the two types of cancellations wasn't exactly word for word, but the end result, cancellation/annulment of the agreement/understanding, was exactly the same. That is the whole point of plagiarism, unless you are the Puntland minister who copied Somaliland word for word 😆

Kkkk The liar is at it again!!!! Adiga stay out of this, you have zero credibility after you lied about that poor man languishing in jail😂😂😂

Proof your claim otherwise it never happened, therefore as childish as it sounds Puntland is the first to have annulled the Seychelles piracy agreement kkkk.

Separatists are desperate these days. They come up with blatant lies and they want us to accept it 🤪🤪.   


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3 hours ago, Timacaddeh said:

Tut tut tut.. Macalin Timacaddeh is disappointed in you. He wanted to save you from embarrassing yourself but you insist on showing the world just how dim you are.

Amigos provided you the proof that Somaliland cancelled its agreement with Seychelles, but logical reasoning is asking too much from someone who struggles to count to 4.

Proof to me that you can count to 4!

Kkkkkk What do you expect from someone who lied on this forum Just to win an argument. As I said you have zero credibility here mate. All you have is waffle lie, waffle lie.

Man, you are not the brightest secessionist here. Give up and let your superiors secessionist handle this. I am sure Sultan could give us the proof required here or can spin this better than these hapless hopeless fellas here 😂😂.

Come on Sultan, you can't just come up with silly, childish topic like this and not give us the source of your information. You write and I quote " Maamulka Garowe follows Somaliland's lead in null&void Seychelles Piracy agreement". So my question to you mate is when did your clan enclave null and void an agreement with Seychelles and what proof do you have for that. And while you are searching on google spare us with repeating that article from Seychelles's government complaining about a release of some prisoners. As anyone who reads it can't see  any null or void of any MOT in it whatsoever. Contrary in the same article Seychelles government calls to your enclave to "strictest observance" to the MOT signed between the two parties,  confirming that the agreement still stands 😂😂😂. The floor is yours 🤓

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26 minutes ago, Timacaddeh said:

As usual I have humiliated you in the other thread, where you claim I lied. Take a wonder over there if you wish to see another L I have dealt you.

Waffle waffle lie, waffle waffle lie. That is you.

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