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This is England:on the trail with the EDL

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These people (EDL) are only defending their country against terrorist and bogus asylum seekers. What Somali person wouldn't protect their country against colonials, occupiers etc.


Why is it that when its the turn of the Muslims to have a little bit of abuse come their way, that Muslims play the victim card??

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Maximus I’m afraid you have to completely wrong on this occasion. This group is not against Islamic extremism but Islam and Muslims in general. This anti extremism mantra is only for public consumption.


Why chant obscenities against Allah when their target is so-called extremists


Why demand women not be allowed to wear religious clothing


I believe in the right to offend in the freedom of speech debate. But not to abuse and disparage on a mass scale like this.

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Maybe people like you(yes you) who supported the Israelis siege and their colonisation of the Gaza strip? People like you who insult the jalabeeb and the Muslim womans clothing all because you have an inferiority complex about how Jack and Ron willl think about you. People like you who have to even side with drunks and racists just so to appear all "ilbax" and enlightened.


In any case, I don't see how Muslim Assylum seekers or "terrorists" can be equated with occupiers and colonisers. This is a really silly analogy on your behalf. Secondly, it is the job of the governmennt and appropriate authorities to stop bogus asylum seekers and terrorists. It is not the job of football hooligans, drunks, open Nazi supporters and people who intimdiate vunerable woman on the tube. In Luton, a mosque(which is firmly against the almuhajiroun) was set fire to, muslim shops were ransacked, a muslim girl was beaten and a mosque was set fire to at night. So these right wing groups and their affliates are hardly some great, patriotic citizens defense force. Let's just hope your eedo doesn't get attacked on one cold night, all because she happens to be wearing a funny looking " penguin hijab", by some drunkard, anti islamic thug. On that day, I hope you will not ask: Why is it that when its the turn of the Muslims to have a little bit of abuse come their way, that Muslims play the victim card??

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Poor girl, she looks so scarred. I don't understand how they are defending their country by harassing these vulnerable women!!!!!




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That's what happens when your so-called peace loving, intelligent, civilized superior society show their true colours. They've a Herd-Mentality and can easily be influenced by any 1diot with a pad and pen hiding under the media badge.


They consider themselves the 'Most Violent' group and yet gang up on a poor un-armed innocent single female? Allah kuwaan yaa meel aan ogahay keena and then see how long they will last there.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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This was staged. English Defence League are known for staging and fabricating pictures. The woman wearing the hijab is a trained actress.


There appears to be a misconception of the English Defence League, they only participate in organised rallies and demonstrations. Owning to public perceptions, they seldom act individually or in small groups. Also their members are composed mostly of white collars workers who are only protecting their country against the likes of Al-Muhajaarun and other Islamo-extremist groups.




You seem to have taken what I was saying out of context, and knowning you, probably did it deliberately. Having said that, I am not in cohoots with these people you have mentioned or pretend to appease any person.


Muslim have developed a victim mentality and use selective memory to evoke when they are harassed, despite not considering other acts of aggression committed against non-Muslims by muslims. Recently in Eastern Turkey, A church was forced to bring down their bells as a direct reaction to the minaret ban in Switzerland, and yet many people chose to ignore all the acts of aggression committed against non-muslims by muslims. I think the issue here is that Islamo-facist thugs see the world in a one dimensional mindset devoid of any rational reasoning.


Muslims like Fabregas see the word as two camps ‘believers’ and ‘non believers’, ‘righteous’ and ‘deviant’, ‘Muslims’ and ‘non Muslims’, . Add to this, these individuals bare no respect for freedom of expression and/or pluralistic exchange of opinions let alone academic or intellectual debate. Such groups people into two distinct camps: ‘believers’ and ‘non believers’ those who show the least dissent are ‘innovators’ or even ignorant, never engage debates with members of the country they live in, who they are usually referred to as inhuman and constantly promised hellfire.


This selectiveness of muslims like fabregas and other flock of followers confirms the previous assertion that they continue to abuse the spirit of pluralism and rational enquiry living in democratic country entails. These people need to be reminded that there are prerequisites to democracy and living in a plural society.

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EDL is simply a front to be violent and racist, no wonder so many dodgy individuals and organisations are drawn to it. They are working hard to get a violent response by demonstating outside mosques on fridays with provocative slogans and organising protests in places where are tensions in the community.


Surprising this was in the Daily Mail, good on them for reporting on this serious issue honestly.


Not sure what you are on @ Marx.

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Originally posted by chubacka:

EDL is simply a front to be violent and racist, no wonder so many dodgy individuals and organisations are drawn to it.

Can you substantiate this?


The EDL are an single issue based group. They were formed to stop Islamic extremism. The liberal media ensures that they are equated with yet another fascist and racist group.

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@Marx, Stop obfuscating, sxb. I am not aware of church bells being removed in Turkey. In any case, this is completely irrelevant to this discussion, lest you are saying two wrongs make a right. Your poor attempt to analyse my religious thoughts is also not relevant to the discussion. We are discussing your lauding of the EDL as heroes of mother Britannia.



Here We have a group that mainly consists of notorious football hooligans, people with known racist views and drunks, and a few intellectuals behind the scenes, which is actively trying to provoke confrontations with Muslims. Now, you have the audacity to claim that these groups are: " only defending their country against terrorists and bogus asylum seekers". Furthermore, you actually have the nerve to compare these folks to heroic SOmalis who defended their country from colonialism. I find this view extremely odd, especially when it comes from a fellow Muslim.


How does protesting outside harrow mosque and insulting the Islamic religion in public equate to "defending Britain against "bogus" asylum seekers and "terrorists". Surely you don't believe that Harrow Masjid houses illegal immigrants or that it is colonising Britain? Is there Al Muhajiroun in Harrow Mosque? Has Harrow Mosque ever supported any terror act?


The fact that this group chooses to protest outside mainstream mosques shows they want to incite Muslim youths into violence and ethnic related violence, something they hope will bring them more supporters and followers. Can you tell us how your heroes(EDL) are defending Britain from bogus asylum seekers and terrorists? Who is occupying and colonising Britain? Colonising and Occupation is what the Israelis you openly supported in Gaza are doing to the Palestinain population. It is ironic that you deny Palestinians the right to defend themselves, yet you view attempts to force Muslims youths into confrontations as heroic acts which are comparabale to the SOmalis who defended their country against colonialism.

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Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS:

quote:Originally posted by chubacka:

EDL is simply a front to be violent and racist, no wonder so many dodgy individuals and organisations are drawn to it.

Can you substantiate this?


The EDL are an single issue based group. They were formed to stop Islamic extremism.
They may have been formed for this very noble cause ( :rolleyes: are a bunch of zenophobic football hooligans really the right ppl for the job?) but their methods are very questionable.


Did you actually read the article?


Violence has erupted at most of the EDL's demonstrations. In total, nearly 200 people have been arrested and an array of weapons has been seized, including knuckledusters, a hammer, a chisel and a bottle of bleach..


There is nothing "peaceful" about these young men who turn out for a good fight on every demo they turn up to.


stop trying to defend the indefensible Marcus. Britain may well have a problem with extremist groups trying to recruit young men but I doubt EDL really the best interest of the average muslim or the wider community at heart.

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