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Captain Xalane


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lol araweelo did not eat kids, one of the 10 things that araweelo adviced women on her death bed was: dumoroow gardaro ogaada boohin ku dara garawshiiyo aad hesheene.

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She killed men, thats the only thing these savages need from a role model.


Originally posted by Devilangle:

Isnt Arawelo the scary woman that ate little kids

No that one was Dhagdheer.


Originally posted by bilan:

lol araweelo did not eat kids, one of the 10 things that araweelo adviced women on her death bed was: dumoroow gardaro ogaada boohin ku dara garawshiiyo aad hesheene.

She must have been one spoiled female.

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Me lol,All women are naturally spoiled bro,but arawelo has her roots deep in the somalian sheeko xarir i think.I tried to ask some neighbours,the dudes don't even know if arawelo is a masculine or a feminine name,lol.Then i tried to search her name on the net,then found no leads.I'll still try to ask around. :cool:

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Cudud ninam isu geeya, calafkoodana kala dhowra.


Caraweelo is mostly a character of myth. There might have been a historic queen who ruled some parts of Somalia who inspired the stories though. But I'm mostly familiar with the tales of Caraweelo as sheeko xariir.


She was a woman who was dissatisfied with the division of labor, with men ruling and warring and making the important decisions, while women did the housework. So she went to the women and argued that they'd be better at ruling the land. She told the women to refuse to do the housework for days. This is in the baadiye, you understand, so that basically means all the work but looking after the camels. Aqalka dhisitaankiisa can take a day, preparing food is itself a full time job (caano lis, galeey la tumo, oodkac samayntiisa, etc). So all the men where busy trying to keep up with all the work. The women, led by Caraweelo, seized all the weapons, rounded up the men and castrated all but one who managed to escape.


Caraweelo ruled for many years (lots of mini-stories about what a tyrant she was) until her daughter ran into the man who escaped going under the knife. The little tramp got pregnant and came home. When she had a son, Caraweelo threatened to kill him but her daughter convinced her not to until he was full grown; he killed his grandmother, the murderous little tosser smile.gif


The end.

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Originally posted by Cara:

The women, led by Caraweelo, seized all the weapons, rounded up the men and castrated all but one who managed to escape.


OmG.Castrated all the men? :eek: :eek: :eek:

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The women, led by Caraweelo, seized all the weapons, rounded up the men and castrated all but one who managed to escape.

Gacmaha baruur ku heestayn markii xininyaha laga goonaye. Seems she was terrorist. I could see Bush declaring war on her.


The little tramp got pregnant

I say she was the smartest among the crazy bunch.

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Devilangle, lol....., Araweelo didn't use to eat little kids.I think you are mistaken with Dhag Dheer. Seriously u need to learn about your folktales. Aren't you Somali? If Iam not mistaken Araweelo was very smart woman that is all I know about her, strange, atleast Iam better than some folks around herem, not that I want to point fingers. I think Araweelo is very significant to all women.I should do more research about Araweelo. Thanks for pointing that out.

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^^Where do we learn these folktales with english translation? I would want to learn it. It was only ayeeyo that used to tell us the stories love my ayeeyo. :D


my favorite stories were the vampire stories dad qa lato... but i forget lot. and to make us sleep used to sing goose kii ali deere o marow :D acudu billah where they come up with dat :confused:


Lot of somali stories, poetry have moral story to them tho i forgot most!

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Khalaf, English translations won't do justice to the stories. But there is a collection with both Somali and English versions of some folk tales like Caraweelo, Dhegdheer, Wiil Waal, etc. I've got it somewhere...


Lt. Xalane, There was a word for the castrated men, who were Caraweelo's servants after she became queen. Hey, it'd be a great cyber-diss, wouldn't it? If I could just remember it.


Che, Puhlease. With one swing of the godin...

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Cara bahliz remember the word.I asked an old man at the masjid about arawelo and he told me something she said.IT was nasty,damn the old woman was nasty alright. :(


Eh,is dhagdheer an other hardcore woman like arawelo? :confused:

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Lt. Xalane, too nasty to repeat??


The word is "dhufaan". But it's not exclusive to men, you hear people saying "awr dhufaan ah".


Dhagdheer was a dadqalato, little question she's just a myth.


Suul cawro is another sheeko caruureed, you ever heard it?

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Cara can u post those stories in english...i know i sound like little kid but i dig it and since um online a lot might as well read somali folktales instead of reading articles sometimes....speaking of awrello u see hard candy evil girl's revenage on a pedphile :eek: :eek: ouch!


Cara find those stories please. :D

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