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and let's face it, most women are ****** ; boo! hiss! Yeah, yeah, I can hear the hate mail coming, but if so many of them weren't brought up with this super-model mentality, then maybe they'd give a rats *** about something outside of their microcosmic universe and stop buying into all the latest clothing trends

Like why would I want to do that when am like so pretty and sooo fashional and soo trendy and, and isn't that like good for the universe since I'm buying from all those poor tailors in Malaysia or where ever and they could use the money to send their girls to school so they can read vogue and be pretty and fashionable. Just like me :D


Anyways, what does Pseudo mean.. is that like a new designer? Kewl :cool: I'm so going to google her. How do you spell it again.....

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Originally posted by Pi:

I think the author of that artilce has some insecurities about his intelligence. He's just trying to justify his inability to use/understand complex vocabulary. That's what people do when they lack a decent vocabulary span. They blame others for their own ignornace. "Oh, why is he/she trying to sound smart. Who do they think they are". Read: I never really payed attention in school. I cant understand all those words. And I'm too lazy to learn. Now, be like me and speak simple gobbelydook."


Anyways, my vocab. sucks compared to alot of people on this site, but that doesnt give me the right to talk shidh. Its my own ignorance, not their pretension.

:D:D You right man: some insecure people try to use complicated words just to pass as intelligent!! Well I can't say which one in SOL cos first I am new, and I started learning english 3 years ago so I can't say I am "qualified" to detect those people.


But have some courage: Name and Shame so we can have a laugh :D

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some insecure people try to use complicated words just to pass as intelligent


...Its not the use of a dictionary and it's vast storage of vocabulary that makes one sound Intelligent - its the wisdom and vision of the person that lies behind the complicated vocabulary!


They blame others for their own ignornace


...To be ignorant of one's own ignorance is the malady of the ignorant, as the saying goes!

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