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When Faarax Met Xaliimo.

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are you saying i am Faarax now? :mad: :mad: .

i am not Faarax ok, my name is Warsame, got it?


Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Jilaato_Cambo:


what is "in it" and what is not "in it"? :confused: :confused: :confused: .


Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^weeyaan? carabki maa muruq kaa gale? :D


waraa Tuujiye, Ingriiska dhabka inuu England ka yimit ma ogit miyaa, ingriiska mareekanka ma ingriis baa? UK imaaw, 6bilood oo intensive course aan ku siinaa


wareer badanaa!

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ummmmmmmmmm i dont like farxiyo and farax is my boy.i think he copys my lines



ya allah

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well bob...r u gonna confirm that farax is indeed "bad news"....and and what is xalimo gonna do about it?....keep 'em coming.... :D

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Originally posted by besbaaso:

well bob...r u gonna confirm that farax is indeed "bad news"

Miss Besbaaso sorry to disappoint you i am not because Faarax is a good guy who deserves a fair shot at Xaliimo's heart so you and Farxiyo and Femme Fatale should leave the brother alone smile.gif .


Faarax was once asked by a lady friend what kind of a man is he and his beliefs and this is what he had to say for and about himself..


"I see myself as a natural mystic revolutionary rather than a politician because in politics you need to be a heartless individual to look at the young and innocent children in the eyes and lie to them so I hate politics and despise politicians but I am neither Che Guavara and Fidel Castro nor Mao who needed an army to stage a coup, I am a simple man, a man of peace, a one man peace band on a crusade who wants to rid the world from all the evil people with evil ideologies, I don't have no gun and I don't need one and not take no dirty money (Bribe) from no one.


I fight single-handed with nothing but words, yeah my own words and show my Somali people the way to prosperity and an everlasting peace and love because surely our lives ought to have more meaning, our children deserve better lives than the one they are forced upon, our mothers, sisters, aunts, fiancées and wives have every right to see their kids grow to become doctors, pilots, astronauts and honest leaders instead of giving birth to a child with an uncertain future and never knowing if the child will live long enough to see another sun rise because our women and children are our only and strongest resource if our Somali race is going to exist.


They say everybody has a voice inside that talk to them and I am convinced that is the voice we should all listen to because in everything you are going to do, there is a right way and a wrong way and if you listen good then I am 100% sure we will all know the right way".


I told you Faarax is a good man with a good heart, didn't i? :D .


Peace, Love & Unity.

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Few days passed without the two of them seeing each other and Faarax became agitated and uneasy, as he didn't know what to do and how to go about his search of his beloved Xaliimo then he decided to go to her school and wait outside and see what's been keeping her from him as you know the poor guy doesn't have her phone number and he can’t go to her house as he doesn't want to put her in an awkward situation with her parents.


He asked his friend A/Wahid to accompany him to her school as he didn't want to look suspicious to the schoolteachers and the principal alike as you may know these days it will raise few eye-borrows to see a guy standing outside of a school that he has no business with and he was hoping that his friend AbdiWahid will provide a support incase if things got out of control and the teachers demanded for him to leave.


Minutes passed slowly and the moment of truth ever seemed hesitant to arrive yet Faarax & A.Wahid just sat there patiently and fortunately for them no teacher bothered with them and finally their long and slow day was drawing to a close as they were only few minutes away from the bell ringing and Xaliimo coming out and A.Wahid could clearly see that his friend Faarax was getting nervous by the minute and he tried his best to keep his friend's spirits up after all that is why he is Faarax's best friend, the one and only guy he could trust with his own dear life.



Xaliimo saw him and she started walking towards him half smiling at him nervously because not only did this visit was unannounced but she didn't know exactly why Faarax decided to come to her school but deep down inside she knew Faarax was only here to see her and she knew her plans were fully working because her girl pal Farxiyo plotted this for Faarax and they agreed to play mind games with the poor lad just to see how serious is he about her and before she saw him Farxiyo said to her something like "I told you it would work, didn't I?"


"Salam Alaikom, Xaliimo" said Faarax.


"W.Salam Faarax" replied Xaliimo.


"What a surprise to see you, what are you doing here?" continued Xaliimo.


"I came to see you" said Faarax.


"Yeah right Faarax" said Xaliimo biting her lower lip.


"you just disappeared and for once I thought that you fell over the edge of the earth and you know I couldn't come to your house out of respect for you as I don't want to put you in a tight situation with your Mom & Pops and I don't have your phone number so you didn't give the brother other choice but to come and see you at school" explained Faarax.


"why is it so important for you to see me? what's wrong? nothing serious happened I hope" says Xaliimo playing her Suuro cards to perfection now.


"yeah everything is wrong and that is why I am here to see you because I couldn't stop thinking about you and it's eating me alive to a point where I just had to come and see you no matter what the cost?" says Faarax.


"and you think it is just that easy? You think I will just say yes and Ok me and you are an item? Faarax look, I like you as a person as you seem a decent guy but I can't get into a relationship with you and say Ok that night at your cousin’s party was all we needed to get to know each other, however I enjoyed your company and I had a great time that night but still I am scared to start a relationship with you and I am scared that you might hurt me as I heard so much negative stories about you and your friends" says Xaliimo.


"Xaliimo, I respect that but you can't judge a book by its cover as you don't know what kind of a man I am and about what you heard, well what can I say? There will always be those who spread sick lies about people just because they don't want that particular couple to remain together and with all due respect our Somali girls are masters when it comes to spreading lies as I have seen it and experienced it more than I can remember and I know there will be every chance that you will hear a whole lot more lies about me if we ever start a relationship but I can guarantee you and I promise you this I will never ever hurt you and I will never ever dishonour you as I am not that evil, yes I am not the best as i have been through a lot and living on my own in a big city for more than half of my life without any family members to share my joy and pain with and living without someone to giude me through and teach me what is right and wrong didn't help but with you I can only get better and in time I will be the exact man that you want me to be just show me and teach me how I should treat you and I will and please don't ever give up on me".


"I don't know Faarax" replies Xaliimo.


"Look just give me a chance and see if I am that guy that you always saved yourself for and always knew that someday he will appear from nowhere and show you a whole new world that you never thought existed and treat you like the real Queen that you really are and trust me I am not all talk, I can walk the walk as well but only if you would give me a chance to prove that I am worthy enough to be the man that you think of every night when you go to your bed and the man that you are so proud of and most of all the man that you tell your girlfriends about and believe me you are going to have the ride of your life" pleads Faarax.


To Be Continued...(but i am not sure when though)



PS. Sister Thalamus thanks for your warm words and valuable time please make Du'a for me because i need it now more than ever.


Peace, Love & Unity.

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