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Social cohesion – excluding Muslims

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Who is the man who kept on posting fabrications about the killing of Somali Christians????


Now that you decalre you are muslim, waan danbaabay. Istaaqfurullah.

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No I don't, but he has a tendency to jump before he checks and double checks. I think he thought he was replying to the brother Warsam thread or something. Got confused in his old age icon_razz.gif . Or he'll come back and say someone was using my account.


A&T I think you owe the brother an apology nooh, clearly you got the wrong guy. Be a MAN about your mistakes. icon_razz.gif

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How prescient! Sayid Somal kindly pass that abuse to Warsame (war-xume) whatever he is called. Adigunna AAD raali iiga ahow. Consider that a friendly fire.


Ibti-I agree. You and me have tendencies. You, your blood gets boiled with less than 10 celcius, me I jump before I read the full message. :D


BTW, why do you say I don't know him? Are you afraid you will suffer vicarious liability?

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A&T: your apology is accepted! i presume you are 'qurba ku raag' especially Maraykanka for that are known for their "friendly fires" ;)

Bloody Oxymorons!! as the english would say.



Ibti - have you had your coffe yet? i lookfoward to our discussion.

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Indeed, right about the Oxymorons but wrong about the location. I sicnerly ask for your forgiveness. I have this habit of misfiring, saaxib. Aad iyo aad raali u ahoow, walaalkay.

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A&T that is because we don't know each other. :confused: There is nothing to deny.


Originally posted by Sayid*Somal:

quote: moving them from public positions is much easier than trying to take on the media/ tabloids and all these centres with their bogus research.

Agree, it is easier and do able today, (scrabs on stick it note and puts it in the IN tray of to do things)



the Muslims do not have the resources to fund and carry out such research. It is time consuming, requires lots of work, effort and time and institution, we are not very dedicated as Muslims, and under resourced.. I don’t think the damage that the media and bogus research has done to Islam and Muslims in general is reversible

Ibti- You seem to have very good ideas and also you see to be dedicated realist but you are also let down by your
. Have bit more


Nothing is Impossible
I agree nothing is impossible, yes that is true, in fact everything seems impossible at first or at least till you try. However I'm not a pessimist, I just know because I've been working in the Muslim community for the last five years with little improvement. So apathy baa igu sosocad just for this week. Nevertheless, these changes whether it is getting rid of people in public offices or funding research or challenging the media require long term and sustained efforts and we are probably not going to see the fruits of these actions for 30yrs or so. Islamphobias are rooted deeply within the institutions here in the UK, addressing all of them requires strong institutions and dedicated Muslim community. Sadly the Muslim community are two busy chasing paper and sometimes unknowingly contribute and do the work for Islamphobias. Just trying to convince one Muslim is draining enough, just check out my battles in SOL with the likes of NGonge. You cannot convince people the need to do something, if they think there is no threat. Passive Muslims help maintain the status quo and you will just run yourself to the ground trying to fight them (the Muslims you are trying to help), the islamphobias, the Zionist and media. I’m tried just thinking of it. :(

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By God you made me laugh!!! :D


i feel you pain Ibti - like you, i have also been an active member of the Muslim community from the inception of FOSIS to involvements in WAMY and many other organisations and community associations and I feel you when you say, ‘it is trying even thinking about it’.


However 30years is not too long and the work has already started, with people like you board, I am sure many muslims who feel the same will get involved, just make sure you don’t give up. Whilst individuals are important in changing the attitudes of others, don’t pay attention to negative individuals as negative remarks never amount to anything substantial. It is positive thinking, living and exemplary behaviour and outlook that wins over everything. Best example being that of our Prophet Mohammed (SCW).


How many times have I gone over the issue of; lack of unity in Muslims, Somalis, Africans etc, but I soon realised, the best way I could help was not by feeling helpless in the face a mammoth task of uniting all these people under one common organisation or political ideology. Whilst I still work toward this, I now take small steps, by working with the next generations and feel content in that I am doing something as an individual and I am always willing to work with like minded people.


I might not change the world, but I sure do hope to spark the one who will.

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^^^I don't like FOSIS, the ISOC and co. They have become “feel good” organisations, finding a husbad/ and what colour hijab should sisters wear, how long should a miswak etc. When they do something it is the classic burning flags, riots, and protest, then go home thinking they have achieved something because they angrily shouted outside number 10, thinking yeah we showed them! WHAT did you show?? Other than prove their point that we are a bunch of angry people? They fail to understand the value of lobbying and politics which dictates what happens to us, all they know is how to start a fire- a common method of protesting and showing your angry but which does not make any change. Very resistant to democratic ways of implementing change which take time. I understand they are passionate, but angry should not distract you and make you play into the hands of those who want to see you make a spectacle of yourself.


There are a number of ways that Muslims can help defend themselves in the media or in politics. But before we can do anything we need to know who and what we are fighting. Otherwise you are spitting against the wind.


As for the like minded Muslims, I agree that are many annoyed young Muslims, however each one thinks that it is them against the world judging by what they write in their websites & blogs. Again they fail to understand that are TEAMS working against us full time posting to news sites, blogs and other websites - all to 'create an illusion of opinion'. We cannot win as individuals and we need to pool our efforts together.


Carry on sparking Sayid, mind the rain though. smile.gif

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^^Classic come back :D



I'll need an umbrella (strong team), to mind the rain, while i struggle on afuufing the qiic. belief me it can get teary.


everytime i meet somali parents, community groups and i tell them about the process of this so called democracy (the interest groups, lobbyist ect) and give them advice about what they could do on just the local level, like the councillers who are getting in on majority of 37 people ect.


and they come back with "it is Xaram to veto" what do you think i feel? or even worse use the pretext "you know how we somalis are" - NO! I DON'T KNOW!! tell me? "we are single mothers and we can't leave the house to veto or we can't read and our man are wasting on khat etc etc"


so you can understand i am not just worried about the rain Ibti.

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Lool @ you know we are Somali, really? No way! Haha lol, in addition to the Xaram excuses. The one excuses I hate is; “what can we do sister? They are Kufar they all hate us!” We really need to get over this misconception that ALL journalists and politicians hate us. There are some who are well-informed and balanced, while others simply lack knowledge about Islam, but a powerful few do push their own prejudices and agendas. Then they tell you “I feel sorry for you, you have bought into their bullshiid democracy, they just want to waste your time and you are playing into their hands” So they end up feeling sorry for you and you stand their red face because you want to scream open your eyes! :mad: Errg sometimes you are simply speaking different languages.


P.s. My Xaafad kicks a*ss at voting now, they are well trained! We went door to door and told them where to put the "X" they even voted at the mayor election. I am proud of them for now.

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Ibti- at the risk of interferring with your Hasawe, may I remind you that Sayid asked you if you know me or not? That is the question.

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^^I already answered the question! the answer was No I don't know you! Thank the Lord for that, you one track minded freak. :D Adigu you are one of those people, if you see a man and women having a convo, even in public about general things, you just think MAN &Women and run back home to ashkatee the girl! Nin waalan. Life is so much more than that! But that is why I avoid talking to you, I don't want you to think waan ku hasawe, just because I commented on one of your topics! redface.gif





The local shike helped us, He made a little speech about it after Jumca and on the lessons on weekends. In the Somali community often you just need to convince few key people and then keep reminding them. They are not as stubborn as the Asian community, but Somalis are suspicious, often I get “so how much you getting paid” Or are you planning to go into politics yourself or the classic joke which I heard too often “maa shaaqaadan Tony baad raabta! Lol. Somali people are by far the easiest Muslim group to get on your side, only problem is we don’t have any money, work too many jobs and don’t control any institutions such as research centres and mosques, nor do we hold high profile public jobs.


Asian people on the other hand, are either too cultural, will fight you with everything they have, super resistant to change; Or they are loyal to labour, and regardless of what, they will always vote same way, you could not get them to change, particularly the Pakistanis! :eek: They threw eggs at us for campaign against Jack straws Blackburn seat about four years ago, outside a mosque! :eek:

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