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London: Fundraising for University of Gedo, Somalia.

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On 8th of July, 2007, between 14:00 to 21:00, Markabley Relief & Development Trust (MRDT), and Somali Capacity Building Initiatives (SCBI), with the help of SDF and SOAS Somali Society will unlock to advance the cause of augmenting higher education, above-all, establishing and implementing University of Gedo, Somalia. Through the educational programs carried out in Somalia by HIRDA, IQRA, MRDT and other associations, we have seen many lives changed for the better and subsequently, MRDT, SOAS Somali Society and SCBI are now more enthused and have the will to enhance fundraising for the creation of University of Gedo.


Through the achievements from HIRDA, IQRA, MRDT and others, we are now better off and aiming different priorities, such as the aspirations of higher education systems, hence, each and every person affected by this setback of lack of proper education for such a long time has reasons to hope, because with our help, huge advances could be made to reverse issue for the greater good. As a result, MRDT & SCBI, along with HIRDA, IQRA, SDF and others persist to work-for, help, and make differences in the lives of their brethren Somalis.


Today, through your big-heartedness you can make an immediate difference in the life of a person(s), man or woman, and for the reason that hope; we can count on you to take a lion share and attend the conference at July 8th 2007 at Brunei Lecture Theatre, SOAS University.






---- London: Kulan Deeq loogu ururinayo Jaamacadda Gedo


Waxaa dhamaan jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool dalka Ingriiska gaar ahaan magaalada London, aan si xushamad iyo qadarin leh ugu wargalinaynaa in 8-dda Bisha Luuliyo, saacadda 1pm ilaa 9pm.


Kullanakaan oo ah mid daba joogaa mashruuc mudo dheer laga shaqeynayay ujeedadiisu tahay unkidda Jaamacadda Gedo University oo ah Mashruuuc wax weyn ka tari doonnaa baahida ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee gobollada koofur, koonfur-galbeed ee Soomaaliya iyo cidii kele ee fursad u heshaba, waxaa horey looga soo qabtay kullamo la mid ah midkaan dalal iyo magaalooyinka ka mid ah waqooyiga Ameerica, markaana waxaa lasoogaaray xilligii ka qeybqaadashada jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Yurub, waxaana nasiib u heshay in kullanka koowaad lagu qabto magaalada London.


MRDT iyo SCBI oo kaashhanaya HIRDA, IQRA, SDF iyo kuwa kaleba ay ku dhiiradeen in ay hirgaliyaan mashruuca Jaamacadda Gedo. Waxaa xusid mudan in HIRDA, IQRA, MRDT iyo kuwa kaleba ay gaarsiiyeen dareenka ardada iyo dad kale oo badan in maanta lagu hammiyo waxbarasho heer jaamacadeed ah.


Haddaba annaga oo ku hadlayna magaca qabanqaabiyeyaasha kullanakaan ka dhaci doona magaalada London sideeeda bisha Luuliyo waxaan markale ka codsanaynaa dhamaan jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed iyo inta danaysa hormarinta dalkeenii iyo sare u qaadida tayada aqoonta dhalinteena inay nagala soo qeybgalaan kullanka waxaa marti noogu ah aqoonyahano iyo shaqsiyaad Soomaaliyeed oo bulshada caan ka dhex ah.


Kasoo qeybgalkaagu waa muhiim waana wax tar; Mahadsanidin


Russell Square Campus, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG

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Mohamed Adan Sheikh's daughter was my classmate. I'm referring to the MD.


As to the topic, big ups for the organizers. Primary, secondary, vocational or even apprentice schools would have been more appropriate but as they say dream big and ya will get there.

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Hang on:


SOAS Somali Society?? What, come again, how come I was not Invited to Join when I was there. Sounds like a good event. Hopefully they'll get a good turn out. Although I have not seen any advertising for it.

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The country is destroyed ,, ppl shouldn't start from the top.


why building universities where there is not primary, intermediate and secondary schools ??



that would me more effective than an empty university ,,,,,,



just my lil 2 cents ,,,,,,,

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JB has a valid point, but this is a positive development, I applaud those who have taken the initiative to start this project, may they be succesfull.

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The Unies are used for training primary and secondary teachers. Burco is a very good example. This project is good news all round.

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Originally posted by me:

Dhubad is this university being built in west-london

Me, that is what I thought when I saw the design but I doubt if it will look like the way its illustrate on the pictures. Anyway, what is more important is, it will be somewhere the students of that region can acquire high education.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

The country is destroyed ,, ppl shouldn't start from the top.


why building universities where there is not primary, intermediate and secondary schools ??



that would me more effective than an empty university ,,,,,,



just my lil 2 cents ,,,,,,,

J.B that is true, but in the case of Gedo there are plenty of primary/secondary and specially in Beled-Xaawo and other border cities, secondary school is not a problem because most of the students filling Mandeera secondary schools are from Gedo (my own nieces and nephews attend some of those schools). Even so there are plenty of other primary and secondary schools that are being built as evidenced here.


After secondary schools, those students with outside support go on to Kenyan schools and those without support leave their education behind. This initiative is designed to combat both the brain drain as well as the financial concerns.

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Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:

Those renditions looks pimped up, wonder if the real deal will turn out like that. Whats the cost of this project? $30-50m?

Not sure the cost yet but the project will take three years to complete Inshallah.

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last time i visited Beled-xaawo was about ten years ago ,,, there were no schools but it was easy for some people to attend those schools in Mandheera.


Good development to see that university in the area.

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