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This tread is exclusively dedicated to (_NGONGE ) after monitoring his witty and At times amusing remarks, I felt the need to create a thread where Ngonge can escape to defuse his stress, exercise his opinion and counsel us if he wishes to do so! It is in our best interested that we take full advantage of his presence!


I want to start off by asking NGONGE for his advice!



Bro, I despise Kufar School. I’m sick and tired of analyzing books written by Men in Thighs. Who can take Shakespeare seriously, he reminds me of one of those girls from the nutcracker play. I’m sick and tired of attending a school were all the girls compete to be the next show girl! I’m tired of clowns who think they are better then me because they study engineering, as If I give a hoot!


I want to relinquish my university status, But NOO my parents continuously use the same line,


My mother would say †honey, our people back home are waiting for you†and I would be like “ Mom,I don’t speak Somali, they would make funny me†she’d say†don’t be silly dear, u can learn†and my father would like,â€Nayah†I mean he calls me that, thinks he is cool or something, he ‘d say â€Nayah, stop your crying and hit the books†men if he only knew how much I wanna hit my books, hit him right where it hurts! Well I know in Islam we have to respect our parents and I love them dearly, but where do I draw the line? Id rather go to Somalia, live in a hut with 155 camels 1000 goats, an 60 kids all named Qac Qac (the 1st…60th ), its in my blood you know to life a nomadic life ! What shall I do bro? Advice me NGONGE!

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Heh. Sounds like you need to drop out from whatever degree you’re doing now and start studying to become a veterinarian. Those one thousand camels will need someone treating them from time to time, saaxib.


I can just imagine you riding one of your camels while listening to a Sheikh Albani lecture on your old style Walkman, Ya Abu Qac Qac. :D




With this thread you’ve only gone and added wood to my brightly burning self-important fire, saaxib.

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I dont know why he calls me Nayah, sometimes he calls me Casha! he thinks im soft or something! he grew up in the bushs you know! Pure Nomad!


Ngonge I cant read all that Somali, translate Saxib! What did Qac Qac& Jumatatu say? i hope its funny!

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^^ Qac Qac is saying " Go crazy if you like but why do you want to name all your kids Qac Qac?"


I have no idea what Jumatatu is saying. :rolleyes:

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:D guys r nuts...I think all the attention is gettin to NGONGE's pea sized, over stimulated brain.


I need a clafication...Salafi, r u a dude who'se dad calls 'nayaa' and 'casha'? :D:D ..this is too funny!


NGONGE... I've told you what ma problem is last nite..and u've not given me any viable solutions. I'm indeed disappointed :(

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^^^ What was your problem?

Stop inventing stories and spreading rumours, woman. People on here will start thinking that the great, good and law-abiding NGONGE dabbles in nocturnal activities with strange young girls. As Bill Clinton would say, I have never had, erm, any conversation with that woman, people. :rolleyes:

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^^ There is no need to lie. Honesty is the best policy. You dont wanna b gr8 thru lies and deception, do U? icon_razz.gif


We will further discuss my problem 2nite..same time..same place ;) .

I'm not one for washing her dirrty laundry in public...thats so unlady-like :D

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Waraa Salafi or should I say "Nayaa" he he he..thats funny.


Waraa what do you want from the engineers? Is true they are studying something better than what you are studying "Shakespeare". I mean you are study some kufar's writings and why do that when you could study about


Waraa Ngonge wili miyaad is fanineysaa? Oo wili gabdhaha ayaa habeenkii apointment la dhiganeysaa yaah. 7 of 9, Kaalay dhibatada ku heysata oo u bahan in habeen laga hadlo u baahan maxaa waaye? lol


wareer badanaa

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Originally posted by Seven of Nine:

NGONGE... I've told you what ma problem is last nite..and u've not given me any viable solutions. I'm indeed disappointed


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dadkaan yaab eey leeyihiin, kulahaa abuu qac qac, ar kaasna maskinkaas maxaa ka rabtaan asagaaba feeraha laga urugeeyaayee

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I am more confused than ever, but I can't be bothered by all this nonsense....


Did u just say u were a female???


I thought u said u were a male??? I figured thats why your old man called you a sissy, because u being a male and anycase, who gives a rat's a*ss, surely not me.

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Qac Qaac   

abaydiis hadda confused tahay, ilaahay hakuu siyaadiyo aamin dheh.


waraa boolbaro, tabal caaro lee waddaa adi markii lagu arko, waraa kabahayga iyo hoskuntigayga ii soo celi.

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