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Me and M

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As you can see from my nick, I am somewhat obsessed and at the same time intrigued with the letter M. M is everywhere and part of my life. Mostly I think M is me or what defines me. I will explain it her just to give you a mental picture why it (M) is so material, monumental and meaningful or meaningless in my mundane life.


As Somalis, we all are well versed that (1) ancestral genealogy is material and part of our fabric and that (2) every Somali child is taught to recite or murmur if you (muluq, that is infant) his/her genealogy. But one fact I have to mention lest that you might perceive me as a clan obsessed moron is that I despise the clan and sub-clan plague and scourge that played and still plays a mischievous role to tear apart uniquely homogeneous society into failed Society.


Aside from that mea-culpa monition; let me tell you about the predominance of M in my life and start with the lineage thing. In it, I can count up to the 7th great great grandfather; ( the rest is easy for there are millions of others who will complete it for me and/or fill the blanks in case I skip some), there are 5 names that start with the letter word M, my grand father's name and nickname starts with M. My mother's name starts with M, I got three brothers and sisters that their names start with the letter M. I was born in Mogadishu, not in Madina hospital and as you guessed not in Banaadir hospital or majestic Digfeer. I was born inside a car (la Machina se parli italiano as my mother loves to say. My mom used to work with these Italian missionary nuns in Mogadishu) and I guess we were going to the closest hospital then , which was Martini. (I bet most of you , provincial kids, who are born under the Maygaag tree, may not be familiar with that hospital)But I didn't want to wait so I surprised the Taxi driver whose name was Mudeey. The midwife who helped my mother and cut the umbilical cord was Auntie Mulaaxo. She was from a clan that has it name starting with M. She was a magnificent and well-mannered lady that every child and elder adored and appreciated. Now someone wants to brainwash me, play with my feeble mind and tell me that Eddo Mulaaxo is from "now-rival" clan. I can't buy that. The moron who told me this is some Qat crazed macangag who lives in our neighborhood of Minneapolis.


I am from Mogadishu and I came to Minneapolis by way of Mombasa to Milan. I lived few months in Munich, that is Munchen, if you sprechen sie deutsch. All cities that have M at the beginning. Mogadishu my hometown was known for its markets, mosques and minarates. And for Minneapolis, what is the main tourist attraction? mall of america?

Sadly Mogadishu is now known for its militias, mortars and mayhem. And Minneapolis? bridges that collapse and for migrant Somalis who have their strip malls and Muslim cabbies who spurn to give fair to clients carrying, milk? malt? yes, that is liquor.


As I kid I went to Macalin Jama Elementary school and when the school was closed in the summer, I will be taken to the coastal city of Merka (cadeey minan aw-cusmaan) to be with my uncle whose name starts with M. I used to run, not the marathon but miles and miles of long distance to the point I one time tried to run for my school. But I didn't make it because I had been beaten by some other kid whose name started with Mooge. They said he was from meel kore iyo Mudugh. My justification for the defeat was that if I hadn't had a sprained ankle (marmarsiinyo) when I was playing soccer then in Merka, near the beach (maanyo), I wold have made it and would have been part of the track and field team of my school and maybe would have won the gold medal. So far I have no medals at all but many meaningless accolades which I deck on my monitor desk.


In school I studied management and marketing and because of that I work with money now. I am math ethusiast that I sometimes volunteer to tutor new college or high school students for the heck of it or for cup of mocchacino.


I drive an old, beaten Malibu which I am trying to get rid of to either buy a Mercedes, my dream car, or one of those cars that are environmentally friend and have higher mileage per gallon. To my luck, there are Malibu and Mercedes hybrid sedans out there. All I need is save mucho money for this year and work on my mutilated credit.


For my love life, My first crush was on my Math teacher. Her name also started with M (Maana-iisho). Likewise, my first love interest was this mermaid angel named Malayka. Now that I am about to settle or marry, I am chasing this Maryan who is not into me but into this Mohamed guy which is really driving me crazy ( like I am Maseeroow, which I could be). If Maryan doesn't come along, I will settle for arranged marriage and ask my family to a postal bride me a homegrown maskiin ala moscow. maybe she could be the maandeeq I was looking for, who knows!


Movies, music are my hobbies. As as pastime, i play monopoly (which i excel) with my cousins or maybe once a while paint-ball or shoot hoops (which I suck).


My dream is to go back to Somalia. No i don't want to be a corrupt minister, or militant muslim radical, or merciless militia leader. I want to start a meet processing or milk factory, See I am for market oriented economy. I love money. I want to own Markab, build a huge mansion, marry me many Xaliimoos, and have many naughty mohammeds and maryans who will inherit the money and the market-base I will be making. Inshallah, Maasha-allah and may allah make it all come marvelous for me with the M.

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WOW, that gave me chills, it reminded me of the wonderful times I had in Mogdishu. Reading your heartfelt story made all those wonderful childhood memories feel like they happened yesterday.


Once again a very nicely written peice!


My dream is to go back to Somalia. No i don't want to be a corrupt minister, or militant muslim radical, or merciless militia leader. I want to start a meet processing or milk factory, See I am for market oriented economy. I love money. I want to own Markab, build a huge mansion, marry me many Xaliimoos, and have many naughty mohammeds and maryans who will inherit the money and the market-base I will be making. Inshallah, Maasha-allah and may allah make it all come marvelous for me with the M.

Ameen, Ya Rabi.

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stop using my name in vain!


ps. si fiican aad u qortay sheekadaan.

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