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LayZie G.

Profiling:(Ethnic Vs Behavioral) How the good guys can with the next round

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Happy New Year SOL


You are probably reading this thread now and hesitating to go any further because "anger aa facaa kaa raabe", or so the saying goes . For one, this is not about me or any of my views about a certain subject "JIHAD". In fact, this is about you, SOL member, you and your loved ones and ways to defeating terror by tightening security and yes, this is not a long term solution because Allah knows what attack the enemy is plotting against you and your loved ones today. It is a work in progress, thats what this thread is about.


As you read the title of the thread, you abruptly wonder, who are the so called "good guys" and who are the so called "bad ones" ?


And another question is, who categorized these people in this order ? Duh, me, you and the rest of the civilized world, who else? Surely, not the bad guys.


The answer to your question is rather simple one.


The good guys are people who are peaceful human being. In short, the good guys are you, solers, every last one of you.


If you wake up every morning to pray for the health of your family, for yourself for your people back home and you pray to see them every day and you fear allah, and do everything is asked of you by your loved ones, a person who minds her/his business, who follows the law and who does not in any way want to harm others or inflict pain, regardless of his or her ethnicity, religious convictions i.e, you are the good guy. (tolerating abti johnny scores you good guy points, really, it does)



On the other hand, the bad guys are the opposite of you.


Those that plot to attack innocent civilians, those that have no qualm about destroying lives in pursuit of divine deeds in the form of reward in the here after.


The bad guys don't care if you believe in the same God, nor do they sit and worry about how many people they are taking out, including their loves ones, even if their intentions are engaging in Holly war, your God against theirs, even thought both the good guys and bad guys have the same god.


Its obvious, they deem themselves hollier than thou, so, for this reason alone, they do not care about your safety or the security of the public, whether you might be.


The reality is SOLers, these people have made a choice and its time you make a choice for yourself. Its time for you to decide if you are one of the good guys or the bad guys and what measures you are willing to support in order for such measures to be adapted to law that will combat terror in the near future.


You, soler, you have to decide if your safety and the safety of of your loved ones are worth more than supporting someone because you feel he or she has been dealt the wrong hand, which may or may not justify their actions and because wey ashhaadaan and claim to be Muslims.


The time has come to decide but before you make a decision let me just define what I deem ethnic profiling and why its different than behavioral profiling and whether one or both should be implemented as a short term solution, which can possibly combat terror by putting some individuals more than others in the shorter list.


As most of you know, the bad guys have been winning and when I say winning, I mean, they have been using the field of the west to score points on every last one of you. This isn't just a matter that only the west, especially the governments need to concern themselves with. Oh no, you after all, took an oath to be a citizen, an oath of loyalty to your adopted country. Why else are you the place you are @ todaY? Obviously is it by choice, whether its temporary or permanent, you felt that you are where you are because you felt that was the best place for you righT? So, show it, prove that you are more than mere words. Prove to your adopted country that you will not shout foul when you hear news that brother arabia is being stopped at the stop light or the check-in counter for being an ARAB.


After all, if you are innocent, your innocence should set you free, soo maaha? What is few minutes hold up, or behavioral profiling by an airport official or hand inspecting your luggage for being colored, muslim and a male?


As for definitions, profiling itself is a set of analysis and examination of a particular trait or characteristic, whether its psychological or behavioral in order to identity the said characters based on the actions, threats they pose to the public.


Similarly, ethnic profiling is one step ahead of behavioral profiling because ethnic profiling is said to be zeroing on a particular ethnic group who are deemed a threat based on past actions of this said group, therefore, shortening the list by focusing on the behaviours of such group, studying their actions and the methods that lead them to self-destruct, which help trained officials with being efficient in their daily task of identifying threat.


Furthermore, Dr Marc Sageman said, "The only effective defense against Salafi terrorists, he claimed, was a thorough understanding of the web of relationships that sustained them, something that was sorely lacking in both the government and academia at the time".


In other words, it is not an easy job to combat theoterrorism and the intelligence community can write or say so much, but unless the methods, behavior and the objectives are not understood, you, the good guys will lose again.


Dr Sageman, an authority in the intelligence community in which he claims based on broad study of captured terrorist he has done in the past by stating;

'"the principal terrorist threat today comes from diffuse elow-level groups". He adds, by saying "the true menace comes from loose-knit cells of western-born Muslims or Muslim immigrants studying and working in the West".


These groups are isolated from the rest of the world, its rare that these tied knit groups he discusses are open to interacting with the public in great capacity. For this reason, its up to the decent Muslim citizen to report any suspicious actions, even if it involves people that you were once close to. It is your duty to protect the public, for God will not forgive you if you let a crime go unpunished. It is your duty as a God fearing Muslim to carry the world in your shoulders, because if terror doesn't concern you today, tomorrow it will.


Case in point, in the early and mid 1950s, government officials, I mean the executive brass of the United States and Canada felt that in order to combat communism and espionage as a whole, they would assign task force and form intelligence sub committees who work hand in hand with the FBI and the RCMP in the case of Canada to outting suspects, whether they were guilty or innocent. The gravest thread were young, unmarried men, those were suspected of indulging in homosexual behavior and who held important posts with the government. They were high risk for communist recruitment or were more susceptible to blackmail as aid to spy against in North America.


These suspects, guilty or innocent, were scrutinized in public, their reputation was damaged and more or less they were denied working in high risk departments and if you were proven to be homosexual, it was the end for you.


The method was effective because it meant that spies and their aids were on alert and they were less likely to take part in communist activity in fear of being persecuted in public. At the same time, innocent folks lost their lives, careers and reputation as a whole but it was at the cost of national security, and for that, I'm sure, most would oblige profiling.....which brings me back to the original question....take a moment to think, bad guys or good guys?


Would you support profiling, if so, would you prefer ethnic profiling or behavioral or would you adopt the El Al methods of combining both along with other elements to stay terror free in the air?

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Where have you been? religious profiling of Muslim males has been happening for a long time now. Males with Arabic or muslims names are routinely questioned at UK airports( for example) and sometimes held up for hours.


How far do you want to take it though?

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^as far it will let it, but this isn't just about government's responsibility. I mean, family members, neighbours, friends reporting on the suspicious action of the said suspect. It is simple, keep your eyes open Fabregas, just because he is a Muslim brother does not mean he is not planting to blow up the masjid that you frequent for friday prayers, thats how far.


I believe that it is in the interest of everyone to keep an eye out.


DHAGAX, were you saying that when you were being told to take your shoes off yesterday, today underwear, tomorrow faraha aa lagu galin, all because abdul and zakariye decided that the next time they plot, they would hide it in you know where and go to the washroom and shit out the explosives, so we must search you and leave human dignity at the door before you enter an airport?


No, way brother, I would rather report on any and all gardheeres in high populated areas, ofcourse, with caution.


PS:Fabre, I don't agree with you. The Muslim apologists are far from practicing profiling at the highest level, just listen to Obama and how cautioned he is in fear of saying the wrong thing or waging war on everything Muslim, they are always fearing backlash from the Muslim communities or worrying about what organization will call them an islamaphobe, etc etc. Time to take the gloves off, the west didn't damage the Muslim name, the terrorist did.

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^ you don't have to look for them but you can take a lesson from this peace loving Doctor, author Terry Paulson, a respected pschologist in his community, who befriended his co-passengers during a domestic flight because the men abroad the flight fit the profile, which he deemed threatening, thereby taking action, which meant, making inquiries that led him to bedfriend them in order to gather information that could determine whether these men were a threat or whether in fact they were just ordinary travelers who happen to fit the profile of a terrorist. He shared the following incident from four years ago in his weekly column yesterday, in which he said:



Four years ago on a small regional flight, I noticed four Arab passengers sitting in different rows. One appeared to be reading a holy text, another an Arab newspaper, a third stared out the window. The final one closest to me was dressed in western clothes and seemed relaxed.


The rest in the plane were not relaxed. As an aging businessman, I scanned the plane for allies. Outside of the Arab passengers, I appeared to be the youngest passenger on board. I remembered seeing James Bond use a pen as a weapon to the throat, but I’m no James Bond.


On hold at the gate, a plan emerged: “If they are terrorists, wouldn’t you rather find out while on the ground?!” I leaned back to the more casually dressed man sitting near me, “Do you live here or in Chicago?” “Chicago,” he replied with a smile. “I coordinate corporate tours for visiting executives from the Middle East. We are returning from a tour of a plant in Indiana.”


The sigh of relief in the plane was evident; others joined in the conversation. We had profiled. We had faced our fears. We had found friends, not terrorists. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but the terrorists who wish to kill Americans are Muslim extremists. Whether it is politically correct or not, we’re all profiling. Profiling is not bigotry; it’s smart self-defense!

I'm sure the profiling isn't as simple as Dr. Paulson describes it because not everyone wants to start chat session with his fellow passenger but it is something that is encouraged, plus, its better to be nice than dead, don't you agree Fabre?

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Our Dr. Paulson is quite the drama queen not unlike some one else ehem ehem. The whole plane sighed a relief indeed.


It would a be a fair world if those who are proponents of profiling were the ones who were constantly profiled.


Here's to Layzie and much profiling for the new year.

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Layzie G., the West doesn't need to take any gloves off because they've been riding the world bareback for years. And they don't even buy Champagne first. You can't be serious with this islamophobia and profiling talk :(

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I am all for the strip searching...bring it on, it is better to be safe than sorry...

The Western world is not to blame, just look at Palestine...i dont see any Islamic country stepping up to help the innocent people who are kidnapped and brutality murdered by the Israelis everyday...


Blowing up buildings is not going to empower us. Maybe we need to learn to stick up for one another and stand up with a united front, then maybe we have a chance to solve our problems...

All this pickering back and forth is not going to solve the problem...

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The Zack   

Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

Zack can you imagine that?

Yea I can picture a TSA agent taking her hijjab off (if she wears one). :D:D

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