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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. I have no business in Kismaayo. Neither personal nor family.... Then why into a rant and not shut it!
  2. Horn taasi waa qasab waayo maxkadihii ayaaba isu rogay dagaal-ogayaal oo ayagiiba ayaaba dabka ku horeeya so maxaad ka filanaysaa dhanka kale.
  3. This guy is joker, what imposter! Qabiilada ******* ee xamar ayuu shaaha uga caabaa sidaa oo stupidly ugu yeera "Ugaas". Qabiilka qaarkood sida qabiilka ****** ee Insa-Salad Booy ayaa isticmaala asaga as a political instrument or a tool. Have you ever seen a Suldaan/Ugaas/Garaad /Boqor or Malaaq living not amongs his people? Ask yourself why he never goes to Gedo or Jubooyinka or Barri? or have your ever asked yourself what on earth is he doing in Xamar? and anyone who personally knows this "fake" Ugaas would tell you that this guy is af-minshaar yaqaana siduu wax ku cuna basa, haddana xamar ayeey uga qaraxday. Qabiilada H. ee xamar jooga oo aan sidaa ukala aqoonin MR ayuu bariiska uga cunaa, guri iyo baabuur ku siiyeen. Car hadduu rag yahay ha tago dhulkiisi uu sheeganayo "ugaas" baan ka ahay. _____________ No clan names, baliis. [ October 10, 2006, 00:25: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. ^^^ Brother, wasn't it a little naive of you to believe that ICU has sent 20,000 ciidan, 35 taangi and 350 teknicals off to Kismayo against Barre? Ramadan Kareem
  5. Geedkii orod lagu kor orod aa looga degtaa...
  6. Qaadlayaasha Xamar jaadkooda lagama joojin, balse waxa la yiri waxaa la saaray "canshuur" dheeraada, tan kale waa loo sii digay inaay bisha Ramadan yareeyaan dhaqdhaqaaqooda, koow garanay hadaba maxaa keenay in kuwa kismayo loola dhaqmo si ka duwan kuwa Xamar? Kuwii kismaayo isla maalintii aay qabsadeen diyaaradihii way celiyeen waxaay u sheegeen inuu sidiisaba mamnuuc ka yahay oo mamnuucidani horey ka dhaqan gashay. Arrintaasi oo atleast fiicnaan lahayd in aay ganacsatadaasi siin lahaayeen waqti ku diyaar garoobaan amaba una usii digi lahaayeen ayaa ka haboonaan lahayd balse qasaare ayeey gasheen maxaay suubiyeen oon khasid ahayn. Marka suaashu waxay tahay kuwa Kismaayo maxaay uga duwan yihiin kuwa Xamar? Wa layaban yahay!
  7. Originally posted by HornAfrique: ^Cut the spin. You support them because it was Barre in Kismaayo. Alleyle Oodweyn baa si fiican kuu soo qabtay; The Story of Xiin: From Cabdulahi Yusuf to Yusuf Siyaad Indhacade. Kismaayo waa loo soo socdaa, mark my words. p.s. I love the hypocrisy in this statement. quote: Soomaali qabiil maaro looga heli maayo lamana qancin karo maamulwalba oo la sammeeyona qolaa eed sheeganaysa. Exactly!! Tan kale. Horn-oow, ina-adeer, runta u sheegtay kor iyo hooose, but to a deaf man it makes no difference at all miyeesan ka dhignayn. Waa dambey garan. Tan kale I am happy in aad ogsoon tahay dadka (tre-colari) ee midabo badan ee hadba heees iyo melodi cusub ku soo heesaya. Ramadan Kareem am
  8. Originally posted by Suleyman: Does anyone the number of the cidamada that Barre Aaden Shire is controlling? According to someone from Xamar, 20,000 ciidan, 35 taangi and 350 teknicals have left Xamar heading to Kismayoo. What amazes me most is that you ONLY know Indhocade's army in quantity but not your so-called "ina-adeer" Barre's. I dont get that! Bluka!
  9. Too early to cheer, mate! looba jooge waxay suubiyaan. The nation is eagerly waiting for what they do. Enough, good words said, lets see they put them into action. Illaahay towfiiqda ha waafajiyo, shaqsiyaadka danta gaarka lahina illaah haku fashiliyo mu'aamaradooda ayaan leeyahay.
  10. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: ^^Alamagan waan gartay, laakin dadkee qaldamay? I don't understand this blame game of blaming the whole region collectively for the wrong doing of few individuals(CID). MR. RS, am not generalizing here brother, waxaan ula jeeday whoever commited that horrific crime against this muslim brother and whoever that condones it. After all ha dii kulli S-Landers ha loo duceeya aan iraa iyana waxba kuma jabana waa uun duco dee kaliya , miyesan haboonaan lahayn haddii la idiin wada duceeyo Ramadan Kareem am
  11. ^^^ I agree, this guy is totaly a J.O.K.E! Somalis of walks will always remember this quote by him: inanka adis abeba ku dhashay ayaa igaga dhow ka xamar ku dhashay
  12. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ... Ilaahey masiibo dag dag ah haku rido Maamulka Somaliland, oo ciribtooda hala waayo, sideey shiikhaas u galeen darteed, Aamiiiiin. Ilaahow adaan kuu soomanahay ee iga aqbal ducadeyda, adigaa awood iyo itaal buuxa u leh inaad mujrimiintaas Islaamka ka qabatid. loooooooooooool Alle-ubaahne, sxb maad u ducaysid inta aad habareysid. Waa dad muslima oo qaldamay waa loo duceeyaa ha noqonin sidii shariifkii amiin caamir caamir fagaare ku habaaray, intuu u ducayn lahaa. Xasuuso markii Nabiga scw u tagay Daif oo caruurihii lagu soo kiciyey inaay shiidaan ama tuuryeeyaan ee malag u yimid muxuu ku yiri? ma habaaray? ma yiri baabi'i may wuu u duceeeyey basa, marka atleast u duce in xaqa Allaah waafajiyo inta aad u habaari lahayd. am
  13. looooooool @ rambo!, With that attitude, ehm, bal orod oo soo furo dheh aanu aagnee bal!
  14. looooooool @ rambo!, With that attitude, ehm, bal orod oo soo furo dheh aanu aagnee bal!
  15. Is this what you do in life regularly - knock sense into people? Your neighbour is abusing his wife - you go over and knock sense into him? Keep on with that strategy - you will go far. Exactly!
  16. Xiin put different glassess on and read all your Barre Hiiraale hate-filled posts. thats all!. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Qurunka idinka buuxa Ilaahay waa horuu iga koriyay Af-caytama ninkiisu ku yaalaa Xiinoow. Qurun & Xiqdi & Xaasidnimo sow maha dacwada hada laguu haysto. And as they say truth hurts! huh? what is up with you, I just pointed out the camouflaging charechter of Xiin when it comes to Kismayo sheeko. Look you were against Barre anc Co. fair enough, then only Barre is out and his Seeraar & Goobale is still in Kismaayo then you start weping for joy and said Kismayo is "SAFE" now. Can't you see the irony! Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^^Allaha ku caafiyo saaxiib waad burursantahaye. Adna Allaha kaa daaweeyo nacaybka iyo cuqdada u qabtid muslim kale oo walalaaha ah! Ramadan Kareem! am
  17. Xoogsade, thanks for the good words said sxb. I, myself supported maxkamadaha whole-heartedly until i recently jumped off the wagon. I believed in what they said and what they stood for up until.... they waged war on Kismayo in this blessed mounth of Ramadan with the intention to shed muslim blood regardless of being a civilian or not they ignored Indhocade and the occupied region of SH Hoose I found out that they can't go to Marka with their militia let alone to open court there. No-Go-Zone for coourts that they have adopted this either-with-us-or-against-us policy. that they are not concentrating all the real pressing domestic issues in Mogadishu and surrounding I found out with this behavour instead of preventing amxaaro from coming in Somalia they actually helping amxaaro to come in that they beterayed Hiirale in a sense that he never participated any actions against them especially when most of warlords were contracted by americans and were against them, he sheletered som of them, you know that americans asked him to help them capture Turki and he said no. So all in all he was an ally not a foe and suddenly they changed the mood in a very threatening way and issued him an ultimatum either surrender or get butchered. They sent armies and armies off to Kismayo to shed more blood with no respect to civilians let alone the holly month. That was my reasoning on why I jumped off, sxb. re. Kismayo, unlike Xiin "Sheekh" Jimcaale, I believe Kismayo is a somali city, no one can claim its ownership. I am sure you have read people like Xiin or Jimcaale day out and day in ranting about this. You would read things like "ownership" or "rightfull legitimicy". Tan kale waxba hadal xun igama tagayo sxb, qof ba si buu wax u arkaa fikirkayga ayaan dhiibtay. I am not supporting Barre for personal or tribal reasons, rather I didn't like UIC's betrayal. Siduu ugu lisay uguma aysan hambayn. He was not like Mogadishu warlords and they were not impartial when they picked up him favouring indhocade. Keep Indhocade and attack Barre. I think they already started to their contribution to their self-destruction. They still have time enough to re-review themselves and correct. Note: Xaqu wuu adkaan! Beentuna waay qarxi! am
  18. ^^^ Jimcaaloow war kale hadhow ha sheegin ninkaad sheegeysid wuu soo socdaa. Bookmark this page! Wuu soo socdaa waxna wuu kuu sidaa
  19. Originally posted by Santaaro-Saaxiib: quote: As they say majority rules, lets put in that way. You mean since 96? Depends whose side you're! Just remember that others make the same claim. Back to square one. mayee since 1977 kii
  20. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^ Afur wanaagsan to you too! Laakiin, so you know Barre’s folks are my people adeer. I don’t know where you get that impression of me denying their rights in Kismayo. I just think they have no particular claim to it. Xiin, get out of the smoke, would ya?! Ever since I joined SOL it can be read (smell)from any of your "analytical" Kismayo posts. Secondly, it is a false perception for you to think that you have particular far more claim than them. self-realization is the key sxb. Re-review the situation, tomorrow is another day sxb, xisaabta dib ugu noqo! Originally posted by xiinfaniin: You are a lot better than Horn if you make that distinction between Barre and his clan though and the fact that you can actually envision a future for them without that defeated warlord is promising. Horn is the man, my man, as much respect that I have for Duke. He is better than me 1000 times. He is man of great self-restraint and more tolerant than me. Taasi waa taas teeda kale waxba Barre ha ku wareegsanin, Illaah ayaa laabtada daalacanaya, you know and if another leader from MR be crowned there you still wouldn't pledge your allegiance no matter how wadaad he is or of same idealogy. he is another ilkoyar for you and you would reject it Raggu waa is yaqaanaa sxb! Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Kismayo is big enough for all of us…I just don’t like when it’s illegitimately held and ruled as it was under Barre, Seeraar and co. First you contradicting yourself here brother, Now it is ok for you to let Seeraar & Goobale to patrol and to have their militia there. Korna waxad ku sheegaysaa in xaq daro ku haysteen meesha. War yaab badanaa! Barre uun baad iska dhex aragtay sxb ma istiri! Secondly, hold on second, what do you mean by "illegitimate"? Was Morgan ligitimate? With all respect, this point needs greater elaboration, if you dont mind. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Midda kale ninyahow, istartiibi Barre was a warlord...and he lost just like Morgan did. You believe so, watch him bounce straight back! he invited these ca*r lots against or to balance out your kab***ax coalitions and they betrayed him, so now it is him to drive them out and gain his respect. They will regret it and pay the price. No more fake courts! Barre was good friend of UICs and strong anti-ethiopia, the UICs miscalculated the situation and attacked him by sending armies to shed blood in the streets of Kismayo in this blessed month of Ramadan. Wise of him to back off. For some like you it is like he was defeated as you wanted another bloodshed in Kismayo and for some like me, it was thanks God, a great relief that he didn't fight and no death tolls and no signle fire were shot. As a consequence of that they lost Barre there and forced him to ally with amxaaros. Ha ka xaabxaabiyaan markaa dee! am
  21. Yaa xiin, Barre is not like Seeraar or Goobale and FYI with or without Barre Kismayo gacanta waay ku soo noqoni ee bal ka warran in anyway you like through warlordism or through these so-called courts they have to play crucial role in order to reach a peaceful settlement of the issue. Any attempt to exclude Barre's folk from Kismayo future is not feasible. See monumental social and demographic changes in the region. Sxb wake up and smell the coffe. As they say majority rules, lets put in that way. Ramadan Kareem to all, am PS. when and where is the party?
  22. It is all about hearts and minds, lets see if they can win it or shut it. If they really mean of what they are preaching they should first send Goobale and Seeraar home then. And lets see if indhocade is immune from the wrath of ICU