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Everything posted by Allamagan

  1. ^^^ Abdi2005, agree with that, how about these exploiters? have you thought about them? Sxb nimcada Rabbi xattaa in lagu tagri falo ma ahan. Northern, good idea sxb, but I wonder if they would ever do that? With that aggressive approach to the problem and their overall dictatorial attitude I dont think they will ever be able to succeed this. I believe that they themselves have to sit down together and review their policy. They need to ask themselves whether they do have a common goal or different goals based on what entity (group) one belongs to. Ayaga ha is wareystaan marka hore inta aysan geela dareerin . Ogoowna wax alifka ka halabo albaqra kama tooso!
  2. Sh. Seylici ayaar iska seexo adeer maxaakiimta shartooda rag baa kaa xiga (nabad ku seexo kuna soo toos)haddii aad nacnacda joojin weydo sidii kanaal biyo ah camal ayaan dhinac idinkaga soo furaynaa waaba la arki ayagoo sidii webigii badacas idinku shubaya
  3. ^^ Waxaan la yaabanahay waxa aay Cali Madoobe uraad-raadsanayaan inta ka soo leexdeen dadkii wax dilay. Ismoog, they playing with the fire yaa la taliya oo u sheega in Cali Madoobe tolkiisa meesha ka fogeen.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: If the SNM won the war why did they not rule Somaliland? Egaal was not a member, and neither was Dahir Riyaale Kahin. So much for the warriors. Ironic, isn't it? I believe some gready gangs or mafia members who in pursuit of personal gain rule Somaliland instead of those who fight for them. Take a look at their current forefronts. And where were they during SNM era? were they not working for Macallinkii Kacaanka. Waalayaabay!
  5. They will soon go back to their homes and families Insha'Allah without single fire being shot and these gangs will soon "run like rats"
  6. Sheekha ma waxaan u malaynayney mise wuxuu noqday, yaah midba, ..waxan u malaynayey nin daacada oo ka nadiifa qabiil runtiina respect aayaan u hayey waligeey illaa uu hadalkan ka soo yeeray wuxuuse hadda xaggeyga ka noqday siddii adeerkiisi hore Cali Naafato camal ey talada ugu halowday. War Shariifow lagu ogaa
  7. So, Bambo = Olol, right? If so, where is the MR. DJ? Play that song "Throw dat sh*t"
  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Now you know not to trust the mouth piece of the Entity. Diin beyna isku sheegayaan ka waran, been caadi ahne wee durdurayaan. Hornoow ma maqashay 2dii been isu raacday runta kuma hesiiyaan sidaa soma ay ahayn sxb mardhow waadba arki ayagoo laba saf oo iska soo horjeeda is laynayna! They also aware of that they (the lots from Mogadishu) are unwelcome in Gedo and Jubooyinka region.
  9. Sh. Shariif mar aljazeera waraysi ka qaaday ayuu ku tilmaamay waxa rabshada ka wada Kismayo waa haraadigii Siyaad Barre. Haddaba su'aashu waxay tahay maxaa Shariifka ku qasbay inuu sidaa u dhigo hadalkiisa? Haddise (kabasooqaad)ay ahayd qalad ama misquote laga sameeyey, muxuu u hadli waayey oo u sixi waayey qaladkaasi laga suubiyey. Taasi waxaan u qaadanay waa runoo wuu yiri, sidoo kale waxaan u qaadaneynaa sheekadii Cali Mahdi asagoo Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax dhinac fadhiyo yiri "waxaan raadinaynyaa haraagii Siyaad Barre"Blukah! Sh. Shariifoow lagu ogaa! Below is the translation of what he said! Aljazeera: Ka waran Kismaayo, halkaas oo Maxkamaduhu ay kala kulmeen mushkilad kadib markii ay u sameeyeen maamul cusub magaalada....... Sh. Shariif: "Dhismaha maamul ee cusub ee Kismayo wuxuu kulmiyey qabaa'ilka ku sugan halkaas, Kuwaas mudaharaadayana waa haraagii xukunkii hore (Xukunkii Siyaad Barre) Waxaan siinaynaa fursad, maaxaa yeelay ma awoodaan in ay wax sameeyaan." Original arabic Aljazeera: المحاكم مشاكل خصوصا بعد تعيينها إدارة جديدة للمدينة، وهنالك حديث عن خلÙية قبلية للتحركات وخلÙية اقتصادية بعد حظر الاتجار بعدد من المواد؟ Sh. Shariif: التشكيلة الجديدة ÙÙŠ كيسمايو استوعبت جميع الشرائح والقبائل الموجودة ÙÙŠ المنطقة. وهؤلاء (المحتجون) عبارة عن بقايا النظام الأول (حكم سياد بري) نحن سنمنحهم Ùرصة لأنهم لن يتمكنوا من Ùعل شيء. Source: Aljazeera
  10. Originally posted by Suleyman: .....The wadaado in Somalialand for instance have praised the courts but warned them of intervering with Somalialand in order to avoid disturbance of its peace and stability and this is a perfect example of xikmah which resembles the past actions of the salaf-ul-salih. I hope, insha'Allah, that these xikmah devoid take-overs will not be repeated by the wadaado. Wasalam Suleymanoow, walaal isha ayaad ka tuurtay balse wiilashan yaryare meesha yaacaya ee shabaabka lagu sheegi ee brainwashed ah waxa wada qabyaalad waa la soo diray. Adeer wadaadadan xigmadii ayaa Illaah dhaafshayoo dhiig inaay daadiyaan ayeey rabaan iyo dhac iyo boob. Annaguna HUS ayaanu leenahay waanu iska caabiyi dad ku soo gabanaya magac diineed. Allaylehee rag badan oo ka daacad ah ayaa jira balse moryaaanta cimaamado guduudan wadata iyo rag qabyaalad dillootay ayaa meesha maraya waxaay ka helaana waa arki. Xawligaas iyo is-maqiiqaas ayaa dilaya sumacadooda taageerada loo hayana ee u hayeen shacabka jubooyinka & Gedo oo isku shacab ah waay waayi doonaan waayeba, ayagana ayagoo ordaya ayeey xamar iyo meeshii aay duulaanka ka soo bilaabeen ku noqoni. Maalintii aay xaqdarada Kismaayo ku galeen magaalo nabad ah oo masuuliyiinteedu ka qayb qaadan wixii ka dhacayey xamar ayeey dano qaasa iyo sadbursi maalin rabadaan koow yahay dagaal buraashada ugu soo biyeeysteen iyo inaay dad sooman dilaan, shacab masaakina ah qax geliyaan nabada wiiqaan, dhac iyo boobna bilaabaan. Waxaay ku leeyihin waa naloo yeertay, haddee dadkii u yeertay awaye sowtan magaaladii degi la' oo la foolaneyso dagaal dhiig ku qubto. Koleey sumacadi uma harine ee hakunoqdaan Xamar, Kismaayo dadka degen ayeey u taalaa haddii aay keenayaan amxaar iyo haddii aay kenayaan carab ama sawaaxali cid kala tasahaneysa ma jirto. Ramadan Kareem
  11. Blame on the khat (jat). Lets pray Britain to ban it for good. Too much single mothers with bunch of children. These marfishle are still actively burdening these poor vulnerable housewifes by making them to produce too much children, and these neglected children ends up in streets. May Allah rescue our families.
  12. ^^^^ Horta Allaha u naxariisto this great late leader koow dheh & intii dhimatay oo dhan, sxb xagga Somali Galbeed & NFD waayahan cimrigaadu intuu jiro u malaynmayo inaay soo noqoneyso considering somalidan maanta & wacyiga jira. Balse waan fahamsanahay wadaninimadaada saxda ah. A true patriot aad tahay! Raggeedi! am
  13. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: Imagine how 'Shiid' they [the YouTube owners] were couple of years ago. Why didn't I think of something like this? what a useless brain I have got! loooooool @ useless brain! I believe if you let's say you were to come up with this "you tube" idea and you are a somali or any non-white I believe no one would ever give you the chance to be listened. I may be wrong, but thats how i see in today's world.
  14. ^^^^ looooooool yeah and all hell breaks loose then, waan ku fahmay!
  15. ^^^^ Duqa, you forgot macalinka nooh! and re. the new evolution, duqa let me know when you are about to start to turn this world upside down, I will be the 1st to join in ur crew!
  16. Allamagan


    Originally posted by Xoogsade: LOL, Allamagan, your lost support for the courts shall be restored I guess once Barre Hiiraale gets to rule Dekedda again and he funds his clansmen's weddings as he used to do and buy them caasiyaal ay ku shaqeestaan Xoogsadoow, I like your sarcastic comment. However, if that is true then I would say to kornaalka well done Gidoomiye, at least better than other selvfishs of his type out there with the money and the power. Regarding the courts, kuwani umalyn mayo in aan ku soo noqonayo tan iyo inta aay dagaal dhul dad kaleeto (outside xamar) & dhiig dad muslima u tafaxaydan yihiin.
  17. ^^^ loooooooool @ lacagta. they contracted you too adaba is qarxiyey dee
  18. Originally posted by Suleyman: This is what happend when you attempt to overthrow the neutral position that has been keeping toghether the connection between the ICU and the TGF. So much harm has arisen from this [peaceful] takeover. [*]Creating the 30,000 Exodus which is growing at an alarming rate [*]Violent protests which resulted in to the unfortunate murder of a teenager [*]Loosing the support of Barre Hiiraale who is a key asset and forcing him to side with the TFG [*]Creating an unnecessary dagaal with Barre Hiiraale who is a force to be reckonened with [*]Forcing many devout supporters to rethink their loyalty for what they perceive, after the Kismayoo take-over, as an hidden tribalistic cause. All of these worrying and negative consequences outweigh the small beneficial gains from the take-over. Let's hope, insha'Allah, that when they reach their proclaimed goal that it doesn't serve the qabiil they hail from. I am neutral at the moment and we'll see how this works out, insha'allah. Well put brother, wallahi, these UICs don't seem to be slowing down, they really in a rush for war without first thinking/calculuting of any negative consequences of their actions. I was a UIC supporter before but based on their overall attitude and aggressive behaviour towards anyone that thinks different than them I decided to jump off their wagon bisalama and with that attitude I see them as warmongers this time in different colour.
  19. Barre Hiiraale never used public telephones these days, since these Mogadishu based tele-companies were in breach of their terms and cond. They illegely pass their intercepted data to UICs and he is aware of it and therefore as the result of that you wont hear him much at this stage and time of war.
  20. ^^^ for sure, ME apart from he is from Hargeisa, Somalia he is a londoner too and from south London, I guess!
  21. I agree here with Duke, no more itoobiya excuse!, when it is the UICs who actually directly and indirectly inviting amxaaro to Somalia.
  22. Allamagan


    Doqonkii lumay oo la soo helay wuxuu yiri; "Maxaa la iiga farxi berriba waan lumiye" (Dowladnimada Soomaaliyeed maanta). looooooool, at least ninku doqon ma usan ahayne xaqiiqda dhulka taalay buu arkayey!
  23. I have no business in Kismaayo. Neither personal nor family.... Then why into a rant and not shut it!