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Everything posted by Cawaale

  1. Cairo went nuts. I feel sorry for the youth movements whose voice were taken by the opposition groups who were attacked by the Pro-Mubarak mobs. This is a classic way of dictatorship conflict resolution and opposition betrayal on the other hand. It shows what a man would do for power.
  2. Rocks were being thrown... stampede followed... the army refuses to interfere claiming that both sides are Civilians. There is smoke clouds in Tahrir right now. Mubarak's plan seems to be working well. It's turning nasty, you can see people throwing things... rabina Yastur.
  3. Solers iyo Siyaasad maxaa kala heesto? To begin with i had a tough days here with no phones and internet connection. The government trying to shut up the protesters by blocking their access to information and he reaction of the world to it. Looting and disorder started at the very moment the police disappeared from the streets of Cairo. More then 1000 Prisoners Head to the streets of the city after escaping from prison(people believe it was arranged. All prisons all over the country all broke out at the same time). Citizens patrolling in their neighborhoods to protect themselves. Gun fires breaks every now and then, people start screaming and start giving signals to each other. Some other times things get eerily quiet, so quiet that you could hear the heart beating of the person sitting next you. The main streets are deserted, the city has become a ghost town now. Last night Mubarak said in a well prepared speech (compared to his earlier speech) that he will not run for presidency again. In his speech he led many Egyptians, including a number of the opposite protesters to believe that he is keeping the country from a war, and that he is the only person who can save them from the conspiracy(which most of the Egyptians believe in). Right now, while i am writing this post there is Pro Mubarak demonstration in Tahrir, Also there is clashes happening right now between the two protesters. (Again people believe this was arranged from the system, there is talk of former security personalities i the crowd.) It seems like the Pro Mubrak protesters were made to believe that the opposition protesters are part of the conspiracy theory. Even though they were holding peaceful demonstration for a weak now in very civilized manner. There is more to Egypt..
  4. Turn on Aljazeera Mubashar on Hotbird if you have satellite receiver.
  5. ^Can hear the rubber bullets man. They succeeded to make them all leave.
  6. It seems the riot is coming an end. There is a gas fest in the aria where the demonstration is, there is a total crackdown in attempt to clear Tahrir square from of protesters. The police out numbers the protesters now.
  7. This demonstration is the the largest & most daring i have ever seen Guys. They are even calling for Nationwide strike tomorrow.
  8. Duke, Yeh. I think it's pretty interesting start. I noticed that the Media(printed,TV or electronic) is practicing some kind of self censorship, even those who used to call for a change and freedom of press. So what happened? Nobody knows. Early this day many local websites were down, and some international sites were blocked.
  9. Down town(Tahrir Square) residents unprotected their wireless connections, so the protesters and the tweeters can access to it. makeshift antennas on the balconies to boost the network of the area. the restaurants gave away free sandwiches and water. Its indeed Amazing.
  10. One person is confirmed dead in Suez while protesting and another was reported dead too. Huge number of riot police are coming still. What i like most about this is that the people are smart enough not to destroy public property, because that will be the perfect excuse to wipe them all. The government is already blaming the Muslim brotherhood for this, even though the said brotherhood don't present more then 5% of the protesters. Protesters are increasing despite the detentions and the riot, yet I'll be surprised if they hang on for another day or sleep on the streets for the night.
  11. Click here for Live streaming of the Cairo protest. I don't think what has happened in Tunisia is adoptable here and can be remade, but its good start nevertheless. On another note, the oppositions are taking shots and seizing the moment. Baradi is making commentary now. Recent picture
  12. I am afraid reer Galbed won't help this time. For the first time since i got my feet in Egypt people gather for a useful cause and not for a football game, i just hope they did it long before Tunisia's demonstrations. nevertheless Good job to the organizers(mainly activists and facebook addicts). On the hand the Government is shaking, they blocked Twitter and shut the media up. Its interesting to follow thou.
  13. Well written, too descriptive but it helped to give us a good picture. At some point i was wondering if the girl he met at the lake was Hibaq and that she become a lady now. Yaa qoray? Thanks for the read.
  14. Admin, can i have my inbox messages back. i lost contact info there. Also i have deleted posts, if you could resort it. Thank you.
  15. This seems interesting in a way though i doubt the parties will stick to the rules, or get their horses on the race track at all. Nevertheless i am looking forward to the next 4 pages. Welcome Back Xaaji Xiin, Glad you managed to post on the new SOL:)
  16. To All Doctors and Medical Students in their final years- We are a recently started company that focuses on the recruitment of medical personnel to Humanitarian Aid Organizations in various part of Africa. We are presently working on behalf of a Major European NGO that wishes to recruit a number of Somali Doctors and/or Medical Students in their final years, for at Humanitarian Aid Projects in Somalia. The NGO has stipulated the following basic requirements to the personnel that is to be recruited as follows- Medical Doctor or Medical students in their final years. Ethnic Somali - since the present security situation would make it unsafe for non-Somalis to work in Somalia. Resident in a EU country – due to legislation pertinent to the NGO and also due to the contract with the above mentioned Medical Personnel it is a requirement that the applicants have EU passport or EU permanent residence permit. Applicants should be prepared to work on a rotation principle i.e. working in Somalia for a period of approximately 3-5 months at a time. Wages and conditions will depend on individual negotiations and on the applicants level of education and experience. For Medical Students in their final years, relevant training and preparation will be sponsored by the NGO. If you are interested in applying or if you would like more information about the requirements and conditions, please contact Mr. William Tembo Peters Senior Consultant At
  17. Qoraal waqti la giliyay waaye. Ninka qoray waan is naqaanaa, nin da' yar oo Abwaan ah waaye.
  18. Goobtu waa Isbitaalka Martiini ee magaalada Muqdisho, waxaa hal qol ku wada jiro labo Askar ah oo ka tirsan naafada ciidamadii xooga Dalka. Qolku lambarkiisu waa 085. Warsame waa mid ka mid ah labadan nin waana askariga ay ishaado ku dhaceyso isla markii aad soo dhaafto iridka qolka. Farmaajo oo isna ah askariga labaad ayaa wuxuu xigaa dhanka daaqadda ama driishadda kaliya ee uu qolku leeyahay. Dhaawac dhabarka ka soo gaaray awgii Warsame waa nin aaan fadhiyi Karin in ka badan qaddar daqiiqado ah, wuxuuna inta badan waqtigiisa ku qaattaa jiiifka, isagoo u jiifa gidi-cad ama qaabka loo yaqaano duud-duud. Farmaajo aya isagu nasiib wanaag dhaawaciisu ka duwan yahay kan Warsame,waxuu dhaqtarku u fasaxay in uu muddo saacad ah maalin walba uu fariisan karo. Maadaama ay labadooda oo kaliya yihiin, cidina aan ku wehelin qolka In badan ayay ka wadli hadli jireen noloshooda, halgankii ay soo mareen, reerahooda iyo xaaladdooda caafimaad. Farmaajo oo ka faa’iideysanaya fursaddiisa ayaa maalin walba 4-ta galabnimo salaadda casar kadib soo fadhiisan jiray oo daaqadda dhankeeda milicsan jiray, waa xilliga ay Warsame iyo Farmaajo sheekadooda ugu xiisaha badan tahay. Farmaajo wuxuu saaxibkiis uga sheekeeyaa oo uu u tilmaamaa barxadda Isbitaalka waxa ka socdo, dadka, jawiga iyo quruxda jardiinada ku hareersan isbitaalka. Warsame ayaa aad u dhowra xilligan oo si xiiso badan ku suga maalin kasta, maadama uusan awood u lahayn in uu fariisto, ama in uu daaqadda dhankeda eego sii uu indhahiisa ugu arko nolosha banaanka. Farmaajo oo ah nin aad tilmaamaha ugu fiican ayaa wuxuu u waramaya saaxibkiis, halka warsame si xiiso leh u dhageysanaayo sheekada. Xilligu waa dayr samadu waa saafi, dadkuna waxay u muuqdaan kuwo mashquul ah, oo gooni gooni u faqaya. Jardiinadana waxaa hagaajiya nin oday ah oo qunyar socod ah, oo ay ka muuqato in uu shaqadiisa aad u jecel yahay farxadda wajigiisa ka muuqata awgeed. Waxaa jira caruur yar yar oo waalidiintooda soo booqda oo iyagana jardiinada ubaxa ka jara, sidaas awgeed nin hagaajiya berta iyo caruurtaba way is ceersadaan mararka qaar. Barkadda biyaha ee jardiinada dhanka kale kaga taalla waxaa ku dabaalanaaya boollo boollo. Nin gacan iyo lug la’ oo isna bukaanada isbitaalka ku jira ka mid ah ayaa shimbaraha quudiaya. Warsame aad ayuu ugu dheg daloolaa sheekada saaxibkiis, si xiiso leh ayuuna u dhagystaa, mararka qaarna su’aalo ayuu weydiiyaa. Tusaale ahaan maanta wuxuu weydiinayay in la rinjiyeyay darbiga iyo in kale? Maadaama ay soo dhowdahay munaasabadda kowda Oktoobar. Waxaa la gaaray bisha Oktober 21-keeda, Isbitaalka waxaa soo booqday Masu’uul Sare oo Dowladda ka socda, Hay’ado Warbaahined iyo kuwo shibil ah. Warsame iyo Farmaajo wali waxay ku xayiran yihiin qolkoodi, balse Farmaajo ayaa dariisha ku aaddan oo ka faallooyinka qabka munaasabadda u dhacayso, wuxuu saaxibkeey u tilmaamayaa waxyaabaha uu ka sheedda ka arkayo, wuxuu yiri inkastoo aanan codadka, muustikada iyo jaanta dadka aanan maqleynin, haddana waxaa ii muuqda muuqaal ay farxadi ku dheehantahay, dadkuna ayay u dabbaal dagayaan. In badan ayay lamaanaha askarta ah wehel iyo walaalo isku ahaayeen, o ay isku guuto ahaayeen, inkastoo guutadooda ay ka koobneyd 2 nin oo kaliya, hadane habeen walba xilliga hurdada Salaan ayay kala qaadan jireen.! Maalin ayaa waxaa soo toosay warsame, wuxuuna ku soo toosay codadka dhaqatarka iyo kalkaalisada, wuxuu maqlayay oo uu dareemayay in saaxibkii xijaabtay. Kalkaalisadii ayaa uga tacsiyeysay geerida ku timid saaxibkiis, iyadoo u raacisay in oo is adkeeyo oo samirka kaashado. Warsame aad uu uga murugooday geerid saaxibkiis ku timid. Maalmo kadib, Warsame oo wali ku taagantahay xusuustii saaxibkiis ayaa wuxu kalkaalisadii waydiistay in ay u baddasho jiifka oo ay xijiso dhanka daaqadda, sii uu niyadda ugu dajisto muuqaaladii muddada dhereyd saaxibkiis uga sheekeyn jiray. Goor ay casir gaabkii tahay ayaa Warsame xusuus iyo murugo is celin kari waayay oo is yiri bal daaqadda ka warjire, xanuun awgiis isagoo liicanaya ayuu soo yara fariistay si uu daaqada u daawado, balse waxaa lama filaan ku noqotay oo uu rumeysan kari waayay in daaqadda darbi ku hareersan yahay, muuqaaladdii horena aynanba meesha ku oollin oo ay xayndab ku jiraan. Warsame wuxuu u yeeray kalkaalisaduu, oo uu weydiiyay in ay daaqaddu tahay tii sariirtii saaxibkiis ku aadaneyd? kalkaalisadii ayaa u jawaabtay o ku tiri:- waa tan kaliya ee qolkiina ku taallo, waana tii uu saaxibkaa hawada ka qaadan jiray”. Balse warsame oo amakaag ka muuqda aya kalkaalisadii u sheegay waxyaabihii saaxibkiis uga sheekeeyay iyo tilmaamihii uu siin jiray. Kalkaalisadii oo yaaban ayaa ku tiri Warsame “Marxuumku wuxuu ahaa nin indha la’. Waxna muu arkeyn, Xataa darbiga qolka ku hareesan”. Durbadiida Warsame waxaa indhahiisa isa soo taagay illin, wuxuuna garwaaqsaday in saaxibkiisa uu uga shekeynayay shekooyin mala awaal ah si uu niyadda ugu dhiso. Maadaama uusan isagu naf ahaantiisuu dhaqaaqi karayn, dibaddana aanu waligiis u bixin tan iyo maalintii uu soo galay isbitaalka.
  19. ^I truly second the title of the thread in terms of peace building and setting with the Duqeyda iyo Oday dhaqameedka and then taking ti from there to to statehood. other then that, i don't think there is much to learn from Sland. i could be wrong. JB, Spot on. Laakin maad naga wadatid ka yar ninyahow? maxaase Goday ninka?:cool:
  20. Cawaale


    Good luck Aliyah. I bet you can do it. I mean if If folks like Nuune oo koeydii Qaranka Radio Muqdisho bililiqeystay can quit and move on, why not you? specially with your fellas like Miiraale, i am sure it won't be that hard:D One again good luck.
  21. ^Nina Salli Calee yaaqee, biyo qabow cab. ninka ma joog hadda, sheekada xan ee noqonee..
  22. Gheelle, nice avatar. Steve Jobs said he will have Mac App Stores open for business In 90 Countries around the world on January. Any idea if Somali is on the list? i am not being sarcastic, i don't want to be called names..
  23. oba hiloowlow;681225 wrote: sxb qadiyada aad sheegeysid xey tahay bahdilka lagu sameeye ayaad fahmi weysay sheekada jubboyinka ay ka bilaabatay, axmed madoobe ayaa la yiri waa riddo weerar baa lagu qaaday oo in kismaayo iyo lagala wareego ay aheyd ujeedada,way socotay, hiiraan ayaa lagala wareegay,buur habaka,afgooye iyo ceelasha ayuu lagu hareereye oo dhinaca waqooyiga afgooye,dhinaca marka iyo km13 intuu aada? intaas waxaa sii dheer saraakiishii laga dilay sida taalibaan,bare cali barre intaas maahine waxa la yiri ama dowladda,shabaab ama shacabka... ee xaaji Dhiigyacabkan umaddii masakiinta barakiciyay nabsigii uu ka galay waaye halahaan aad arkeysid walibana ardaydiisa ayaa hubka ka wareejinaya lool Xasan Daahir, dhaqtar uu u baahanyahay kursi raadis iyo shaab kaashi midna uma baahna, ilaahay ha caafiyo odayga. waa la dayacay/wuu is dayacay. Xaaji Xunjuf;681242 wrote: Oba runti xita hada laga itaal roonaday Xassan daahir aways isku mu dhiibin TFG iyo wax la mid ah wu samayn karayey inu dagaal si wado markana dad fara badan ba ku dhiman laha Runtaa waaye, Xasan Umadda ayuu u diir naxayaa, waa nin qalbi jilicsan, oo Gaalada(TFG-da) iyo dadka la jiraba neceb!