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Posts posted by Nin-Yaaban

  1. Alpo that's no excuse sxb. At 16yrs of age u are 'spose to know right from wrong (well at least I did), and be able to make good judgments.


    Maybe it's just this new generation, but when I was growing up, my parents (especially Aabe) set the rules and breaking them, u had to deal with the consequences. I duuno what it's with these young people nowadays, each generation seems to be worse than before.


    Waxaan lamaqal oo'aan la arag.


  2. <cite>

    I read about how China and India have a gender imbalance, where there are "too few women" for the available bachelors, due to the extensive infanticide which exists in those 2 countries. This is not to mention the stigma and the marginalization much of the women go through during their lives. It's a sad story all around


    I think in China, it's largely because of government policy (1 child policy).


    But in India, it may have to do with culture/extreme poverty.

    That's exactly what's happening. I remember reading this post here couple of yrs ago, about how Indian males were sharing wife's between themselves. For example, 2 or 3 brothers would be sharing one wifey.


    LoL I guess it never occurred to them that aborting females would lead to something like that. And India still leads the world in the rape and mistreatment of women. Not a day goes by without having to read a poor Indian chick from the villages being raped and murdered somewhere in India.


    And China has like 10's of millions of men that would have no chance of ever finding a spouse. That's why the number of African + Chinese marriages are on the rise.


    This is what happens when you mess with nature. Maybe these countries need a war to balance things out and get rid of surplus men.

  3. <cite>

    Haye Yaabane, wali 'halgankaaga' ma wadaa? Laakiin qoraalkaaga boggaan ku qoran inaa the tabloid Daily Mail kasoo guurisay u egtahay. 'Illegal immigrant' iyo waxaas maxee yihiin. Teeda kale kuwa Soomaalida ahayn maxaa ugu soo dartay?


    MMA salaan sare sxb, xoogaa ayaan busy iska ahaa, oo shaqooyin iyo Amuuro kale ayaa igu furmay. Laakinse waan soo laabtay.


    Sxb kuwa ajanabiga ah, iyo kuwa kaleba waa laaysku wada qabtay. Marka saas ayaan usoo wada geliyaa meesha.

  4. Jail for London dealer who was caught with heroin and crack cocaine in Ely

    London, UK.
    ama Abdulaziz, 22, of Mostyn Grove, London, was arrested after police found him at an address in Morley Drive on May 29 last year.


    Officers were in the area when they noticed a woman had run off when she spotted them.


    They carried out a search at her address and Abdulaziz was found inside sitting on 10 packages of heroin worth about £100 and nine packages of crack cocaine worth around £90.



    Jama Abdulaziz, 22.

  5. A mindi attack brings down another Somali. Given 6yrs for his troubles and to work on his anger


    West London, UK. A man has been jailed for six years for a violent knife attack outside a shop in Hayes.


    Guled Abdullahi, 20, stabbed 27-year-old Mohammed Jamma in the legs and stomach on February 16 this year, leaving him in critical condition and needing emergency surgery.


    The pair, who were known to each other, met outside the Mor Food store in Yeading Lane, and Abdullahi lunged at him with the two-inch knife after Jamma handed him some money, before running off.



    Guled Abdullahi, 20.


  6. Farah pleads guilty and gets AFAR SANO for jewellry (Dahab) store robbery


    Montreal, Canada.
    . A man charged in a brazen daylight jewellry store heist in Saskatoon is going to prison. ​Muhidiin Ahmed Farah, 28, was arrested on March 31 by police in Montreal and then transferred to Saskatoon. Earlier this week, he pleaded guilty in provincial court to his part in the robbery.


    He was sentenced to four years in prison, and given a weapons prohibition.



    muhidiin ahmed-farah, 28.


    Surveillance footage from the robbery

  7. A Somali illegal immigrant, stalks a 75yr old Ayeeyo, beats her up, and ends up stealing her bag.



    Bristol, UK.
    A FAILED asylum seeker stalked a 76-year-old grandmother, beat her to the ground, broke her hip and stole her bag – because he did not have enough money for cigarettes.


    Abdihamid Omar watched Barbara Newell leave a post office in Lawrence Hill, followed her for 20 minutes and then attacked her from behind, a court heard.



    Abdihamid Omar, 35.





  8. 7 arrested for Bililiqo (home burglary)



    Mankato, Minnesota.
    The Mankato Police have been busy arresting, and re-arresting criminals in the area. Seven would be thieves who feel that it is better to take someone’s property instead of putting in an honest days work were apprehended by our officers over the weekend.

    Four of the seven are repeat offenders with one criminal, Poweh Cham Gilo, having been released by the Steel County legal system while awaiting felony sentencing.



    Jamal Ahmed Adan, 20




    Sadiq Aden Isack, 18.



    Guhad Roble, 21.



    Ali Mohamed Abdullahi, 21.



    Obed Omot Olok, 22.



    Powch Cham Gilo, 19.

  9. Somali man severly assaults 18 month old baby



    Minneapolis, MN.
    A 23-year-old Minneapolis man is in custody after severely assaulting an 18-month-old child and a woman last week, according to Minneapolis Police.

    On the evening of Jan. 25, police officers responded to the report of a domestic assault in progress on the 5700 block of Sander Drive. While responding, officers were notified of a “serious threat” to the toddler at the same location.



    Hussein Osman Birre, 23.


  10. Two arrested for chewing Khat and drinking beer.




    Louisville, Kentucky.
    Metro Police arrested two men they say were chewing a plant classified as a drug and drinking beer near Watterson Lake Park.


    Mumin Hassan and Abdi Hassan were allegedly sitting in a car on S. Wheatmore Drive shortly before 1 a.m. Sunday with a large amount of Khat in the middle console and open beer bottles in the cup holders.


    Khat is an edible plant native to the Horn of Africa with stimulative properties and is classified as a drug.





    Mumin Hassan and Abdi Hassan