Qac Qaac

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Everything posted by Qac Qaac

  1. because of them not following the teaching of Islam that they became corrupted. ISLAM IS THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR THE WORLD, NOT ONLY IN SOMALIA?..... education, and the other notions come under islam. I agree with the bro who said, if we want a islamic government, we first should built islamic government with in ourslef, then with in our family,community,tribe,country, countinet and so on... then everything would fall in place.
  2. brother u have to tell us which kind of sweet u r talking about. 1. sweet for your parents 2. for your wife, or especial one 3. for your teachers 4. for kids 5. for sociaty 6. your local masjid 7. community. and so on there is more.. so some of the things in here u can't mention, coz it might be secret or something that u did for allah, and u don't want anyone by allah to know. but never the less, one sweet thing, i did, was i gave someone food, while i was hungary too. i fed him first, and he didn't notice i was hungary like him too. the rest can't mention...... lol.
  3. first lady, close but wrong. which school do u think it is. looooooool. anyways good luck all u ppl. i am strugling with bio genetics class so if some one knows help asap. ok.
  4. beautiful topic man. well i guess u all said what need to be done, especially lucky. but lix afar u asked a questions to ponder on, u said, is it islam the solution or democracy. well to me personally i think it is ISLAM, not only for us, but every muslim country. if i may recall i think the Old government of Somalia, and our country used to be called THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN OF SOMALIA in arabic al jamhuriytu al dimuqaraadiya assomaliyy. so that didn't work, because we were one of the 3rd world countries in the world, i think we are in new category now the 4th world, coz third world countries atleast have government, we don't, but that is different topic. so inconclusion the only way for us is ISLAM. and nothing else. GOD BLESS.
  5. I thought, i was the only guy here having hard time this semester. may allah make it easy for us all of us.
  6. smile qurux badan, iyo gacmo furanba ku soo dhawoow. koob shaah na waalaguu raadin.
  7. isku bilaabo nooh, isga raaca. anaga pop corn iyo biyo soo qaadanaynaaye. loooool. is dajiya gabdhooy. biyo qaboow cabe, geedka hoostiisa dhabacda, iska seexdana. adoo dagan na soo kaca. hadii kale labadiinaba waala tarxiili
  8. 1st of all let's all remember we muslims in here. so we talk like muslims to one another. I don't really care about this gender war anymore. but i would say one thing. that is about the Hijab, sorry to say this sister but if the sister is not wearing hijab, we as men can't have lots of respect for her, how can we, someone who says no to allah's order of wearing hijab. that is if we know that hijab allah ordered us not men. as some femine say like Irshad Manji. it is not an option. yes u could say there are good girls who don't wear hijab, well my answer is they good for the things that they are good at, but when it comes not wearing hijab they are not. so yeah a girl that don't wear hijab i think, it is not a marriage material sorry. don't jump on my throat. but think about it. someone who doesn't fullfill god's order would fulfill another order. i don't think so. p.s. also men who continously break God's order is not either a marriage material.
  9. Hayaa'a in arabic or shayness in english is beautiful and is even more beautiful when the women show it. shy girl, is a jack pot. as caramel said, toosh baa lagu raadiyaa, then sis, WHY DO U WANNA LOOS SUCH A GOOD QUALITY?.....
  10. waraa lakkad aday gaajo kugu dhagantahay aan umaleen man. dhuuni dhuuni iyo waxaas maxaa meesha keenay lol. caramel maxaa wiilka aa saas ugu galee, xagga jokes aan kuugu imaanaa ah, IS HE A CLOWN? lakkad makhayaad noo fur man, s.o.l. makhaayad kawaran sheekadaas, caramel na shaaha ha noo kariso, ani iyo adigana bariiska aan ku beer goono kuwaan somaliga magaca ka ah.
  11. Lix Afar, I can't fill up a quarter of the shoe of Uthman dan Fodio, and as for Qac Qaac he is like, that he was living on another planet sub-xanallah, i am not worth of the dust out of his horses' feet when he was doing jihad. Thanks for the compliment bro, i am honored and flattered at the same time. But i think, i could only immitate them. that's all.
  12. beautiful idea sis. but in some countries they don't like ( the government) ppl helping the homeless coz, there is shelter homes, and welfare money u know. also most of the poorest ppl in the world are muslims, so with your 2$ a mounth u could sponsor a muslim kid overseas places like afghanistan or even somalia. but i love your idea anyways, u r a good person keep doing what u do best.
  13. is one of the minor signs of yawmul qiyama, that zinaa would almost become halal, in term of how many ppl does it everyday, even though they know it is haram. i have heard some muslim ppl saying, i know zina is haram, so they said it is a chance that i am taking. so they doing it on purpose. assuming that allah is always merciful, and would forgive them. they willing to take a risk. I NEVER HEARD SOMETHING MORE ****** THEN THIS... u r muslim person, u believe hell fire, and heaven, and u talk like this. may allah forgive us all, coz surely we did a lot of displeasing things in fron of Allah. it is not the sin that is great, it is knowing allah sees you, and still do the sin is more greater than the sin itself. sub xanllah.
  14. Uthman dan Fodio, woow whatta man. Lix afar thanks man. I hope we find hundred of Uthman dan Fodio now among our muslim ppl.
  15. I am very sorry that, i am replying so late. but i too enjoyed like most of our sisters here enjoyed. i learned lots of stuff from Tareeq Suwaidan, and Hamza Yusuf. Do u all remember this. for those of you who know something about the arabic language how the fa in arabic opens the mouth, and the miim closes the mouth put them together u have FAM which mouth in arabic, and also discribes the job of the mouth it opens and closes masha'allah. i think the most boring thing, was when the mayor, the rcmp, and the cheif, because i didn't feel sincerity from them. but i guess it was for politics, but other than this i loved it. my favourits. 1. Mukhtar Maghrawi 2. Abdullah Hakim Quick. 3. Tareeq Suwaidan 4. Hamza Yusuf 5. Imam Zaid Shakir. Quotes. tareeq suwaidan " change your goals into project" abdallah hakim quick " put women in a leader ship role" tareeq ramadaan " i criticize th action of the government of Isreal, it doesn't make me anti-semetic" Hamza Yousuf " we taught the western everything they know" " what happen now" Hamza yousuf " American talibans" loool. tareeq suwaidan " from Omar bin Khattab story, my wife cooks and washes my cloth for free, and is not obligotory to do it for me, why don't i let her yell at me couple of times"..... i could go on the whole day. but i'll stop here.
  16. bisinka iyo kutubka jaamaca ah. Maxaa iishiilee abaydiis, malay maan ahay. Bee adigana xawaaji iyo cusbo aad kadaba wadaa miyaa. war ragoo ha la'iga qabto gabdhaha, waxaan ka baqaa in ay imurxiyaan sidii karooto la fiiqay. caramel, karameel ka kaa dhameenaa runtii, haddaad faraha iyo fiirishada iga qaadin lool. p.s. waan isku lay dhahay.
  17. Qac Qaac

    what if....

    Nafta if looks are important for you, then say it is for me. it is a little narrow thinking don't u think? to pick someone coz she/he looks good. looks go away after a while then what u have. so the better idea with me, i think, it would be to go for personality of that special person, if he or she has looks with it then that is bonus. besides u accusing me of talking out of nothing, and then say to me i am accusing u. i call that contradiction sis. but then again sorry walaalo if u got a little bit mad. if what i said, doesn't apply to you, then don't bother yourself, and keep repeating to me the same thing. it only makes it look that what i said applies to you.
  18. caremel kisses, the way u got mad out of the question. waxayba u ekaatay in aad tahay adigu qofka ay waxaan heestaan, sababta waad kululaatay looooool. is just a joke ha i qaniin bisinkee.
  19. Qamaan iyo Qumane kulahaa bisinka, malaga iibsiday, magac xumaa. sorry nafisa. magac dhuun xanuun uu kugu ridaa
  20. 3 ways. 1. Marry both women. This case would save u a lot of problems, u have the one u loved, and the one u cheated on. even though i feel this situation is not in islamic situation. 2. leave the loved one go. coz she will be different with u, anyways now that she knows u cheated on her. and don't marry the one u cheated with coz tomo she will go and cheat on u too. 3. leave both of them, support your kid from outside, and make sure u stay away from both women in alone situation so that they don't remind you. your past.
  21. Qac Qaac

    what if....

    abaydiis maryan biyo qaboow cab, adiguna Nafta sidoo kale isbaramuuto u qaado oo tartiib u cab, kadib na is qaboow jiya. Maryan if u r young tanag u for telling us. but i find rediculous of you ppl here saying always, to find not true love go back home and get some woman from there. r u guranteeing a true love in North america or in Europe. if yes, why do most of the divorces happen in this countries. what happpen to the true love. Nafta as for you, i meant, maybe where u always are or chill at is with those guys who wear the big sil silada, change your environment and u should find a happy mature man. that if he is fits your imaginary standard in your head. all illusions, and come down to the reality and live it like a real person. Maryan yes qurux is in our religion, but it is the most important. and i don't know who told u that women cant marry for qurux too. u just jumped out of emotion, but i understand. IS JUST RELATIONSHIPS BUILD ON PATHETIC THINGS LIKE QURUX OR BEAUTY NEVER STAY FOR A LONG TIME. go for personality and hir or her religion those 2 will stay for a long time.
  22. Qac Qaac

    what if....

    Maryan, this all i am saying, when u are very harsh to the person like saying u r not my type, what do u think is gonna happen to u, some one would say the same thing to u, so don't go run to your room and cry ok, because what goes around comes around as BEE said. tankale waa, nin baa baxay naag ka soo guursaday wadankii, why always mention this, is it a thread to u guys. and the lady that said all men wear sil silado well, i wonder where u shop or fish, look at the right places sis. maybe u only see guys with silsalado coz u r in their situation too. p.s. maryan i think, u don't like this guy, because of how he looks like right, coz u already said, he is educated and willing to go with the extra miles as u said, then WHAT THE PROBLEM IS?... he is not handsome right.... just tell us, we won't tell anyone loooool. if that is the case i don't think is really a good case to not give some one a second chance.
  23. I see nothing wrong with your somali man. what r u talking about.
  24. Well. i'll just keep it short, and give this advice the girls usually give the guys, your own advice just start using it now. which is BE YOURSELF. don't look for anything else, this fiction u watch from movies never happen, mabye 1% at times. there is lots of faraxs out there for every women, how come u guys have none, well maybe some of them u guys chase him out, with your personality, they way u think. if i talk for most of the somamil men, i think they all want, somali woman educated not brainwashed by (days of our life). Treat him like a Somali person. the next advice is, from our prophet which is pick your spouses in terms of their religion, i never seen practicing ppl having hard time finding a good spouse for them. p.s. only the ppl who go around the wrong way, who always wait for fiction character mr.right. that never comes have this problem. if i offended some one i apologize. p.p.s. i don't know why women worry about this, the key is in your hand. i think men should be worrying about this. u (women) just pick i guess u have to have trust in allah. and calaf is there yes.
  25. brother thanks for giving us this beautiful naseehah or advice. i agree with you, but i also think, we shouldn't be so passive that for the sake of us trying to be friends with them, that we let them do or say something against islam. but i see what u saying, and i respected. khayrul amuuri awsaduhaa. so we both should come in the middle path.