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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I have my doubts whether Sheikh Sharif actually said those words. Regardless, I still stand by my words and remain a sharp critc of him on this "Dib-u-heshiisiin" ploy thing. Otherwise, he is a wise Somali political leader. What I don't like about him is that he displays some degree od political naivity and always dances to the tunes of "wadahadalo". I think he enjoys the limelight. And that is not what I expect of him. He should remain firm and principled. For instance, He should insist on that for any talks to begin, Ethiopian army must leave Somalia. That is an imporatnt pre-requisite for which many young people were sacrificed. Why go back on it now? Once that is achieved, I think negotiations and discussions are the only way to bring Somalia back. I am not demanding the removal of Ethiopia from the Somali soil as a precondition, just because I dislike Ethiopia. I know with the 'war-economy incentives' that the Xabashi military commanders in Somalia are rejoicing, and with the political breathing space the occupation of Somalia offers to Meles at home (not to mention the multi-million dollar support from the US-through USAID), powerful intersts are interplaying and there is no way Ethiopia will allow Somalia to settle. Another source of my displeasure with any talks before the Xabashi's are thrown out emantes from my firm belief in upholding Somali diginity. A dangerous precedence that will encourgae future Ethiopian rulers to treat Somalia much like how Syria used to treat Lebanon must not be allowed to develop, as well. It is a negation of the ideals on which the Idaale and Dinsoor bloody battles were fought for, to settle for undignified compromise and to display defeatist mentality. The war of liberation must be continued with determination and zeal. In the end, the fruits of that struggle will be sweet and the history of tomorrow's Somalia will illuminate with tales of gallentry and courage displayed by the thousands of sons who are dying for the reclamation of its lost glory.
  2. ^ Typical Somali, with little patience. It has been only two years, and somehow you already look tired of fighting Ethiopia. In another countries, people fight for the cause they believe in for decades if not more. But do I expect that resilience from a somali? NO. Waan daalay ee si kale ha lagu dayo, is the catch word for my people.
  3. KoolKAt Ha la is figareeyo,waa maxy. Ii jilci.
  4. ^ Which Defence Ministry? If you are talking about the one in 'Biheraawi' at the center of Addis, you gussed right. The orders are issued from there not only to Ciidanka, but to Cabdullahi yusuf himself. Dawlad ceebayska miyaad ka filaysay inay wax amraan!!
  5. ^ Abti, They have done worse. They slitted the throats of pious Somali men. Remember that! Unless this barbarians are kicked out of Somalia, expect all unimaginable things to happen!
  6. Yaa Kaa dhagaysan, boqolaal noocaas ah ayaad haysaa! By the way if you were not good in that department, then I guess qaybta Xoogaad aheyd! Ama kuwa ciyaalka orod iigu yeedh yidhaa!!
  7. I didn't say you didn't write it. I said you wrote it, not now but back then for real. Waa ku sideee, maanta miyuuna soo dhicin bahalkii indhahaad isku haysataaye?!! Waa warqad dhab ah oo aad gabdhaha ku waali jirtay, dayday yahow!!.
  8. Maantoo dhan waad shakisnayd! Kaalay armaad bac leedahay ninyahow??? Shakiyoow unbaad haysaa!!!
  9. Jacayl baro hasn't invented this. He merely recycled it from his old archives. KoolKat waa sidee dee abaayo, this jilci business is getting too far. You know people from North and my areas speak one dialect and your area another one. Why do you force people to go your way? Anaguba afkiinan jiif jiifka u yaal ayaan u dul qaadanaa ee adkayso de! Dhegaa, Luuq luuq maroow laazim laamiyaas ku dhacaa baa Af-Somaliga saxda ah noqday miyaa??????????
  10. What is this new trend of painting every Somali man with 'blood on hand' business?!! If I guess it correctly, all these allegations against Sheikh Sharif or Hassen Dahir border on illegal association to them of what members of their clan might have done to other people. In that logic, no one will walk free. Otherwise, Even Hunguri's assertions mean nothing as far as proof of their culpability is concerned. HANDS OFF THE CULUMA, you guys! JB- you haven't asked a question. It was an attempt to fuel an insidious backlash against anyone you see as credible leader in the south. Waynu is fahmaynaa!!
  11. The point is local vendattas must play secondary role when the issue at hand is re-liberation of Somalia. I have no facts to counter your allegations, but I still think somehow you misunderstood the old Sheikh Hassen. I know the Shiekh might lack political shrewdness, but no one I know have ever doubted his patriotism. Jacaylbaro Sheikh Sharif has no blood in his hands and your attempt to smear his name is based on your ill-will towards the people of Southern Somalia. you hate stability there. Cause you think that will undermine the wild goose chase after recognition. My dissatisfaction with Sheikh Sharif is aptly captured by the poem you posted on another thread, though. I think Sheikh Sharif is not good enough for the courage and perseverance the work of freedom-fighting demands. Ka dhex kaluumaysi baad wadaa!!! Hunguri Don't you think at this era of techonology, where one is from hardly matters as far as getting the right information is concerned? And you haven't answered my question on Indhacadde. Shalay haduu qaldanaa, Is it not hypothetically possible that he might be on the right path today? At least the cause he is pursuing has the support of millions of Somali's. Give the 'devil' his due! Waa nin rag ah!!
  12. Sar yar baad tahayoo, waad siraysaa dee!! Anyway, I agree. Good luck. But allow me to invite you M.N Greeg's, " Ima daayo caashaqu, ana daali waayee,,,,"
  13. I heard many things about Indhacadee. But who said people can't repent and see the light. That man is badmouthed by everybody for his mistakes in the past. I believe the services he has done in the last two years, resisting occupation, more than offsets his crimes. It is my first time I hear Shekh Hassen Dahir has killed people. I had the priviledge to talk to many former Somali army collegues (from different tribes), and they all attested to his Somalinimo and principled stand against evil people. Ninkaas warkiisa waa la hayaa, adeer!!
  14. Maxaan iska caddeeyaa???
  15. ^ Behave old man. Those who danced in Aroosis in 1980s with BOneyM hits, still find rejuvinated enough to tease women in SOl forum. Thanks to the blissful anonimity! Maxaa lagaa baran adiga imika? of course, if not to know whether you support UDUB or Kulmiye?
  16. So you were a 20 year old student in 80s?!!!! Grandpa, You said it all about me. As one Maqiiqane, I like everything Safka-hore. I am a regular visitor there. Chatting with Mujaahidiin Xiiqsan is my favourite pass time.
  17. Originally posted by Cawaale: Dib Dib u gurasho iyo waa sidii xeelad dirireede Daabkii masaartoo kalay kula damcayaane Marka hore distoorkay ku odhan daaya waa sahale Marka xiga ducaadday ku odhan daadi waa badowe Marka xiga nindoorkay ku odhan dayri waa halise Marka xiga dilkiisay ku fari kii u sii darane Dembigey faleenbay haddana kaaga dhigi dawwe Dabadeed aday kugu dulleyn goob darxumo weyne Doodyahan Shariifoow adaan kuu danleeyahaye Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn dawlad iyo reere Walaaloow dagaalkani ka wayn duullan xabashaade Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dano Maraykaane Walaaloow dagaalkani ka weyn dib u heshiisiine Waa diinta nebigaaga iyo damac inaad laasho BRILLIANT POEM! The Sheikh is told all, and it is upto him to either succumb to the temptations of the flesh or to face the hard fact, take heart and follow the noble cause of reliberating Somalia from occupation and saving the somali nation from imposition of wicked values and extermination of core moralities that underpin our identity and unique standing as a nation! A stark choice indeed.
  18. That is why i love Hargeisa! Did I tell you one lander insulted me one time:'qirinqiir and Dhafoor-qiiqle' he said. maybe you are the same guy under a different name. Are you a regular visitor of WWW.safkahore.com? It is SNM old guard website.
  19. Waar dee kii xayraanka ka daa bay inantu ku leedahay! NAW,waa dhako kale waxaad wadaaye. Iga waloon lagaa dhagaysanayn!!
  20. Sheikh Sharif likes to play to the gallery and vacillates often. That is not an image of a freedom Fighter. I am not his detractor, but beyond nice talk what can he offer? Basically nothing!He doesn't control the fighters on the ground and those are the only one capable of providing peace. That is one point. The second point is I have always been intrigued by why a man so young as he is, chose to fly to Nairobi amid bombardments aginst his compatriots whom he led all the way to the war? I never understood that!! What does Sheikh Sharif know about modern governance and providing practical solutions to the political, social and economic ills of the nation? I never believe in creating cult personalities and surely the Sheikh is very much dispensable.
  21. ^^Maxay warqad akhrisatay! dulucdiyo ujeedada, hawlaheeni waa halkoodi, ninkii Axmed Dheere ahaana gacan baa iga gaadhay isagoo ku hadal haya, idinkuna anaga ha na iloobina. ( They talk in plural and very general, Ragii hore. All the talk about Axmed Dheere (probably his rival) is to say I do everything for the sake of you-including beating up people. Geesi!)
  22. Abu Gel; War sheekhani waa yare " Meel-san joog". Markii dagaalku ka socday Koonfurta Somaliya ee ragii isaga la mid ahaa la garaacayey, wuu xamili waayay dhibka. Qof aan dhibaato u dulqaadan karin inuu shaadka halgamaa qaato waa qalad. Everybody likes to see peace negotioations succeed, but you know the TFG is a hostage of Ethiopia and there is no chance any discussions will produce results as long as Addis Ababa is on the driving seat. If Sheekh Shariif feels it been too long and too boring, then let him resign. The whole charade of talks was intended to divide the opposition and this sanctimonious Sheikh has fallen in that trap. Ma xili la isqilaafaan ku jiraa, Abu gel? Do you think the Sherif can deliver peace? Those who he is attacking are actually doing the work on the ground, and his lament will only add to the factions feuding in Somalia. It is unlikely anything of value will come out of it. By the way, anigu mintid wax kasta dagaal in lagu xaliya raba ma ihi. Laakiin, nin baa laga hayaa: "Xarshin reerahaa soo dagee xaraf ka soo guuri, xagee lagu wadaa saw aduun xaalkii garan maayo?!!"
  23. Sheekh Shariif waa macaan-jecel tuug ah. He has always been power-hungry and was the only one who gave himself up when the going got tough! He is hell bent on short changing the Somali reliberation cause for a throne. Tuug weeye!