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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^ waan gartay. Rock-headed xaggina ma ducaa mise waa amaan? Do you think i am not enjoying the exchanges. You have to learn a lot! War riwaayadahan way iigu baxdaa saaxiib.
  2. ^ waan wareeray abti iag raali noqo. Jilbisyo ayaan afka u galay oo qado iyo cashaba i seejiyay. Bal imikaan wax doonan ee,,,,mahadsanid. Though your rescuse mission was more of collecting the dead bodies than saving lives. I mean waad la daahtay. Miyaan noolahay hadda,,,,,,,,
  3. ^ I don't think i would have had the shoulders to bear any more bombardment. No excuse for my language, but I still believe the Sheikh made a gross political miscalulation. Let not my bad selection of words to critique his stance shroud my firm belief that one man can't deliver peace. If peace has to talked about, it has to be with all those are playing in the field. beyond symbolism, hand shakes between him and the TFG would have yielded no substantive results. That is my opinion. I see it is not entirely popular.
  4. ^ the list is inexhaustible, nepthys. This insufferable man fired all at his disposal at me, all day. There were times I wondered if I am recieving all the insults he saved for any SOLer who goes wayward. Balaayaa igu dhacday. Naa malaha Yaaxaskii la sheegi jiray oo gaboobay unbaan afka uga galay anoo ordi, maad wax ii sheegtaan ood i qabataan. Waan yaabay oo waxaan idhi war raggan war ka daayaay ba la odhanayn ee la gugu daawanayo maxay ahaayeen??
  5. ^War anagaa wax aragnay. Hedde adeeer Durbaankan Sheikh Shariif baad cayday ahi iga hadhi maayaan umaleyne sideen yeelaa. I have apologised not once but maybe threee times. And you just found Xoogsade curious for reminding you what you said sometime ago. Of course, the master always gets away with explanations. The thing is if your problem with me was that outburst, it is fair and I will do anything in my capacity to show how sorry I am about that. But it seems you have gone to other formulations of me, based on one incident. Is that fair? It doesn't matter if you are fair to me or not, please reason with yourself. You haven't said you are a supporter of the Sharif, perhaps that would have spared me a lot of laments I threw againt you. And I even hinted at my error of judgement on your political affiliations. No hard feelings, but I find you unapologetic and uncompromising. It is not because I am a wild dog ruuning lose that I am taking responsiblity and admitting my mistakes repeatedly. It is because I believe that I should not continue with mistakes. It is a dominant human urge to do that. Like you are doing. Just go and see how many names and shapes you have given me. Is that fair? you are this, you are that. All this for a mistake I have apologised at multiple times? I don't think it is right.
  6. ^War Emperor war baryahan waaba lagaa shidi baan umaleyne aduunkaagii ma Sheikh Sharif unbuu ku soo ururay? Caawana ma Dayniilaad miciin biday. Ahey ah, maxaad taageero u baahatay. Sowdigii caayi jiray habeen iyo maalin website'kaas.
  7. ^ Walaal waa runtaa oo wax caddeyn ah looma hayo dhib uu gaystay. Aflagaado saas ahina ma socoto. Aniga oo dhibsaday arin uu ku dhaqaaday (oo waliba aana hubsanin) ayaan waxooga hadalo ah soo tuuray. Tii unbaa dad ujeeddo lahii sii jiidayaan oo ay anigana Durbaan la i daba qaatay! Ilama aha in cid kale Shariifka wax ka sheegatay. Intii iga dhacdayna SOL darteed ma ahee, ilaahay cabsidii ayaan uga laabtay cafisna waydiistay. Laakii rag baa raba in Shariifkaa la caayay ahdaaf siyaasadeed ka dhex raadiyaan. Wixii qalad ahna ilaahay ha nooga danbi dhaafo. Waxaana kuu sheegayaa Sheikh Shariif qof aan uga ixtraam badanahay majiro, balse arimahan baryahan lagu mashquuliyay ayaan Saluugay walaal.
  8. ^ Like what? Adeer, I think it is your nature to just keep on badmouthing people. I will be happy if you can show me what amounts to facts, half-facts, and falsehoods. For you are the sole owner of Truth. You can object to my opinions and philosophies. I know I pass judgements in this forum. But I don't remember when I posted half-truths and vouched for their veracity. Perhaps, it all comes back to the picture you said you formed of me. And that is the least of my worries. Not that what a fellow brother thinks of me doesn't count, but that I know who I am.
  9. Apparently, it is not me alone who is a victim of the long talons of Imperialism and 'Emperors'.
  10. Xinn waa maxay cuqdadan aad i daba wada. If I make a wrong judgement, just say so and correct me. Armaad adiga tahay ka ciddi dawlada ka hadashaba moodaya inuu reer u jeedo. And i don't mind your initial assumptions about me. I know who I am. And I know you would have felt sorry had you known me. Taas halkaa ku daa, laakiin ogow if I was wrong about your affiliations, you were also wrong about me on many other parameters. It is just that they are not as obvious as where ones loyalty lies and you cannot be proved wrong here. Ta kale, your predatory nature is scary. You read through my replies and pick one phrase and then go crazy with soundbites.
  11. It is good I find Xinn's wadaad letter hillarious. I had tumultous time with the man. Finally, I enjoy his creativity. Waad salaaman tahay, Sheikh.
  12. Xoogsade; Mahadsanid saaxib. I am fully aware of where I am. I don't expect priases. In fact, I enjoy when it gets hot. So, you can count on my resilience. Of course, marka la iga gar hayana, i have to admit. I just dragged on and on, on this one because I was not convinced. Markale thank you for the rare support. Caawo dhan way igu socotay!!
  13. Bashe I think this old age is catching up with you awoow. Pity. But go back and see Xinn's comment on 'Duntayda'. Now if that is not synonymous with DNA, what is it? Again, awoowe you are putting words into my mouth. Did I say 'folks dismiss me'?
  14. Xiinfiniin Intaad maantoo dhan ii kala tirinaysay, marna kuma odhan dabodhilif dawlad dulmi ku dhisan taageersan baad tahay. I could have said that. Your extensive look into my DNA amounts to nothing. It only piles up onto your conjectures. And your tone has suddenly changed to intimidations and wild finger-wagging of what awaits me and my likes. The solitary abuse against Sharif for which i have duly apologized, yaad rabtaa inaad magacyo iigu bixiso. You have so far worked tirelessly to magnify it. But that is it. It was a one-off mistake. As to whether my raali-galin from the heart or not, how do you know? You see I told you earlier. You display this unhelpful attitude of "I know all". Don't lecture me again and again on the intentions of Sheikh Sharif. HE WAS WRONG ON THAT ISSUE. I share all the Geljire or Abu-geljire: kuwaasina wayna qaseen kkkkk) said above. By following the wadahadalo line, the Sherif can achieve nothing alone. If peace is to come, it can only come from a united decision by the opposition. The UN and other players are trying to divide the opposition. That is not an unfounded allegation. The US has has repeatedly stated its intention to engage what it calls 'the moderates' in the opposition. What is peace-making for you is prolonging of the suffering of the Somali people by virtue of continued presence of foreign forces on Somali land, to me. That is where we disagree. No more vituperative slogans against me and save me the patronizing, gentleman. That I am not calling you names is not because I can't. Dhiigaad isku kicinaysaa adigoo waxaad u andacoonaysaa yahay inuu meel maro qorshe qaldan. It might be you are genuinely disorientated or you have an agenda. In the latter case, there is no room for further discussion. You have been bullish throughout our exchanges and if one has to be ashamed of his methods, I think it is not me. You are inventing things that are not said, and are lambasting at the 'mysterious author' of the fabricated insults and bile you somehow see in my comments. Cool it, mate. COOL IT! Baashi, I agree with your latest statements. They make sense. We disagree and that doesn't me one of us is wicked. It is all a matter of perception. And tolerance is civility. I completely disagree with you in your analysis of the Somali situation, but I don't claim to hold the metaphysical truth. Sidaas aan isku ogaano. Saaxiibkaana is daji ku dheh. Waa dadka qiiroodee!!!
  15. ^ I am not obliged to respond to your conjectures on how old I am, where I am, my feelings, my level of understanding of Somali/Sheikh's Politics. Those are all assumptions and warrant no response. Indeed, I never wanted to be pushed to that walll to utter some of my prejudices that I know have no foundations. But I sense a pattern of 'I Know all, waa lagu yaqaan' syndrome manifesting itself here, unbeknown to you. That is quite atavistic, I guess. On the issue at hand, Sheikh Sharif's dangerous move would have divided the opposition if he had pursued that line. Perhaps, as a TFG-loyalist, you may be (you are) happy about it. But, don't expect me to be oblivious to the dangers of his unwise move. I am not surprised if you clap for his indiscretions. It is natural. Who wouldn't relish the downfall of his enemies? Perhaps you see it that way. For the success or failure of the useless TFG is the ultimate measure of Somali nation's revival for you. I don't share that.
  16. ^ Please add 'disturbed character' to the my preceding reply to you. Adigu iska wad uun. I think we have finished the debate on issues with you. It can't surely go beyond this. Emperor I don't think I have shouted. I have stated facts, and then gave my opinion. Of course, Some facts are difficult to swallow for some people. I know that. So I understand if you feel aggrieved. In Bashe's rather weird logic, You guys (Xiin, Bashe,Emperor) must all be from the same region!! Just kidding.
  17. Xiin Please go back and count the amount of labels you have sticked to me over a short period of time. They don't seem to suggest cool-headedness either. Do they? Intolerant,narrowminded,immature (baluuqa-is-mood, speaking on the lower cavity, double-talker. These are the ones I remember. Hope it will ease the search. I am sure you will find yourself, if you look at the mirror. It is easy to lecture people, the hard part is to look at oneself. Bashe Han kaan kuu qabaad jabisay. It is amazing how you brought Hassen Turki into the discussion. It is not by happenstance. It is to say because this man is from so and so, he is supporting that cause. Well, that presupposes every somali is putting tribal agenda into his analysis or political position. And it doesn't give the benefit of the doubt to anyone. It is intersting that had I been with Colonel Yey's side, some others (this time not you) would have easily understood my motivations as well- by just inflating one or two steps up my geneology. There, I would have belonged to a different group driven by vengence who came back to Mogadisho to ransack. That is the simple somali logic of reasoning. In your reply, you displayed that. Nothing more. Why? because you are a product of the old system and you beleive in that logic! Unfortunately, my motives have nothing to do with whatever you have in mind. In case it will clear the mist for you (though unlikely), I will tell you where I am coming from. I want the Somali nation to live in dignity and unity. I oppose Ethiopia's occupation of Somalia. I belittle the magnitude of the hostilities among Somali clans you seem to beat out of proportion. I don't care who controls which town,and who lives where. I may be a dreamer and an idealist, but it is a path I chose to follow. Certainly, it is better than becoming an expert in clan feuds and apologist of traitors. Beyond that, I don't think I need to explain myself to you-a man who sees things very simplistically: Clan so and so are with X, and clan so and so are with Y. That is not correct. Tell me which clan is not in the TFG? Tell me which clan is not in the ARS? or the courts? Sometimes, people reveal more about themselves the more they try to hide behind innuendous. Mind you I haven't confirmed your conjectures on who I am. Yacni, Qoladaan ahay. For that gives you the answer!Huh!
  18. ^ Now do you seriouly think the specifics matter?Or We have changed the session to Somali Poetry 101? In which case, the 'teacher' here might be surprised! There is no connection or whatever,saaxiib. There is nothing to mystify. You only wanted to say, 'you are not a match for me, beware!'. That is the connection you seeem to think is not understood. At least that is the ESSENCE of the poem you quoted. Falaadhi gilgilasho kaagam go'do. Now that you found found yourself cornered, you try to play with Etymology of poems and Semantics. Nin is faanshay waa ri' isnuugtay, Am I right, teacher? And that tells a lot about the personna of an individual. Or If i may be generous to you and give you a way out, Perhpas you mean Somali's are insignificant in the face of the mighty ETHIOPIA? Taasbaba ka sii daran!!
  19. ^ Was there any doubt on who is running the show in somalia, Dear Dhubad? Waad salaamantahay, mate. The sight of your gun and the checkered headscarf lifts up my sprit!
  20. ^I fail to see the relevance of this otherwise excellent poem to our discussion. Ofcourse, I see the motive for its production here. It is an ostentatiously parade set up to show off your exhibition of mastry of Somali art.I envy that. Or perhaps, via that, is intended to assert one's supermacy over another! Or could be a not-so-veiled admonition of what is to befall on me should I mess up with the Maestros. Beyond that, it hasn't answered the fundamental theme. Who is the Baaluuq and who is the Baraar? On what grounds did you come up with the catagorisation? Waa yaaab!! Ma adi unbaa is mahadiyay???????????
  21. As a human being, I was overcome with anger that time. Nothing unique. I apologise for that outburst, maybe the manner I did express myself was wrong but I essentially retain my misgivings about this man. But, remember I have also defended him when some wrongly accused him of having blood on his hand. While it is good to be patient in all cases, the patience I referred to earlier was about standing your ground in the face of pressure, as in the case in the struggle for liberation in Somalia. As to the cavities you talked about, I strongly object to your profanity. And don't you feel you forfeited whatever moral high ground you would have held over me with that vulgar language?! Anyway, respond to posts appropriately instead of lurking behind the shadows only to jump on your prey when you think he plunged into a trap. Sheeka horaad daba socotaa!! There is no pattern or whatever you may think that is developing here. If at all, it is one of fair-mindedness and impartiality. Don't mistake that for flip-flopping. I know opinionated fools equate inflexibity with having a principled stance.
  22. Emperor Were you against war when Abdullahi Yusuf used Ethiopia to murder hundreds of pious Somali youth he labelled Al-Itixaad? When he killed his own clansmen while wrestling for power with Jamac Ali Jamac? When his troops guided Ethiopian army and thousands of Somali youth perished in Iidale and Diinsoor? When lower Jubba was carpet bombed by C130 and he supported that? When poision was sprayed on Somali's in Muqdisho few days after it fall? When whole settlements were indiscriminately bombed leading to death, maiming of mothers and minors? Of all people, you are the least qualified to talk about peace. Now, shameless as ever, you stand up and talk of PEACE?!!Peace, because your uncle and his foreign powers are feeling the ire of the people? Peace, because you realised you can't exterminate the people of Moqdisho (whom only few months back you were predicting their imminent extinction)? I am not for your peace, adeer. Worse, I don't want your Somalia which will be reconstructed with the dead woods of the yesteryears and their rotten clan philosophy. I don't want a vengeful Somalia that will have grudges against sections of its own people because they evicted 'reer-hebel' from the capital in 1990s. And I know that vengence is one big motivating factor for you. Because I belong to the umbrella you ascribe to, I am an insider and I heard it from your people-from the horse's mouth ( Yey et al). Time and again. Unlike you, I don't rely on individuals. It is bad for you Sharif hasn't left the noble cause (despite your lies), but even he is inconsequential for the success of our cause. It is championed by millions of Somali's. It doesn't rely on craven submissiveness to an old enemy. It is not based on singing with the wind without regard to morality and dignity. It doesn't lean on the devotion of outcasts and warlords whose days are numbered!! Mine is a cause that relies on morally determined people, on the noble Somali people and their progeny, and on the knowledge that the ideals we fight for (Somalinimo and Islamnimo) are IMMORTAL!!
  23. ^ Impressing anyone is not the game here, bro. I leave that to you. That apart, war is unavoidable in so many instances. That you repeated war,war,war (three times) and you implied you are the only one who understands the fruits of peace won't make you a pacifist either. If at all, the man you hold in high esteem, Yey, is the father of wars in Somalia. I am not ready to listen hypocratical sermons from a disciple of the DEVIL. War is must. I go and fight or not is hardly an issue. But, I have seen that has been a scare tactic of you and your ilk for a while. Conversely, I might also put it to you that you go and preach your 'words of peace' to the IDPs in ceelasha and the widows of the culuma who were killed in Mosques.
  24. Xoogsade Zenawi is fretting. Anyone with a pasing knowledge of the Xabashi mentality or Meles's behaviour can easily tell. The man talks a lot and lies too much. but I have watched the Amharic clip, and I saw fear in his eyes. He likes to come out with pompous words and allegories when he thinks he is on top of things. Like when his army took Mogdhisho, that night he sounded liked a philosopher on counter-insurgency, at one point suggesting that the US must take lessons from him. There was none of that pomposity this time. He was agitated and seemed to be re-assuring his supporters and himself, more than anything. Of course, as usual he was also trying to discourage local opposition with false claims of victory. (some of them were indicating they may start an armed struggle against him the last couple of weeks.) Ninkaa waa laguu yaqaan, I was encouraged by the gains of the Somali fighters, walaahi. A man who claimed to have obliterated the "Shabab" as a credible resistance force two years ago, has done the same on ONLF this time. And we know what is going on in that region. Not a single ONLF army commander have been cought or killed in 2007-2008. No prisoners of war displayed on Ethiopian TV (It is a routine thing TPLF does), and no major casualities inflcited on the organisation. Yet, Meles claimed that 95% of ONLF are destroyed. Doubters of my assertion might have to wait for few more months to see where the truth lies!! In Somalia, virtually all the land the ICU used to rule before the invasion,is gradually taken back by its fighters. Other areas are under its influence. operations are conducted in Baidoa. Where is the victory Meles claims?? It is a compelete charade and an attempt to cover up his internal panic.