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Everything posted by Jaylaani

  1. Tone, I see your point but the current sitting administration isn't good with money. Somaliland people trust their government with a lot of things but money isn't one of them. Sad but true!
  2. ^^Good idea but the money should be sent to who, the government?
  3. Originally posted by Artful Dodger: I agree with Tone there. i am a proud lander and i think we have done magnificently to get where we are but there has to be a lot of work done that can be done in the present sitaution. one thing that amazed when i went back home is that there are some beautiful villa's and flats springing up everywhere but that the roads are terrible and need to be fixed to fit in with the surroundings. i mean it is not the number one priority but it certainly would make travel better and also improve the apearance of the infrastructure Blame ina jiciir for that. He claims to be engineer but the guy is the most ignorant individual I HAVE EVER SEEN. The city took ten steps back wards since he came to office…most of the traffic lights don’t even work anymore.
  4. Tone, Those are very important tasks..I agree. Actually the port of Berebera is very well built. They just need to let people use it freely. Homeland security is very important. I hate spending money on military when the basic necessity is being neglected but the nature of the region doesn't give much alternative. Somaliland military is very strong. I was there last summer for three months. I did my homework. With better economy, the roads will improve too. They have too many freaking carz there. Between you and I, we will make great team. Northern will be the finance/planning minister. Red Sea/Shucayb will be the secretary of state Odwayne…communication Saylici.. Interior Qudhac…defense Gatraad caanood and Soo Maal can lobby for their positions. They have to show dedications before we can recruit them. We need a chick though. I think I have to marry layZie than give her a post. She can’t be trusted now. Hiiraan/Mugadisho ayay inugu daraysaa LOL How about Ebonique for health and education minister?
  5. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Madaafiic lagu tuuro Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa reer Puntland runtiina iyagna Naxariis la’aan bay kaga soo jawaabayaan waayoo meesha ay joogaan Addis Ababa maaha,mana ahan Garowe,waxaan ula jeedaa Caruur kama joogto,sheekaduna waxay isugu biyo shubataa iskudarka dhimashadda reer Muqdisho intee dhan tahay. Qarannews Very interesting statement. Is he suggesting there is deliberate ethnic cleansing going on in Mogadishu?
  6. Dahir Abdulle Alasow oo ah Tififtiraha Website ugu afdheer dhinaca Shabaakadaha Koofurta Soomaaliya ee Waagacusub ayaanu Wareysi dhinacya badan kala yeelanay xaaladaha guud ee Soomaaliya iyo sida koofurta looga arko Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Hadaba Wareysigga Daahir Alasow wuxuu u dhacay sidatan: S: Mudane Dahir waxaad marka hore nooga warantaa bal xaaladda koofurta Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Muqdisho oo aad ku sugan tahay? J: Waad Mahadsan tahay Tafatire waana idin salaamayaa adigga iyo dhamaan asaxaabta kale ee Warbaahinta Somaliland ka hawlgasha" Runtii xaaladda Koofurta Soomaaliya waliba Muqdisho way ka sii daree,waana macquul wax walba inay ka dhacaan ,dilka waa iska joogto,Isbaaradii waa soo laabatay,habeenkii way adag tahay sida loo tamashle iyo sheeko tago,waxaa laakiin intaas dheer oo naxdin iyo qaracan badan Madaafiicda oo Shacabkii lagu barakiciyay,marka aan kuu soo koobo waxaa ka jira qandaraasyo badan Muqdisho,kooxahii la jibiyay ee Maxaakiimta dowladda taageersan baa qandaraas ku bixiyay in Madaafiic lagu tuuro Itoobiyaanka iyo kuwa reer Puntland runtiina iyagna Naxariis la’aan bay kaga soo jawaabayaan waayoo meesha ay joogaan Addis Ababa maaha,mana ahan Garowe,waxaan ula jeedaa Caruur kama joogto,sheekaduna waxay isugu biyo shubataa iskudarka dhimashadda reer Muqdisho intee dhan tahay.xitaa eeda iskama lahan Maxkamadaha oo kaliya ee waxaa la rumaysan yahay inay dowladda kaalin ku leedahay si Ciidamadda Afrikanka loo soo dedejiyo. S: Daahir sidee looga arkaa Muqdisho dib u heshiisiinta uu Cabdilahi Iclaamiyay in lagu qabanaayo Muqdisho bisha April? J: Walaahi dadka way ku adag tahay inay aaminaan Cabdilahi Yusuf baa dib u heshiisiin dhab ka tahay balse marka aad la sheekeeysato dadka aad ayay u hadal hayaana waxaana loo arkaa wax fiican in shir dib u heshiisiin lagu qabto Muqdisho maxaa yeelay waa Caasimadda Dalka,xitaa Cabdilahi Yusuf sharaf buu ku helayaa taas maxaa yeelay waxaa dadka badankiis qabeen wuxuu dhihi doonaa Garowe ayay ka dhacee dib u heshiisiinta.kkkk laakiin hadii anigga aan kaaga hadlo fikirkeeyga Shirkaas April la iclaamiyay oo ay gudoomin doonaan Cali Mahdi ,Cabdi Raxmaan Xuseen iyo Cali Marguus waxaan u arkaa Riwaayad NINBA TIMA XAMAR,maxaa yeelay Muqdisho kumaba taalo meel ay ku shiri karaan sedex kun oo qof,hadii aanan Goofafka teendhooyin looga sameeyn doonin,mida kale heshiis marka laga hadlayo waxaa iswaydiin mudan yaa la heshiisiinayaa Madaxweyne Yusuf ma ogol yahay in la heshiisiiyo isaga iyo hogaamiyaasha Maxaakiimta,mise sidaas maahee waxaa Xamar lagu heshiisiin doonaa ******* VS ****** sababtoo ah,********* wax dhiba ma qabto cidna la col maaha ,***** degaankiisa waxaa ka jirta dowlad ka madaxbanaan Soomaaliya oo waa Somaliland ,sheekadda waxay u muuqataa in Beesha Caalamka uun dhaqaale looga qaadan doono. S: Warbaahinta Koofurta gaar ahaan tan Muqdisho sidee uga hadlaan Arrimaha Somalland? J : Warbaahinta Muqdisho markii hore wax badan kalama socon Somaliland oo runtii aad ayay u yaraayeen wararka dhinacaas taasna waxay fursad siisay Idaacadii Caalamigga ahaan jirtay ee BBC Somali oo haatan ah ama u shaqeeyso qaab Idaacad shaqsi leeyahay taas oo inta badanba la moodo mid dagaal kula jirta jiritaanka iyo nabadda Somaliland,waxaa laga yaabaa inaysan waxa aan ka hadlayo fahmi Karin dad badan maxaa yelay waxay fahmi karaan marka ay tagaan Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland nabadda ka jirta,horumarka ay gaareen shacabkaas iyo wararka ay BBC Somali faafiso oo ah kuwa uun ku saleeysan iska hor keen iyo la magacbaxday. S: Dahir ma waxaad aaminsan tahay in BBC Somali kula jirto Somaliland dagaal iyo Cuuryamin dhinaca Warbaahintaa? J: Jawaabtayda waa mid sida bisha oo kale u soo muuqato tusaalooyin waxaa kuugu filan Sanadguuradii ugu dambeysay ee Ciidamadda Qaranka Somaliland markii uu diray Axmed Siciid Cige lama baahin ee khashinkaa lagu daray,waan ka warheynaa ,BBC Somali raga jooga kama sino ,waana kala warqaadaanaa maalin walba waxaa Colaadda ugu wayn Somaliland u qaba waa Yuusuf Garaad oo ah ninka hada meesha madaxda ka ah,anigga iyo Yusuf isku reer baan nahay waana ku kala aragti duwanahay Somaliland ,isaga wuxuu ii yaqaan Wiil Qaran dumisa oo Somaliland ku tilmaama Jamhuuriyad ,aniguna waxaan u aqaan Hogaamiye kooxeedka Saxaafadda Koofurta Soomaaliya,waxaan mararka qaar is iraa godob gaara beesheena kama gelin Reer Somaliland ee toloow Yuusuf ma wuxuu raja ka qabaa in loo magacaabo Madaxweynaha Somalia iyo Somaliland, waayoo Shantii Somaliweyn kala tagtay.Jabuuti waa dowlad,waxaana dowladaas dhistay Ciise Madoobe iyo Xanfar,wayna ku jiraan afar Siyaasi oo Samaroona,Cida qabta Somaliland waxay dhaawacee midnimadda mey Jabuuti u yeerto,beelaha dega goboladda Waqooyi iyo Ciise Madoobe yaa badan,NFD Somalida degta tiradeeda iyo tan Somaliland isku miisan ,kilinka shanaadna soo qiimee,bal Caqligaadda xisaabi ee Somaliland hadii ay aqoonsi heleeyso maxaad ku diiday,maxaadse u xaqiree horumarka ay gaartay. BBC Somali waxay Somaliland u diiday inay siiso dhaqaalaha horumarinta Idaacadaha ,tusaale Idaacadda Boosaaso ee SBC lacag ka badan shan iyo toban kun oo dollar ayay bil walba siisaa,sidoo kale Idaacadda Muqdisho ee Hornafrik,uuna Yusuf ka mid yahay Saamileeydeeda labaatan iyo dhowr kun bay qaadataa bishii oo ku qaadataa baahinta Wararka BBC World Service,hadaba maxaa u diiday in la siiyo Idaacadda Hargeysa lacagtaas.waxaa igu maqaalaa in BBC markii hore siin jirtay Xukumadda Somaliland sanadkii toban kun oo dollar,hadana ay ku biiriyeen laba kun oo la gaarsiiyay toban iyo laba kun dollat,dhab ahaantii waa wax laga naxo,laguna qoslo.maxaa yeelay qiyaanadu waxay tahay Solarbaa lagu dhageeysanayaa oo laga hergeliyay Hargeysa oo qura. S: Dahir sida aad sheegtay BBC Somali cadaadis xoogan bay ku haysaa Somaliland ,Wariyaasha reer Muqdisho hadii aad tahiin arrintaas sidee uga garaawdeen? J: Markii hore Wariyaasha Muqdisho waxay isaga heysteen Somaliland meel ay maamulaan hal jufo oo ay ugu yeeri jireen ******,iskana barjeeya laakiin nasiib wanaag hada wax badan bay ka fahmeen waayoo anigga waxaan ka mid ahaa Wariyaashii ugu horeeyay ee tagay Somaliland kana soo diray muuqaal guud oo xaqiiqadda ka hadlaya,wixii ka dambeeyana way sii kordhayeen calaaqaadka labada dhinac,SOLJA iyo ASOJ,haatana waxaa Hargeysa ku sugan Wariyaashii ugu badnaa ee Reer Muqdisho ah kuwaas oo u socda laba Ujeed oo ah inay ku soo qaataan tababar iyo inay soo qiimeeyaan Somaliland,warbixinadooda Idaacadaha iyo Wargeysyadda Muqdisho ayaa faafiyay,dad badan oo jiifayna way ku tooseen maxaa yeelay Seminaarka loogu qabanaya Hargeysa Hay’adii bixineeysay way diiday inay Xamar timaado,maxaa u sababa Nabadgelyo la’aan.markii ay tageen oo ay arkeen Magaaladda qaarkood oo ay ugu horeysay waa farxad iyo rayn rayn nabadeed oo lagu laray hab wanaag maamul. S: Waxaa la sheegay in Yuusuf Garaad uu kaala hadlay inaad joojiso Wararkaadda Somaliland iyo taageeridda kooxo isaga qaniinsan oo ka soo kala jeeda Somaliland,Puntland iyo Muqdisho maxaa ka jira? J: Waa jiraan rag fara badan oo Wariyaal ah iguna yiri waxaan dooneynaa inaan idin dhexdhexaadino adiga iyo Yusuf Garaad oo aysan cadawga idinka faa-iideeysan laakiin anigu waan la yaabay run ahantii maxaa yelay anigga iyo Yusuf Garaad dagaal nagama dhaxeeyo isaga waa Tifaftiraha BBC Somali ,anigana waxaan ahay Tifaf tiraha Waagacusub maxaan ku dagaalnaa ,ma waxaa dagaal ah hadii aanan qabiil ku taageerin oo aan iraahdo war ninkaas waa qabyaaladiiste,waa Hogaamiye kooxeed Saxaafadeed,wuxuu lumiyay oo wasaqeeyay magacii BBC ,sharcigiibuu jibiyay,wuxuu ka dhigay BBC ,Radio Yusuf Garaad,meel uu isaga leeyahay,Wariyaashii aqoonta Saxaafadda lahaabuu nolosha ku aasay,wuxuu maalin walba qortaa mid ku juffo hoose ah,xidid yihiin,ama dano hoose uu la wadaago,ma been baan sheegay,hadii aan ahay wiil iska hadla bal yaa ugu dambeeyay oo Yuusuf Garaad xamar ka shaqaaleeyay,yuu yahay jufo ahaan,intee odaybeey yusuf kala tirsadaan,aqoontiisa Saxaafadda heerkee ayay gaarsiisan tahay? Waa wax laga yaaqyaaqsoodo,dad baa laga yaabaa inay ku fikirayaan Daahir armuu shaqa ka rabay BBC waligeey kuma fikirin,xitaa inaan Wareysi siiyo konton mar baan diiday ,Nairobi,Hargeysa iyo Muqdisho sababtoo ah,ujeedkeeyga maaha in BBC leyga maqlo,aduunka horumar buu gaaray Online,daqiiqad walba wixii ka dhaca Somaliya kala soco,hadiise ay dhacdo inaan BBC Somali ka hadlo Yuusuf oo madax ka ah ,waxay ka dhigan tahay inaan shaqa doon ahaa."Waxaanse aad ula yaabay Wariyaasha u dhashay Somaliland ee BBC Somali ka tirsan hadana aan dhihi Karin Waar wada shaqeynta iyo sharcigga ilaali oo danahaagga gaarkaa haku waxyeeleeyn Dadka iyo dalka reer Somaliland,anaga runtii kama yeeleeyno Yuusuf Garaad inuu wax noo meeriyo,waayoo anigga Daahir ahaan alla mahadii garaadkeeyga waa kobcay,dhaqaalo kagama baahni oo waxaan filayaa inaana jiilkii iga horeeyay iyo kuwa ila simanba gacanta u hoorsaneyn maxaa yeelay waligeey Ganacsade ayaan ahaa,waxaan ka soo bilaabay jeeble Sigaar, Sigaar wareejin hadana heer wacan baan ka gaaray ganacsigii,marka arrinta ku saabsan Yuusuf Garaad baa igala hadlayay inaan joojiyo wararka Somaliland waa iska sheeko raqiisa ,sideebaan ku joojiyaa soow anigga Wariye maaha oo war ma doonayo,soow Waagacusub Warbaahin maaha oo loo samayn in wararka lagu faafiyo,maxaa ka galay Yusuf ma isagaa madax ka ah,jawaabtu waa maya,runtii ma jecli inaan ku fogaado arrinta BBC Somali waayoo aniga maba dhageeysado waa saaxiibadeey way ogyahiin inaana dhageysan oo aanan waqti ku lumineyn fikir hal qof wato in la igu shubo,marka waxaan oran karaa Somaliland waa dal dadaal badan sameeyay ,dee aqoonsigga waxay kala mid tahay dunidda oo Dalwaynaha shiinaha afartan iyo sedex sano ayuu aqoonsi doon ahaa,kadib buuna helay. Qarannews
  7. Empower the average joe and stimulate the local economy. Free enterprise for all. Very low tax for imported goodz. When people are comfortable economically, everything else will take care of them selves.
  8. Duke is out… That was the biggest satisfaction for me. I hate that team with passion and losing it in the first round against non factor WAC team in VCU and their talented yet deadly point guard in Maynor was great to watch I hate their (Duke) little point guard, Poulus. He reminds me of Bobby Hurley. Another duke player I couldn’t stand.
  9. Should the World Legitimize the Independence of Somaliland? There is an underlying problem within Somalia. Most pundits don’t refer to it when they discuss the issue on TV. Nor do the African Specialists when they brief their home Governments. The question is easy to ask but the answer has everyone scratching their heads. The question is what will be the status of Somaliland? First of all what exactly is Somaliland? Somaliland is the area of Somalia that was known as British Somaliland before the Second World War. It was the base of the Allied Effort to restore the previous Government in Ethiopia after it was invaded by Fascist Italy. Somalia itself came into being back in 1960 with the merging of the two regions known as British and Italian Somaliland. However after the fall of the Siad Barre regime in 1991 Somaliland itself was a virtually Independent State that was not recognized by the International Community much to the dismay of the people of that region. While there was a transitional Government in Baidoa and Anarchy in Mogadishu there was a functioning Government in Hargeysa. While the rest of the country became the battlegrounds of warlords stability reigned in the North. But the World still did not notice the calm. But that is changing finally. It is widely known that Somaliland has close ties with Britain. But other actors are also paying attention as well. Recently there has been a mission from the African Union on a fact-finding mission. Those who are trying to seek funding and other aid from the United States have testified in front of the Congress. Similar initiatives are underway to work with the European Union as well. Like every other state in History Somaliland has suffered through growing pains as it grows as a Nation. Currently there are members of a newspaper that are in Jail. Several Groups including Amnesty International consider them to be prisoners of conscience. Freedom of the Press is a basic right in most countries. The quick and speedy resolution of this problem could assist in having the Major Powers recognize the legitimacy of an independent Somaliland. They have been functioning as a Independent State for more than a decade so what is the world waiting for? Source American Chronicle, CA -
  10. "In need of protection themselves" That says it all. Going back in body bags....
  11. In need of protection themselves Ghana president admits death of soldiers. LONDON - African Union (AU) chairman John Kufuor said Wednesday his organisation was disturbed at the violence greeting its first peacekeepers in Somalia, and that some Ugandan troops had been "lost." The peacekeeping contingent from Uganda arrived in Mogadishu on March 6 and were subjected to mortar attacks at the airport hours after they landed. During his state visit to Britain, Kufuor told a press conference held with British Prime Minister Tony Blair: "It is unfortunate that the first batch of troops to have gone there have been met with shooting. "As a result, Uganda has lost some men," he said without elaborating. There was no confirmation from Uganda of any losses. "It's discouraging and the African Union is rather disturbed," Kufuor added. Islamist militants said Friday they had used missiles to hit a plane carrying six troops at the Somali capital's airport. A plane caught fire but officials said there were no casualties and blamed a technical fault. Despite the violence, Kufuor, who is also the president of Ghana, stressed that his country was still committed to sending troops to join the AU force, which should eventually rise to 8,000. "Ghana is not going in there to meddle. That's not the purpose. Ghana decided to contribute just to help a sister African nation try to achieve normalcy through peacekeeping," he said. "I'm hoping that the African Union will not give up trying to assist Somalia (to) find a peaceful way." The AU force is there to protect the interim Somali government and allow for the eventual withdrawal of Ethiopian troops, who helped oust the Islamic courts from the capital last year.
  12. “Doofaar abitkiima daahiro” waa maah maah anigu maan odhan. Xalane you’re another *********** in human coating! Pictures like this only makes people like me more determined about their sovereignty. VIVA SOMALILAND P.S. After that picture was taken, Moorgan became refugee in his own country for 16 years and Siyad baree died in foreign soil with his house being looted. Hargeisa and Buro prosper and became the best little secret of the horn. Now who is the ultimate looser here? [ March 16, 2007, 12:11 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Originally posted by General Duke: Riyaale, Cade regional state leaders. Yusuf national. Waar Rayaale danihiisa ka baxoo adigu imise Madax waynaad leedahay?
  14. Originally posted by Geel_Jire12: I don't really think there is an insurgency in Somalia. A few mortars being fired in a few districts in Muqdisho, is hardly a sophisticated insurgency. There is no insurgency in: Puntland, Somaliland, Bay and Bakool and Kismayo areas. Sad responds!
  15. Are you sure these guys are Ethiopian? How come they have no helmets? They look more like Butland militia to me. Plus, I don’t think Xabashis would be taking video being chased like that.
  16. Are you sure these guys are Ethiopian? How come they have no helmets? They look more like Butland militia to me. Plus, I don’t think Xabashis would be taking video being chased like that.
  17. Are you sure these guys are Ethiopian? How come they have no helmets? They look more like Butland militia to me. Plus, I don’t think Xabashis would be taking video being chased like that.
  18. Originally posted by rudy: . it gotten so bad that many of these business ppl have migrate to Jabouti or are on the process of moving there. It got so rediculous that only less than five business license were awarded since feb07!! ppl just go to jabouti get their license and then just bring back their goods to somaliland. Wow only 5? How did you come up with that number saaxiib? Rayaale isn’t competent president. I agree with you on that one but businesses moving to Djibouti? C’mon dawg. Don’t you know Djibouti has the highest tax rate in the entire region?
  19. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: War, I want to see warka aad dhahidoonto marka adiga lagu kufsado, markaas aaan war kaan sugeynaa and whether or not naagtaada or ninkaana meesha ay kaaga tagaan. Ouch!
  20. Originally posted by Taako Man: ^ It was taken by the Hiiraan Online reporter. I didn't know they were a TFG paid group? Is that what you are insisting? Let me laugh for a minute.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ The welcome today in Mogadishu was warm, You never lie. He was welcome for sure with hoobiye blazing with fire. Yeah that was more than warm. It was hot. Like I said..it's matter of time. "doqoni ma dhiman ayay ku faantaa" Waa maah maah am=niogu maan odhan.
  22. Originally posted by General Duke: I am saying rape is rape and a horrible crime, but even if this incident is true, is it the firts time rape has occured. Remmeber the child Samasm Dualeh and how she was treated in Hargaysa, I bet you was in uproar about that. If the incident is true...R u kidding me? DO YOU HAVE TO GO THAT FAR TO SUPPORT YOUR CLAN GOVERNMENT? How could any SOMALI man condone xabashis or other foreigners to mistreat and rape Somali woman? A mother in this case? There is a fine line between politics and personal issues. That could have been your mother or your sister. Your people are SYSTEMATICALLY humiliated by kufaar and you’re here waving the flag for them do more harm for the sake of your blood s.ucker uncle to be in power. It won’t happen and sooner or later he will be gunned down by one of his own cousins. I guarantee you that. It’s just matter of time. ******* baad tahay aad iyo aad u garaad liita. They should barn your ******* asz from the site by talking like that. [ March 14, 2007, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]