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Everything posted by StarGazer

  1. I agree with you Ameenah, Somali should be the official language. My vote only came after the obvious choice.
  2. Currently Im feeling India Arie's " Can I walk with you". It's tight. N' "Satisfy my soul" by Bob Marley. They don't necessarily describe my current affairs thou.
  3. Admin, pls delete the extra space i've created. ops.
  4. English is not a difficult language to learn in comparison to arabic. It's way too complicated. If the child is taught Arabic from pre-school on, he/she will not lose the ability to atleast read/write. For example, moi, even though I was enrolled in Arabic school all through elementary, I can still read and write. I may not understand it, but that's better than nothing. This works for your advantage when reading the Quran. I'm taking arabic this semester and the grammer is not very easy to digest. English is important in today's world. After it's the universal language. But just like French or Spanish, it can be taught in later years in schools.
  5. People may not like my SPIRITUAL-MINDEDNESS but I don't care. I'm not here to please them but only my Creator.
  6. Depends where you're talking about, back home or here in qurbaha? N' what school level??
  7. Ohh no they didn't :mad: :mad: :mad: . My name is beautiful and I don't believe "I lack an ambition to make my dreams a reality". That makes me what.....a loser? I'll stick to my chinese horoscope, atleast it wasn't as bad n' hurtful
  8. Salaamz to the Nomads, I guess I was a lil late for the party. I missed all of you walaahi. Let's get to postin' y'all.
  9. Assalamu alaikum, I'm with you brotha Muraad. This is the most important section in this forum. Welcome back SOL and nomads. Sure missed ya!!!!
  10. Sensual healing, what you've said is true. Jihaad can take other forms like jihaadu' nafs. Thanks for your contribution....and yeah I got YOU sista. To the rest, you're welcome.
  11. OMG, ME TOOO. My sister's b-day falls on the pig zodiac and of all my sisters me n' her always get into constant fights over everything. hmmmm let me explore some more on what this site says.
  12. Cushtic, see that wasn't soo bad. Good traits. I think am suppose to be hippy sorta chick! :eek:
  13. LMAO, no prez, I didn't use that date. I guess am older than you Oppppppps, I initially used the chart to determine my b-day forgetting i was born in February since "the Chinese year ends on the first new moon of the following year". LoL, I guess am a goat then.
  14. My animal in the chinese zodiac is MONKEY..heheh. It was interesting reading about the monkey, althou most of it DOESN'T describe me. This part is true : "Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics". But I do not crave attention and the constant need to party 24/7. Hey cushtic, u didnt' say yours.
  15. LOL lakkad iyo SOLprez...very funny....keep bringing them on.
  16. guess mine isn't visible anymore >>>>>off to search for anotha. Any ideas?
  17. To clean the nafs of the 68 blemishes listed below is the beginning of good adab which is essential to one's Islam. Ujub - to be proud of one’s spiritual state Riya - to show off Kibr - arrogance Hasad - envy Bukhul - miserliness Kin - to be vengeful Kufr - faithlessness Bid’at- to distort religion and tradition Kufran-i ni’met - to deny the giver of gifts or to belittle the gifts To be disatisfied and complain about one’s state To cease to have hope for Allah’s Mercy To be sure of Allah’s punishment To condone tyrrany and help tyrants To speak against decent people To keep the heart attached to this world To keep wanting to be a leader To expect approval and compliments To fear criticism Not to be able to prevent oneself from wanting Instead of wishing to learn the truth, being an imitator To fawn over people for personal benefit To be happy about disasters that fall upon people, even your enemies To be a coward To be angry To be a tyrant Not to keep one’s word To believe in bad luck To think unjustly about people To love one’s property To be overly concerned with the world and the worldly To be ambitious To lead an irresponsible life To mix oneself into affairs that do not concern one To be undignified Not to keep the time of one’s devotions due to laziness To be shameless To lament the loss of things To gossip To be stubborn To be an egoist To be a hypocrite To cheat To be brutish To be dishonorable in relations with women To be lustful Not to accept one’s error and continue insisting on it To be afraid of poverty Not to believe in destiny or to talk about destiny To make oneself depressed To take pleasure in belittling others To be indiscriminately happy To be insincerely kind and fawning over rich people To be disdainful of the poor To boast and be proud of one’s past To show off one’s physical prowess To belittle others To like to talk long unnecessarily To be self centered in conversation To forget about one’s own shortcomings and be preoccupied with the shortcomings of others To exclude from one’s heart the fear of Allah and the shame and sadness of one’s state In distress to make excuses and to fall back on and encourage the nafs To decline to help in a struggle for Allah’s sake To pretend to be friends with one’s enemy To cheat in one’s work To set traps for others To identify with the world to the extent of forgetting Allah To take pleasure in people’s suffering Not to suffer because of one’s mistakes These are like thorns growing in a barren field and show you the ugly attributes of the heart which surface and become visible. Avoid them and beautify yourselves with the opposite of every one of these faults, because the prayer which pleases Allah and which brings you closest to Him is to have beautiful adab. May Allah exalt us above these diseases of the heart. Ameen.
  18. LOL Lakkad........what a singer!!!We also needs the sisters to sing along, I can't hear you girls.....I'll just clap how about that? *miss shy*
  19. I was considering and still am to a certain degree to enroll in Pharmacy school if option A and B don't work out. Did you look into American schools? I know that in my uni, you can finish your pre-pharmacy reqs. in two years in order to take your PCAT and get in (some schools skip the interview portion). PharmD is a better choice than recieving bachelors in pharmacy for obvious reasons. After all, who needs a boss? Just like any professional schools, alot of hard work and less vacation time is to be expected!!!
  20. StarGazer


    I was considering and still am to a certain degree to enroll in Pharmacy school if option A and B don't work out. Did you look into American schools? I know that in my uni, you can finish your pre-pharmacy reqs. in two years in order to take your PCAT and get in (some schools skip the interview portion). PharmD is a better choice than recieving bachelors in pharmacy for obvious reasons. After all, who needs a boss? Just like any professional schools, alot of hard work and less vacation time is to be expected!!!
  21. LIL Girl, Goodness Gracious sis, aren't we a lil touchy!! Where in my comment did I offend you or attacked your character? Abaayo it was only a friendly advice and if you read my post, I didn't intend to sound rude or anything. Secondly, I don't think it was fair of you to call me and sister Nafisa "low lives" and I hope one day you realize that this sort of behaviour is not encouraged in this site. I respect all nomads here and I think I deserve the same thing from you. I guess I learned my lesson about teasing certain nomads!!
  22. I wouldn't kill anyone cuz am not the giver or taker of life. However if my life was in an immediate danger ie. Freddie Krueger or a rapist after moi, then i'd shoot without a hesitation
  23. Sowwy Cushtic...girl maybe we hang out way too much that we started to think alike hehehehe. Nafisa, lol. Nothing but a friendly advice. I also noticed Mr.Millenium and his string of posts....lord have mercy!!! I got nothing but love for those that recently joined, what a grand entrance you've made.
  24. ..LIL a representative for the nomads on this site , I there by sentence you to ONE thread a day. I know you're excited about joining this site and all, laakin take it easy on flooding the women's corner!!
  25. Come on let's say it together...SAY NO TO PRE-MARITAL SEX.......I can't hear you!!!!!