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Everything posted by peasant

  1. ^War adiga sigaar nocee ah cabtay saxiib Drifters dont count and only the natives, those who inhabit the country surrounding of each city is regarded the soul owners of that territory. Waryaa puntland is a homogenous state just like japan, you can visit and live there but you will never be naturalized unless you are Japanese by blood.
  2. JB Waryaa cut some slack and save the hassel for us, the election was fair and square and the parliament is only made of 50% of the ****-block and the winner walked away with whooping 74%. That will only makes sense for you if you understand numbers very well. Some of the contestants of the ****-block them selves did not have as much votes as he ended up with and the fact he came in the second place attests qabil played little role in this election. P.S. I just want to see you guys replace Riyaale with out causing much discomfort. [ January 09, 2009, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  3. Mr faroole in fact had the most realistic speech of all men contested and he highlighted his involvement and participation in various somali political circles in the past. Definitely this is not a newbie who is going to learn the game while the state is in critical situation but rather in day one he will be in action. As also as advised by yey he will have to make use of the raw talents possessed by some of the candidates like Ilka jiir and Nuradin etc. I personally have to say everyone wanted a different outcome but this one is not a one we will terribly regret either and i am not sadden at all. I liked his overall emphasis that we will negotiate with the Southerns or anyone else and will only accept if their proposals are beneficial to the people of the state puntland or else dismiss them. Ninku waa nin mayal adag qofkuna hadii uu mayal adag yahay waa qof shaqsiyad iyo qadiyad adag leh.
  4. Hunguri everyone wished the General to be the chief of staff of puntland but sadly that wish was never granted. I have also get to say the election was fare and square since the M-block make up only 50% of the parliment and faroole walked away with 74% of the votes. Surely something else had an effect to convince 74% of the parliament to go on faroole side and it was not just qabiil. I my self was not happy with the outcome but it is life and sometimes s#$^ happens..
  5. kudos to all of you and time well wasted!
  6. crafty little b#$@!$% the video is private now. well of course we all know it contains contradictory statements and because of that he hid it..
  7. Marx getting your self tossed off from SOL is one thing and girls pleading with your case to admins for you to come back is another thing but the worst of all must be acting mr tough again and confronting the same lions that tore you apart before like a tasty little wildebeest. Boy this time you better be able to hold your grounds or else you will be a history on SOL pages.
  8. ^ War times Generals are the best to govern . Also the predicted winner Gen ilka Jiir is not just a military General but he also has civilian qualification that will suite him to clean up the mess Cade is leaving behind. ----------------- 1970: Wuxuu ku biirey ciidan xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Halkaasoo loo direy dalka Ruushka. 1973: Wuxuu qaatey Shahaadada loo yaqaan (Millitary Science Degree) ee uu ka qaatey Jaamacad ku taala Odessa, Ukraine. 1977: Wuxuu dagaal galiye sare ka ahaa ciidankii xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Halkaasoo lagu gudoonsiiyey bilado badan oo geesinimo ah. 1980-83: Wuxuu aaday jaamacada (Staff College) ee magaalada Qaahira, halkaasoo uu kusoo qaatey Digriiga Masterka ee Millitary Science. 1984-87: Wuxuu ka dhigayay jaamacada Gahayr qeybta militariga. 1988-89: Waxaa generaalka loo direy dalka Mareykanka halkaasoo uu kusoo qaatey Shahaadada looyaqaan (Strategy & Dicision Making). Gen. Cabdulaahi wuxuu soo noqday taliye gaaskii ugu horeeye ciidanka Soomaaliya wuxuuna gaarey ilaa iyo heer Taliye Qeyb. 1991: Colaadii sokeeye Jananku kama uusan qeyb qaadan, dalka Soomaaliya isagoo lagu tilmaami karo inuu ka midyahay Jeneraalada dhifka ah ee Soomaaliyeed kuwa diiday dhiiga sokeeye. 2000-2004: Wuxuu ka baxay jaamacada Bryan & Stratton College ee magaalada New York halkaasoo uu ka qaadey digriiga xisaabaadka iyo dhaqaalaha (Accounting). source: =4856
  9. Of course you dont speak for Mr Oodweyne but also you cant condemn nazism and agree with a nazi at the sametime unless of course you have some degree of hypocrisy in you. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^Oh his little friend is here to help him. Aaah bless. Take it up with Oodweyne if you have a problem with him, I'm not his speaker.
  10. Just her agreeing with Oodweyne alone is enough to infer she has no ounce of neutrality. Oodweyne, Lol, waa baa yaab and a half, What is wrong with these people?? They can’t be all mad, blind or ******, they can’t all be bonkers. I don't even know.
  11. Fact: Common sense does not prevail on SOL.. First of all for this men to be in mogadishu, someone must have lobbied for that to happen and that someone must have convinced a lot of people that miracles do happen and can happen. So through that someone the hearts of many folks in puntland were won, either be it, a men in uniform or financial contributors. By now you should know that someone is the foundation of the structure and if you rid the foundation then you left with none.. P.S. Southern folks should have known the man was not just president by title but rather someone who could put together strong support base.
  12. I think if the conditions they found in Nairobi and Dubai were available in somalia, somali business men/women would instantly relocate them selves back home. A business man/woman regardless of nationality has single thing in mind and that is were his/her business can prosper and international boundaries mean nothing to them in most cases.
  13. This is one of his latest work: throat singing/rap and here he is performing the art in which he is well known for..
  14. Eastren Sanaag bay ka dhamaan ledahay sheekada ayaantan show melahii kale waa la geli waayey..
  15. I spent indoors and drunk plenty of chicken soup, as far as i remember i never stayed home in a boxing day.. Oh well i wait next year inshallah
  16. probably now they are dumping their wastes openly.
  17. The rarity of black santa! But this one got ideas though.
  18. Eebe ha idiin barakeeyo....
  19. Money man you should try munching on stakes while at the same time taking a big dump ....
  20. I am suspicious about this Farancab character. The dude sounds and posts like JB and more interestingly JB wasnt posting on the general section lately. Does anyone else in here smell fish or it is just my self?
  21. ^ Ironically the two scum bags who perpetrated the murder were native indians by ethnicity. Of course the vary people that should have known better about racism.
  22. ^ It was just the vivid emotions i was after but race was not an issue.
  23. Ar Awbaare iidaa...He annoys hell out of me, but I still love him...He is hilarious most of the times...Everytime he sees me, he tells me the same ol'story about him and my dad being childhood friends...And everytime I listen patiently as if I am hearing it for the first time...I love suu dadka ufoorjeeyo... As far as i know he is famous in the community not just being comic. I have heard he was once a low ranking diplomat for somalia in some place in asia. But his foorjo is what earned him the fame in but i personally dont go beyond the food menu i have heard people with not so good encounters with the fella..