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Everything posted by Juje

  1. It was completely politics sxb. I for once was waiting Osama bin Laden to release a tape a day or two before the election in order to boost Republicans chances, but this takes the cake. It is much better electoral factor support, plus that ****** comment by Kerry the other day Republcans believe this an early christmas present.
  2. Originally posted by Khalaf: if this true how does this change or effect the game? It will prove that the 'maxakamiin' are not 'muminuun'.
  3. A new twist, tales of conspiracy continues.
  4. Charcoal trade on the rise Restricted by their own laws on charcoal production and deforestation, Arab states have taken full advantage of lawless Somalia for supplies. MOGADISHU, 6 Nov 2006 (IRIN) - When the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) first came to power in June, it was applauded for issuing an official ban on the export of charcoal. But within two months, exports of charcoal resumed. Now, the huge volume of trade in charcoal is clearly visible on the streets of Mogadishu, with long convoys of up to 20 or more heavily-loaded charcoal trucks moving along the roads or lined up on the outskirts of the city. Towers of grimy sacks are piled along the streets. The trade in ‘black gold’ is booming. Black gold The period since the collapse of Somalia’s central government in 1991 has coincided with a voracious demand for charcoal in the Arab States, particularly Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Restricted by their own laws on charcoal production and deforestation, countries in the Arab States have taken full advantage of lawless Somalia. Exports of charcoal were temporarily slowed in the mid-1990s when the faction leader in charge of Mogadishu and its port, General Mohamed Farah Aydid, imposed some restrictions on exports. However, following his death, competing factional leaders have openly exploited and encouraged the trade. As the UIC began to take control of security in various areas of southern Somalia from 2000, some local leaders made attempts to contain the devastation. As early as July 2000, a circular signed by Tahlil Mahmud Ibrahim, representative of the Islamic courts of Shabelaha Hoose Region, southern Somalia, banned the cutting of trees, threatening strict punishment under Shari’a law. But charcoal remained available and profitable, throughout the factional conflicts. It has become a critical component of the Somali economy – and is difficult to halt. Moving stocks In Mogadishu, the continuation of charcoal exports is said to be due to traders pressuring the UIC to allow them to finish exporting existing stocks, already committed to export. But there is concern that this is being used as a loophole. "If the UIC were genuinely committed to the ban and not under pressure from the business community, then they would have issued another official statement to end the confusion," said one Mogadishu resident. In Kismayo – the epicentre of the charcoal trade – the official message is more mixed. Just after Kismayo was taken, the local media ran a statement from a UIC representative which said that charcoal exports had not been stopped. According to Abdulkadir Shirwa, a civil society activist in Mogadishu, the charcoal trade in Somalia is 'a dangerous game'. It has attracted a lot of attention over the last few years. In the absence of unified authority, Somalia has become one of the few countries in the world without restrictions on mass deforestation and environmental devastation. Hundreds of kilometres of brush and forest have been turned into desert, particularly around Kismayo and in the Juba area. "This is not a few men with axes making charcoal for local consumption, but large-scale mechanised machine-cutting, which targets an area over a couple of days to lay to waste, and burn," says Shirwa. Local traders, using small, labour intensive methods with axes and machetes, are more likely to operate in the Bay, Hiraan and Galgadud region. Survival economics Small-scale traders, like the exporters, know that the charcoal trade is riddled with controversy. Charcoal trader, Miriam Mohamed Ali, agreed to talk to IRIN while safely hidden among her sacks of charcoal in downtown Mogadishu. She is the sole provider for five children and her husband, and has been trading charcoal for 17 years. "We get the charcoal from the countryside. Some people bring it here and we buy it and we resell to get some profit – but it is just for survival." Because of the improved security since the takeover in June, Miriam says business is better and women feel safer. She says gunmen used to steal or extort money at road blocks, and women were vulnerable to rape. Now, profits have increased because public transport is cheaper without the road blocks. Miriam told IRIN that as long as security was maintained in Mogadishu, she would be willing to find other ways to make money. "If they say stop, we will stop because what we want more than anything else is security. I would do any business to support my family."
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: the determination of the President who will risk his own life to defend his country. Jenerale could you rephrase that into more appropriate one , such as 'The president will willingly risk the lives of thousands other than his own in order to achieve his aspiration to govern the whole of Somalia'
  6. A picture speaks thousands words.Just as the two Sharifs are hugging each other look at the face of Hassan Dahir Aweys that is turning away, what does it tell you?
  7. Xoogsade setting aside your exitement, could you please tell me how this will benefit ICU in any sense? Or other wise how this will avert looming war in which neither will nor gain anything but will result in a dramatic loss of life. Sharif is not here for peace, he is here to endorse the ICU after been humilated by President Yusuf. This latest expedition of him is a show to the TFG that he can make damage. How deep and effective it is will be determined in the International packing the TFG has, and to date it has not declined.
  8. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: waxaa tahay maskiin lasoo qalday, barrina waxaa suuragal ah inaad nagu soo biirtid anakoo ah Xulka Xoreynta Soomaaliya Sharif (bubaye) maad i modey aniga?
  9. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Xoogsade, aniga iyo adiga waa inaan meeshaan qabqablayaasha jooga halmar qabqabanaa intaan IP Addresska ka qorano, guryahooda ugu tagnaa Looooooooooooooooooooooooool...................!
  10. He is a hostage to this two guys... (1) (2)
  11. Originally posted by HornAfrique: but they wanted to take him to Mogadishu today so they could use his military knowledge to fight for them in Bur-Hakabo. You dont seriously believe he has a military knowledge , do you sxb?
  12. MUQDISHO: Maxaakiimta Muqdisho oo isaga soo horjeeda inay baydhabo weeraraan iyo inkale Waxaa socda fadhiyo aan loo meel dayin oo ay Maxaakiimtu uga arrinsanayaan dagaal lagu qaado xarrunta DFKS, taas oo lagu kala qaybsan yahay oo aan weli la isla meel dhigin. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in Guddoomiyaha Shuurada Maxaakiimtu uu ka biyo diidan yahay in Maxaakiimtu ay waqtigan qaadaan dagaal aan loo meel dayin oo dhibaato u keena siyaasada Maxaakiimta , taas noqonaysa mid lagu fashilmo. Horjoogaha dhinaca Amaankada ee Maxaakiimta Yuusuf Indhocadde oo horay uga mid ahaan jiray Qab-qablayaashii Soomaaliya , gadaalna uga biiray maxaakiimta kaddib markii uu taageeray Siyaasadaooda, ayaa isagu qaba in weerar aan gabasho lahayn lagu qaado xarrunta dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya, inta uu wadanka ka maqan yahay madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo waqtigan ku sugan dalka China. Xubno kale ayaa qaba in Maxaakiimta ay si fiican u dhigaystaan hadalada ka soo yeeraya Guddoomiyaha Fulinta Maxaakiimta oo isagu ku baaqay inaan dagaal lagu deg-degin intii Maxaakiimta ay soo gaarayaan taakulooyin aad u baalan oo ay ka helayaan kuwa ay gacan-saarka la leeyihiin. Arrintan ayaa waxay ku soo beegan tahay Waqti uu magaalada Muqdisho uu soo gaaray Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ah matoorka maxaakiimta ayaa lagaran karin juwaabtiisa ku aadan ku duulitaanka magaalada Baydhabo , inkastoo xubno ku dhow-dhow Xasan Daahir Aweys ay sheegayaan inuu aad u taageersan yahay weerar lagu qaado magaalada Baydhabo. Asbuucyadii la soo dhaafay ayaa Shariifka maxaakiimta uu aad u danaynayey in Dagaal lagu qaado xarrunta Dowlada , waxaana hada aad looga yaaban yahay waxa bedelay go'aankiisii hore ee ahaa in dagaal hubaysan lala galo DFKS ee fadhogeedu yahay magaalada Baydhabo. Dhanka kale dhaq-dhaqaaqa Saraakiisha dowlada iyo Ciidamo farabadan oo ka tirasan kuwa dowlada ayaa maalmihii ugu danbeeyey dhaq-shaqaaq ka waday aagaga difaaca goobaha ay kaga sugan yihiin gobolka Bay, waxaana aad looga dareemayaa daafaha magaalada Baydhabo guuxa baabuurta gaashaaman ee ciidanka DFKS, taasoo muujinaysa astaan colaadeed oo ay isaga horyimaadaan Ciidamada Dowlada iyo kuwa Maxaakiimta. Arrin sahlan maaha , hadii Maxaakiintu sida xaqiiqda ah ay ku fududaadaan dagaal ay ku qaadaan Magaalada Baydhabo , waxaana dad badan oo ka faalooda siyaasada Soomaaliya ay ka muujinayaan walaac aad u balaaran oo ku aadan dagaal ka qarxa Soomaaliya.Waxaana la saadaalinayaa in dagaal ka qarxa Soomaaliya uu yahay mid aan wax badan aan ka duwanaan doonin kii ka dhacay Soomaaliya waqtigii madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya kursiga laga tuuray bilowgii 1991-dii. Isha Warka : Qaybta Wararka deg-dega Puntlandpost.com
  13. It does not add up, besides only APL is reporting, none else. Had that happened it would have made breaking News in everywhere. Funny one though. Cayro wanted for the Nairobi bombing lands in there with a plane fully loaded with weapons....give me another one.
  14. True, war is envitable because the ring leaders in both sides are decisive that it will bring about their total domination. Though that is argumentative and am more on the side that there will be no winners in any form of expected war, and the loosers will be the people. And on the other hand unlike you I believe that TFG is right and sincere in its determination to push forward and bring about the total rule of TFG in whole of Somalia. That is what it wants and it has not hidden its agenda. But the motto of the ICU is not true, the intent to estblish Islamic rule in Somalia is cover of what they actually intend to do which is completely the opposite of fair and righteous Islamic rule. Hence sxb any blood split in this war, if it ever occurs, is not justified in the Islamic law as far as my knowedge is concerned.
  15. Ninka qab-qablenimada dhaxal ku heley iyo Odeyga Sharif o mar walba gursiga la ado meshi u is yirah waad ku aman heleysa, hadey labadasi mantey ereyadaan kaso yeren maxaad ka fahmi karta marka kalsonida dowlaada ay ku jogto Baydhabo. Hadu guri dab ka bilowdo nolaha u horeya o ka caroro wa kuwe?
  16. Originally posted by Abwaan: Ilaahoow xukun jacaylka Soomaali badan lagu ibtileeyey baan kaa magan-galnay oo dowlado dhisan la isla meel dhigayo, dadku miyeysan garasho lahayn? Horta ducada amiin ayan ka iri. Tan xigta wadada isku balarshey, dadkana ugu xosheegtey Hiiraan ila iyo Ras-kamboni ma biyo raadis ba mise xukun doon? Mise toda wey kula tosantahey tan odeygaan masakinka ah na wey kula qalafsantahey. Saxiib waxa aad ka duceysaneyso adigey kugu dhex jirane, intaad Rabigi ku aburtey dacad u noqotiid adiga Quran isku akhri.
  17. Originally posted by Northerner: you mean a 'Poppy'? Yes indeed, thank you. But why is he wearing it? The programme did not did not depict nice image of the ICU. On contrary it portrayed a dangerous situation rising in the horizon. It was good of them to say there was peace and tranquility but did u notice the accompanying video which that was the news factor....to picture a country that is being overtaken by what they call Islamic extremist.
  18. ^^Sharaf mashe ledahey adiga, wey qasareen hadey sharaftada uso dagalameen. Malinti e ku dagalamayeen in ay iska seexdan a u ficneyd.
  19. I thought you guys will notice but you did not, can someone explain to me why Buuba is wearing a 'Bobby'. Isnt it scandolous to mourn the dead of British Soldiers that has colonised Somalia particularly North-West Region.
  20. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^The world is more important, the people are sheep. They will follow which ever wolf is stronger. Indeed, the bottom line. Hence you will follow Indhacadde if he emerges victorious and more stronger than TFG, I pressume.
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: President Yusuf is in China so its not just me the world recognises him. Who is important, the World or Letterman?
  22. Ibliis...! wax kale ma nala magantahey....horey aan uu shegey, mugo shartada Allah na motiyo.!
  23. Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane: In war,There is always a winner.I really can't wait for it,the sooner it breaks out,the sooner things will take shape.Its a blessing. Tell me who has won in the last sixteen years.
  24. Originally posted by Sophist: kuwo misiyooni dhaleen oo hooyooyidkoodna gaalada ufuuli jireen ayaa loo yaqaaney marwooyin in xamar cadeey!!!!! wa dheshey widayo...wala isku hos gelina hadalka yah..? Horta benta mahiin Xamar misiyoni bux aad iyo aad..hal aa mesha ku jirto lakiin minaad ka jawabi kartiid...anaga reer Xamar wa siney gabdheheni galada weyna naga gursadeen...ceeb mahiin taas, o bulsho meel wada degta wey is dhex galan...lakiin idinka sual weyn a idin dul saran...galada wey idin dhex galeen lakiin gabdhihi idin kama gursan wa cajiib. Waxaa sual ah marka widayo hadeysan gabdhihi idin ka gursan yey idin ka gursadeen marka? wa sual da' weyno madaxa dalineysa..!
  25. Masakinta kabo la'anta wa dhib qaban...maliina Muse Sudi ayey uu gardinayaan maliiun maxakinta.... wey dulman yihiin Walahi. OAP rights is not in the 'maxakinta's books. Qorax kuleyly ayey odayashi ku gardiseyeen.