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Posts posted by Hales

  1. Alloow alle, aduuno ba'! you keep on writing about this "fledgling democracy" we had. Did we ever have a true democracy or family appointments? have we had an election all over the republic? the answer is NO, then STOP saying all the time that we had democracy in Somalia. Everybody knows those selv-appointed karaaniyaashi and interpreters of talyaanigii in 60's who somehow majority of them hail from one clan and specifically one sub-clan, you know who I am talking about, right?

    Ohhh the Irony :D , anyways allah ha unaxiristo, he tried to take us towards the sucularist communist path despite our culture and religion and mixed Somali nationalism and succeeded for the first 10 years anything after was a shamble of a leadership.

  2. Seccession isnt mentioned anywhere here, by saying wa kabaxeyna TFG' it simply means that they will not cooperate with the government anymore; that would mean the TFG would have no claim over Puntland and it would be a return to Abdiqasims days.


    The title JB used here is misleading.

    It says if the TFG renouces federalism so long as it doesnt there will be unity between the two governments.

  3. There are many, considering that the desert would be an important terrain for Somali generals to expertise in. Preferably read from the likes of Erwin Rommel or Bernard Montgomery.


    For me i go for the classic Julius Caesar.

  4. ^

    Who are against the notion of federalism fully taking root in Somalia

    Ive missed this part

    meelaahan ka waado

    You dont need to have a Master degree in Somali literature to know what the word 'Meelehaan' means.

    Hes referring to Garowes soroundings, and we know that SSC welcomed and held a celebration for the new Prime minister yesterday.


    He already mentioned federalism at the start of statement, laakinse this is something different.

  5. March 1991 was a time when the USC set up a central provisional government and held control of the capital. By then the 'revenge killings' were in full executions, so i have no idea what it would have averted.


    It was in February when secession was seriously considered and discussed, and in April (a month later of the proposal) when the Buroa conference between all the major clans of Somaliland was set up. So the proposal had no validity whatsoever as seccession was made a political priority.

  6. It was funny how the ladies walked away from their own show, usually its the other way around and guests walk away.

    If you know Bill, you would know that even at defeat he doesnt give up. Its his style of arguments which annoy people, not that he is giving an overall good picture of what is being discussed.


    I agree about Glenn Beck, he can be very hatefull plus informal in his talks, must be why the Hilly billies love him so much.


    Theres another Jewish radio show guy called Michael Savage, who was banned from Britain 15-16Mths ago.



  7. Its been obvious that Faroole took part in the pirate bussiness after he accepted bribes of the pirates in his election campaign and has been and has not taken action against the pirates.


    Its possible that A.Yusuf has already giving his views to Faroole and possibly urged or ordered an attack on the pirate base in their meeting.