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Everything posted by ScarFace

  1. Originally posted by Didi Kong: Posh kulahaa, there is none posh about it that's for sure.... YES POSH you should hear me a farah with the queens accent......... care to tell us what tongue you speak.... hahaa Iby watch you get the third degree...but dont worry gurl i got a job for you when you can be my Khat dealer........
  2. Originally posted by ibtisam: Maybe you were happy, healthy and eating well, but there are many who will disagree with you. Well Iby I didnt have the pleasure of growing up in somalia at time......just like you am more fish an chips but with better somali .......but if i could turn back the clock i would definitely want to be in somalia between 1960-1980 when the country was actually something....... not every leader is perfect.....the only problem was he sat on the chair far too long...but thats africans for you
  3. i bet you come out of uni and its about 2mins pick your dacas and run i lie....shiisha....shiiisha.....bad gurl
  4. Iby the fact is somalia wouldnt be the same as it was once before...... look at the difference between now and back then..... the people wer healthy, eating and happy.....some wer happy others werent....different situation....different times...different people....
  5. But as a human rights campaigner I have issues with that man. The problems Somalia is having up to till this day is an extension of his evil actions. I had to laugh human rights campaigner you been eating too much fish and chips....... Dont blame the somali problem on the guy... the man built somalia for the 21 yrs he ruled.....schools,health system and the bloody economy..... he may have done things that are bad thats his wrong doings but dont deny the fact that somalia was a strong nation before the civil war..... get your facts straight woman before you ramp about the man........
  6. ^^^^Oxford street damn gurl never heard of a shisha place in oxford street....... :confused: mantra you talking about the morrocon place on trocodero....the bloody place is expensive....but nice
  7. what about the people before them....surely there was a hero....even if it wasnt written...
  8. loool@MTV you just had to bring up the dss money :mad: :mad:
  9. ^^^^ The afro, chain and the macawiis are staying...i think khalaf needs all the help he can get....SO HELP him out mr PR ADVISOR The card doesnt have limits this farah wants to take all the halimo's on SOL shopping....especially Iby she needs a complete makeover....
  10. ^^^^ whats with the smackin..... I think we got the best accent in the world.... Posh english you cant get better than that..... The imaginary ibtisam i leave that to Khalaf...... Just make sure you down e-road this friday we need to discuss couple of things.... :eek: :eek:
  11. Maddened by the sight of jerry curl khat in his right hand grabbing my habeebti I raise my sword high preparing for blood shed, but like the coward he is he signals his men to leave……before he leaves I warn him if I ever catch you near what is mine you will get an early death…..and as God is my witness a merciless death it shall be. ^^^^^^^^^^ LOOOOOOOOL Khalaf dont get mad son, drop the sword before you hurt yourself..... you sound like a cry baby boy... be a man.....all this Romeo stuff dont work..... ...your so called beloved cant get enough of the green Leaves, the battle scarrrss and my gangiister card which she always askin to borrow............. so let me ask you this question have you got a Gangiister Card?
  12. ^^^^ this awoowe aint confused It was your turn to pay......what happend u a broke *** aint you.....dont worry check plsss :cool:
  13. ^^^^ horta did you get them flowers and the choco's the maskiin got you..... ??? good fo nothing aaa damn gurl did you forget when you was begging for my Gangiister card.... not soo long dont slap the hand that feeds your gravingz......... u shoppaholic halimo.... :mad: as for me getting my *** whooped what you been taking you forgot about the bedroom ruckus we had hehehhehehee see you got short memory
  14. ^^^^^ what happend we supposed to link up @ Beirut cafe....... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. ^^^^^hahhaaa I see I got a fan base on SOL Iby & Yahoo_uk son daddy's back I see you been tryin to go behind daddies back........ well dont worry son I WONT BEAT YOU with my bakoorad i will just step out of the way for you i know you madly fallen for Ibtisam but she dont know you been secreetly sending her the flowers and the box of choco's :eek: ME & IBY wouldnt work out she keeps moaning about how i dont show HER enough attention and always bothering me about me KHAT...... woman leave me and my khat in peace........ :cool: Scarface they guy that called me all those nasty names with coke can and teh khat avator oh and he has a big scar on his face!!! damn thats crazy :confused: what names????? and dont get it twisted you mean the damn sexy battle scar ......
  16. ^^^^^Laughin my azz offf you just my made day The lines he comes up with just :eek: madness Cut that ******** offf hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa
  17. I really do wonder where these kids that have never seen their motherland get this hatred from. the parents where else they tend to groom them with this hatred from a young age.......... :mad:
  18. ^^^ E-road must have caught your eye sxb twice :eek: Jamelia dont really know who wrote it...... looooooooooool @"whagwan sister"
  19. ^^^^^well lets just say that i havent come across crazy chicks without a name thats for sure..... or maybe all the names were taken :cool:
  20. Got this in my e-mail though i sahre it with you's .......... If you're a Muslim and you live in and around London, the likelihood is that you would have had the unfortunate pleasure of visiting the morally bankrupt cesspool of sleaze and corruption that is Edgware road. For the uninitiated, Edgware road (well, part of it anyway) is a place where young hip/cool Muslims hang out, smoke sheesha, chew khat and eat outrageously priced, sub par chicken shwarmas, served by rude arrogant Arab bus-boys who believe that their job title as "Head Waiter" gives them some sort of intellectual and/or moral authority over you. It started of as a place popular for rich, lonely Arabs from abroad, who would bring their white girlfriends to ridiculously overpriced restaurants and show her off to their fellow pervert friends, while, of course, hitting on any remotely good looking girl who happened to walk in. Causing a scene in the process and eventually being thrown out by an overzealous, pissed off "Head Waiter". E-Road (as it is referred to by regulars) soon became popular with Pakistani's, and, more recently, P-Diddy clones (aka Somalis). Over time, something quite remarkable happened. The non-Arabs had slowly begun (for want of a better word) to metamorphosise into Arabs - This spread of Arab culture amongst non-Arabs was nothing short of astonishing. Pakistani's were using words like "yalla", "akhi" and "habibi" in their regular conversations. The tea towel scarf was now being worn with the shalwar kameez...the song "habibi dah" was on everyone’s' play list... men fantasized about one day marrying a fair skinned Arab girl and made plans on how they would take up residence in Dubai once they graduate. The trend continues today, and has gotten to the stage where many have deluded themselves into believing that they actually ARE of Arab extraction, making up some outlandish story about how his/her great-grandfather was of one eighth Syrian. Or, that their "Ahmed" surname somehow proves their Arabian heritage. Morons. You see, normally you have to be careful when making gross generalisations about people en mass, but in this case, the generalisations are completely justified. Take, for example, the now famous E-Road rude boys. They normally hang around in groups of about 300, making the already overcrowded road an absolute chore to get around. They adorn, almost without exception, the standard chavistani attire. Hoody's, baseball caps, low riders and Persil white Adidas trainers… fake silver chains are also common. Their sole purpose (in life?) is to roam the streets looking for their female counterparts (hojabi's) who they will invariably greet with the words "whagwan sister" before proceeding to one of the multitude of classless Arab cafe's where they will practise smoking near perfect rings and indulge themselves in groundbreaking conversational topics such as "why biggie is better than tupac" or "the latest Nokia hand set which has, get this, 512mb space for MP3’s, wicked!" But Edgware road isn’t all rude Arabs, and Pakistani chavs. You also get the more distinguished crowd. The well educated stiff upper lip types. Normally in their mid-to-late 20's, they turn up dressed like metrosexuals models and can usually be found clutching a copy of today's Financial Times. The groups are a lot smaller, not more than 4..a pot of herbal tea can always be found on their table. The topic of choice is usually work (oh yes, I went to see a client in Singapore last week...went to this fab must go) although sometimes marriage (depending on their relationship status) is discussed. For the most part, their manner is a refreshing change from the usual redneck types mentioned above. Although obnoxious at times, the elder crowd tend to be pretty decent folk. Finally, we move on to the elderly. The 60 something Arab men who, rather than spend their precious time with grandchildren, prefer instead, to sit in a sleazy underground cafe with equally sleazy men discussing god knows what up into small hours of the morning. I’m not sure whether they are hard of hearing, but their discussion seems to be more like a shouting contest than an actual conversation. "I CAN SHOUT LOUDER THAN YOU" said one "NO YOU CANT, I CAN SHOUT LOUDER THAN YOU" said the other, using the most gutter form of Slang Arabic known to man. I actually find this particular group quite amusing, especially when they turn the local Mc D's into a social hang out reminiscent of a cafe in downtown Beirut - believe me, there is nothing, NOTHING, funnier than seeing a congregation of about 10 elderly Arab men sitting in McDonalds, eating bismillah hamburgers. You can only shudder at the thought of what the god-forsaken employees at Mc D's must go through - round the clock requests for shisha instead of milkshake, filet-o-fish running out of stock, aggressive men complaining about the lack of salt in their French fries. May god have mercy. Yet, despite all this. Despite the idoits. Despite the atmosphere, despite the distinct lack of class shown by about, say, 80% of the regulars and about 100% of those moroon waiters....I still go there, every week. Without Fail...and I'm not sure why. Am I compelled by idoits? Am I just another e-road stereotype?
  21. ^^^^ your bloody nameless_ whats unique about that?
  22. ^^^^^ Ibtisam is Half/half I hate Half breeds Maybe the 4th/5th generation of somali's will get along more than the 1st/2nd/3rd...... Today must be Hateful Thursday
  23. RED SEA THE WHOLE PICTURE has been cut resized and placed in another picture plus the flag is fake. you can tell it wasnt in the original picture...... This could be the Army trucks of A NEXT REGION........... Originally posted by Abdi2005: This is one funny picture
  24. ^^^ Campaining for the BNP...... :cool: Also, they help who they want, Israel has a similar climate as Ethiopia, you dont see them starving. The difference is that a jew works his *** off they money hungary *******s.....even if they born outside and never seen the country they are tought to go back and invest in the state of Ethiopia gets Millions of Dollars every year a hell of a lot more than somalia but somalia seems to be doing better.... They still starving.... I wonder where all that money went..... Imagine if all the rich african americans could go back to africa and invest...... 50cent spends $1.5 mil on his security every year.......what the f8888ck... that money could rebuild a damn village......and its resources.... see the african mentality
  25. Talk is cheap why the hell do you wanna talk about sex...... :confused: Its not something you talk about but something you experience.......... so you wanna know the different positions.. there's ******* ooops censored ........... ............ ............. ............. Zafir loooool Theres the Anti-Virus dee Works 99% of the time.....