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Everything posted by Suldaanka

  1. Taiwan is offering Masters Degree and PhD for interested students from Somaliland to study in Taiwan. The fields they are interested in are all medical fields, civil engineering, electrical engineering, marine biology etc.
  2. Reer Somalia siday Ethiopia uga cabsoodaan ilaahay haday uga cabsoon lahaayeen, ehelu janah ayay wada noqon lahaayeen. Just watch and learn how Hargeisa does it. Without recognition ayaa madaxa isu wada gelinaynaa. Somaliiland and Ethiopian relationship was built on two pillars security and economy. If one of those pillars gets missing, then we do not need that relationship. If Egypt comes on board along with United Arab Emirates, then Saudi Arabia will be able to also come onboard. As these 3 countries are what is left of the Arab World these days. If they are able to guarantee Somaliland's security and give Somaliland access to their markets, then Ethiopia is not needed at all. Muse Biixi needs to play his cards right.
  3. So it seems things are getting very interesting. The Egyptians want to establish a diplomatic office in Hargeisa and have asked Somaliland to do the same in Cairo. The Egyptians have proposed to upgrade business ties which includes buying Somaliland livestock, also Egyptian fishing companies are interested in Somaliland's seas. These deals will be worked on in the second visit. The most important request was a military base which Egypt wants to establish in Somaliland. Somaliland has flagged reservations about that and further talks are scheduled. The Ethiopian gov't has protested these Egyptian maneuvering in Hargeisa. President Muse Biihi will be playing his cards very close to his chest. Gobolka waan naqaanaa, bahal naga da'wayn oo dad cuni ma joogo. Have no fear Muse, take the necessary step forward that is in the interest of Somaliland.
  4. A close confidante of President Muse Biixi and Director General of Somaliland National Bank.
  5. Another innovative Somaliland Gov't initiative for those serving jail terms.
  6. By the time this whole thing comes to an end, then you will know who the jackass is.
  7. It is an opportunity nonetheless. We've got to make decisions. Hargeisa should look forward not backward and see what are the possibilities. An Arab League recognition is huge, specially with regards to Saudi Arabia and our livestock market.
  8. With Mogadishu throwing its support behind Addis Abeba. Should Hargeisa throw its support behind Egypt? hmm The Somaliland Gov't should press for Arab League recognition of Somaliland if Egypt wants support from Hargeisa.
  9. Taiwan's newly appointed Ambassador to Hargeisa is busy. He has held talks with different ministries, today he held talks with Ministry of Education.
  10. Indeed. The key to this are 1. lower energy costs, 2. investment in technical know-how and new skills i.e. machinery etc. 3. small scale food packaging and manufacturing, 4. Tax incentives (i.e. imported foods to be tax higher than locally produced ones).
  11. We expect you to give them well paid jobs and positions of power that are too good to refuse. At the end of the day, they are Somalilanders. We all know you are only kidding yourselves if you think they will be able to change Somaliland's course. But hey! Whatever rocks your boat. So long they are eating well in Mogadishu, why not? kkkk Just look at this guy, from a NGO field officers to Somalia's Supreme Court Chairman. What a transformation. When they return to Somaliland with $$$ and lodge for Presidential Pardon with President MBC office, then they will be able to build the best houses and invest that money in Somaliland.
  12. I understand where you are coming from. But Since fresh produce is a perishable product there is little incentive for the gov't to purchase it. I think what the gov't can do and it is just started doing is to help farmers on availability of their produce, teach land management techniques and coordinate regions to schedule on different times of the calendar so they do not all harvest the same product. Availability is a huge problem which is why the gov't won't stop imported goods.
  13. It is getting interesting in Mogadishu. There are rumours that this was an insider job. A coordinated one. But just missed its target by few minutes.
  14. The UAE has the backing of the South Yemen Government. These islands where and still are part of South Yemen terriroty. So it just beats logic that they want Somalia to claim these too. Besides, Somalia itself is at the receiving end of neighbouring countries claiming its territory and it can't even defend itself. The whole article reads like a joke and someone's fantasy dreams.
  15. Minister Seed, one of the most hard working ministers in Pres. MBC's cabinet. For the first time, Somaliland Gov't has purchased back the surplus wheat and Sorghum produced by Somaliland's farmers. The surplus food will be stored by the gov't for use in the years ahead when the need arises.
  16. Wuxu tusaale fiican u yahay qof kasta oo kao-qaad u noqda shisheeye oo xiniinyo aanu lahayn rag la hor taga. Xabashida waxay dhaqan u leeday kolka qof ka dhinto dad u baroorta ayay suuqa ka soo iibsataa oo per hour lacag lagu siiya. Reer walba intu afford/awoodi karo ee dadka baruurta soo kiraysto ayay isku qiimeeyaan heerka dhaqaale ay leeyihiin. Waxaan xasuusta Tigre maalintii uu Meles Zenawi dhintay dadkii loo soo kiraystay inay ka dul ooyaan/baroortaan maydka Meles Zenawi inu Cabdi Ilay ka mid ahaa. Kabo-qaadnimo inay queue daafi xabashida ka badbaadinayn ayay tusaale u tahay.
  17. The last few issues have been agreed and the road is now paved for the elections for Local Council and Parliamentary in 2020.
  18. Inkaartii kugu dhacday if iyo aakhiro. Waar aamin soo qora.

  19. So who are the National Security Council of the White House. Rageh Omaar