Sherban Shabeel

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Posts posted by Sherban Shabeel

  1. Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

    quote:Ani koley hadey is qaawiso iyo hadey James Bond movie ka qeyb qaadato wax igama galin, ilaa iyo hada waxaan dhaafi la'ahay the way ee gudniinka usheegtay in the movie...The whole cutting 'inner' and 'outter' then sewing whatever that's left together baa iga dhaadhici la'...If that's the case, what's there left to sew baan fahmin?

    She didnt exaggerate. She is on point. *
    Warning: Graphic The cutting of the inner she is talking about is the *thing* they cut off first, then they scrape it clean(or attempt because there is muscle under the fat?), then they tighten the opening even more, then trim the labia :eek: What people dont understand is, this is a MAJOR surgery thats being performed by people with no medical training.



    It is no HER dirty laundary but rather that of a sick society and it needs to be exposed. She is NOT alianating anyone worth attracting. If the mere fact of her occupation has people running for the hills, then those arent the type to take on this kind of struggle to begin with.
    In other words, she's had her clitoris removed?


    That's pretty cruel and sick, as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Ibti,


    Everything I said in reply to your post was strictly in reply to your post, which I still find wack no matter how many times I go over it. What I said isn't an observation about you in general, but about that post which denotes an attitude I'm criticizing.


    I never said I'm not interested in a conversation, I said I don't have the energy to argue with you when you come at me with a very rudimentary understanding of my faith and then try to say "well, look it's so different than mine!" How could you know it's different when you don't even understand it?


    LOL, what? Are you suggesting I believe in more than one God? Or that I don't believe in the hereafter? Or in all of God's prophets and all of his books?


    I couldn't care less how extreme you are in your beliefs, but please do inform yourself before you start mocking saints. Just as your comment about the model Iman shows, you assume that I'm as ignorant about Islam as you are about Christianity, you're projecting your ignorance on me. Think again.


    All that being said, please do know that I like you as a person (from what I see on this forum) and I wish you only good things in your life.