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Everything posted by Jaabir

  1. Excuse me ya all but to me the whole feminism thing is a different word for insecurity.. I mean why would you fight to stay liberated if you believe you can take your own decisions and live life the way you want?? I’ve noticed that most girls mature out of that once they pass 25 years…. U live,, U learn they say..
  2. Alaah ha oo naxaristu qabrigna ha oo nuurio.. Ameen, Ameen, Ameen...
  3. Jaabir


    I m done done beating his a$$ this was my turn . . . . . . . . and this was his turn
  4. Jaabir


    Originally posted by stpaulchick: On of the employees beat him twice and he wouldn't reveal it. But another employee beat it... my boss didn't figure it out....she actually wanted to just see what the gypsy does when he loses. Maan.. seems ya all having fun.. lol i wish i worked there
  5. Ilaaahu oo danbi dhaaf.. qabrigeeda na oo nuuri..
  6. I would believe she refused the C-secition surgery had she been a slim model who never had kids before, the women is about 200 lbs with 3 kids, I don’t think she cares much about a scare that could be perfectly hidden between flaps of her belly..
  7. Originally posted by Ore.: Husain Al Jasmy Bawada3ak this is my all time favorite song...
  8. Any Kaadim Al saahir fans in here?? :rolleyes:
  9. Originally posted by underdog: Waryaa Darman, shidaal aa meelaha la war wareege, kuligeen na dab aa noo shidan. suicide bomberkii falastiin joogey aa nagu noqotay. Hadii aay wax kharxis kaa tahay, is waal, jiniyo isku rid ee "bul" ku dax sii. Waraa ha ii sheegin saxib.. meesha wa wada FBI ee.. anyways.. saxib shidaaalka waan iska dhigaa, laakin sheekada hadii aad igu keen keen tiin.. meel aan shidaal ka su qaato ma waynaaayo
  10. Originally posted by LANDER: If that is the case, y'all know the sideaffects to that right...let just say his girl wouldn't appreciate it. loool.. waraa his teeth remind me with ..... what was his name.. humm.. yeah.. Tiger Woods lool
  11. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: Devil's advocate if u don't start.. it won't be.... are you daring her to start the battle with you? lol muran jeclaa ninko..
  12. Originally posted by Sophist: Thus Spake lol
  13. Ameenah.. how about "Farta ingliiiska adiga lagu galyay" from Qabyo I
  14. Originally posted by stpaulchick: I pesonally think that women that make themselves lighter just to be "more beautiful" need to realize that their scaring the sh** out of everyone. And then their lips are dark as hellllllll ...ew ew ew. Why do u want to ever look that? looool why dont they apply the magic Diana solution to the lips too??
  15. good topic hibo.. i shall drop my two cents later insha alaah as i have to catch a class now..
  16. Originally posted by x_quizit: Darman, Qasim Amin is widely known as the father of feminism and a liberator of women's rights in Egypt, at the end of the nineteenth to the early 20th century. He called for the emancipation of the woman and to reinstitute the rights that were granted to them by Islam. His first book on this subject was " The Liberation of woman and the new woman". He advocated for the importance of educating the woman, because without her, society won't progress fully. A lil' short history on him, if ud like more info, u can read more about him in his books. 3 thanks Walaashiis
  17. Always interesting, always creative masha alaah.. thanks for enlighten us Brother Nur. p.s. Nurtel Company looks like a very profitable institution with a sound future.. tell me how I go about buying some shares from your company?
  18. Jaabir

    Mrs Rudy

    Originally posted by rudy: here is the thing i kept asking myself! why and why go thru this life being single & miserable! coz thats what are, when u r grownup & is single really! hey, just find someone u kind trust & go 4 it! u will never regret it! aint that how u came here! True that saxib... i wish you the best of luck with the pops.. just grab a couple of elders to represent you, have em all talk politics for a while, then tackle your issue..
  19. i just cant understand why you ladies are wasting your time with these two guys? !!!
  20. Originally posted by 719: 'Arnold Jammac-negger' in the making eh? lol good one saxib...
  21. Originally posted by somealien: are you sure this part was also in yr text book? “ Son, there is no way in hell we can satisfy everybody, lets just do what we think is right and screw them people” its a lil too eloquent for a 2nd grade text book, no? My bad.. i meant 8th Grade.. :cool:
  22. Originally posted by king_450: I really hate this, Mr Socrates, was trying to do just good by offering a Lift,and what did he get back ,socratism ,lol ,the brother is a somali guy, come on ladies don't ever equate somali men to any men.Unless you can prove Mr socrates means harm Brother King.. an Arab man named Juxa and his son were riding a donkey in their way to a farm they owned.. two women passed them by and Juxa over heard them say “god.. don’t these tow guys have any mercy, what they think they doing putting all of their weight on this poor donkey in this hot weather” Juxa ponders about what they said and gets off the donkey and lets his son ride while he walks besides the donkey.. few minutes later tow men pass him by and they go”look at this disobedient son, he is riding the donkey while his dad is walking bare foot” Juxa thinks about that again and decides to ride the donkey and makes his son walk” few minutes later tow women pass him by and sure enough he over hears them say “What a heartless father… he is riding the donkey while his young kid is walking barefoot under this blazing sun” Juxa gets ashamed of himself and decides to walk along his son with the donkey unridden… again two men pass him by and Juxa over hears them say “what a stup!d father and son.. are they taking the donkey for a picnic? Why don’t they ride him” So Juxa gets pissed off, looks at his son and says.. “ Son, there is no way in hell we can satisfy everybody, lets just do what we think is right and screw them people” * So if Socrates passed by the Somali sister without offering her a ride, a group of nomads will consider him an un-nationalistic butthead for not helping out a Somali sister walking in a subzero weather (btw it was snowing real bad that day), and if he offered to give her a ride and got rejected, another group of nomads will still consider him a buthead for offering a ride to a girl he don’t know” So i guess there is no way one can satisfy everybody... * Copy rights reserved to my 8th grade Arabic literature txt book