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  1. I second NGONGE, well said. Here we ‘re, condemning the west for introducing condoms to people back home!!! Don’t you think the criticism is upon us, for not providing practical help and coming up with initiatives to educate our people, without the need for condoms? Has anyone of you returned back to our homeland recently? If so, have you noticed the amount of unwanted children as they were born outside marriage? How many young girls are beaten up because they fell pregnant outside marriage? We are talking about girls as young as 12. I went back last year and an incident made me ask questions out of curiosity. There was a newborn baby dumped at a pharmacy doorstep, near the place where I was staying, however, no one seemed surprised. Naturally I asked the question, does this happen often? I was told yes, and babies are taken to the hospital or “odhfana”, where they receive very little care and support. I reckon we should make contributions to our homeland by educating those less fortunate, before we can criticise the west.
  2. Here is one of my old time Qarami favorite, however, Mohammed Mooge will remain on the top. Lacageey - Faisal Cumar Mushtiik
  3. I just like to point out few things, why are some of the brothers here running away from the initial question? Why is the answer being tied up to men marrying 4 wives? Guys, Allah, permitted 4 wives when the man can look after and satisfy the needs of his current wife emotionally and financially! This very thing leads to family brake up and divorce in the Somali society. The issue is why is it a problem to have a divorced sister as your first wife? Don’t run away from the question and say only if I could have 4 wives!! I personally think that the divorced brothers should marry the divorced sisters. Come on sister you’ve already had your pick of the rear species of the eligible Somali men