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Posts posted by Jacpher

  1. I have not read the whole 11 or so pages on this thread but even if I did, I wouldn't understand most of them. Lots of Sijuwi in the house I guess. No offence or insult intended. I have lived in Kenya & Tanzania for a year or two and my Swahili wasn’t good but I could get by. But whatever jokes you’re writing here, I don’t understand them.

  2. Muhammad Siddeeq Al Minshawi is my favorite recitor. I think I was exposed to his tapes in my childhood and I learned the Qur'an mostly from him. I used to listen him almost every night before morning dugsi. If someone plays Minshawi now, the hair of my skin stands. Few years back, some roommates of mine used to listen Sudaysi/Shureym/Abdiwadud Maqbuul and I think they spoiled me. Now I am lost. While Minshawi remains in my memory forever, I tend to listen different Sheiks which isn't good. If I want to prepare SUBAC, I would listen to Cabdulwaduud. In the car, I listen to Munshawi & Sudays/Shureym. I heard that xudayf is the best when it comes to pronunciations of the words, MAKHAARIJ XURUUF.


    Anyone knows a site that has the complete Quran of Cabdulwaduud in mp3 format for my mp3 player? I have seen on islamweb.net but in .ram .ra (real media/audio) format but not in mp3/wma/wav format.

  3. This must be the strangest thing ever happened to the guy. I have heard waa loo diiday but never tan weyn guurso. I guest the family didn't want the older sister to be gablan (no offense).


    I don't want to say anything negative about the family but these kinds of practices are outdated specially the Somali communities abroad.


    I think the finally story could be that the guy turned down the offer which is what anyone of us would do, thus leaving both sisters back to square one. If that’s the case, is it possible the family didn't really wanted the guy to marry their daughter?

  4. Those cameras ruined my clean record of driving. Eight years of driving and not a single ticket & moving violation, just a dozen of parking tickets. I opened my mailbox the other day expecting a bill or a letter, but never a ticket worth over $140. I think I’ll request to see a hearing officer. Those camera suck! Can you believe they printed in the ticket that I run on a red light, which isn’t a entirely true? I made a right turn (had the signal on) on a one-way street, which is legal. The problem is that I didn’t stop, but yielded and continued to turn right. The light was yellow but immediately turned red. The camera recorded my plate as if I was running on red. The good thing is that the city lets you view the video clip online, which I did. It appears my fault is that I didn’t completely stop before I made the turn. You can see from the clip that I slowed down but not fully stopped. I don’t know what they will say but I am gonna fight to keep this ticket off my record. Any advice?


    If your city has Stop on Red Camera like Minneapolis, take this seriously. Be careful. They know by law they're supposed to have the sign showing a camera is installed but they put them in an angle so the trees hide the signs.

  5. The girl needs help not stalker. I can’t believe SOL is turning slowly into Somalinet. The girl seems to be serious about finding her lost family roots. Kaba soo qaad inay tahay walaashaa!


    Good advice Caanogeel bro.


    England Gal, the best way to find your family root is to make a physical contact with Somali families in your area. I think you can start by contacting either the community center or the mosque in your town. Ask to speak with the Imam directly. He may forward you to some elders who might belong or know someone of your mommy’s clan.


    Be wary of any online contact you make, you never know the outcome.


    By the way, don’t feel bad or shy about this. You’re not alone. My uncle adopted a son that was left in a middle of a farm during the war. His adopted son never met his biological mom and dad. Though he has contacts with the relatives of his mom & dad, I don’t think he’ll ever leave my uncle or stop calling him dad.

  6. Originally posted by Femme Fatale:


    For me, a man is old when I see visible gray hairs. And a woman, when she has more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.

    Does not sound fair. Men tend to develop gray hair at younger age; some in 20s, and women show facial wrinkles at later years.


    Hibo: Being a nomad gives you all those experiences. Some of us walked 300+ kilometers in Habaar Waalid, spent days in the jungle and/or held in captivity, probably lost family members, traveled around the world, 4 or more countries, went to colleges/universities and not that old. Some of us can relate to these life changing experiences if not most of us.


    55? That’s just 15 years after the peak of your manhood. Wisdom is what counts I think, not age.


    Caano-geel: What category do you belong?

  7. Originally posted by P_508:

    ducaqabe bro, Mecca is a duty not a vacation...

    I was in the country for vacation, not duty time sxb. It’s a holly city and a historic place to visit if you’ve the time.


    I’ve been to Zanzibar and I’ll admit it wasn’t easy to get in, not your typical African country. I forget the name of the place but I remember dining in at a restaurant, sitting almost at the seashore and watching the World Cup on a big screen TV. Good place to be.

  8. That would be a sad thing to do brother. Please don’t be discouraged by others. God knows what they intent for. Did you not know that Allah will reward you not only for what you give, but also the shares of those whom you advised to give. Walaahi I think this is a big reward for you and all of us. Please don’t hold back the information just because some of us criticized you. This hurts the young girl and all of us. People will always find something to say about you (us) and you can never please everyone. For this reason, choose to please Allah & people will respect you. Sadaqa is one of the things our religion instructs us not to second guest. I was taught if I give something with a good intention but they end up somewhere else, my Niyah counts and insha’alah you’ll be rewarded for what you intended.


    Please post the account number and the Xawala name. That’s all we need. Even if what I give don’t reach the intended target, I’ll still count it as Sadaqa.

  9. Please share with us your best vacation destination if you don't mind.


    Mine...........well I am still searching. I went to Saudia a while ago for vacation and I loved it, especially my stay in Mecca. I want to try camping, canoeing and kayaking. Maybe mountain climbing or ice fishing.

  10. Fidel


    Whatever you've been smoking can't be good for ya. I wonder if you sucked those Air Dust cans out coz Office Depot run out of them. They said the Air Dust are the hottest way of getting high now.

  11. Originally posted by nafta:

    So why would we get offended by the term "Abeed"? Haven't we got our own terms such as "Jareer" and "Addoon"?

    I don’t know about you but I think most people will get offended if not get physical.


    Abeed & Jareer don’t have the same meaning and not used in the same manner, at least in my dictionary. Abeed means slave while Jareer refers to a physical appearance. We mostly use Jareer for describing a person not putting them down. and I am not in any way supporting the use of these words. I stand corrected.


    I think nomads don't use these terms as often as Arabs use.

  12. I think it's a good idea to as long as it's planned ahead and organized well.


    As for safety, I’m sure JaceylBro and Fidel won’t mind doing the escort, just in case the sisters need.

  13. Congrats! Happy 200! It's kind of better to say happy 1000 posts but does not really matter.


    No Problem MR XOOLO-err ANIMAL FARM .

    But you shoulda kept that avatar of the pig.

    Are you the SOL animal rights person or are these guys just giving grief.