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Everything posted by Naden

  1. Are we sharing too much information on the internet? What about social networks like SOL? I know that many of us make a habit of sharing our daily wiles and worries. Are we sharing too much and putting ourselves at risk? Or are we gaining even more by doing so? I think we are being forced to share so much vital information. What is a mystery still is who is collecting this information and what they intend to do with it. I find that identity theft to take your last 15 dollars out of an account is less of an issue than a giant database shared by marketers and governments alike. I have a dispute now with PayPal who've hijacked some of my money out of the blue. To give it back, they've requested every piece of vital information short of a blood and hair sample. Outrageous :mad: I will be damned if I give them anything more than I foolishly have at registration. Social network sites are a little different but information is still being collected without a clear understanding of who has access.
  2. ^^ I'm telling you, marriage is the secret to clairvoyance! LOL. Kool Kat, bitterness (and its close relative, envy) are usually stable traits. The bitter single woman will probably be bitter when married if her husband makes less than her best friend's hubby. Quality of life (which can be enhanced by a good marriage) is a different issue.
  3. The topic would have probably been fine but seems like Clever-Trevor very cleverly hid the vomit in his original post. It's come out a little later in 90%/10% proportions. You see, a few female posters may have differing opinions with the poster, and before you know it, they are defensive and resistant to history's teachings. And miraculously, Ayan Hirsi is in the topic
  4. ^ No doubt. 'Guumays' or 'guun' are abusive words, not fit for use in this or any other time. Most people want companionship and a good marriage can improve the quality of a person's life. Worrying about marriage by a certain age is just foolishness; compatibility and readiness to support a family are much more important.
  5. ^^ I think marriage is worth trying at least once, in the very least you can acquire those supernatural powers of knowing what some single women want 'deep down inside'. An old sage once said that we see the world not as it is but as we are.
  6. What a tramp! She should get a job and make her own damn money. She could also consider sweetening the pot a bit. Nobody wants a baby-making, bloated wife anymore. She should advertise an uncanny ability to move laterally amongst business people, gathering trade secrets and ruining reputations by keeping suggestive photos. She'll then be a double-edged sword for these money hungry b@stards.
  7. LOL @ Cara. Imperial Majesty Naden the Deipnosophist of Leighton in the Bucket Bucket, my foot
  8. Samir iyo iiman, Val, ilaahay ha u naxariisto.
  9. Pujah, samir iyo iiman walaal. May she be forgiven and may her family and loved ones have patience.
  10. Good on them. Private enterprise and group practice are the way to go. Now they can be a good source for others as mentors and internship supervisors.
  11. Q: 'How do you eat your food?' A: 'With my left hand and the tips of my fingers.' Interesting.
  12. ^ LOL, indeed. My eyes bugged out when she said she was 162lbs. I guess when you make 260 million dollars in 12 months, even your scale is a yes-man.
  13. I wish these stores would sell large size mirrors as well. Some women need to understand that just because you can draw breath in a pair of jeans doesn't mean you should wear them. And what's with men's muscle shirts, the ones 3 sizes too small? Sizes mean nothing now because every one on TV is starving thin and most watching TV are beluga whale fat. Even Oprah with her NYSE-sized hips claims to be a 12.
  14. I think perfume is exactly what Islam should encourage since muslims are always one whiff of cadar or one strand of hair away from a quickie with a stranger (horndogs!). Pheromones are the real culprits, that je-ne-sais-quoi funk that attracts a desired mate and repulses all others. I suggest muslims should break a bottle of perfume on their heads, the more pungent the better. No pheromones, no zina. Problem solved.
  15. Another new study, conducted by Princeton University and released in August of this year, found that since the 1960s, men have cut back on activities they find unpleasant, but women have not. Score 1 for men for removing unpleasantness from their lives, no wonder they've been getting happier since then. If some women stop being such people-pleasers and control freaks, they too will score high on these happiness scales. Of course, the manner in which life proceeds may be different but who cares, beating men in the race for happiness is more important.
  16. Shoes, in general, tend to be tighter when put on the wrong feet. Toddlers struggling with balance gain a slight advantage and have a steadier step if they can hang on to their shoes.
  17. ^ You should've seen me in my younger years, about didn't exist in my dictionary .
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ That photo in your avatar suits your character. How so? Or could she really have a neck that big? , I think she was blowing her competition away.
  19. What a sanctimonious and self-righteous i*diot! Not surprising in our times of superficiality and religious hysteria.
  20. Cara, a favourite horror story in Somalia when the power went off was the one where a hitchhiker is picked up by a taxi or a truck driver. The hitchhiker discovers, to his horror, that he's been picked up by the devil who dramatically shows his cattle legs (cow or goat or sheep, depending on the teller). For some reason, it was very scary for a 9 year old.
  21. Xiin, it is astonishing that you (or anyone) would make such a global assessment without qualifiers such as useless for me or useless in finding paying work in a specific place and specific time. While reserving judgment on the business of higher education in the US or the politics of employment, education is what the person gets out of it. Arts, culture, music, philosophy, history, and many others are the very soul of humanity's journey, reflecting upon and documenting it. When it comes to making a living, most people need to learn a 'trade' before, during, or after a BA or a BSc. if they choose to pursue them.
  22. ^ Guaranteed job upon graduation in Engineering? That will be a first. Nothing is guaranteed and the job market fluctuates depending on where you live, the school you've graduated from, and the internships/practicals you've undertaken. Neither degree guarantees work, high salary or high demand. Like Caano Geel said, if you love what you are doing, you will probably excel as a student.
  23. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for Allah? Wonder which polling agency did this little statistic and how they defined 'stand up for Allah'. I love these little stories that bring images of quiet, starry nights in miyi with people gathered around talking about the latest angel sightings (or was it men with cow legs sightings?).