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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Xaaji X would have said, "these are not ethnic Somalilanders!!"
  2. lol@Shirweyning with your self..Good one!
  3. Daqane dhibkiisu waa dowladii inuu dadka iska xijiyay, haddana leh Soomaali oo dhan ay matashaa aan ka ahayn D--roodka qaxay. Bal maxaa diidaya ina Youtube iyo internet ama Coffee shop grievances qof ka dhiibto? Qof loo joojin maayo iyo bootata kuwii ka horeeyay aa ku dumay. Dowladdan waxa horyaal siday kuwa ka biyo diidan ay tuhunka uga saari laheed. Kuwa taageersanna aysan wax dulimin. Haddiise ay noqoto waa tookadeenii, hadda waa giraantu ha wareegto sideedii.
  4. ^I was on the opinion that you will be going back to Xamar cadeey and reclaim your Bilaajo Carab duplex, what changed Not only do you need people with connections(clan and men with guns), but you will have to spend $$ to have people evicted from your properties. And of course rebuild it and then sell it or rent it. Is it worth it, guess it's personal choice. And If there is farm that is involved, you will have a better chance of wining the lottery than having it back. Winners are keepers! The demographic of Somalia in general and specifically in Mogadishu has significantly changed for the past 2 or so decades and may take generations to have things back the way they used to be. Personally, I wouldn't risk my life or limb to live, invest, or otherwise in that part of the country for the near future. Those who are willing to do so, I say good luck. As for the D-block and none Mogadishu block, fight for the bigger pie I say, the foreign Aid and loan given to Somalia and taken by name of Somalis. Let that be share equally or else let this Somalia thing fragmented into tiniest pieces.
  5. There are cases where some looted properties have been returned to their rightful owners, but to suggest that you would need only a proof of ownership to get your properties back is far from the truth. And I know this first hand. The government may be saying the right thing, but it neither has the manpower nor the will to enforce anything on the ground. Let's take an example, few weeks back the president (Hassan) has announce or rather issued a degree to evict people from occupied homes. Inna Yeey's empty land in Buulo Xuubay area was one of the places that has been cleared and supposedly given back to his family. 2 weeks after that, another group has moved into that same block of land and the government has yet to do anything about it. My own relative has been in Mogadishu for the past 3+ months to reclaim homes and land, and it's still ongoing saga that may not end in near future. This is so messy subject and needs more than cyber fadhi ku dirir.
  6. Maaddeey, bal horta dhagayso hadalka gudoomiya, markaas su'aal i waydii. Sawirka waxaa la qaaday 4 bilood ka hor mar Horseedmedia waxay qortay inay 3 maalmood ka hor la qaaday. Roobka laga hadlaayana waa dhamaadkii October iyo November bilowgeedii ee 2012. Google is a good tool to look up archived news. Adiga wararka fowda ah ee "Carradaas" ka imaaada waa ku raaxaysataa miyaa and you were disappointed the news wasnt true.
  7. Horseed Media misrepresents and falsifies my picture: Mohamed Jama Tigey ,Mudug Governor Galkayo(Puntlandi)–Mudug Regional governor Mohamed Jama Tigey Has strongly refuted and condemned what he called Horseedmedia’s falsification of news and images of him. Talking to the media in Galkayo, he said that Horseed Media misrepresented his picture and the entire story about Puntland Political Parties. On Thursday Horseed Media published news article about how Galkayo People opposed establishment of Horseed Party office , depicting a picture of Mudug Governor holding AK47,by sayig the governor tried to Protect the office of HOrseed Political association by gun. “ This was un ethical, it is a deliberate attack of the reputation of respected figure in the society. This shows their ignorance about media knowledge” said Mohamed Jama Tigey. He said the picture shown on Horseed Media was taken on 3rd November 2012 when he and accompanying administration officials trying to take part cleaning campaign during rainy season in Galkayo. “ While I was cleaning the water with my pare hands, a soldier took the shovel from my hands and asked me to hold his gun for while , but Horseed Media altered the meaning of the picture by saying the governor was defending Horseed Party by using a gun… Mr. Tigey said , Galkayo people are peace loving, and they had enough experience of civil war. He said Galkayo people had respecting elders who will never let them down. Meanwhile the governor said, the office of Midnimo Political Association was installed in Galkayo, while others are going to do so as soon as possible. “ Every party has a right to open its office in Galkayo, Galkayo is for All Puntlanders” said the governor.
  8. Governor Tigay's response to the false allegation and the falsification of his picture. Read it and listen it below. Gaalkacyo (Pi):- Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Mudug Mudane Maxamed Yuusuf Jaamac ayaa wuxuu si kulul u beeniyay sawir looga been abuurtay, sawirkaasi oo uu Gudoomiyuhu sheegay in uu yahay mid xadgudub ah oo uu daabacay website-ka Horseedmedia. Gudoomiye Tigey ayaa sheegay in sawirkani sida lagu tilmaamay uusan ahayn oo laga been abuurtay, wuxuuna Gudoomiyuhu tilmaam ka bixiyay sawirkan xilliga la qaaday, xilligaasi oo ahaa xilli roobaadkii aanu soo dhaafney ee bishii November, xilligaasi oo Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug masuuliyiin uu ka mid yahay ay ka shaqeynayeen biyihii roobka ee dhex ceegaagay afaafka hore ee Bangiga qudaarta, xilligaasi oo uu Gudoomiyuhu gacanta ku hayay qori uu lahaa askari ka tirsan Dawladda hoose ee magaalada Gaalkacyo kaasi oo gurayay dhiiqadii roobka. Gudoomiyuhu wuxuu sheegay in uusan qorigaasi ahayn mid shalay iyo wax u dhaw la qaaday, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in Horseedmedia ay u taagan tahay in ay ka been sheegto arimaha gobolka Mudug, isagoona shaaca ka qaaday in ay website-kaasi maxkamad la soo istaagi doonaan. h2>Hoos ka dhagayso wareysiga Gudoomiyaha
  9. Why singled out the women? How about Somali men in 60s versus today's men with the sagging pants or ones with the Sarwal Khamises..Naga daaya dee
  10. Being pious doesn't mean you are knowledgeable. You could be pious person and yet ignorant about the religion you so loved.
  11. lol@NG, Granted that there is cultural sensitivity with asking an Arab man the names of his womenfolks, but in the Somali culture, it all depends the context in which or how the question arises. For example, if I were discussing with someone I know about something related to our families, and this question comes, then I will just tell him the name. I am not a/an Saudi/Arab, so answering that question will not be an offensive to me or my family.
  12. Nuune, Saudis are in a state of paranoid saxib. They believe the Iranian threat and take it serious. Dont blame them as they are being fed by the west and sold them all the arm junks. lol@drones hovering over mecca. Why would would they need drones over Mecca? Protecting the holly place from who? Crazy
  13. ^^ That's justice for the rich and the powerful.
  14. Nuune, that's for the public consumption, bro. You think UK would have agreed prison swap with Pakistan or Nigeria?
  15. ^So what's in for them? Why would they release a convicted murderer? Deal has been done under the curtain awoowe. If not big contracts, then it has to be some sort of impunity ( or special status) given to the British citizens living in the Kingdom..
  16. I don't understand what the Saudi government and the Saudi male society in general are so afraid of. Why cant women drive or go out on their own?
  17. Transfer my foot. I doubt if this human trash will serve a day in prison in Saudi Arabia. So who do the UK government trying to fool? They (UK) must be getting something in return for releasing him. Shame on you.
  18. "Try the Bell" was the headline in one of London's tabloids. Nothing biggie just a silly humor
  19. The president is setting the government's plan and the PM is touring the towns. Have their roles reversed? !! Haatu, C/wali? Former PM or some other C/wali?
  20. Saudis and all of the gulf countries were US ally. US has bases all through out these Gulf States so why should we be surprised with this news. Soon there will be base coming next to your Tuulos.
  21. Innaa lillah Wa innaa Ilayhi raajicuun. Former Puntland Vice President has passed away this morning in Nairobi. llaahay eheladiisa sabur ha ka siiyo. Aamiin. Madaxweyne kuxigeenkii hore ee Puntland Xassan Daahir Maxamuud 8Afqurac) ayaa habeenimadii xalay (21/01/2013) ku dhintey Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya halkaas oo ku xanuunsanaa bilihii u danbeeyey. Xassan Daahir Maxamuud ayaa ka mid ahaa dadkii wax ka asaasey Puntland sanadkii 1998, waxaana uu ka mid noqdey Xildhibaanadii u horeeyey ee Baarlamaanka Puntland isaga oo noqdey kuxigeenka kowaad ee Guddomiyaha Baarlamaanka. Marxuumka ayaa in muddo ah ku jiray Isbitaal ku yaala dalka Hindiya kadibna Naroibi ayaa la keenay, markii ay xaaladiisii ka sii dartay, waxaana uu jiifey Isbitaal ku yaala Nairobi oo lagu dabiibayey. Tariikhdiisii marxuumka oo koo ban ayaa ahayd in uu ku dhashay magaalada Ceerigaabo sanadkii 1946 wadankana ku dhameeystay ilaa iyo waxabarashadiisii sare kadibna waxa uu waxbarashadiisii Jaamacadeed ku soo bartay wadanka Ruushka isagoo soo qatay Shahaadada Engineering of Petroleum Geological kuna shaqeeyey muddo badan Waasaaradii Macdanta qaybteedii cilmibaarista, Marxuumka ayaa waxbrashadiisa sare ee Master Degree ka soo qaatay Magaalada Monterial Canada Jaamacad ku taal oo la yiraahdo McGill University oo uu sii dhameystery wax barashadiisii Petroleum Geological. Marxuum Xassan Daahir Maxamuud ayaa sanadkii 2005-2008 loo doortey Madaxweyne kuxigeen kadib Markii uu jagada Madaxweynaha ku guulesystey Cadde Muuse Xirsi. Bahda Horseed Media waxay tacsi tiiraanyo leh u dirayaan dhamaan eheladii iyo qaraabadii Madaxweynaha iyo guud ahaan Bulshada reer Puntland.
  22. Hawas of Somalia rock. Kudos to all of our hardworking women forks back home.