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Posts posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Despite the rhetorical gestures and the warning from the west, they will never throw Kenya under the bus. She is too important of an ally and being the largest economy in horn/east Africa, with the newly discovered oil in the Rift Valley, Kenya knows its importance to the west and will play its cards well. This emerging power house will be kept onside regardless of whether Uhuru is on its helm or not. Remember the allegations against his running mate have already been dropped, so expect all charges against Uhuru to be dropped as well..

    Western interests will always have greater importance than 1000s of African lives.

  2. Abtigiis, welcome back horta, saaxiib.

    While you were away, NG's C is E mantra has taken a toll on so many SOLers, hence the decline of the quality of some discussions you see in the political section. But honestly speaking, I don't think if the usage of the clan names (Pirates,HAG,Mirqaan and what not) is the problem, but rather it's the angry more militant like newbies or scripts if you like, who literately take one's banter as a threat to his clan and would retaliated with vulgar.


    Dont get me wrong, having a heated discussion with anyone including the scrips is a good think, and that's why we are here, but ya jameec, tone down the clan bravado for the sake of the site...

  3. ^Awoowe, dicaayada marka laga tago, niman uu maamul xir xirtay waa jireen, laakiin Gaalkacyo iyo Boosaaso meel community laga xigsado maaha, horayna uma noqon. Adigaa ma cid Gaalkacyo kaaga badan ama kaaga xiran baa jirta. Siyaasad waa la isku qabtaa, laakiin niicdan iska socota oo reerkan OG aa la daba socotid maxay tahay?

  4. Gooni,

    Sayid xukun boqoetooya ah bay is hayeen, reer isma heyn. Reerka nuskiis daraawish bay ahaayeen. Bal Gambool iyo raggii Bender Qaasim dabka gashay haddaad taqaanid, gabayga aad jacburisay soomaadan qorteen. 3 qoluu u tiriyay oo Bari wada taga.


    lol@ ma duleeyay and malaysan korin.


    Haddii uu noolaan lahaa Sayidku, sidii awowgaa buu waa "xujoobay" oran lahaa ;)

  5. gooni;936041 wrote:
    Reer barigu sayidkii ma amaani jirin meelna uguma magac darin weligood, iskool qardho ku yaalana ha ahaatee!

    Waxaase is weydiin leh jacaylkaan kusoo boodada ah iyo sawiradaan aan horay loo arag?,,,maxay tahay waxaan ay karinayaan oon qiiqa lahayn?

    Daraawiish/Sayid Ilig/Eyl illaa Bender Qaasim buu deganaaa, qalcadihiisuna wali xaedhan yihiin, marka muxuu uga baahan yahay in iskuul loogu magac daro? Sayid iyo reer Bari xukun bay isku qabteen, ee nacab ma dhex ool.

  6. The moment adeer Xassan disowned Al-kabaab, so did Maaddeey!! And if the meetings in Qatar ends in success and adeer is to be brought onto government fold, Maaddeey will be singing "ku dayo adeer ku dayo, ku dayo dowladda ku dayo..." :)


    Waraa haddaa iskaga hartay AS waa kheyr...

  7. MMA,

    It was stated in the report. It also says that the majority of those interviewed were from the regions mentioned. Read some of excerpt below:

    "The accounts of people displaced from Bay, Bakool, and the Shabelle regions of south-central Somalia, who are primarily from the R***** clan and the B****minority group, show that these communities are particularly vulnerable to abuse. Gatekeepers and their militia treat them as second class citizens, and subject them to various forms of repression, including frequent verbal and physical abuse."


    "A June 2012 IDP assessment in Mogadishu found that 60 percent of internally displaced people originated from Bay, Bakool, and the two Shabelle regions.[51] While an accurate picture of the famine-affected population is not available, it is believed that the majority of IDPs from southern Somalia displaced as a result of the famine in mid-2011 were from the ********* and Bantu communities.[52] Human Rights Watch’s research focused on newly arrived displaced persons in Mogadishu, therefore the majority of the interviews were with members of these communities. "


    "Gatekeepers and militias profit from the displaced communities in other ways. They threaten to confiscate the tents provided to IDPs by international humanitarian agencies, to control their movement, including their ability to leave the settlements or camps. Several displaced women said that they felt as if they were hostages of the gatekeepers. As a 40-year-old woman said"

  8. Xiinow, astonishing indeed. In the report, awoowe, it states that the majority of those IDs in Mog camps fled from Bay, Bakool, Lower Shabelle, and Middle Juba. These are the regions government wants the locals to put their fate in government hands so it can impose its direct rule over them, yet it cant even protect poor IDPs in Mog camps. The irony of all.


    Btw, where are those elders and MPs who were screaming their lungs out on certain clans mistreatment in PL? Why this news/report isnt their concern?

  9. Xiin, this dude is clutching at straws. No wonder why he's digging on old article full of hearsay. Let him vent, I say!


    Che, watch that video and see at the end the foreign diplomats congratulating Farole.