Warrior of Light

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Everything posted by Warrior of Light

  1. Pray for things may change and our ppl have the patience ans not lose hope. Its so inhumane.
  2. About the lecture, if our Bro Nur will agree on doing the honours.Hope we will be informed atleast week ahead. So Nomads (i being one of them) can be prepared. Thanx for the effort.
  3. Underdog, that must have been the toughest lesson they have ever received.
  4. lol abdilaadif heard that taboo but dont know if its true. Heard another one that girls are not allowed to eat liver or other internal organs(which i know not of).Reason???? never got the answer.
  5. Ameenah Ive passed that margin Ive just hit 27. I know the consequence of my actions, a sacrifice I decided to take. Wont mind thinking about marriage in 2 yrs time. Though I beleive before that the pressure will be on me.Allah knows better. One thing I have of advantage is im very far from all my family so I dont get any reminders. QQ--Why is it that most Somalia guys think a woman who decides to get married beyond 25 the abilty for them to have childeren diminishes. I'm sure u r aware Khadija RA was able to have 6 children after the age of 40. Sis, what you said is true but biological it has been proven that woman hits 25 she is in her most fertile state but after then onwards her reproductivity starts to diminish slowly. Being born female our she eggs have already been created and stored in the ovaries and diminish with age. On the other had men - he eggs are reproduced freshly once they hit manhood. It is for this reason prenatal monitoring is done when their is the risk of the mother being aged greater than 45.
  6. Abu Huraira narrated: The Prophet SAW said Avoid 7 great destructive sins' People enquired 'O Allahs Messenger what are they? 1. Enjoin others in worship along with Allah(shirk) 2. practise sorcery 3.kill life which Allah has forbidden except for a just cause (according to shariah) 4. eat up Riba(usury/interest) 5. eat up an orphans right 6. show ones back to the enemy and fleeing the battlesfield 7. accusing chaste women who never even think of anything touching their chastity and are true beleivers. Sahih Bukhari
  7. wonderful idea Nafsa. Will be first Islamic lecture in english ive participated in person.
  8. She was crying for attention . she needs to be evaluated by a psychiatrist.For real, there are such medical disorders where ppl do dumb or take risks to make a point- A red banner saying paps, ma I need help , u havent been paying attention 2 me. Or she may have an impulsive disorder like ppl who set fires or are destructive, though it wouldnt favour her as she planned it thoroughly. She may have been in depression or psychotic - creating her own fantasy world, she may have been on drugs who knows. What she sure needs to do is lay on the couch and be diagnosed either by a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist. Maybe the real intention was she wanted to commit suicide but she couldnt bear it. Oh if u ask me - i call it a dumb move.
  9. Man, down here there is no such thing as an all womens gym. I would have made it my second home .I walk and try to work out from home, which is sooooooo boring even with my favourite music. so now its like whenever i feel like it. And I have put on some weight(H&T&B) though everyone says i look ok.(BMI is in the normal range) As the weather has cleared im back to B-ball throw some hoops then off to classes.Still need to perfect my serves for volleyB end up with sore wrists too. Guess got to put more effort.
  10. Somealien thanx sis . I second that rudy, she sure is something that lady. Hope she comes out with a new album too. Nobody has taken her spot.
  11. I despise men who have no religious values nor do they show respect. boastful,to proud to apologise even when they are wrong. tell lies or tales on girls just to smear the girls name. look down even on their fellow brothers. who forget their family nor respect the elders who are either jobless, gamble, smoke, drink or eat khat who are players, who know that everyone else know who they are n still try to make a move on u guess thats enough
  12. Ameenah sister its just another phase in life. Myself have relatives asking ma about the possibilities. Happy to say got cousins in their 30s n still not married although have started to pray for them to get married . My own dad jokes about ol man in badiya but in reality the aim is one -get that education. You can let the biological clock to tick for a while. In the end it is Allah who provides children to who He wasnt.They are just another Amanaah. Inshallah, as wife , mother, companion and an wise,educated person u can make changes in ur family unit and the community as a whole. I beleive in the hadith in educating a woman is like educating the whole Ummah. So dont let this teasing get to you. Inshallah youll met a man of ur calibre or better and fulfill your part of Iman and deen. Dont sweat it give em a broad smile and pray to Allah when the time you really need to marry may He provide you with a suitable suitor.
  13. Surviver sis thats the best thing to do. Remember my dermatology prof telling us alot of ppl are misinformed about acne and because of that they use alot of over the counter products then call on the doc after their skin has got spoilt n ask for advice. Hope ur be assisted and treated in no time. Jasmin, Im on the Reaccutane program now -Vit A . It is really working wonders but im trying to fight its side effects. I dont mind the skin dryness, lips cracking up, the epistaxis... its the depression which comes with it thats killing me. Trying to keep myself as motivated as i can. One of the tactic they taught me is imagine urself in a couple of months time. True when i reflect back my skin has changed , scars have minimised skin getting smoother my hair is no longer oily... My dermatologist told me there maybe a possibility of having a chemical/mechanical peeling done if i wont be satisfied with the results. Im trying to be patient . Coz everything has side effects.
  14. Well ive never had a weird craving Alhamdullilah. But have seen alot of cases of Pica. Raula that was sound advice . Sisters if u cant take the pill you can try the liquid formula doesnt taste good but works. Coffee and tea do reduce the irons absorption in the body so its adviced not to have them together with meals wait for atleast 30 minutes. Just want to add if a guy has anemia the first thing to be thought should be internal bleeding or a tumor.Beware.
  15. For a happy life, *IMAN: Allah promises pure and happy life to whoever with true belief. *OCCUPYING ONESELF: Helps to keep your heart away from anxiety and sorrow. *DONT LIVE WITH THE PAST: Grief always is over the past events that you can not bring. *LET ALLAH MAKE YOUR FUTURE: Your hands are too short to bring it. But be prepared! *REMEMBER ALLAH: No impurity will remain in your heart. *MENTION BLESSINGS OF ALLAH: You will find how extremely small unpleasant things you face. *THANK ALLAH FOR WHATEVER: The calamity that befell you took you away from the worst one. *HAVE STRONG HEART: It will never be troubled by illusion. *BELIEVE NOBODY IS PERFECT: Bring to mind good characters of your friend when you find the bad one from him/her. *NEVER SHORTEN YOUR SHORT LIFE: Moaning are opposite to real life. So live the real one! *WAIT NO THANKS: Do good to everyone but then know you deal with ALLAH. *DO THINGS IN TIME: Otherwise they will pile and join forces to oppress you. We better let this email move!!
  16. was not that bad. Had him to tap dance cool moves
  17. Sundus, observer ,Rayaana thank you all. May Allah also provide you all with Good health and prosperity and firm Iman. Rayaana sis thanx wouldnt mind the hug from a sister. Live in turkey. Youre welcome to visit already in summer
  18. Loooooooo wondering how he is going to disinfect it. :eek:
  19. Thanx for the info sister. Jazakhallah kheir
  20. Sister , İ also suffer from pimples or medically called acne - if not vulgaris its papulocystic. I would advice you to see a dermatologist - skin specialist. Ive had to use alot of stuff from oral contracteptives to antibiotics now im on Vitamin A tablets but all were prescribed by the doc. What is usually done they check your hormonal levels sometimes if u have high levels of androgens causes the oily skin and pimples so the hormonal level needs to be kept into control.(OC THERAPY) If its not the hormones they will start u on an antibiotic plus topical medication therapy program for a trial of 6 months if doesnt work out ull be given Vitamin A -isotretinoin. Whatever medicaton they give you has to be monitored as all medication does have effects on the body. can be the liver, fat profil... so ull be called in for checkups. In my case im now on Vit A tablets im doing fine Alhamdullilah but go for my checkups , the oilyness has also decreased. You have to take extra care with the over the counter stuff they affect our skin. Something else diet is no longer accepted a cause of acne - its ur genetic make up which matters. So u can eat as much chocolate as u like.
  21. SOPHİST , Mashallah Mabruuk wish you all the best in your new beginning.
  22. Nur liked the answers to the fly question.You have broaden my horizon. OG_Girl guess bro Nur answered them all. Would like to add an extra answer to qn no.4 you dip the other wing in to and continue drinking the beverage as one wing is diseased the other wing has the cure.
  23. Fellow nomads Asalaam aleykum Its my birthday and had a lovely day. Had friends first invite my over for tea - a natural cosy environment no fuss nothing, ppl not dressed up just sisters chitchat over cups of tea , biscuits and cake. Then other friends invited me over for dinner which ended as a surprise ,lovely stuff mashallah well had a cake for desserts. Last went 2 watch a movie The butterfly effect with another dear friend. Movie was fascinating So ended up being a day sharing with dear friends. Well my family did call me Abo with his usual joke the guy from badiyah with his herd of camels lookin for a wife. Ma her usual self reminding me of the reality of life .. something i love her about. as age increase means death draws near and responsibility increase. :eek: Well just felt like sharing, the unique thing it was the simplicity of it all. May Allah bless their souls. Amin
  24. I know your all still young to face this ordeal unless youve got it in your genes(heart disease) or eat alot of fatten stuff. Please just store this info in ur hard disk (brain) may come handy. > > > > > > > >What to do if you have a heart attack while you are alone. > > > > > > > >If you've already received this, it means people > > > >care about you..... > > > > > > > >The Johnson City Medical Center staff actually > > > >discovered this and did an in-depth study on it in > > > >our ICU . The two individuals that discovered this > > > >then did an article on it ... had it published and > > > >have even had it incorporated into ACLS and CPR > > > >classes. > > > > > > > >It is very true and has and does work. It is called > > > >cough CPR. > > > > > > > >A cardiologist says it's the truth...For your info. > > > >If everyone who gets this sends it to 10 people, you > > > >can bet that we'll save at least one life. Read > > > >This...It could save your life! > > > > > > > >Let's say it's 6:15 p.m. and you're driving home > > > >(alone of course), after an unusually hard day on > > > >the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. > > > >Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your > > > >chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and > > > >up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from > > > >the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you > > > >don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. > > > > > > > >What can you do? You've been trained in CPR but the > > > >guy that taught the course, didn't tell you what to > > > >do if it happened to yourself. > > > > > > > >HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE > > > >Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart > > > >attack, this article seemed to be in order. Without > > > >help, the person whose heart is beating properly and > > > >who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds > > > >left before losing consciousness. > > > > > > > >However, these victims can help themselves by > > > >coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep > > > >breath should be taken before each cough, and the > > > >cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing > > > >sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a > > > >cough must be repeated about every two seconds > > > >without let up until help arrives, or until the > > > >heart is felt to be beating normally again. > > > > > > > >Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing > > > >movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood > > > >circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart > > > >also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, > > > >heart attack victims can get to a hospital. > > > > > > > >Tell as many other people as possible about this , it > > > >could save their lives! > > > > > > > >From Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via > > > >Chapter 240s newsletter "AND THE BEAT GOES ON ...." > > > >(Reprint from The Mended Hearts, Inc. publication, > > > >Heart Response)
  25. Having the story set in Saudia Arabia i can agree %100 that its true. Man, that guy Farax sure was noble. Controlling his anger and his face. Thinking of the situation at hand wouldnt mind marrying a man of his calibre but wouldnt be him. Since he has already been cheated on he may have those feelings forever.