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Posts posted by raula

  1. Exactly Flying still..why are you copying the U-hockey riots..atleast we won something-dang! 2 back-to-back NCAA hockey tournament...wassuuuuuuuuuuuuup!..nah! Iam not supporting the riots..its really scary if you were here when the bigots were destroying the campus street lights,littering the neighborhoods and causing chaos all over.


    Hey, but I hope we have some kinda celebrations :D (clean-fun)..on our homecoming game..against the badgers(minor cheeseheads :D )anywayz..this year watch out for the Gophers :D:D

    Mobb deep..u gon be there or what ;)

  2. El~nino...wicked *** ..waryaa u've been spending much time watching the domestics in St.Paul campus(U of M) hah??? looooooool...Man, if anyone is a gopher and takes classes over at St.paul campus...how is that smell in the mornings :eek: awful..lailaha...it kills the mood... :eek:


    too bad Iam not into Vet medicine..otherwise I would make sure I took classes from that professor :cool: ;)

  3. Lol Mobb deeep..atleast Cedar area is more diverse..U of M campus(my 2nd home) and World-wide cultural festivals every years(especially now). But I like the 'model-lady'..is she modelling somali attire????? :cool:


    Jamaal-11..are you sure that aint you with your 'mobile' outside the store.... :D;)


    I also see Ameenah.. :D;) working in the kitchen redface.gif , trying to feed the hungry souls of SOL's in southall....kiddin'...keep your day job sis...

  4. Aplus..yeah I agree with you...but we need to talk..anywayz,..u know bout LF..nothin' serious.. :Dicon_razz.gif


    Ameenah!.galfriend you are being swept away by a big ocean current.. smile.gif I hope you know how to surf ;) :cool:

  5. Zak..what is it...coz you aint that sexy bold brotha they got in mind...lol ;) kiddin' but me..I think bold guyz(and I mean somali)are a very sexy..especially once they got that musculinity and height to go with...Ooooweee!! :cool: BY the way, I almost hit on my uncle(distant uncle) who has just the described features above and on top of that got some unique sense of humor and wonderful personality...not to say that damn he makes mad cheddah!..(ofcourse educated-MBA and Computer science)..so I go visit my Habo(his mom)whenever I get the chance...looooooool ;):D .

  6. definately experience might be useful if one has the mind and personality to go with it-i.e. she can differentiate the good from the bad, the dont-let-the-same mistake happen it again ...however, all that experience will flash down the drain if the individual cannot recapture just what caused the first divorce. Therefore, my point here is if one doesn't realize that next time maybe things should be done/handled differently or atleast a change of attitude if the cause was entirely yours, then that individual is not different that an ***** (forgive the language).


    Personally, it dont matter if the person is married or not(has/has not have the experience) but the character, level of communication, sense of understanding and patience one implements in a relationship whether married or not. So, my brothers and sisters, plz, dont marry a single mother just coz she is 'experienced' than a regular single woman,but marry for the qualities she's got and the ones she brings out in you :D .

  7. well said Bishaaro...very nice input indeed...

    The nature of some of the somali models or ~68% of the somali women is not a matter of exercising or calculating how much calories they consume :rolleyes: ...(like the western world).but its their genetic makeup/framework, climatic conditions and nutritional guidelines that contribute to not only their worldly beautiful, sun-kissed choc-bronze skin :D;) but also structural bodies. Like Bishaaro also said..its healthy! but Iam not advocating for extreme malnutrition to the point of disorders such as Anorexia nerphosa..etc.


    Having said that...Kool Kat mentioned something interesting...why dont somali men become models..since they are the majority of the skinny/slim ones out there??? :rolleyes: ;) I think they will get along with the gender-bended level of specialization...hah??? :eek:

  8. I agree Jaylani..very disrespectful..However, my keen eyez are on...the Vikings Vs.Packers :eek: ...Lord with the current fuss over Hovan and Favre..I there will be a brawl once they Packers get here..Is on baby!! It will be team Vs. Team..but I gotta mention though..the Packer boys(cheeseheads) got some cute-a$$ boys...Whefff!!!


    On the other hand, Collegebowls..here it comes...go gophers!!! :D:D we gonna party like ...

  9. OG-Moti..walaahi u cracked me up..with that Fat-lady Joke.. :D I thought it was only in the US that have a major Obesity problem...Allaha kusahlo aboow...My advice is REVENGEonce you get big...lool


    Rudy..U talking bout MN??..kiddin' :D Good looking out for Slim Ladies.. :D;)

  10. Like Kool Kat mentioned it..this is my criteria:-

    1. Sense of humor-has to be natural, not exerggerated-

    2. Background- Religious and educated are key elements for me

    3. Perspective on life-their general outlook of life-should have priorities

    4. Passion to helping others

    5. **Height** :D -this is kind of weird but atleast in some conversation along the way as i get to know the person-he is gotta be tall and built healthy..Iam really hopeless and disinterested when it comes to a skinny bro..(Lol--sorry but its applies in my case) :cool: .

  11. Melts if given special treatment

    :D;) ....I wish all Men would do this-then we wont be so bitter.


    Samples are unable to conduct electricity as easily as young samples.

    Definately this is true ;):D ....except under the influence of 'Methane' as Siman mentions...good tactic gal..reppin' it for us....I like that.. :D:D

  12. Barwaaqo,

    Thx sista for the explanation, very well said indeed. I guess I didn't make myself clear in the beginning (my mistake). But as LEFTY put it, I wasn't talking about culture and customs/values, but the fact that every community/society has its flaws(even without the factors contributed by war and other calamities). To be honest, I would sound redundant, but LEFTY has explained it clearly. There is nothing wrong with holding one's culture to the highest standards and code above, buy denying that you are just like any other; boasting that you are the best and others are surbodinates is just plain ignorant and selfish. I dont mean that you mattered to that (Barwaaqo) but its just that some people once they hear other horrific acts committed by others think that the somalis/somali culture is "untouchable" and "pure". Ofcourse, religion and different customary and family values hold us different from others but keep in mind that we are all human beings; fragile and capable of committing the most horrific, dispeakable crimes. By the way, its only human beings who commit the horrendous acts against any other species in this planet; atleast to my knowledge.


    The above comment is just a general statement.

  13. salaamz,

    Darman and all the other nomads that feel like I have attacked them verbally, or for this matter, those that think Iam jeolous(not at all ofcourse), I was just trying to tell my muslim brother that it would be best if he re-phrased his post in a different manner without judging and separating an UMMA. Ofcourse, he might have encountered or felt that the list of people mentioned are more 'polished in religion' but even Allah says in the Quran, do not judge for you will be separating/segregating.


    Darman, walaalo, I apologize if you saw me harsh, but walaalo what I meant was just what latefah said..dont judge. Is that a big deal?


    Shujui, and others I have no problem if the brother some sense of gratitude.

  14. Salaamz, I believe Darman that u truely adore the nomads that u have listed..however, what I smell is a contradiction in you post. You might have met or not in person some of the nomads here in this forum.... but please do not exaggerate one's quiteness or upbeat-quickness to post a topic/reply, to come to a mere conclusion that can overule others persona and characteristics. I believe we are all human beings, created from Bani Adam, who have unique and different characteristics that make us beautiful. Plz, walaalo, DONT JUDGE FOR YOU ARE NOT THE CREATOR. U DONT KNOW SOME US, AND WILL APPRECIATE IF YOU DONT CATEGORIZE US TO THE GENERAL MASSES.



  15. My suggestions would be..get any video by some Zairean singers..the most famous..Koffi Olomide :D:D , Papa wemba, etc....and just copy what the ladies in the video are doing..I guarantee you would lose weight and learn some rumba/lingala...better than that belly dancing shakira does...definately :D:D

  16. :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: :confused: ..I dont know by what u mean NOTHING...I dont know where u have been dozing in..but bro..with that mentality..maybe that's why we've got domination-surbodinate problems...get it?? :rolleyes:

  17. Acuudhubilahi...people stop quoting one another..this even creates more confusion and complications further. Bisinka, Iam speculating that some people are contradicting themselves by not sounding or telling themselves that they dont sound judgemental yet they qoute and categorize one already to belong to some sort of "genre". Ya Allah! personally, I think there are some p'ple who like to respond to everything-Walee waa yaab. :eek:


    For me, Like Lefty said, I think I would rather see someone say something useful, than rather say all the listings he gave already..as in " I agree with you 100%" and such.

  18. Barwaaqo, thx for sharing the stories.

    Honestly, Iam confused about the whole somali-nice notion. Even though I didn't grow up in the country, I used to hear all this nice/good deeds/values about Somali people, but after the civil war, I seriously dont know what to believe. I mean, I have heard of some horrific, mind-jittering horrandeous tales that till now, have not yet settled in my mind. All, I can say is that, when one truely believes in the Islamic teachings and guidance, they will be able to escape the temptations of evil-doings in this world. But alhamdulilahi, I haven't come across such an incident yet, and I hope not...



    I once read (long time ago) a book called: Not without my daughter by Betty Mahmoudi. In USA, I think they even have an old movie that potrays the story...but this doesn't quite capture the exact true essence of the words in the book.