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Posts posted by raula

  1. @Malika-Green is one of my favs as well.


    As for the topic. I married my 6th kusband :D a while back & I am sure you'd know by somali standards your dividends dwindle after you hit that first primer-Jokes aside. It'was only meher for moi (small; friends & family). Wore Dirac & infact picked up hubby after the ceremony to make sure he doesn't forget the route to "home" & not his usual route back to "singlehood" :D (not that he couldn't get a ride or didn't have a car, but there was something about that ride as a new couple...). N'ways that's another topic. YOur choice ultimately!

  2. Fantastic listening..I saw Tinariwen in concert last year...their music reminds me of Taarab (oldies..like Mila na utamaduni band otherwise known as the Culture Club of zanzibar..& many of the oldies).

  3. Ngonge..i think the Tuaregs cover for due climatic conditions (salt, spice etc traders in the Sahara desert & surrounding regions)..& hence their rituals in attire (or in general) has been passed down from then on.


    **Speaking of Tuaregs..they have some of the revered Sheikhs'/Mufti/Ulama that use ancient teaching styles that dates back to the Sahaba era (proof: Sheikh Hamza Yusuf's biographical accounts).

  4. Waranle_Warrior;905924 wrote:
    Rape is hideous crime and cruel act but I don't think its common or prevalent within the Somali society. Only if you classify taking young brides and marrying as many as four wives as rape, even with that you cannot boost the number of rape cases in Somalia.

    I think you naivete is blinding your reality..or do you think Somali are superior hence immune to some of the calamities this sick world has offer? Our society (somalis) have been stripped naked even more after the war & now all kinds evil-doers within our clan & quarters have been exposed for what they are & for the outsiders (psycho/sociopaths) to feast on the vulnerable as well.


    Che-Sad indeed & has been going on for the past several years. I think when those women say "they are somalis" in regards to those that they go seek help from (i.e. hospital staff, police, etc)-the interceptors..they won't be believed as many of those interceptors don't think it exists culturally, or something had to precipitate the evil doing (i.e. lack of doors, single women-headed families, lower caste, etc) or even a mere walk at night (for wateva reasons...those narrow minded might refer to it as MEANDERING ....WAREEG/WAREEGO...)by a women will lead to such consequences .


    N'ways sad all the way thru..& definitely dents our society's integrity whether we like to accept it or not.

  5. Salaam dhamaan.


    JB stop looking into Abtigiis for Advise hunno..yuna jar kaa tuudhin :D



    ***so Seeker got little ones & a 'smelly student' ...waryaa i need your tips (maybe i'll hit you PM soon) (Saw you USMLE thread) soon..If Ok w/ya.


    Ngonge..faanka naga daa re: unplugging the nostrils..I dare you to do anything to unplug the other end then :D (of course in the name of anything for those angels eh)...

  6. i watched a documentary on PBS sometime back & some tidbits & a special on ABC sometime later this year. I can't imagine living even near that place but some of those caught up in that neighborhood have no choice. On the ABC special some of the gangsters (teenagers & early 20's) mentioned that the place lacks jobs/better schools/crime ridden hence the kids have no choice but resort to lawlessness (apart from coming from broken homes et cetera). Some old-timers/gangsters that did time are now working w/Chi-police & other community organizations to off-set the tragic stats however, even w/a gun ban (which its already in place), the lack of even a meager social-economic structures will only further escalate things.

  7. Abwaan;901601 wrote:
    Abdi Heybe is a multi-talented legend indeed.

    Second that(Classic). Waxaa igu horeyse ina Haybe heesti "Hawshii Jeceylka.." in this clip..

    . Since then waanba la dhace :D


    Bal ila daya tani about ina Haybe oo reer magaal iska dhigaaya :D