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Posts posted by rudy-Diiriye

  1. war waa fuleey....thats probably his x-gf tryna pull fast one him!! lol. Hes probly hiding in a closet!! U guys remember the cigaal shidaad stories.

    i like this part of his stories.

    bum bum...some one knocks CS door. He tells his wife to answer the door. Waa kuma, she yells! Haa Xajiyada odeeygi ma jooga? She looks at her husband and tells her to say following:


    Waad ku tidaahda, shaleey boo dintey!! lol

  2. This a gamer created virus: check below. Kids can always out smart adults.


    If u dont wanna get viruses avoid following habits.

    -when downloading stuff pay attention and uncheck to never download all the add-ons they hide on the d/l link, i.e, tool bar craps n stuff.

    -never open an attachment u dont know who is it from.

    -never use symantec av stuff. Its wpos.

    -go to and download avg anti-virus. It gives u a free one yr version for the the basic version

    -close your browser when not browsing the internet.

    -close your system when done with it or set it up to go into hibernation.

    My speciality is data recovery and system really, deal with this everyday.

  3. I dont drink, smoke nor chew! I am mainly interested in food, sweets, n xalimos in that order. MY due date looks like Sept's early part. I dont like very warm summers and nor cold winters. So Sept should cool n nice.


    So what does Jac mean malika? I never understand that word forever. B will be guide, so make the time homie-gal. I can be very


    See yall Euro-trash pretty soon. Ama have a chit-chat with Carafaat why he wossed out with that chihuahua mentality!! Check these words meaning below: lol




  4. B u didnt get Heart Stopper song! This song defines what they call LEVEL 3 --


    We come back home after a romantic nite out. I sit in the living room,u disappear, then come back with sexy low cut outfit dancing,your back side facing me n your trunk starts shaking in different oscillations..&^%$#^&&&^%$#^@#$$$$$!! Sorry, rest was edited by Degaweeyen sawahili1!!


    OOOps, I just heard Carafaat passed out after reading above line!! His love for B is sooo wackooo! Some one call 911 plz. homies needs seriious meds. lol

  5. i am just coming to Ames-town for a wedding of my coz!! Other than that, wat happens there is on the d/l. In the nomad gonna hit the d-booty land 1st to get lil jiggy where most of my family lives now. then may be harg-town, then bos-town to ce what these no gooders s r upto.


    After that, me gonna hit asia to check on my homies from jr-school n college in India and south-asia. We still keep in touch. We do re-unions now and then.Majority of them are from India, Singapore and Malaysia. very nice folks.


    My homie--carafaat..u gotta change this name cirfiit!! then u will see chicks rocking u like the the titanic tell u disappear!! hada they scared of your name lol...

  6. i have do a new idea 4 all u africans....whats wrong with sharing!! Is that a big deal, as long as u & i know that n at the end of the day...we r in bed! u see some u like.. i am kol with that. lets Just keep it separate from our lives. That works if both parties are willing to agree to it.


    Thats soo kol. dont u think soo!

  7. Ames..was my fav since childhood...even though it change some what!! Hey I hope that i didnt piss me-off, i was just joking with yah!! Anyways, i know u is good ole home-gal n that rocks +ly...this one is your just chil. Live is good. Dont worry 2 much.



  8. These all opinions n no 10 commandments. So to each his own walaayal iyo walaayooyen. I dont believe in love per say...i think women invited this bs. I believe in being nice to your other half. N what one dont know, wont hurt them. One shouldnt be getting calls at his family cave...pure n simple. or else following song be their bye calling.



  9. so xaji...ngonge u naageen miya! i never hookup with pro-ladies. I just look at a lady n if i get feeling vibes, i got for it. It dont make no sense to become a sugga-dady on 24/7 call. Thats not a way to life, u know how crazy women get, plus its gonna hurt u soon since its a ticking bomb.


    try it...on the down low, that is where the fun is. U get away scott free. No phones exchanged n tell her your name is jack. Just dont leave your id papers outside. This has happened to friend of mine. She track him down after he left his id on the bed while he went to the bathroom.

  10. hey u ever had the wrong # incident...where some lady calls your # by mistake n then hookup. It happened to me one time. I go there, its a white cougar! She goes so u r black. then i u white. I had a good time but...never seen her after that. Its never works for black ladies though...they got 2 much drama........well they 2 sly.


    Sorry folks..its a holiday tomorrow in i am just letting some steam out.

  11. cuz thats still illegal..........noooooo...i dont wanna go to jail. Just do it right, whatchya got lose! It beats buying a plane tickets to africa! which is cheaper now! Rudy leaks has the heap whatchya homies were doing the f street. Did u got for check up yet! u better.


    h& cheap. Everybody is nervous n that makes it more exciting. it dont cost whollata of money, its cheap n waaaaay more exciting. Think about it. Just pay for the 2 hr motel time. N its history. Whatchya gotta loose!


    Go home N then play this song for wifey!!



  12. ngonge lpos...liar liar pants on fire!! since stone-age both sides having be cheating. However, rule is suppose to be hit n run way back since stone age. However, modern confused man is not following these rules and hence getting burned big time. I stick with the og rule.

    u keep her around, u gonna be nothing but a sugga-daddy!



  13. Yo Ams'dam is my fav u got the 411 on b!! lol...hook me up homie....i am coming......big time.

    b..this one if 4 u!





    b..u crossed must reply in video..u chose your words will be accepted from u at this time!! i am pissed.