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Everything posted by 5

  1. Hello my fellow SOLers and ESPECIALLY those of you who do not believe in God! Thank you SOMALI09 for bringing up the subject of God during this holy month of Ramadan. Now I would like to talk to you about GOD and this world. How do you think we came to be? Did we really evolve from monkeys as those textbooks tell us? Where is God and is there any way we can prove His existence? Let us begin! Post your thoughts!
  2. Haha I know chocolate it's pretty awesome he's met Peter Jackson and is friends with Neill Blomkamp! I'm so jealous If I met Peter Jackson, I'd ask him why he doesn't blink as often as normal people. Don't understand what I mean? http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=kWyNYxGZo nI It's like he's looking through you. Must be all that stress. Btw that film looks so interesting. I haven't been able to see D-9 for the simple fact that it hasn't opened yet in this isolated country I'm currently being held hostage.
  3. 5

    AVATAR preview

    General Duke, it's literally like nothing you've ever seen. It'll blow you away. They've created a whole new planet Pandora which feels so real you'll think it really exists! It is so incredibly detailed. It's mostly CGI and very photorealistic. I can't say much about the story as we didn't get to see more than 15min of the footage (it's about an ex-marine who goes to another planet to help invade it and conquer the aliens, but eventually switches sides) but what I can tell you is that it is visually just pure feast for the eyes. I saw it six hours ago & I still can't stop thinking about how super awesome it was. Oh my God Adam, Please. I'll pretend I didn't read your Dragonball comparison. Wait. I think you're talking about Avatar the Last Airbender? That's an M Night flick, bro. I'm talking about James Cameron's (the director of Titanic & Terminator 2) new sci-fi flick Avatar, which was shot with a new 3D camera developed by James Cameron. Yes, you read it correct. This guy not only wrote, directed and designed the creatures and the world of Pandora but also created the technology to shoot it with. And it looks amazing.
  4. 5

    AVATAR preview

    Just came from the Avatar preview. Anyone else went? Any thoughts? It is the best thing I have seen on screen. Believe the hype, this is great stuff!
  5. A friend of mine worked on it I have yet to see it though. But I'm sure it's great.
  6. P.S You really shouldn't let a 6-year-old have a FB account. Or an 8-year-old for that matter, no matter how much you've bored them with lectures or talked about Child Line.
  7. This was SO entertaining Ngonge! Please write more of this. It sort of reminded me of Marley & Me (minus the dog, of course)! I'd love to read more about you and your kids. Make a blog or something, and then adapt it into a book and cut 10% of royalties for suggesting this Seriously though, do you have any idea how RARE it is to find people's mundane lives entertaining? You've got a gift, dude. Use it.
  8. 5


    May Allah (swt) make it easy for me iA. I'm not looking as forward to it as I have in previous years. Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to it, I am - just not as much. The sun sets so late here
  9. 5

    Artists you can't stand

    Originally posted by The_Siren: GG- The only tranny I liked or remember from the Eurovision song contest was that Isreal one which sang DIVA MARIA!-VIVA VICTORIA! You mean you don't remember Dancing Lasha Tumbai? :eek: http://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=mY1AnCJsx Dk By the way, I had to google Diva. She's a transsexual, not a tranny and she looks shockingly female. I was drinking tea and eating a cookie, but I feel disgusted now and lost my appetite. Thanks a lot. Originally posted by The_Siren: In anycase Lady GaGa is probably just as commercial as Akon and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that her songs are re-hashes of some other 80's classic techno tune still I like the song, one cannot help jiggling about to mainstream music now and then. That's the thing babe. She is just as commercial (if not more) as Akon, but Akon doesn't go around claiming his life is ART. Akon doesn't think his style is unique, and he certainly doesn't believe in "vanity". Lady Gaga is a fraud. She is merely a Grace Jones copycat, there's nothing original about her. Her infatuation with art is comparable to a blind person saying they love all the different colours of a rainbow. Yes, I really cannot stand her Her life being art, etc: http://nymag.com/dai ly/fashion/2009/07/v ideo_lady_gagas_kerm it_coat_i.html
  10. 1995 THAT HAS GOT TO BE A JOKE! I LAUGHED SO HARD! Walahi I'm finding it hard to believe. Seriously did they make laptops in 1995? Even if they did, it must weight at least a ton? Please, for the sake of your health, upgrade! But whatever you do, don't give it away to a museum, leave it to your kids. It must be worth ££££ already, imagine what it'll be worth when you die! I have a MBP, a DSLR and my (old-fashioned) Nokia 1100 mobile phone and these are the 3 gadgets I like the most. Especially the first one, it's like my child. I also have an iPod but I've been without it for 2 months because_I_bloody_rea lized_I_had_left_it_ home_at_the_freakum_ airport! :mad: At least it taught me I can be without it! I going to get a touch phone, but not a Blackberry or an iPhone (forget Nokia, it's going down - both quality and stock wise). I've been saving up summer earnings for the odd freak that is HTC Hero. It looks perfectly weird for my taste and is arguably the best phone there is on the market at the moment.
  11. 5

    Saving Money

    Originally posted by Che -Guevara: On coffee alone, I spend roughly $1,306.70. per year.Eating out costs me roughly $4,380 and sending money to Somalia costs about $5,000 yearly ( I don't know how I could save money on this) what's your yearly expense and how much could you save if you tighten up your belt? ZOMG you just made me realize how much money I spend on coffee ZOMG. Obviously not as much as you since I ist just a poor student but a lot, still. I'm being robbed voluntarily! Gotta switch to tea.
  12. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Haven't seen it yet. I saw a Somali 'horror' the other day, called 'Araweelo'. Anyone seen it? hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaah ahahah
  13. Haven't seen it but looking super-forward to seeing it! So much so I actually had a dream about it last night, lol. Ja, pathetic I know. This, Lovely Bones and upcoming Jim Cam 3-D epic Avatar are the 3 films I've been anticipating this year. Which brings me to this question: anyone attending the Avatar day at their local IMAX? Free 15 mins of Avatar footage
  14. 5

    G.I Joe

    You're right. It was worse Seriously, it was just beyond bad. WE'LLTALKSOFASTTHATN OONEWILLUNDERSTANDWH ATTHEHELLWE'RESAYING ANDMAYBENOONEWILLNOT ICEHOWSHITTYTHESCRIP TIS. What, that wasn't fast enough? LOOK, AN EXPLOSION! Did that take your mind off how superbly bad this film actually is? No? LOOK ANOTHER, BIGGER EXPLOSION! Still? LOOK AT THIS HOT CHICK! Now quick, lets make each shot last a nanosecond and roll the credits.
  15. 5

    Artists you can't stand

    Originally posted by roobleh: Paris Hilton GG, u can tie her to a chair but no electrocution please! What are you, her publicist? She isn't even an artist so don't try to sneak her in!
  16. 5

    Artists you can't stand

    Originally posted by The_Siren: HEY! I like lady GaGa- Her lezbo videos make me sick to tell you the truth but I like that she's utterly insane and yet makes no apologies for it, plus a couple of disco/techno crap makes for great music. *Starts singing and doing the robot to* "Just dance" Ukrainian tranny Verka Serduchka (Eurovision 2007) is ten times more woman than that fraud Lady Gaga will ever be. And makes better songs, too. Originally posted by The_Siren: I do dislike a lot of people, but I find Akon and that dude who did that one hit song "low" rather annoying. I liked the beat on "low" but the message was infuriating I must say. As usual nonsense about being in a club and groping up women. Boring....will they ever change their record? Akon is as commercial as it gets. At least he isn't trying to pass himself off as Art.
  17. 5

    G.I Joe

    TRANSFORMERS 2, ANYONE? God, that was an awful, just offensively terrible movie. But the special FX were great, which is why these films make so much money. It's all about explosions and fulfilling the sex fantasies of 14-year-old boys.
  18. I have been inspired to ask this (relatively) bad question by none other than the master of bad questions himself; mr roobleh. *Applauds* So what are the artists you can't stand/despise/want to be burnt at the stake/ tied on a chair & electrocuted etc etc you get the point... My personal top 3 1. Lady Gaga 2. Lady Gaga 3. Lady Gaga
  19. hahah is this the worst thread ever? Ma waxaa dadka weydiisid aa wayse markaa wexee shiirka marsadaan aa weydiineysid?
  20. Scandinavian women were always a bit strong-willed...
  21. 5

    One paragraph stories

    Fu-Fu, OK fart joke are officially banned from this thread! Everybody told Jackson he couldn't go to the moon. But one night, when everybody else was sleeping, he opened the window and watched the dark blue sky. The stars were winking at him and the moon was shining so bright that it had to be a clear sign. He said: "I'm coming to you, moon. I don't know how, I don't know when, but I am". The following morning Jackson found himself in Mars. "Where's the moon?", he asked a group of Indian astronauts who were preparing a flight back to Earth. "It's gone", they said. "But how can it be gone when I have come for it?", Jackson asked. "It got tired of waiting", they replied. Jackson was baffled, "But how can it get tired of waiting when it was just yesterday that I set out to come for her!", he cried. Yesterday! Yesterday? She had gone old in a matter of one day. "Death awaits no one", the astronauts said and left Jackson in the red, deserted planet.
  22. Originally posted by Allamagan: Well done Ayaan & Idil! all the best with your future collections. And hope you help your wax-kala-jeedjeeda-o o-birbirqaya-wearing somali sisters dharka Siiriya iyo indonisia ha ka nastaane bale I'm not a fan of birbiriq but I dare say Somali girls in general dress waaay better than guys. I don't blame you though, you poor guys don't have anyone to help you, so you leave it to films like Save the Last Dance
  23. " a nice dress in velvet or silk and looooong not like these crazy trashy clothes you see in the stores." Bint, I know! Lets hope they don't cost a fortune either! I personally can't stand new designers who dare charge as much as chanel et al. It's like, these old fashion giants have been there for ages, you know? They own the right to rip people off! And not only that but they're so good they make you hate everything they've designed at the end of the season. Now THAT is exceptional talent.
  24. "We drew inspiration from our childhood & SOMALIA" ? LMAO! The dresses are GORGEOUS but there is NOTHING Somali about them! That is an outright ridiculous claim! I would wear all of the stuff I saw, they were very nice. None of the stuff were (too) short. The only thing I'd do if I were them is make the models wear separate sleeves with the dresses (or long shirts underneath to cover the arms & neck area). What I'd love to tell my fellow beautiful, ambitious Somali sisters is: you CAN be successful, amazing, gorgeous and do a lot of great things, without compromising your religion (i.e taking off your hijab or flashing flesh). If anything, people will respect you more. Sisters, we can have it all! This world AND the next! xoxo
  25. 5

    One paragraph stories

    Originally posted by AYOUB: The Texan Cat Buddy was still confused. He couldn't figure how could such a "skinny cat" have so much power? He's been all over the world and no other cat managed to complete even one round with him. He never expected to lose his unblemished record in Mogadishu. Infact he never heard of the place before 1992. But after two devastating defeats, he finally gave in and asked Aar what he eats that gives such explosive power while remaining so thin. "Waar meow I'm not a cat" roared offended Aar. "I'm a starving lion...kitty!" . Hilarious!