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Posts posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. Adeer somalidu way iska helaan love is not in maryoleey dictionery ,,,,adiguse hadaad rabto inaad wax jeclaato guurso oo 5 ciyaala dhal eventually you in love with your Farah,, that is what i call Dan iyo wada noolaansho (in short call it Maryooleey Romance!).

  2. aniga hadaan dagaal yahan ahay! ilaah igamadhigee , waxaan iswaydiinlahaa su'aalahan.

    1.maxaad u dhiman horta?

    2.maxay macna oo samayn inaad maalina ku cararto tuulo xun maalina ka cararto?

    3.maxaad gaynaysaa tuuladan tagtaye?

    4.goormaad gaadhi guusha?

    5.Goorma ayaanse fahmayaa ujeedada dhabta ah ee aan u dagaal ugujirno??

    6.yaa i habaaray waanigaan gacanta ugalay Alshabab iyo wax lamid ahe ?

  3. Illaah HUN, marxuumka nin qaali ah oo muxtarim ah ayuu ahaa sida dadka aqoonta ulahaa sheegeen,, as for the thread , i think Xaji Xunfow,Waxay ahayd inaad tiraahdo, Muwaadin Reer SL ayaa lagu dilay Bosaso ,laakin reer sool! doesn't make any sense coz reer sool waa reer Bosaso !!!

  4. Originally posted by Queen Arawello:

    Horta, why are people surprised. When I said lovers, I explicitly didn't mean people you slept with. SubhAllah! I was referring to people you have been in relationships with. Don't be shocked just because you all have dirty minds!

    why am i surprised is your xishood la'aan to say the least walaalo, it's Ok for someone (who is gaal!!!)to have number lover per year as you did , but that is not our culture neither it's allow in islam, so whatever your intention is/was you need inaad bal dib isugu yara noqo boqoraday!!

  5. i thought that is a thing of the past now ,i do have friends from such communities, and (God forbid) i dont feel i'm more superior to them as Lychee said, i have also seen many inter marriages between communities here. may be in reer bariga more liberal yihiin than others?