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Everything posted by MuslimYouth

  1. They can all go to Hell. Bismilah Instead of wishing for them "hell" why don't you say May Allah guide them and rid them of their irgnorance. I just don't see why we should overburden ourselves on sending people to hell when it's only Allah who can do that. Allah might well be testing us with this instead of us thinking that these people will be doomed in hell. Salam
  2. Bismilah Sometimes men extend their hands to shake hands. I just politely tell them that I don't shake hands with men who aren't my close relatives. It's against my religion. Most of them apologise and say they didn't know. I say no problem, you will know next time. And that's the end of it. It's not a big deal with non Muslims. The problem is with Muslims who do shake hands and can't accept that it's wrong. They are the ones who get huffy. It's surprising that at times muslims are more in need of dawah then nonmuslims.
  3. Bismilah Asalamalaikum Whoever guides someone towards good, will receive the reward of the one who acts upon it. [Muslim]
  4. Bismilah Asalamalaikum May Allah remove your pain, forgive your sins, and grant you strength in your Deen and your health until your death.