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Posts posted by Mutakalim

  1. Woe is me! Is this the warm reception I recieve when I return from a transient respite. I see the "Boredom" thread has been excavated, the general caption has been returned. Whence is all this madness, Good citizens of SOL? I wonder if the Baros and thier introductory threads will be resurrected too, a spine-chilling revelation indeed. But present trepidations are worse than horrible imaginings (the Baro), so I will entertain these thoughts no more!


    With Salaams



    P.S. Our fair lady, Seven of Nine, is a moderator. This discovery gave me a good chuckle. smile.gif

  2. Nomads


    It has often been asserted by a great many audaciously ambitous philosophers, "thriving" theologions, and emminent ethical scientists that the rationale or the motivation, as it were, behind any Human deed is, invariably, selfishness. The selfishness I am concerned with is not the evolutionary selfishness Richard Dawkins delinates in his pseudo-philosophical book The Selfish Gene. It is imperative to apprehend that the concept of selfishness is, indeed, a mulifaceted one.


    The moral and religous dimensions of selfishness is the subject matter of this enquiry. At the risk of committing a dicto simplicter or a sweeping generalization, I am in accord with the statement of many muslim theologians (mutakallimun), Gnostics ('irfanis), and philosophers (falasifah) that all Human actions are, forsooth, selfish in nature. This is not to say that selfishness is an unfavorable characteristic or trait; in fact, sometimes being selfish can yeild a most colossal dividend in the immediate herein and the hereafter.


    Although the word selfishness engenders a negative connotation, it need not always posses this signification. A selfish person is an individual who is chiefly and/or ultimately concerned with himself/herself. For instance, one prays to God, so that God, exalted be He, may bestow his mercy by granting one Paradise. Thusly, one is concerned with what one will obtain for oneself (i.e. paradise); it is a most selfish but reputable deed. Do you worship Allah out of sheer love or do you worship Him so as to avoid the torment that is Hell fire?


    Of course, there is one conspicuous exception to this pervasive proposition. A number of Sufi mystical masters claim, with cogent argument, that they worship Allah not of fear of Hell fire nor of a yearning for Paradise but of sheer Love. This is expressed eloquently in the "Ruba'iyyat" or the "quatrains" of Umar Khayyam , the eleventh century muslim mathematician and astronomer, and in the poems of the great Sufi, Jalaludiin Rumi.


    Some persons might fulminate, "all human actions are selfish? Surely this is a great lie!" What of a mother who, not being a natatorial creature, whilst attempting to save her drowning son, also drowns? How be she selfish even though she drowns? O! what a riddle of absurdity!


    Be it so, the dying mother still is ever selfish too. Wherefore did this mother leap into this dire den of death? Assuredly, the demise of the son is for the mother a bane and not a boon. The mother desires not to experience a biting affliction and agony. The death will have a deterimental effect on her health and spirit. Should her son die, then she will forever mourn in grief. On the other hand, should her son be alive and well, then she will be merry and gay.


    In the end, whether one's actions and deeds stem from Divine Injunctions, Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Kant's Categorical Imperative, G.E. Moore's Principa Ethica, the action will ultimately be self-motivated and selfish.


    Think you that Humans, by selfishness, thrive? Perhaps we ought to give credence to the American Writer, Mark Twain (psedonym), for enunciating that " All our acts, reasoned and unreasoned, are selfish. "


    With Salaams


  3. حب آل محمد صلى اللّه عليه وسلم


    قال الشاÙعي ÙÙŠ حب آل محمَّد صلى اللّه عليه وسلم:



    تَأَوَّهَ قَلْبÙÙŠ وَالÙؤَاد٠كَئÙيب٠= وَأَرَّقَ نَوْمÙÙŠ ÙالسّÙهَاد٠عَجÙيْبÙ

    Ùَمَنْ Ù…ÙبْلÙغ٠عَنّÙÙŠ الحÙسَيْنَ رÙسَالَةٌ = ÙˆÙŽØ¥Ùنْ كرهتها Ø£ÙŽÙ†Ùسٌ ÙˆÙŽÙ‚ÙÙ„ÙوبÙ

    ذَبيحٌ بÙلاَ جÙرْم٠كَأَنَّ Ù‚ÙŽÙ…Ùيصَه٠= صَبÙيغٌ بÙمَاء٠الأÙرْجÙوان٠خَضÙيبÙ

    ÙÙŽÙ„ÙلسَّيْÙ٠إÙعْوَالٌ ÙˆÙŽÙ„ÙلرّÙÙ…Ùح٠رَنَّةٌ = ÙˆÙŽÙ„Ùلْخَيْل٠مÙنْ بَعْد٠الصَّهÙيل٠نَحيبÙ

    تَزَلْزَلَت٠الدّÙنْيَا لآÙÙ„Ù Ù…Ùحَمَّد٠= وَكَادَتْ Ù„ÙŽÙ‡Ùمْ صÙمّ٠الجÙبَال٠تَذÙوبÙ

    وَغَارَتْ Ù†ÙجÙومٌ وَاقْشَعَرَّتْ كَوَاكÙبٌ = ÙˆÙŽÙ‡ÙتّÙÙƒÙŽ أَسْتَارٌ، ÙˆÙŽØ´Ùقَّ جÙÙŠÙوبÙ

    ÙŠÙصَلَّى عَلَى الْمَبْعÙوث٠مÙنْ آل٠هَاشÙÙ…Ù = ÙˆÙŽÙŠÙغْزَى بَنÙوهÙ!! Ø¥Ùنَّ ذَا لَعَجÙيبÙ

    لَئÙنْ كَانَ ذَنْبÙÙŠ Ø­Ùبّ آل٠مÙحَمَّد٠= ÙَذلÙÙƒÙŽ ذَنْبٌ لَسْت٠عَنْه٠أَتÙوبÙ

    Ù‡ÙÙ…Ù Ø´ÙÙَعَائÙÙŠ يَومَ حَشْرÙÙŠ وَموْقÙÙÙÙŠ = Ø¥Ùذَا مَا بَدَتْ Ù„ÙلنَّاظÙرÙينَ Ø®ÙØ·ÙوبÙ



  4. Feel not abashed if you are oblivious, Good Raula, because it is quite natural. I suppose by "philosophically" you meant "theoritically"; it is a minor error of diction non-native writers often make. In any event, whenever you do not know what you mean, just ask me.


    With Salaams


  5. As the poet pronounced:



    إن الÙقيه هـو الÙقيـه بÙعلـه

    ليس الÙقيـه بنطقـه ومقالـه

    وكذا الرئيس هو الرئيس بخلقه

    ليس الرئيس بقومه ورجالـه

    وكذا الغني هو الغني بحالـه

    ليس الغنـي بملكـه وبمالـه

  6. I am currently re-reading some old favourites. I find it arduous, if not impossible, to read one book at a time; thusly, I read four or five books at a time. An effective way of palliating boredom methinks.


    The following is content of my delish dish




    The Brothers Karmazov - Fyodor Dostoyevsky- there is much philosophical themes in this novella.

    Ulysses - oh what a masterpiece it is-- By James Joyce. Though this is the fifth time I am perusing this book, Joyce is pussiantly intimidating. This I love... smile.gif

    Jane Austin- Pride and Prejudice-- Woe to he has deprived his mind of a literary feast.




    The counsel of the Birds منطق الطير . A profound mystical poetry by Faridu'd-Din Attar


    تلاقي الارب ÙÙŠ مراقي الادب The Diiwaan of As-safti


    With Salaams


  7. But seriously I had work experience placement at a Chapters branch...and while I was working there they decided to remove all the chairs and couches from the stores

    What Chapters branch is this? I have not been to any Chapters bookstore in a month. I hope this is not the case with all the Chapters stores, because I have read many a book, and oh how many, without purchasing it. :D

  8. أنا الموت إلا أنني غير صــابر

    على أنÙس الأبطال والموت يصبر

    أنا الأسد الحامي حمى من يلوذ بي

    ÙˆÙعلي له وص٠الى الدهر يذكـر

    إذا ما لقيت الموت عممت رأسـه

    بسي٠على شرب الدمـا يتجوهر

    سوادي بياض حين تبدو شمـائلي

    ÙˆÙعلي على الأنساب يزهو ويÙخر

    ألا Ùليعش جـاري عزيزا وينثني

    عدوي ذليلا نادمــــا يتحسر

    هزمت تميما ثم جندلت كبشهـم

    وعدت وسيÙÙŠ من دم القوم أحمر

    بني عبس سودوا ÙÙŠ القبائل واÙخروا

    بعبد له Ùوق السماكين منبــر

    إذا ما منادي الحي نادى أجبته

    وخيل المنايا بالجماجم تعثــر

    سل المشرÙÙŠ الهندواني ÙÙŠ يدي

    يخبرك عني أنني أنا عنتـــر

    إذا كان أمر الله أمـــرا يقدر

    Ùكي٠يمر المرء منــه ويحذر

    لقد هان عندي الدهر لما عرÙته

    وأني بما تخبر الملمــات أخبر

    وليس سباع البر مثل ضباعــه

    ولا كل من خاض العجاجـة عنتر

    سلوا صر٠هذا الدهر كم شن غارة

    ÙÙرجتهـــا والموت Ùيها مشمر

    بصــارم عزم لو ضربت بحده

    دجى الليل ولى وهو بالنجم يعثـر

    دعوني أجد السعي ÙÙŠ طلب العلا

    Ùأدرك سؤلي أو أموت Ùأعــذر

    ولا تختشوا ممــا يقدر ÙÙŠ غد

    Ùما جاءنـا من عالم الغيب مخبر

    وكم من نذير قد أتانــا محذرا

    Ùكان رسولا ÙÙŠ السرور يبشـر

    Ù‚ÙÙŠ وانظري يا عبل Ùعلي وعايني

    طعاني إذا ثار العجاج المكــدر

    ترى بطلا يلقى الÙوارس ضاحكا

    ويرجع عنهم وهو أشعث أغبـر

    ولا ينثني حتى يخلي جماجمــا

    تمر بها ريح الجنوب ÙتصÙــر

    وأجساد قوم يسكن الطير حولها

    إلى أن يرى وحش الÙلاة ÙينÙـر


    The poet is none other than our black brethren, Cantara. smile.gif

  9. Ø£ÙŽÙ…Ùنْ Ø£Ùمّ٠أَوْÙÙŽÙ‰ دÙمْنَةٌ لَـمْ تَكَـلَّم٠بÙـحَوْمانَة الـدَّرَّاج٠ÙَالْـمÙتَثَلَّـمÙ


    وَدارٌ لَهَـا بÙالرَّقْمَتَيْـن٠كَأَنَّهَـا مَراجÙيع٠وَشْم٠ÙÙŠ نَواشÙـر٠مÙعْصَـمÙ


    بÙهَا العَيْن٠وَالأَرْآم٠يَمْشÙينَ Ø®ÙلْÙَةً وَأَطْـلاؤÙهَا يَنْهَضْنَ Ù…Ùنْ ÙƒÙلّ٠مَجْثَمÙ


    ÙˆÙŽÙ‚ÙŽÙْت٠بÙهَا Ù…Ùنْ بَعْد٠عÙشْرÙينَ Ø­Ùجَّـةً Ùَـلأيَاً عَرَÙْت٠الـدَّارَ بَـعْدَ تَـوَهّÙÙ…Ù


    أَثَاÙÙيَّ سÙÙْعَاً ÙÙŠ Ù…Ùعَرَّس٠مÙرْجَـل٠وَنÙـؤْيَاً كَجÙذْم٠الحَوْض٠لَـمْ يَتَثَلَّمÙ


    Ùَلَمَّا عَرَÙْت٠الدَّارَ Ù‚Ùلْت٠لÙرَبْعÙهَـا أَلا انْعÙمْ صَبَاحَاً Ø£ÙŽÙŠÙهَا الرَّبْع٠وَاسْلَـمÙ


    تَبَصَّرْ خَليلÙÙŠ هَلْ تَرَى Ù…Ùنْ ظَعائÙـن٠تَـحَمَّلْنَ بÙـالْعَلْياء٠مÙنْ Ùَوْق٠جÙرْثَمÙ


    جَعَلْنَ الْقَنَانَ عَنْ يَـمÙين٠وَحَزْنَـه٠وَكَمْ بÙـالقَنَان٠مÙنْ Ù…ÙـحÙلّ٠وَمÙحْرÙÙ…Ù


    عَلَوْنَ بÙأَنْمَاط٠عÙتَـاق٠وَكÙـلَّة٠وÙرَاد٠حَوَاشÙـيهَا Ù…ÙشَـاكÙهَة٠الـدَّمÙ


    وَوَرَّكْنَ ÙÙŠ السّÙوبَان٠يَعْلÙوْنَ مَتْنَـه٠عَلَـيْهÙنَّ دَلّ٠الـنَّـاعÙم٠الـمÙـتَنَعّÙÙ…Ù


    بَكَرْنَ بÙÙƒÙورًا وَاسْتَحَرْن بÙسÙحْـرَة٠ÙÙŽÙ‡Ùـنَّ وَوَادÙÙŠ الـرَّسّ٠كَالْيَد٠لÙـلْÙÙŽÙ…Ù


    ÙˆÙŽÙÙيهÙنَّ مَلْهَىً Ù„ÙلَّطÙيـÙ٠وَمَنْظَرٌ Ø£ÙŽÙ†Ùـيـقٌ Ù„Ùعَـيْن٠الـنَّاظÙر٠الـمÙتَوَسّÙÙ…Ù


    كَأَنَّ ÙÙتَاتَ الْعÙهْن٠ÙÙŠ ÙƒÙلّ٠مَنْزÙل٠نَزَلْنَ بÙـه٠حَبّ٠الْـÙَنَا لَـمْ ÙŠÙحَطَّمÙ


    Ùَلَمَّا وَرَدْنَ المَاءَ زÙرْقَاً جÙـمَامÙه٠وَضَـعْنَ عÙـصÙيَّ الـحَاضÙر٠المÙتَخَيّÙÙ…Ù


    ظَهَرْنَ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ السّÙوبَان٠ثÙمَّ جَزَعْنَـه٠عَلَى ÙƒÙلّ٠قَـيْنÙيّ٠قَـشÙيب٠وَمÙÙ€ÙْأَمÙ


    Ùَأَقْسَمْت٠بÙالْبَيْت٠الذّÙÙŠ طَاÙÙŽ حَوْلَه٠رÙجَـالٌ بَـنَوْه٠مÙنْ Ù‚Ùـرَيْش٠وَجÙرْهÙÙ…Ù


    ÙŠÙŽÙ…Ùـينًا Ù„ÙŽÙ†Ùعْمَ الـسَّيدَان٠وÙجÙـدْتÙمَا عَـلَى ÙƒÙلّ٠حَـال٠مÙنْ سَحÙيل٠وَمÙبْرَمÙ


    تَدَارَكْتÙما عَبْسَاً ÙˆÙŽØ°Ùبْـيَانَ بَـعْدَمَا تَـÙَانَوْا وَدَقّÙـوا بَـيْنَهÙمْ عÙطْرَ مَنْشَمÙ


    وَقَدْ Ù‚ÙلْتÙمَا Ø¥Ùنْ Ù†ÙدْرÙك٠السّÙلْمَ وَاسÙعاً بÙـمَال٠وَمَـعْرÙÙˆÙÙ Ù…ÙÙ†ÙŽ الْقَوْل٠نَسْلَمÙ


    ÙَأَصْبَحْتÙمَا Ù…Ùنْهَا عَـلَى خَيْر٠مَوْطÙن٠بَـعÙيدَيْن ÙÙيهَا Ù…Ùنْ عÙÙ‚Ùوق٠وَمَـأْثَمÙ


    عَظÙيمَيْن٠ÙÙŠ عÙلْيَا مَـعَدّ٠هÙدÙيْتÙمَـا وَمَنْ يَسْتَبÙحْ كَنْزَاً Ù…Ùنْ المَجْد٠يَعْظÙÙ…Ù


    تÙـعَÙÙ‘ÙŽÙ‰ الْـكÙÙ„Ùوم٠بÙالْمÙئيÙÙ†ÙŽ Ùَأَصْبَحَتْ ÙŠÙـنَجّÙÙ…Ùهَا مَنْ لَـيْسَ ÙÙيهَا بÙـمÙجْرÙÙ…Ù


    ÙŠÙـنَـجّÙÙ…Ùهَا قَوْمٌ Ù„Ùـقَـوْم٠غَـرَامَةً وَلَـمْ ÙŠÙهَرÙيقÙوا بَيْنَهÙمْ Ù…Ùلْءَ Ù…ÙحْجَمÙ


    Ùَـأَصْبَحَ يَـجْرÙÙŠ ÙÙيهÙÙ…Ù Ù…Ùنْ تÙلاَدÙÙƒÙمْ مَغَـانÙم٠شَتَّى Ù…Ùـنْ Ø¥ÙÙَـال٠مÙـزَنَّمÙ


    أَلاَ أَبْلÙـغ٠الأَحْلاَÙÙŽ عَـنّÙÙŠ رÙسَـالَةً ÙˆÙŽØ°Ùبْـيَانَ هَلْ أَقْسَمْتم٠كÙـلَّ Ù…ÙـقْسَمÙ


    Ùَلاَ تَـكْتÙÙ…Ùنَّ اللهَ مَا ÙÙÙŠ Ù†ÙÙ€ÙÙوسÙÙƒÙمْ Ù„ÙـيَخْÙÙŽÙ‰ وَمَهْمَا ÙŠÙـكْتَم٠الله٠يَـعْلَمÙ


    ÙŠÙـؤَخَّرْ ÙÙŽÙŠÙوضَعْ Ùـي ÙƒÙتَاب٠ÙÙŽÙŠÙدَّخَرْ Ù„Ùـيَوْم٠الْحÙسَاب٠أَوْ ÙŠÙعَجَّلْ ÙَـيÙنْقَمÙ


    وَمَا الـحَرْب٠إÙلاَّ مَـا عَلÙمْتمْ ÙˆÙŽØ°ÙقْتÙم٠وَمَا Ù‡Ùـوَ عَنْهَا بÙـالحَدÙيث٠المÙرَجَّمÙ


    مَتَـى تَـبْعَثÙوهَا تَـبْعَثÙوهَا Ø°ÙŽÙ…Ùـيمَةً وَتَضْـرَ Ø¥Ùذَا ضَـرَّيْتÙÙ…Ùوهَا ÙَـتَضْرَمÙ


    ÙَـتَعْرÙككÙم٠عَرْكَ الـرَّحَى بÙـثÙÙَالÙهَا وَتَلْـقَحْ ÙƒÙشَاÙَاً Ø«Ùمَّ تÙنْـتَجْ ÙَـتÙتْئÙÙ…Ù


    ÙَتÙنْـتÙجْ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙمْ غÙلْمَانَ أَشْـأَمَ ÙƒÙـلّÙÙ‡Ùمْ كَأَحْمَر٠عَـاد٠ثÙمَّ تÙـرْضÙعْ ÙَـتَÙْطÙÙ…Ù


    ÙَـتÙغْلÙلْ Ù„ÙŽÙƒÙمْ مَا لاَ تÙـغÙلّ٠لأَهْلÙهَا Ù‚Ùرَىً بÙـالْعÙرَاق٠مÙنْ Ù‚ÙŽÙ€ÙÙيز٠وَدÙرْهَمÙ


    لَعَمْرÙÙŠ لَـنÙعْمَ الـحَيّ٠جَـرَّ عَلَيْهÙم٠بÙمَا لاَ ÙŠÙوَاتÙيهÙÙ… Ø­Ùصَيْن٠بْن٠ضَمْضَمÙ


    وَكَانَ Ø·ÙŽÙˆÙŽÙ‰ كَـشْحًا عَلَى Ù…ÙسْتَكÙنَّة٠Ùَـلاَ Ù‡Ùـوَ أَبْدَاهَا وَلَـمْ يَـتَقَدَّمÙ


    وَقَالَ سَأَقْضÙÙŠ حَـاجَتÙÙŠ Ø«Ùـمَّ أَتَّقÙÙŠ عَـدÙوّÙÙŠ بÙأَلْÙÙ Ù…Ùنْ وَرَائÙـيَ Ù…ÙلْجَمÙ


    Ùَشَـدَّ وَلَـمْ ÙŠÙÙ€ÙْزÙعْ بÙـيÙوتاً ÙƒÙŽØ«Ùيَرةً لَدَى حَيْث٠أَلْقَتْ رَحْلَهَا Ø£Ùمّ٠قَشْعَمÙ


    لَدَى أَسَـد٠شَاكÙÙŠ الـسÙلاح٠مÙقَذَّÙ٠لَـه٠لÙبَـدٌ أَظْÙَـارÙه٠لَـمْ تÙـقَلَّمÙ


    جَـرÙيء٠مَتَى ÙŠÙـظْلَمْ ÙŠÙعَاقÙبْ بÙظÙلْمÙه٠سَـرÙيعاً ÙˆÙŽØ¥Ùلا ÙŠÙـبْدَ بÙالظّÙلْم٠يَـظْلÙÙ…Ù


    رَعَـوْا ظÙـمْأَهÙمْ حَتَى Ø¥Ùذَا تَمَّ أَوْرَدÙوا غÙمَـارَاً تَـÙَرَّى بÙالسّÙلاح٠وَبÙـالدَّمÙ


    Ùَقَضَّوْا مَـنَايا بَـيْنَهÙمْ Ø«Ùـمَّ أَصْدَرÙوا Ø¥Ùلـى كَـلإÙÙÙÙ Ù…ÙسْـتَوْبÙÙ„Ù Ù…ÙـتَوَخّÙÙ…Ù


    لَـعَمْرÙÙƒÙŽ مَا جَرَّت عَلَيْهÙمْ رÙماحÙÙ‡Ùمْ دَمَ ابـن٠نَهÙيك٠أَو قَتÙـيل٠الـمÙثَلَّمÙ


    وَلا شَـارَكَتْ ÙÙŠ الموْت٠ÙÙÙŠ دَم٠نَوْÙَل٠وَلا وَهَب٠مÙنْهÙÙ… وَلا ابْـن٠المÙخَزَّمÙ


    ÙÙŽÙƒÙـلاً أَراهÙـمْ أَصْـبَحÙوا يَـعْقÙÙ„Ùونَه٠صَـحÙيحَات٠مَال٠طَالÙعَات٠بÙمَخْرَمÙ


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    web page

  10. Originally posted by Farax Despiser:

    Men are jerks simply cause they are men...try not to understand them. They are simple creatures with simple needs. Thats all a woman needs to know.

    I suppose this is but one of the many medicore attempts at comicality you perform. If only you were witty...

  11. As دريد بن الصمة so eloquently said:-


    لقد أسمعت لو ناديت حيـا

    ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي

    ولو نارا Ù†Ùخت بها أضاءت

    ولكن أنت تنÙØ® ÙÙŠ رماد


    This will be my last reply. We have derailed the topic far enough.

  12. O the irony! The emoticon you have emoted is the self-same emotion elicited by your reply. The topic of discussion is the science, as it were, of the integration and assimilation of Muslims. You, naturally, like to wallow in the mud by criticizing and castigating your superiors (I mean this in every sense of the word).


    If you are going to criticize a scholar, then you must conduct an exhaustive and comprehensive research. In other words, read all the books the Sayid has written and see whether or not it is in accordance with the divine injunctions. You see, to know whether or not the said scholar is incorrect requires that you have an impeccable islamic erudition. To borrow J11's words, it takes a scholar to criticize a scholar.


    P.S. I think the Admin has already warned you about "bad-mouthing" scholars, thusly your life expectancy on SOL is unfavorable.

  13. Viking: Do not expend even the least of energy in replying to this lad. Aye, in his "salad days" he is.


    أعرض عن الجاهل السÙيه **Ùكل مـا قـال Ùهـو Ùيـه

    ما ضر بحر الÙرات يومـاً***إن خاض بعض الكلاب Ùيه


    Salafi: Are you sure you do not mean "misconstrue"? Or are you going to warn me about the dangers of using a "dictionary". I hope you can appreciate the straw man (courtesy NGONGE).

  14. Nomads


    In any academic and formal discussion, it is imperative that there be a definition and conception agreed to by all parties. Analysis requires that one analyze the words before one commences to analyze the "relationship" between the concept of the words. I will once more reiterate (bear with me) the meaning of these two words in this "context":




    The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.

    Source: Webster's Dictionary




    The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.

    Source: American Heritage Dictionary


    The point I intially made still stands: the terms are not synonyms. There is a causal relationship(integration, the cause; assimilation, the effect), but the two concepts cannot be used interchangeably. Again, this is not to say that there is no relationship between the concepts of integration and assimilation.


    What is the rationale behind integrating a minority? Is integration an "end-in-itself" or is it a means to another end, namely, assimilation?


    Integration, it seems, more often than not leads to assimilation. However, it does not not always lead to assimilation.


    There is no doubt that the West desires that muslims be assimilated. In his controversial book, The Clash of Civilizations , Hunnigton delinates that there needs must be a unbreakable cohesion among the constituents of a civilization if that civilization is to attain supremacy. In other words, Muslims that live in Western socities will undermine the eventual "clash of civilizations" if they do not assimilate (espouse the self-same belief system of the west). As some Nomads have already mentioned, when muslims resist to assimilate, the goverment actively "coerces" them to assimilate (the French Ban on Hijabs). The whole facsade of the tolerance of "multiculturlism" and "diversity" is a mere euphemism. Diversity is that which the western society upholds, not the beliefs and practices of Humankind.


    It is quite evident that even many so-called Muslims have been assimilated without goverment coercsion. Unfortunately, I think 4th and 5th generation muslims in west will almost definately be assimalted, illa maa raxima rabbii , except when my Lord bestows His mercy.


    We should not look at "integration" with extreme pessimism and cynicism; instead, we should be catiously optimistic about the results it will have on our creed. The only way a Muslim will survive this "ruse" or "strategem" is by grasping what Allah refers to as "Al-curwatul wuthqaa" or the "truthful handhold" which is the true islamic caqeedah.


    In the quran there are many verses that speak about subterfuges of this nature; Wa lan tardaa cankal yahuudu walannasaaraa xatta tattabica millatahum , Never will the Jews or Christians be pleased with you till you follow their religion. Insha Ar-Rahiim, if we hold on to the truthful handhold (one has to actively learn about the religon to survive), then Allah will endow us with the spiritual and material "mechanisms".


    Baashi:- Yes, I read a whole range of islamic literature. Although my specialty and "love" is Islamic Philosophy, I have always taken the liberty to read all Islamic scholars regardless of their camp of articulation (i.e. school of thought) and setting (i.e. time and place).


    With respect to your concern about voting, voting in an unislamic goverment is impermissible. Sayyid Qutb did not believe that voting could ever be permissible. There is no actual "necessity" to vote.


    Some contemporary and modern muslim scholars state that there is a necessity to vote. In democratic systems, only those who have "representation" will be safe-guarded. However, this is not entirely true because even if Muslims are not "represented" they will not be collectively mistreated. For instance, there will not be a mass rounding-up of Muslims if they do not vote. Given that political inactivity is not a "life-threatning" scenario anymore than political particiption, there is no real necessity to vote.


    Whilst I believe that by voting Muslims will be able to mollify or lessen the friction they experience, it is not "necessary". One can only act in opposition to the Divine Injunctions when there is no other way out. Besides, as Muslims we are not suppose to always feel "comfortable" in this world. The Prophet, Peace be Upon Him, once said (to paraphrase) that "Addunyaa sijnul mu'min wa jannatul kaafir" , This World is a prison for the believer and a Paradise for the Unbelievers.


    One should not vote just to fix a mere inconvenience such as racism and the like.


    With Salaams



    P.S. I have lived in North America for 23 years. I have not voted even once.

  15. Malcolm X, the twienth century African American civil rights activist and "revolutionary", when asked about the difference between Republicans and Democrats said, "Republicans are like hyenas and Democrats are like foxes".


    "Rebuplicans" hal mar bay ku goosanayaan , laakiinse "Deomocrats" tartiib ayeey kuu cunayaan . Malcolm X, did not like to be torturted, so he preferred the Republicans.


    P.S. The autobiography of Malcolm X is a must read for anyone who wishes to apprehend the nuances of American polity.

  16. Seven of Nine:- It is not just the topics that require this section of the fora be called "Off Topic"; the majority of the respones to the topics in this section are "Off Topic" as well.


    Social chit chat does not fall under the "general" section of a fora; instead, it falls under the "Off-Topic" or "Community" section.


    Some would even argue that all general topics are oftentimes off topic( such topics do not pertain to the purpose of the other forums), but not all "off topic" topics are general.


    As of late some new members have been posting "personal, introductory threads" in other sections of the fora. The title "general" is, at the risk of being redundant, misleading.


    NGONGE: You have expressed a colossal amount of sentiments in one post. How do you manage to do that?


    Your criticism of it at first seemed to be concerned with quality and a desire to see a better forum! Sounded fine at the time, yet now it seems all you had a problem with was a mere WORD!


    Does it give you a pyschological victory to defeat men of straw? The insinuation that my qualms with this forum revolved around a "word" is a textbook case of a straw man argument.


    Fred: "Poverty is one factor that causes crime."

    Alice: "You're wrong to claim that all poor people are criminals. My friend Jack is poor, but he is not a criminal!".


    The principle of charity, a principle which requires persons to intrepret their opponent's view in the strongest way possible, has been abandoned by many a Nomad. You have made for yourself a view out of straw, and then you have attributed it to me. Congratualtions! You have managed to destroy your straw man argument (i.e. that I was concerned with a "mere word"). How Merciless! Unfortunately for you the real opponent (i.e. the real argument) stands untouched and unscathed. Ethical scientists, I am most sure, would frown upon this caricature.


    At the time I had suggested the title to be changed, SOL was experiencing a "pandemic disease". This virus quickly took over the body of the General forum, and biological data clearly intimated that this virus was infecting the other forums. In an effort to "quarantine" this cyber disease, I suggested two options.


    1.Change the title to "Off Topic" or "Community" so as to curtail the amount of nonsense posted on the other forums. This way all the garbage of this site can be put in one bin. And perhaps all the garbage from the other forums should either be deleted or transferred to this forum. Do you not think having one big garbage can is better and more effective than having several smaller ones?


    2. Ban members who delibrately and "inadvertently" discolor site content. This second option was not, of course, reasonable to the guardians of this site.


    As for your suggestion that people try to “contribute†to the other sections, well, that in itself is a bit nonsensical. If they’re as trivial as you seem to think they are, then you’re only asking them to spread their trivia into the other sections


    Not all the posters who post in general section are "trivial"; the topics are trivial. You are a prime example of a poster who posts "casually" (i.e. incognitive) replies in the "Off Topic" section, but who also posts good replies in the other sections. So you see, it is not nonsensical as you are a testimony of this.


    I agree that the Debate, Islam, and Politics sections be strictly moderated. Evolutionary processes do not occur overnight, so it will take time for the changes to come to frution. I already provided Libaax San-Kataabte with suggestions on how to improve the other forums.


    The Adminsterator and his staff (i.e. moderators) are open to suggestions, so should you have any feedback, then send him a PM.


    With Salaams


  17. I have gathered from reading many replies on this forum that a great many Nomads experienced an emotional earthquake as a result of the re-election of Bush. However, my inner Richter scale read nill after the election of the republican candidate. If Bush was not elected, then bleeding democrats would have dominated the US Supreme Court. One would be hard-pressed to fathom the effect a democratic victory would have on the social and moral values of the US.


    With Salaams
