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Everything posted by Faarax-Brawn

  1. afron, oraahdeydu adiga si khaas ahaan kuguma aysan socon, guud ahaan ayey aheyd sida aan hadalka u dhigey.ayaana kuu taagey. In English that would be?(OR moderate somali) (you r not different from those in Somalia), Actually!, i am different in some way.
  2. Dawaco Xaal. Dear. I just provided statistics that are not so secret to everyone. Me and you and the rest know it quite well. The place sucks, horribly if I may add. I choose not to go back. Why must I sacrifice my comfort for the wrongs of some greedy, gluttonous and ruthless barbaric leader? If my very own country men could not offer me the kind of comfort am enjoying here in the west, I tell you this; am more than happy to be a part of the society that has welcomed and accorded me all the things I have not had as a child. And god willing I will be a responsible parent and raise my kids to be better than what I am today. I respect your opinion, nonetheless. dadkan dalkoodi diidaya ee dunya eysan laheen ku faanaya iyagaa cirka roob ku og! Nuune, Dal diidow that you are talking about is realistically in escapable. I love my country, i love my continent, i admire my people.proud as hell one of an African i am. I see Africa on TV i jump. I have a map of the country and the Continent in my living room, and i do plan on going for VACATIONS and TOURISM back to africa. so no dal diidow up in here. AWRIGHT?
  3. The whole idea of going back to Somalia and Africa in general is as silly all you lots here. Have you seen the statistics that are coming out of Africa day in day out? For starters, the poverty rate is the highest. Diseases like malaria, kwashiorkor, Marasmus, Whooping cough, TB, AIDS, Hepatitis A and B. Elephantiasis, Glaucoma and all this silly diseases are common. There are no basic amenities like air conditioning. There is no tapped water, let alone showers, as a result people generally stink. The justice system is almost non existent. You could end up in jail for no reason. In general, why would anyone go to a place with such alarming statistics? Everyone is moving and running away from that hell on earth. You should count yourself lucky for you have made it out!
  4. WHY is this on Woman's section? Cawo; BECAUSE, am nagging and whining dee, I was told this is the right section. On a serious note,I must have been browsing the women’s section when I hit ‘new topic’ button I believe. Simple err on my side, I apologise your highness if this error has you bothered, *bows down* Emeralds, go to the judge me link just below the person’s name, and on a scale of 5-1, choose the lowest. Hibo, SUre.
  5. ^If you dont care,why do you have yours disabled? huh huh???
  6. LOL! Am not going down alone dear EMERALD! If i see one more person witha yellow 5star,you are going down!!!! Matter of fact,am on a mission. welc to the CLUB mz Somlander
  7. ^Loosarad! LOL!, u had to disable it and then reply to me eh? i wish i could take back my 5star rating i gave you!!!!! :mad:
  9. Great! Someone does indeed hate me. Admin, I think it’s a great idea to know who is rating who (I have seen web sites that have this feature). That way I can also give that person a piece of my AFRO mouth, mind and body. And whoever rated me with negative number, MAY you also be rated negatively. Oh one more thing,screw you And i dare you reply to this! Edit: Wrong expression, the correct one will be: :mad: :mad:
  10. ^ LOOL. I KNOW MAN. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. Like you lot don't try to hook your sisters up. A Farax hookng his sister up????????? Dont know what world you are from,but up here in farax country, i doubt any sane farax,heck even the insane ones will. NEVER EVER EVER(*with a chris tucker voice),will a brother hook up, suggest a hook up, hint to hook up his sister. matter of fact, if it wasnt for decency,common sense and what not, many farahs will never bring a freind home. shoot. My sister?, me hooking her up?.............No man is ever good for her.
  12. Originally posted by lander_girl04: Simple topic here! I was just wondering. When you come on "www.somaliaonline.com", 1: Do you just read the topic and just leave? 2: Do you just laugh and shack yourhead, this is soooooooooo dumb? 3: Do you read the topic and learn something from it. ? Like I said i am just wondering. PEACEOUT Actually, i read,shake my head and then reply to those that i find interesting, scoff at those i find ridiculous and attack those that i deem should be punished for talkin nac nac(I wish there was capital punishment for some niicyaal up in here!). Then, again someone finds me repulsive. Anyway, i hope my reply makes you stop wondering.
  13. I have no idea what your first quote means or waht "aswada" means but I do know that is the most racist email I have come across on this site and am disgusted! Also nip your head into a dictionary before posting, your spelling and grammar leave plenty to be desired for! Wow! Wow! Hold your horses missy will ya? You are too new to start this kind of talk. As for the topic@, so y do somalis make such a BIG deal out of inter-racial marriages? Tis not only a somali isssue. White folks dont like black folks,black folks dont like white folks,Arabs dont like black folks,chinese folks dont like black folks,etc. we marry our kind. Imagine, introducing ABTI Lax Wase to JOHN, try explaining to him why he got that name. or the burden of trying to translate every FOORJO MADE BY 'ILMA INA LAX WASE' to john. Gee its nerve wrecking.
  14. besides this is a forum, where ppl exchange ideas, opinions, For real? Shoulda Known man. maybe i am wrong of what i think of this place.. u could enlighten me if u want..of what shall we do in here Didnt You just tell me its a forum where people exchange idea,opinions and recipes?? Wah!
  15. so I agree with the mayor Qac, Not to burst your lil 'Qac-Bubble' or anything, i dont think the MAYOR asked for your opinion.(and if he'd read this,you will prolly wanna write it in Espanol) pose on that for a minute will ya?
  16. %^That city will soon be a A GAY CITY. I mean its either the women will end up in jail or move!. its a scienctific fact well known to MEN that women cant stop romour mongering. its in their fabrics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .Disclaimer: The Above statement was made in a joking,jesting and jittery moment,you should not under any circumstances take the above statement serious, if and when you do,well then oh well!
  17. If you took your eyes off Pam's jugs long enough to read a book, you would've come across more interesting facts & figues in Canada From pam’s blessed XABAD to a boring book on the geography of Canada, Dude! That’s torture. Let me give you a little geo lesson (b/c you dozed off in class Seee....You asked him to pick a book,and now you are acusing him of dosing off????. You knew that was coming! torture!
  18. "Casarkii hadaan dhiil laculay caano kugu siiyo. Cishihii hadaan Sarar cusbaleh kugu cashaysiiyo adsaadan caloosha igu hayn Caliyow yeelkaaga" And yall go around asking us silly Qs like, 'Why do somalida nimankooda be having calol and skinny lugo?. Well there is the answer! folks. Cant blame farax now will ya? I tell you what,If i ever hear that one more time,ama whoop someone The darn Xalimos Gabay about Food 24/7. shoot! give me a break.
  19. I personally would not do be found in other forum. Well you said it, ‘personally’. That’s you and you. I am on the other side of the statement you just made. Supuu, i thought you were not FROM SOMALIA? sup!
  20. HeHeHe. Sxb Thanks for the explanation, phew, the complexity of comprehending a cowboy saying, gee Armadillos, yellow lines, roads arghh! Damn had me spinning there for a minute. Anyway, enough jesting and humoring, I will leave that for the humorist, as I was never known to humor. “Why? If the democracy is something that trumps the interest of the nation how come this man couldn’t come to term with the wishes of the confederate south? So much of democracy!!!â€, Am not gonna go into detail about America’s civil war and the south, laakin I must say the quote above had me thinking for a minute or two. While you maybe right about the whole ‘people’s wish’ in respect to the civil war, I must point out to you that HUMANITY was at stake in the civil war. Comparing the ‘greatest sin against the black race’ to the issue of somaliland is rather far fetched in my humble opinion. However, somaliland cannot just decide it wants to leave without expressing it to the other side. Which brings me to a question I posed to a very learned S/Lander and am hoping someone will give me a sufficient answer. How can you claim ‘INDEPENDENCE’ from a non-EXISTENT STATE? (Country?) I would understand, secession, autonomy and anything else, but how can you celebrate independence from a broken state?
  21. Afro net, Have you ever heard the cowboy saying that the only thing on the middle of the road is yellow lines and dead armadillos! I let you figure that out and plz let me know how you interpret that hawkish line. You gotta be careful to mistake freedom of expression, the rights of individuals and what not with that of states. For states operate in different level sxb. Collective sacrifice for the common good is the name of the game in this level. There are things in which states rely on for their strength and viability HeHehe. Sxb, your very opening line showed me your mentality on issue(s). By quoting Cowboys, you are definitely giving me the impression of a Wild West jingoist and an outlaw SHERRIF in some wild west bordertown.[Not to belittle cowboys,but i think thats a very cowboy-ish saying ] Moving along, true say about the individual and state rights differentiation. However you probably know that individuals make up a state, states become democratic republics(nations), democracy by its simple meaning is quite defined,as government for the people by the people. As you know the populous of that breakway renegade province have decided not to want anything to do with the evil south.(as you put it the hardcore ones). Now, what I said was quite simple, if somaliland wishes to secede and the PEOPLE of that particular state want to secede, well then who are you (not you par se, but people), to decide what is good bad and not so bad for them? Am sure the other side of the somaliland equation have the same right as the other group too. For a person quoting cowboys, Surely this is not something thats very hard to comprehend NO?
  22. *I feel Like Flirting* Am so not the type. i have been called STONE FACE, WUJI KAAKI(sp?),Mean face. Help!, i wanna flirt.
  23. Lets Reqoute it again shall we? Now let me Quote YOU: My friend, tell me a French man who wants to reliquish his soveriegnty to an English man? Or a Briton that wants to let an Italian decide who runs old Blathy Where in the good blue sky of Burco did you get the soverign issue from? Bal???do the Honors
  24. This is exactly the problem with Somalis and Africans in general. Respecting ones wish is seen as clannish and separatism. If S.L wishes not to be a part of a corrupt, evil and generally horrible southern society (and the populace is behind them), who (Baashi et al) are you guys to tell them they cannot? It’s their civil right, as a former independent nation to decide its destiny. I say let the international communities decide. Having said that, in a world where countries are coming together to build economic and political strength (Europe, East African community), its quite sad that my fellow brothers have decided to take a one way ticket to loneliness. All said and done, if you are not from Somali land, you have no business telling them what they should or shouldn’t want. They didn’t come to you guys in the south and tell you to do this and that, you have no right telling em either. Hey good luck my brothers. Happy may 18th, June 25th ,July 4th, august 23rd and whatever date you guys have to remind one another every single year TO CELEBRATE.