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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. lol@ and u made me laugh at you! What a poor attempt to be sarcastic. Listen dude, don’t even try to bring me down to your level of that nation destroying hobby you so willingly take apart in. I believe my track record speaks for itself and don’t have to try and explain myself. Clearly, you don’t think Morgan is a war criminal, but hey no surprise there you are the person who called all those living in Mogadishu savages. Hmm, I wonder why? Yes Morgan is a warlord, war criminal and just like his friends (Caato, CY, Caydiid, Shaatigaduud etc) he will inshallah be held accountable for his actions of murder and plunder. And no I will not shy away from saying that and more, in the case that some will label me with filth. Get a grip brother; don’t paint us all with the same brush stroke you’ve allowed yourself to be painted with. Some of us have been (by the Grace of the Almighty) saved. Have a nice day and next time try (as hard as it may seem) to come up with viable arguments, then we shall progress to a more productive discussion .
  2. Yeah Ballerz :rolleyes: , very wise, once you’re done butchering others simply because they hold a different view why don’t you return home and become the billionth war lord, you sure as hell do have the characteristics and tendencies. You should be ashamed of yourself young man :mad: , have you not learnt anything from the Somali tragedy. It is unfortunate it happened, but what would be most sad is if some did not take heed and learn from the past. It seems history is bound to repeat itself; it’s now only a matter of when now :confused: .
  3. And I was referring to the fact that your reasons for seceding cannot stand on both legs for they do not apply just to the North, everyone was butchered- it was not only the brethren of the North who suffered, we all did. I think the simple reason of because we want to is much more appropriate. Do as you like, if you guys vote for it then it is not for us to meddle.
  4. Sophist, Walaal it probably never did, but it was just an example, however I could easily replace it with tribal wars (as I’m sure happen, they do all over Somalia). The point I was trying to make is that some individuals have set out on the mission of trying to ruin the good name of certain cities because of the majority clan which inhabits them- for directly attacking the tribe would only have them labeled as tribalists. I wouldn’t mind so much if one was to make such a comment once for we are all guilty of generelisation at times, however whenever it is a reoccurring thing against the same city (as clear in the case of Guraad and Mr Oodweyne) then it is only natural for things to start smelling fishy, to start smelling of the foul stench of qabiilism. Bottom line is, I believe we are saying the same thing in essence, it’s about time people were more cautious about what they say for it could seem to others that they are using the city masquerade to try and attack other Somalis simply because of their qabiil.
  5. ABU AMMAR and SOPHIST, Brothers I realise that Puntland is not trying to secede, but I don’t believe that was my point. The point I was trying to make (I thought it was apparent -obviously not) is that some consider Riyaale to be a warlord for the sole reason that he is the leader of Somaliland while at the same time condoning Cabdullahi Yusuf and his like. Double standards. Even if one does not personally support CY but accepts him as the leader of Puntland than that person is condoning him.
  6. Northerner, i personally have nothing against Somaliland seceding (only because i see no point in begging folks who clearly don't want you to be part of them- we are forever brothers and inshallah will be amicable neighbours), but please refrain from such a rhetoric because i'm sure no one appreciates their own remarks been used against them. I ask you then, were there any demonstrations on the streets of Hargeysa in the 70s against what was being done by Siad Barre in Mudug (where many of my family members were butchered)?
  7. ABU AMMAR, please feel more than free to answer my question. People don’t always have to agree on everything, but it’s only fair to expect consistency and no double standards.
  8. Rahima


    Mashallah sister , May Allah strenghten you in your resolve. And yes to wear pants as an outer garment is xaraam for women. No, there is no difference amongst the scholars of the four schools of thought. This new difference of opinion is a new phenomenon and anyway we as Muslims should always take that which is the strongest opinion for it has the best of daleels (proofs). Rasuallah cursed the women who dress like men and vice versa- and we all know that trousers are the attire of men. And once again wishing you all the best and just love your expression-
  9. Qac Qac your not killing the mood walaal, your giving the sister the right advise she should be getting. Sister, look after your honour because i guarantee you if you don't, no one else will and most importantly always fear Allah and know he is watching you wherever you are.
  10. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. May Allah forgive her sins and grant her jannah. Aamiin.
  11. Another sad story in Mogadishu. Savagery never ends in that city. Brother Mobb Deep, walaahi with all sincerity i say this to you, do you now see why some would be inclined to believe you have tribal tendencies? Ok, we all agree this is a tragedy, but in the current climate of Somali politics where we all know and agree that certain cities generally mean certain tribes for most, it would be most wise that one refrains from making such generalising comments. For example, I’m sure you would get offended by an individual who claims that Bossaso, Garowe or any other Puntland city was the Somali city of homosexuals and they were full of the grotesque qawmu luut simply because of the case of the two dykes. For one to make such comments would be disgusting, vile, inappropriate and undoubtedly tribal orientated because we all know that such comments are false and these cities are full of God fearing Somalis who would never commit such xaraams. So now do you see how the generalising comments that you have made about a Somali city can be fitted into the same category, it may not be as inflaming to you but it is for some others and the bottom line is, it is just as bad. As much as some like to portray Xamar as the capital of evil, we all know the city is booming nowadays (just like Kismaayo, Hargeysa, Bossaso etc are- wouldn’t want to be accused of anything ) and inshallah complete peace will be achieved all across Somalia.
  12. Finally, all in all, while we as a Somaliland on the other hand, proceed purposefully to build our nationhood of Somaliland Republic, you and the rest of your defeated ilk in the far corners of the world are left nothing but with only shouting and vomiting of spleen of sore-losers proportion on the side line That is uncalled for; in fact, with all due respect it’s disgusting. How can one have such hatred for his fellow Somalis and gloat at any of their misfortunes (just as Somaliland has many also). I realise some of the anti-Somaliland crew are only in that camp for tribal reasons but there is no need to express such inhumane views so as to counter them. Alas, like I’ve said so many times, many here hold views that are just two sides of the same coin. Two sides of the same ugly coin. Go ahead and argue on these forums, but please for the love of God don’t return home with such views. We, those who love all Somalis irrespective of their tribe want to move on and prosper, stop holding us back will ya!
  13. I hope the people of Mogadishu do what is right and not let the devil over power them. It is after all xaraam to kill any Muslim even if they have committed atrocities such as those committed by Morgan, unless of course he is put on trial and FAIRLY judged (not likely in Somalia). May Allah bring peace to our homeland.
  14. Just out of curiosity, if Riyaale was the elected leader of Puntland, would you still consider him a war lord? I think not!
  15. Cajaa’ib walaahi. If this is not clear-cut hatred then I don’t know what is. :confused: What’s even more surprising is the way some not only condone this hatred but also support it while at the same time claiming to be nationalists and not care for tribal politics. And don’t worry about it, I’m sure there are many who are ready to help rebuild ALL of Somalia, including Xamar .
  16. Having great admiration for ibn taymiyyah and following the salaf does not mean that one is anti-madhab. One can follow a madhab, but on issues where that madhab is incorrect (or has the weaker opinion), we must follow that which is most correct and Allah knows best. So in essence, we actually follow all madhabs. For example on the issue of a husband just going missing, what is the correct ruling with respect to the marriage status of the wife? For how long must she wait? If I remember correctly for example the Maaliki school states for 84 years and the hanafi for 120 years (a lifetime)- or figures similar. Therefore, must a woman who follows these schools never re-marry? Clearly, the correct opinion is otherwise and therefore one cannot always adhere to everything mentioned in the madhab they prescribe to. We must understand that the Culamaa’ were not prophets and they could of have made mistakes- but inshallah they will still get their ajar, but it is upon us to seek knowledge. These madhabs i speak of are all those of the ahlu-sunnah-wal-jamaaca (there are actually more than four) and does not include the shiica (N.B not imaam jacfar) whom we differ upon with issues of caqiidah and not small fiqh issues.
  17. Mashallah , May Allah accept your xajj and keep you steadfast. Aamiin.
  18. A Muslim is what I call myself.. but I subscribe to the Ahlu Sunnah wel Jamaa'ah school of thhought = people of the Sunnah and consensus. madhab of the Prophet (saw) as understood by the companions and the 1st three generations. I guess that makes me a Maliki, Shafici, Hanafi and Hanbali, Salafi, Kalafi, Umari (if such thing exists-but I do love Ummar r'a)) all at once lol - In other words I don't discriminate between the Scholars but judge their rulings in accordance to the evidence that they provide. In instances where there is a differnce in opinion - I'd go for the majority opinion or the one that appeals to me the most. Agree 110% Mashallah Ameenah, well said sister
  19. Mashallah akhi May Allah give you all that you desire and much more.
  20. I think Hijab is a choice. Actually, it’s not. Allah clearly orders the believing women to wear the hijab, therefore it is an obligation for one who claims to have iman. It maybe so that a sister may not wear the hijab (which is a clear sin), but at the end of the day SHE MUST BELIEVE IN ITS OBLIGATION (for not believing so can take her out of the fold of Islam- as is unanimously agreed upon by the scholars of Islam). “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.” (Quran 33:59) "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons, or their women or the servants whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex, and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O you Believers, turn you all together towards Allah, that you may attain Bliss." (Quran 24:31). Does one need any more proof about the obligation of the hijab? I think not, therefore let us not fall victim to the propaganda machine of those who so blatantly have a hate for Islam. First and foremost we are Muslims, and we believe in all that is in the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah without a second thought. We hear and obey OH Allah is our slogan- let us remember that folks. In a muslim country it is either forced upon you or pressured by family. Could it be because they believe in Allah? Could it be because they wish for the jannah that has been created for the believers? Could it be that they want refuge from the hell fire? Just a few ideas for thought!
  21. Indeed a sad day. The fact that she died in a fire is a good sign for Rasuallah said that those who died in such a way (i.e in a fire, along with others such as drowning) are regarded as martyrs. Allah ha u naxariisto and grant her jannah.
  22. normally when I hear some1 has died I get shocked & sad but today it's diffrent. no sadness b'coz they died during HAJJ maasha-allah, but nevertheless ilaah ha u naxariisto and may Allah grand them jannatul fardows. So true walaahi. May Allah accept their Xajj, forgive them of their sins and grant them the best of final dwellings, Jannatul Firdows.
  23. Aside from the qabiil names been mentioned, most are missing another crucial point. Let us be frank with one another, some nomads here are substituting qabiil names with Puntland and Somaliland- and we all know that when some use these names they mean nothing other than certain tribes. I personally feel that there needs to be greater control of this; personally, it infuriates me for I know it’s nothing more than tribalism in a disguised form. Also, I feel that this section should be more about making a difference to our homeland and making a positive contribution rather than bickering about whose tribe/region is best while putting others down.