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Posts posted by Buuxo

  1. Originally posted by Legend of Zu:

    ^^^ Kuguma Ogi Jiljileec!!!


    Farax yaa laguu bootayn - ->

    How many of these girls (afka holaca ka sii daynaaya) have achieved their savings target? since I say majority didn't, wonder why? shopping perhaps? this and that?


    Kolay naagta savingka ku roon korkeeda aa laga kasaa



    Lol@ korkeeda aa laga garta, in that case saving is haram. because if you are not going to spend it on yourself or your family, what are you going to do with that money, ma Aakhira bar kan?.

    And FYI i have reached my savings target, after buying all my essentials of course. ;)



    They are subtly different, but then what would you know about subtlety?? You're still in the "pull girl's hair to get her attention" stage But Buuxo is gonna get a buzz cut and beat you up if you keep doing it.

    LOl cara, a gentle slap would of done it :D

  2. ^ is that appropriate for a women,isnt it used for girls?


    Anyhow , i tried to find a suitable word in my somali/english dictionary . And it had the following for Wife: Maranti, Xilo, Afo & Xaaska. And it only had one entry for Husband: Say . War ileen balaayo, Maranti kuma lahoo, ana islanta baan ka cabanaaye.

  3. Originally posted by Garyaqaan*:

    quote: Nabaddoon Xaaji Cabdi Yare oo ka mid ah Odayaasha Beesha ********* ee ka qeybgelaya Shirka Dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa sheegay in Beeshiisa ay dhibaato ka tirsaneyso dhamaan beelaha Soomaaliyeed, isagoo carrabka ku adkeeyay in la isugu tegay tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay burburtay Dowladdii hore, isla markaana dhibaato baaxad leh loo geystay

    the best joke of the year
    :DMaxaad ku qoslaysa? waa runtisee.

  4. lol@ya kuugula dhagan ninkaan, i still dont understand why they use this odayga/habarta shit, and doubt that it has some respect implied.


    Jimcaale, i have actually heard people calling their parents that,odaygaan,

    islaanta/habarta ...acuuudkow and some will have you believe its for respect.

  5. Lol Ngonge :D , we get that after a while you not all excited about each-other but no need to tell everyone. at least maad tiraahdid xaajiyad or xaajiga. longevity kuma looho Walee kii islaanta i yirihado duf haku baxdo. ;)


    Xanthus, i think that is probably it we are such negative people.

  6. Is there certain Somali terms or words that people use constantly, that get on your nerves?


    Well, When I hear Somali couples referring to their other half by using terms like “odaygaygi wuxuu yiri” , “xaaski waxay tiri” , I find that irritating .What’s even worse and I cant seem to understand why young married women refer to their husband as “ odaygi /odaygaygi” , I could understand if this was an older women say at least 40 yrs and her hubby is an oday smile.gif .

    But why refer to your husband as the “old man or my old man” it is just plain rude. And Somali men do this too, like they would talk about their wife, and say “xaaska this, xaaska that” . It is not when it is used as a one of, but when they use it over and over again, i just feel like screaming. It would be so much nicer and easier to just use their names, even if the person you are talking to doesn’t know who the fadumo or Farxaan you have been talking about for the past 30 minutes is, let them ask and you can clarify, instead of demeaning your beloved.


    Anyhow, I probably sound neerafoos but what Somali terms do you or would you use to refer to your spouse??

  7. ^and what does the teenage somali boys done by this age, are you saying that they can effectively manage their money. can they even bring money to the family?.We are talking about the 21st century somali girl, not when you used get your shaati iyo surweel ironed and the somalis girls use to fetch those yaanyo mirooley.war joog, gabdhaha aa loo baxsadaye.

  8. thats true Aaliya , that seems to be the way i have seen many somali parents having an influence in the marriage of their children. But having only seen somalis in my community, i fail to understand how a 16yr girl can marry a 50-60ish yr old man without any type of coercion.

  9. Originally posted by Dabshid:

    Ameer riiray caano iyo ilma lagu ogaadaaye,

    Aragiisi maan maleh intuu adhaxda taagaayo.


    Gabadh oogadeed iyo guraa lagu ogaadaaye

    Arageedu maan ma leh intay tima agliilayso.

    dabshid, see lagu og'aada , i mean maxaa lagaa wada waxa kor ku qoran. im sure i have annoyed many nomads here by asking always "maxaa ka/laga wada".

  10. they are not applicable, i shall list one that should apply to somali girls.


    Age 7-10

    1-Cook Shaah, canjeero

    2-care for her younger siblings

    3-walk a 100 miles to the next watering hole

    4-Memorised hingaad(u knw aaa a alif....baa etc)

    5-Ride a bike ,whilst managing to hide from her dugsi teacher.

    6-stand-up to dhociliyaal

    7-clean and ignite feynuus


    ***bloody hell im sure they have done it all by this age.