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Everything posted by Sayyid

  1. Sayyid


    Maxamuud Cali Beenaleey wuxuu yidhi: "Hashaan geela ka qaadan Ee tolkay ii qaban doono Tilmaanteeda aan qeexo Qarjaf ma aha cag weyn ah Qonjar ma aha cayuun ah Qayax ma aha caddiin ah Qumud goodir labeeb ah Qeexan oo kala jiidan Baarkaa gees u qallooca Waagay qaalin ahayd bay Nirig qoor jabanaysay Afar qoone wadaag iyo Qardhaas bay u xidheen Qoodhadhka u kala jooga Kii qooraanso yidhaahdaba Qosol buu u dhacaa...."
  2. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    I will take it as a man because afterall it's your decision but I'd like you to know that the guy you chose over me is really "useless", he doesn't know how to defend a girl let alone be a "watchdog" atleast when you tell me "turn left, I won't turn into the opposite direction, that's what you get with your choice. As for As-Sayyid, Al-shaheed al-mujaahid Say(y)id Qutb is concerned "he's what you see is what you get", but I guess I never stood any chance because you kept hold of your "useless" favourite, who ain't even up to the job. However there are plenty of other girls I can be a "watchdog" for, I'll try CW she knows how to appreciate a real "watchdog".
  3. This is a poll in which I'm trying to find out the level of hygiene amongst the nomads in here. There are a set of questions for you to answer and hopefully then we will be able to find out where we stand hygienic-wise! Thanks in advance for taking part.
  4. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    Al-xamdulilaah, Walaal I'm very well qualified. I've been in the service{s} for along time, I got my initial training from the famous military academy called the "politics section", anyone who can survive in such an harsh enviroment is really qualified to become a watch-dog. For me the general and women section of the fora is nothing compared to the politics section because I've already beaten the crème de la crème of the most feared forum on the sol fora. For more credentials don't hesistate walaal to contact me in private. I will then let you know my real experiences and qualifications in that matter.
  5. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    The needy, eh? That's commendable. But perhaps you should wait till you've amassed more posts before you start distributing them? Koley anigu uma baahni, laakiin waad mahadsantahay. Oh...and I never started from zero. I purchased a bundle of posts when I registered, so I never had to claw my way up. More than one way to skin a cat, love. Wlc anyway and happy posting. Walaal sharing is good if you've got small or big assets, you know. On the other hand I would have much more appreciated if you welcomed me in the first place but nevertheless I'll except your warm welcome, much appreciated! Al-shaheed Al-muhajid As-Sayyid Al-Qutb!
  6. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    Walaal don't take our sisters name into ridicule, watch what you're saying because she's more senior than you and btw from now on I'm her selfappointed watchdog. Hasn't the letter arrived whereas Ahura fired you. Now watch that place!
  7. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    Yaa Ukhti fil islaam! Rome wasn't built in one day. For me this 50+ posts are an enormous progress. It's a step (small) into the right direction so I'm asking you in whose authority are you talking my sister in Islaam. You ought to be congratulating me because even you started from zero and gradually you worked your way up. I'm really dissapointed at you but nevertheless I will forgive you but don't expect that I'll give you a share into my 50+ posts. "Dhaqanku soomaalida weeye in aay dadka wax hesto oo taajiriinta ah in aay maal ugu daran because they expect something in return but I will give my posts to the needy. P.s. I'm sorry Ahura!
  8. Sayyid

    i am back

    Benvenuto indietro Walaal!
  9. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    Generous as I'm, I donated them to a couple of "poor" guys, who didn't have any posts at all. I suggest that you follow suit and make the afford I did because it certainly has its rewards. Make someone happy today khaalidow! Adigoo suugo haysatid inuu jaarkaaga gaajo daradeed la seexdo waa arrin fadeexo ah walaal, sidaa isku dhaan taasna waa iga talo. Al-mujaahid Sayid Qutb.
  10. Sayyid

    Thank you...

    Well, what can I say I'm almost in tears folks. Finally after some hard work I've been asigned the title of nomad no more alien. I want to thank myself, sol and the rest of the people who inspired me to go on and not loose the plot. Really man I coudn't thank you enough. It's really amazing to have fifty + posts and to become a nomad and for that I thank myself and all of you who made it possible to reach "safely" the desired fifty posts and to become a "nomad". I wish myself a good stay in here and please be considerate because as my new role of chief mediator I've assigned myself to the task helping the "poor" and helpless from the tyranny of others.
  11. Sayyid


    ^^Inshaallaah, It's Mujaahid Sayid Qutb by the way no more Sheikh Ayoubi.
  12. Akhi Faaraxow, I won't let it permit to insult or talk to brother Daanyeer as you did. We don't want any fights in here please "abstain" from the "fitnah" you're causing in here. It's a result from your inability to discuss in a civil and a graceful manner because you being abusive and rude is a sign of you not knowing how to handle criticism. Caution, you've been warned!
  13. Leave them alone! She will get to see the point when the bills come through from the expensive treatments her girl got at the dentistry. New teeth are really expensive.
  14. Waxa kaleen maqley, Munkar iyo Nakiir way kaa hadhan markaad musqusha gasho. Does this mean you can get upto anything in there? Munkar wa Nakiir? Aren't they angels of death that will question the dead in their graves? Trust me if you got Munkar and Nakiir sitting on your side surely then you must be dead and in a grave because they only question the dead about their religion and their deeds. BTW the really funny thing is that if you go to the toilet without saying "Allaahuma ini cacuudhubika minal khubithy wal khabaaith"(khubiyith and and Khabaaith are male and female devils, who live in toilets), and you take off your clothes, they will laugh at you like they watching some comic. It is said that they are extremly fond of pubic hairs, very funny indeed. They won't stop laughing and you'll make their day without saying the above dua'. There is no escaping from Allaah, he even knows what is in your heart. "Waxa kaleen maqley, Munkar iyo Nakiir way kaa hadhan markaad musqusha gasho. Does this mean you can get upto anything in there?" May I correct your sentecence grammer wise? "Waxaa kale/kalayto aan maqlay, inay Munkar iyo Nakiir aay kaa harayaan markaad musqusha aad gashid/gasho ama usocotid!
  15. Sayyid


    ^^^I guess the above has officially ended this thread! Thanks alot!
  16. Sayyid


    Gabay:Ammaan-geel Gabaygan waxaa tiriyey cabdi galayax oo ah Abwaanada Soomalida kuwa loogu sacab tumo xaga Ammaanta geela iyo jeclaanta geela uu u qabo waxuu yidhi:- Haddaan baawar kama waayayee, bilo dhaqaaleeyo Barrimada caleentana leh haddaan, bariba meel geeyo Markay balaxsi doontana haddaan, dhanaha boobsiiyo Bartuu fadhan ku yaallana haddaan, baalash kaga jiido Middii aan dhukaan bido haddaan, biimo ku ogaado Goortii ay bogsootana haddii aan, badhika fuudsiiyo Haddaan baanto xooluhuba way, badan xumaadaane Baadida lumaysiyo haddaan, baylah ka ilaalsho Bahalkiyo waraabaha haddaan, Baar ka celinaayo Haddaan baytimaal kuma gashee, Buro xannaaneeyo Inay bulanto mooyee haddii, bixinta loo diido Haddaan naago kuma baayacee, baali laga dhiibin Barbaarnimiyo doobnimo haddaan, baaqi ku ahaado Anigoo basaas qaba haddaan, bawdka hore seexdo Boolbaraha ciiddiyo haddaan, boorashka u jiifo Waa baxarka gelee haddaan, bidho ku haaneedo Bakhayl magac ma yeeshee haddaan, bixiyo dheefteeda Haddaan labanka Boodey martida, ugu bashaasheeyo Bun haddaan u dubo oo wadaad, baro ku yaasiimo Haddaan baraha jiilaal kobtii, baadle ku ekeeyo Oon baagamuuddiyo u huro, inaan ka baashaalo Bandarada magaaliyo haddaan, balad u moogaado Buugtiyo iskuullada haddaan, barashadood daayo Haddaan kabo banbiira ah toshiyo, rabadhka baabuurta Haddii anan bashlaynine xarrago, baal isaga tuuro Baqoole iyo guuraba haddaan, baadhi la ahaado Bilaheeda oo idil haddaan, Baayir daba joogo Barigay dhalaysana haddaan, boqon ku seeteeyo Barqin horada laba goor haddaan, baaciyoo celiyo Goortay cabbaar biliqsatay, meel isbabacdaaye Bishamaha madow iyo markay, buulka hore keento Bisinkiyo haddii aan u maro, baabaddii nabiga Haddaan nirigta beydaanka dheer, bogga ka soo jiido Bishaaraan idhaahdaa intaan, bururo reynreyne Basarka geela loo dhaqo haddaan, baab walba idleeyo Intaasoon ku baaqtamay haddaaan, been ka dhigi waayo Saw badashadiisu waa waxyare, boqol ma dhaafaayo
  17. Sayyid


    ^^You're beautiful!
  18. ^^^Atleast it is a good start in the right direction! All the news I listened today and I watched the BBC's six' clock the news was that the jews were really "shocked" about Xammaas winning a landmark victory in the palestinian elections. No need to be pessimistic because we can see from the reactions of Bush, when he gave his reactions to the latest Xammaas victory in the elections. Also Tony Blair and the EU were quite "shocked" and worried about the election victory of Xammaas. Do you know why Xammaas is "feared" that much by the jews and the christians is because of their "ideology", they will not sell or negotiate anything less what the palestinian people deserve. Fatah was a sell-out the jews always got what they negotiated for and what did the palestinians got in return? Nothing much. They don't fear Xammas but Islaam as an ideology and the devine and laws ordained from the seven heavens from Allaah the exalted. However Xammaas won't be led to govern and eventually the palestinians will be turned against each other and a bloody civil war will be started due to fatax being this time the jewish agent who will make everything to be from Xammaas becoming the ruling force in palestine. Only with islam can we escape the disgrace and humiliation we're finding us in right now and without it we will further humiliated and disgraced. Wabillahi Towfiiq,
  19. Praise be to Allaah the lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon our prophet, his family and companions. Peace is always a good thing. With peace comes prosperity, life and development. People should encourage each other in faith, patience, peace and companionship. I applaud the good behaviour, civility and grace of the nomads in here. Anyway as we come to the end of the year and a new year is about to start I'd like everyone to know that my new year's resolution will be to work for the greater good and to become an ambassador for peace, reconciliation and a mediator for warring parties and indviduals in here. May the peace last and harmony come to this place. Ameen.
  20. Jihad Rap - “Dirty Kuffar†August 21st, 2004 at 10:32 pm by Vladimir (Islam-Terrorism) Jihad rap video “Bismillah hir rahman ir raheem, mother mercy well, now we recognize our error mother mercy … Sheik Terra, along side our soul salah group yeah man, throw them in the fire, what I want is more fire more fire more fire there’s a new name for disbelievers what we have to call them is dirty kuffar if they don’t respect the Almighty one then we throw them in the fire where they’ll burn, burn, burn. you see the national front man there my dirty kuffar the Ku Klux Klan there my dirty kuffar the BNP man there my dirty kuffar Ronald Reagan was a dirty kuffar the minister Tony Blair there my dirty kuffar the one mister Bush there my dirty kuffar the national front there my dirty kuffar throw them in the fire… dirty Kuffar, wherever you are driving your car, disobey allah run around the world like the grand puba we’re gonna be taking over like we took over the shah from Kandahar to Ramallah we’re coming like stars peace to Hamas and the Hizbollah OBL(sheik Usaama bin Muhammed bin Awad} pulled me like a shiny star like the way we destroyed them two towers ha-ha†Jihad Rap: The music video “Dirty Kuffar†by Sheikh Terra and the Soul Salah Crew. “Kuffar†means “infidelâ€, “Salah†means righteousness or piety in Arabic, “Terra†is rap lingo for “terror,†and the name of the group is an intentional rip-off of the name of British rap group “So Solid Crew.â€
  21. I gave him alot of advice a long time ago but it seems that our brother is a bit paranoid about "women". Yes it is understandable that you're fond of women but that doesn't give you any right to bore us day and night with your not so very bright questions, I hope you understand what I mean. Obviously you lack enormous social skills because it seems that you can't differentiate between what is a good and rationaland an ignorant and foolish question. Walle people should know when to open their mouth and what is socially acceptable to ask and what what is not. No one is picking on you but you've to learn that sometimes it is wise to shut up. "It is better to be silent and to be thought of to be a fool rather to speak out and confirm it". Why do you want to marry a woman that has been divorced without her close male relatives giving their consent. It doesn't mean that because she was married once in her life that she won't need to consult her close male relatives. The only difference between a woman that was once married and a girl that has never married when asking them for marriage is that the woman who was married once can give herself away without the need to ask for her hand but she has to inform her close male relatives and she can marry the guy she wants without any approval from her close relatives. But what are you hiding? Ever heard of "wixii laqariyo qurun baa ku jiro". You make me sick walaal and you should really be ashamed off yourself. Maybe you should go back to where you hail from to learn some "dhaqan" and "adaab" and how to talk and what to ask and what not to ask. BTW you got a bloody computer why don't make you use of it, instead of trying to ask "dad aadan ogayn in aay kaa liidadaan iyo in kale xagga diinta iyo umuuraheeda". Wise up man. Gabdhaha wax lagu ciyaaro ma'ahan. Tan kale waxaan layaabayo gabadha garoobka ah oo adiga ku rabto in aay ku guursado, she must be really desperate. Fix up and stop your ingorant and shameful questions, will you?
  22. you're 100% right. But I'd also had liked that you show the "other" side of London. The many ghettos and slums from Fulham to Brixton and Peckham. I personally like places like Ealing, Richmond and Islington etc. But what we do best is cosmopolita(n). Beautiful pictures of different people of all kind of sizes, shapes, colours, cultures and religions. Nobody does that better. Even after 7/7 London is still united because the people get along in no other western city. Paris, Sydney and New york city have all racial tensions and people are literally at each others throat because they can't get alon, this is not the case here in London because of the liberal attitude and culture of the british. They don't even take themselves seriously. Anything and everything is welcome unless ofcourse they "disturb" the peace. In london you can worship freely at your workplace, uni, college and school without hinderance. What I like is also everywhere I go there is a mosque in London. Most highstreets and city centre's have signs that leads one to the mosque, that's why I love London. Somalis are found in every street corner from the westend to harrow and beyond. We're also the biggest somali dispora in the western world. The population ranges from estimates of a quarter million to 300,000. On top of that we've some 65,000 in Leicester and Birmingham and other areas of the midlands. 45,000 in the greater Manchester area and surrounding areas such as Bolton. 20,000 in Bristol, 15,000 in Cardiff, 10,000 in Sheffield, 7,500 in Liverpool, 5000 in Milton Keynes, 5000 in Southampton and Porthsmouth respectively. Another 5,000 in Glasgow. There are also Somali communities in Huddersfield, parts of mersey-side, wales, leeds, northampton etc. Somalis in the UK are so numerous that you sometimes think you're actually in Somalia!
  23. Bisharo, good on you walaal. I personally detest those anorexic and thin girls. There is nothing wrong with a natural and healthy bit of flesh on a woman. But may I relate to you a story that I read a while ago,which will put you off from eating KFC again! There was this professor of science in london from the university of greenwich I blieve, who went to one of the many KFC franchises in London for Lunch. Whilst eating he noticed on of the "supposed" chicken bones he ate a while ago. He thought to himself that the bone couldn't have been that of a chicken. Therefore he took the bone back to his laboratory to examine it thoroughly. It turned out that he was right indeed in his earlier suspicioun because the bone actually belonged to a cat. So all I can wish you is Bon Appetite.
  24. Hey Fayrouz, Are you that desperate? Please don't provide us with pictures that do not match your description of London. The above picture is from Newcastle upon tyne or should I say Gateshead ! I commute alot in the city (don't ask what I do there) and it doesn't look like that breath-taking believe me. The picture of the embankment is a mugger's paradise. Don't go there alone especially at night-time. London has good places and sites to visit but the pictures above hardly represent the "true" london, you get me!
  25. Actually the film produced crticism from all parties concerned. Both Jews and Palestians were angry at their portrayal. This shows us that you can't please anyone is a no win no win situation trying to make sense of what happened. Spielberg is a jew who works for the interest of his folk. I only watched two of his films both forcibly one was jurassic park and the other one Schindler's list, which I watched during one of my history classes at high-school. Orthodox Jews hate him but for the rest he's a hero. I can't see what he would get from making such a controversial film and thereby pi*sing off alot of people. Terrorism shouldn't be something that should be encouraged whether state or group sponsered for that matter. Muslims have to start within themselves before pointing the finger to the west. A collective rethinking is required. By overthrowing regimes we wouldn't achieve much because change has to come from the masses and not from few die-hard Taliban inspired fanatics. I remember during the first gulf war when the americans set up their camps in KSA, which led to a violent and angry condemnation from the muslism who lived in the Kingdom. A group of young inexperienced suggested to declare a jihad and to overthrow the house of saudi and to attack the american camps but fortunately Sheikh Albaani may Allaah have mercy on him appealed to their concious to not seek chaos and instability. Even though the decision of the Saudi government was weak and scandalous nevertheless it was issued by the legitimiate leaders of Saudi-Arabia thereby making it hard to rebel against it. In the quran we can make alliances with other groups although one is discouraged of making an alliance with a much stronger party because they could overhelm you after you defeat the enemy with the help of your alliance. Inshallah change will come with new people and with a new breed of generation because the old generations aren't able to produce anything constructive for the muslims at large. Muslim leaders are greedy and too much concerned with their livelihoods and the free humanitarian and military aid they get for free in return for being an obedient servant.