Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. Looool.Maxaad heedhe ka keentay middle east?Wc back qofyahey.
  2. Fine,meeday tii cynical eheed? :rolleyes: Edit;Ibti can make a good substitute too
  3. Ninyohow adigaa iga weyn so u chooce first then i'll chooce.
  4. No,i got to dance with two.One on my front and the other on the rear.A perfect dance!
  5. Thats what am talking about,The drill is on and official.
  6. Timacadeh,its a low intensity fighting in that,the government isn't using force as it ought to.
  7. No peace deal,absolutely no peace deal with the remnants of the defeated lot.
  8. Sakhar if what u are saying is true regarding the peace deal; 1.The Defence secretary should resign. 2.The Ethios are operating on their own and not under the Government so they got to pack. 3.Government officials must have undermined the TFG and this raises the question of a conspiracy involvement. In conclusion; Yesterday the drill was on,today nothing is happening though there is a huge military standby thats on.In short,its impossible,the Ethios can make no deal with any one and thus are under the authority of the TFG.
  9. Originally posted by Kashafa: Sakhar, Violet, Xalane, and Taako Man, 1- Let's get a few things out of the way first: You stand with the Ethiopian army, I promise you, you will fall down with it. In this conflict, there are two sides, The Tikrey/TFG alliance and Everybody Else. U are wrong.U are wrong coz u are trying to make it an Ethio thing when its infact the clan clowns and the peacekeepers in general and anything that has to do with peace.Ur folks do not want peace and thus resorted to anarchy (we all know the benefits they get out of it) whilst the poor folks are the ones suffering.The clowns claimed that they stabilized the nation and etc.Tell me,who were the warlords destroying Xamar and who are the ones that say they stabilized?Cousins?U got that one right.However,Xamar was stabilized and the following were the the techiniques used. 1.The warlord's POWS and armament were put to use and thus became the ICU's militray wing.(this promoted the m-o-ri-ya-ns from what they were to well versed sheikhs) 2.The cousins together with their warlord allies(u know who)declared a religious rule.[This promoted some from warlords to again well versed sheikhs] 3.They Challenged the TFG and refused anything that had to do with peace (in that they speak peace in words and wage war at the same time and the two can't go hand in hand). So kashafa,what are u telling me?That the folks of xamar are more religious than the rest of somalis?Am from Xamar,why can't i be more religious than the other folks,or what makes u think u are more religious than any other person ?That aside,the Islam that was being ignored for 16 years comes to light when the clan clowns heard that there was a Government in place and thus the colonel was the president?Who are u kidding? If u are truelly genuine and out of the qabiil thing,u would know better,that its not about the Ethiopians,its not about who the President is and its not about anything else but its simply the rejection of any Government whatsoever.And that my friend is impossible. Time for diplomacy has ended and the TFG is making a mistake.Why is it making a mistake? 1.Its not the whole of xamar but particular xaafado and sub sub clans who are waging the fight.Why not completely annihilate the involved areas plus the involved subs subs and bring them down to their knees? Again sxb,this is no time for Diplomacy ,and if one is still crying the famous crier aka '' the war is btw muslims and gaalo'',Well,the Gaal wouldn't be there if the one was a muslim to begin with(for one wouldn't have done what Xamar has witnessed),and this new found Islam of the involved pple is nothing but wax lagu qoslo.All the same,u forced me to go further than i previously intended to,but the truth sxb,got to be told and again,the rest is all un important but,the pple down there and any where else in the nation got to be tamed and must be united willingly or unwillingly.The drill is on sxb,and its official.
  10. Originally posted by Taliban: This would be my last comment. I was waiting for this and thus i knew it was only a matter of days.As i always say,being a quitter is being weak but all the same,farewell. Wah,Paragon is back and if memory serves me well,he bid the forum a grand farewell.The same case with the Horn,even though his was different (he quitted to save his face since he knew he wouldn't be save from pple commenting on his flip flopping),and now he is back.Folks,why resign and then come back,isku xishooda!
  11. Originally posted by Azmaya: And this virus must be eliminated once and for all. True,and the drill is on.The government doesn't even want to negotiate with them and the chief master of the clan courts aka the warden spoke and his words would have knocked u down with a giggle.Most of the clowns have been annihilated while the boys they sent to the front have been fully liquidated and the rest have been wasted while their coward commanders were running and seeking refuge in God knows where.Take it from me,whoever opposes the Government will be annihilated and they will be made law abiding subjects whether they want it or not,willingly or un willingly.As for the potatoes of the Forum,Don't mind them for potato sentiments defines their nature.All the same,somalia's lost unity will be achieved again,sleep on that.
  12. No Ceasefire or negotiations with the clowns and the only thing they should get from the Government is nothing but force in its purest form.Should the government not do that,nothing will ever work.Those folks down there should be tamed willingly or unwillingly.Aah but the drill is on,no ceasefire! Sakhar,this is no time for diplomacy,its time to subjugate the enemy and its official.
  13. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^So you are a female, and thus I can shukaansi you, righ? ************************* [ March 22, 2007, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  14. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: If,i stop being a clown(tihihi),Would you change your ******** ways? Seriously Kaptino,I think you have sunk below your expectation. Maybe i over-estimated your ability & shrewdness,But of course i was wrong. Perhaps, Your Sacab tumis one-liners here & there for your more eloquent comrades,gave me that wrong perception. You are obviously not cut for this Independent inteligent debates. Waxaad ogaataa,after this is all done and said,it is Fellow Somalis & Muslims who suffer,Yaa Kapitano. You need to pray to Ilaah Swt to save the innocent Civilians,not want death on them. Seriously,Abti, for the sake of your health, You need to give yourself a break & quit with the little credibility you had. I say this because, this is the third post where you are happy & actually OK with Civilian deaths. Thats very sad,abti. With that,I ask you to join me & ask Allah to save our brothers & Sisters who are suffering....WSWW Apart from the potato analogy,what else did u have to say than be allover the place i.e.From a ******** to a small times sheikh.All the same,the rest is un important. P.s.******** is a nice name,u should be proud. [ March 22, 2007, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. Originally posted by Taliban: Now, you're forcing el capitano not to ever use potato . No Taliban,u are mistaken.Potato sentiments are for potatish men and thus,the term will be used whenever fit.
  16. Guevara,who is killing the civilians?The men who come to civilian populated areas and use their homes as a mortar field or the men who are protecting themselves from the mortar attacks?If u are willing to kill civilians to save ur skin,why condemn others?And as for islaanimo,why don't u question the islaanimo of those u beat the drum for,since they sold the mere river water to the folks and robbed them of rights and ownership of everything they had including their own souls.Dude,look the pic again and ponder upon who gave the poor woman that look. Juje,if the TFG goes down,it will go down having secured the unity it promised and it will do that even if they have to take the 65% we already talked about with them. *********,of all the things u could do to urself,why reduce ur self to a mere *********? [ March 22, 2007, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Originally posted by Juje: Maka taqaan niman hada gacmaha la heysto. War go ahead do what you deem to be correct in doing your balayo. The odds are stagged against you sxb. No juje,if they did what they had to do,many in here would be busy writing tacsi emails and making some tacsi phone calls.Be happy that they are restraining themselves and doing things the slower way.The odds sxb,the odds are stagged against the cowards and not vice versa
  18. Originally posted by Taliban: [QBIncorrect. Understanding doesn't mean accepting it. [/QB] Aah,another attempt of walking away from the truth eh.Don't u think its absurd or rather weak to try the ill manouvres whenever questioned.Dude,u are either with it or against it.The rest is un important.
  19. Well put Khalaf,however u expect a deaf ear to hear u?
  20. Abwaan,this is a military drill and this drill is for real,no one will be a sitting duck for the involved militias.Their using the civilians as a shield will make the TFG troops to not conduct its militray objectives as they ought to and thus,their telling the pple to leave the area makes sense. Jaylaani,if what u are saying is true,then by all means,those involved should be cut off and totally annihilated with the least pity possible.Remember,those folks got to be tamed and willingly or unwillingly they got to be united.If they can't unite and live peacefully while alive,they will be made to unite and rest in peace by their getting buried in the same grave holes.It's really a simple stance.
  21. U prefer the drill to be like the war of the clan clown courts and the warlords and bomb the city thus over looking the civilians?Or maybe u forgot the civilian casualties then?By all means,the government should execute its objectives with out any hesitation even over looking civilians and all that but out of good will they are doing the other wise and to u its a monkey logic since it gives u no more reasons to make empty claims as u obviously do.
  22. Originally posted by Hunguri: Captain Xalane . Odaygii JB ahaa ma aragtay . He must be having a bone in luuqa ! Yeah CL told me that he was hiding from the rest with the bone.Loool,waryaa JB there is a bone shortage miyaa? Hunguri,ninyohow ur advice was a wicked one.I ate all the doolshe and still,no change yaaqay and ur calool soo saaris recipe failed again.