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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. Boobka iyo Bililaqada loo geystay Hey'adihii sama falka W/Muqdisho oo isa soo taraya iyo Hey'adda CED oo ka mid noqotay


    Iyadoo maalmo ka hor boob iyo bililaqo aan kala go' laheyn lagula kacay xarumo Hey'ado sama fal oo ku yaala Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa waxaa isa soo taraya boobka bareerka ee lagula kacay hey'adahaas ka qeyb qaadan jiray howlaha gar gaarka bani'aadanimada iyo sama falka dadka barakacayaasha ah.


    Dagaalada ka soconaya Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa noqday kuwo ay dhibaato xoogan ku yeeshaan xarumaha Hey'adaha sama falka ee ka madax banaan dagaalada, iyagoona qeyb ka noqday tacadiyo iyo beegsi loo geystay habsami u socodkoodii sama fal.


    Hey'adda CED oo ka mid ah Hey'adaha sama falka ee ka qeyb qaata gar gaarka dadka dhibaateysan ee heysata xaaladaha bani'aadanimo ayaa waxaa boob iyo bililaqo u geystay kooxaha mucaaradka kuwooda dagaalka kula jira Ciidamada Dowladda.


    Kooxaha mucaaradka ee dagaalka isu kaashaday sida Xarakada Alshabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam ayaa la sheegay in maalmo ka hor ay galeen xoogagooda xarunta Hey'adda CED oo ku taal Degmada C/casiis kuwaasoo ka qaatay wixii agab ah ee ay ku howl galeysay Hey'adda.


    Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Hey'addan oo si weyn uga qeyb qaadan jiray dhaaminta biyaha ee dadka ku barakacay dagaalada iyo howlo kale ee sama fal ayaa waxaa si bareer ah laga qaatay xarunteeda Matooro, Computero iyo qalab kale oo Muhiim ah.


    Dadka ka ag dhow xarunta Hey'adaas ayaa inoo sheegay in qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Hey'adda lagula dhaqaaqay jirdil aad u xoogan, waxaana afar ka mid ah shaqaalaha la sheegay in laga kaxeystay oo aan la ogeyn halka jaan iyo cirib la geeyay .


    Ka sokow Hey'addaas waxaa sidoo kale boob iyo bililaqo lagula kacay Hey'adda ACF iyo Bisha Cas, kuwaasoo iyana laga qaatay wixii agab ee muhiimka ahaa ku howl galeysay Hey'adda, waxaana ugu badnaa alaabaha laga qaatay Electronic, Isgaarsiin, Matooro iyo qalab xafiiseed aad u fara badan.



    Gawaari waa weyn oo xamuul ah ayaa la sheegay in alaabaha looga daad gureystay xarumaha hey'adaha, waxaana gaadiidka qaar ee kuwa dagaalka ahaa mid lagu daabulayay agabyada lagala baxay xafiisyadaas.


    Kooxaha mucaaradka ayaan ka hadlin falka ay kula kaceen xarumaha hey'adahaas sama fal, waxaana isa soo taraya eedeymaha loo jeedinayo oo ku aadan bililaqada iyo boobka ay u geystay hey'ado ka qeyb qaadan jira u gar gaarida shacabka soomaaliyed ee dhibaateysan.


    Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

  2. Hey'adda MSF oo albaabada isugu dhifatay xarunteedii W/Muqdisho, kadib bililaqo iyo boob loo geystay


    Hey'adda MSF ee dhaqaatiirta caafimaadka aan xuduuda laheyn ayaa ka dhawaajisay in gebi ahaanba ay xirtay xarunteedii Waqooyiga Muqdisho kadib markii ay dagaalo ku soo caariyeen.


    Sarkaal u hadlay Hey'addaas ayaa sheegay in xarunteeda caafimaad ay albaabada isugu dhifteen iyo saddex goobood oo caafimaad, waxaana taasi uu sabab uga dhigay dagaalada iyo duqeymaha halkaas ka dhaca oo howlihii Hey'adda ay saameyn ku yeelatay.


    Habsami u socodka Hey'adda oo ahaa mid aan kala go' laheyn ayaa la sheegay inuu gaabis ku yimid kolkii dagaalada ku soo dhowaadeen Hey'adana noqotay mid xamili weysay dagaalada, waxaana sarkaalka u hadlay uusan ka hadlin bililaqo loo geystay Hey'adaas maalmo ka hor kadib dagaal ka dhacay aaga ay ku taal.


    Dadkii ku dhaqnaa Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa ka argagaxay dagaalada iyo saameynta madaafiicda, waxaana goobaha dadkaas ahaa mid ammaan ah oo aanu wax dagaal ah ka dhici jirin, hase yeeshee dhinacyada iska soo horjeeda ayaa dagaalkooda sii weynaaday.


    Dadka ka qaxay dagaalada Muqdisho maalmihii la soo dhaafay ayaa lagu qiyaasay 200,000 oo qofood waxay gabaad ka dhigteen oo qaxooti ku yihiin jidka isku xira Muqdisho iyo Afgooye, waxaana halkaasi horay ugu sugnaa tiro kale oo barakacayaal oo haatan isku noqonaya Nus Malyuun oo qof oo ku hoos nool guryo baco ka samaysan oo ay u sii dheer tahay biyo la’aan, cunno la’aan, caafimaad la’aan, waxbarasho la’aan iyo hoy xumo.


    Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

  3. Meesha dagaal lagu hoobtay ba ka socdo!


    To make the current debate larger than Me and Xiin, lets call it Alshabab-Xisbi Islam vs TFG-2


    I would invite Kashafa and the other die-hard Alshabab chearleaders to explain to us the policies of Alshabab and their agenda for Somalia. That is if they have a comprehensive plan for the nation instead of Propaganda displays


    As for the TFG camp,


    How do you perceive the below key facts about the entity you support? Do you consider those key facts as necessary evil that needs to be supported to reinstate a Somali nation?


    If so, wouldn't that mean that the very foundation of the future Somali nation will be based on a shaky arrangement that is heavily influenced and controlled by foreign powers. Lastly, isn't the arrangment itself not far removed from the reality on the ground in Somalia?


    On the TFG


    We can all agree on the fact that the TFG is a foreign-created regime in which foreign powers have a major stake in it, control over it and which for its own survival depends on the resources and power of foreign actors.


    Secondly, we can all agree on the fact that half if not the whole TFG is composed of warlords, political pretenders and ignorant old men who have not what it takes to withstand the demands of the foreign powers and their agenda for Somalia.


    Lastly, we can all agree on the fact that the clan quota system is an unnatural and artificial mechanism for maintaining the clan divisions in Somalia and that such a basis for government is not in the best interest of Somalia.


    The above key facts are all known about the TFG and it makes it easy for people to denounce the entity as a faction that is not in the interest of the nation.

    http://www.somaliaon ebb.php?/topic/9/192 55/3

  4. The hogaamiye koxeedyo are in the dustpin of history.


    Insha allah the hogaamiye xarakeed (religious pretenders) will soon accompany them.

  5. Apparently the move was to prevent the hijacking of the GalMudug state structure by invididuals who had links with the coalition of extremists (Xisbi islam and Alshabab).


    Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jammah should unite the different administrations in Central Somalia and create a strong bloc against the coalition of extremists.


    Caabudwaaq, Dhusomareeb, Guriceel, Ceelbuur, Waxbo, Gelinsoor, Galkacio should have a common security and defence structure.

  6. The supporters of the extremists should answer one question:


    - If the said Alshabab is so powerfull and controls large part of Southern Somalia how come their socalled ''Amiir'' is afraid of holding a decent press conference or even showing his face?


    Is he afraid to be killed?


    This secretive way of operating is what makes Somali people despise these extremists.

  7. Gabbal,


    So by presenting the full story instead of letting the half-story of propagandists circulate I am defending someone?


    I presented the full story, and people wouldn't have died of starvation if their agricultural lands were not destroyed by the retreating and advancing forces in the Civil War. The failure to deliver the Food Aid to those people only made it worse.

  8. Sheekh Axmad Sh Yuusuf Jimcaale(Sheekh Ilko dahab) oo munaasabadda shirkaasi jaraa-id hadal kooban ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in maamul la wareegiddaan ay timid ka dib marki ay soo baxeen khilaafyo xal loo waayay oo dhax maray madaxdii GalMudug .la diiday go,aankii maxkamadda dastuuriga ahayd .qabyaalad iyo colaadna la dhax dhigay bulshada GalMudug.ho,aankaann a ujeeddadiisu tahay in lagu badbaadiyo shacbiga GalMudug.

    This Jimcaale dude has studied the coup of 1969 in Somalia. Perhaps he should pay attention to how it retarded the nation-state's natural developement and eventually led it into its downfall.


    No matter the situation and political turmoil, a coup is illegal and only retards the natural development of a given society.

  9. Culumada Ehlu Sunna Wal Jameeca oo maanta shaaca ka qaadeen in ay la wareegeen maamulkii Gal Mudug


    War saxaafadeed ay maanta Culumada Ehlu Sunna Waljameeca ku qabteen mid ka mid ah xarumahooda magaalada Gaalkacyo ayay ku soo bandhigeen qoraal ay ku caddaynayaan in ay la wareegeen maamulkii dowlad goboleedka galMudug.waqtigaan laga bilaabana aysan jirin qaybihii horay ugu jiray magaca GalMudug haddii ay noqon lahayd gole baarlamaan.gole wasiirro.madaxweyne. guddoomiye gobol iyo wixii la mid,iyadoo qoraal kaan ay ku qornaayeen magacyada ilaa 25 sheekh oo ka mid ah culumada ehlu sunna wal jameeca ee deegaannadaan.


    Waxaa kaloo qoraalkaasi ku caddaa in 30/06/2009 kuna beegnayd 6dii rajab sannadka higriyada 1430 Guddoomiyihii golaha garsoorka GalMudug Sheekh Axmad Sheekh Yuusuf Jimcaale(Ilko dahab) ay u doorteen Iimaanka ehlu sunna Waljameeca culumada xilkaan la wareegtayna uu iimaan u noqonayo.


    Sheekh Axmad Sh Yuusuf Jimcaale(Sheekh Ilko dahab) oo munaasabadda shirkaasi jaraa-id hadal kooban ka jeediyay ayaa sheegay in maamul la wareegiddaan ay timid ka dib marki ay soo baxeen khilaafyo xal loo waayay oo dhax maray madaxdii GalMudug .la diiday go,aankii maxkamadda dastuuriga ahayd .qabyaalad iyo colaadna la dhax dhigay bulshada GalMudug.ho,aankaann a ujeeddadiisu tahay in lagu badbaadiyo shacbiga GalMudug.


    Sheekh Axmad Sheekh Yuusuf Jimcaale ayaa ka codsaday guud ahaan bulshada Galmudug in ay arrinta sidaasi u arkaan culumada Ehlu sunnana ka shaqeeyaan nabad galyada iyo wanaagga.


    Shirkaan jaraa-id oo ay ka soo qayb galeen culumo awdiin.saraakiil ciidan .saxafiyiin iyo qaybo kale ayaa waxaa kalooo ka hadlay Macallin Aadan Maxamed Jimcaale iyo Sheekh Cabdullaahi Maxamed Kulmiye (Sheekh Cabdullaahi Callayr).oo ku xigeenno u ah Iimaanka Ehlu sunna iyo xubno kale oo uu ka mid yahay Sheekh Mursal Cilmi Dhago oo ka mid ahaa culumo awdinkii hoggaaminaysay Marjiciii Culumadii Galmudug ee meel marinta go,aannadii shirwaynihii Bandiiradleey ee taariikhdiisu ahayd 11/11/2007dii iyadoo ay culumadani faahfaahiyeen ujeeddooyinka keenay la wareegiddaan maamulkii GalMudug.


    Shirkaan jaraa-id oo ay ka soo qayb galeen saraakiisha hoggaamisa ciidamada Galmudug sida Booliska.daraawiisht a iyo gurmadka degdegga ah ayaa waxaa kaloo ka hadlay G/dhexe Maxamed Nuur Cali Gadaar oo ah taliyaha qaybta boolisa Galmudug oo sheegay in ay si buuxda u taageersan yihiin ugana miro dhalinayaan la wareegiddaasi ay culuma ehlu sunna kula wareegeen maamulkii galmudug.


    La wareegiddaan ayaa ku soo aadaysa waqti khilaaf ballaarini uu in muddo ah u dhaxeeyay madaxdii Galmudug sida Madaxweynaha .Baarlamaanka iyo golaha dhaqankaba.iyadoo tilaabadaanina ay meesha ka wada saarayso maamulladii madaxweynihii hore iyo kii dhowaan ay doorteen xubnaha baarlamaankuba .dib ayaanna loo ogaan doona sida ay bulshadu u ar kaam amaba ay uga jawaabaan qaybihi isku khilaafsanaa maamulka galmudug.


    http://www.dayniile. com/July2009/05July9 .htm

  10. Originally posted by Gabbal:

    Tragic. This blocking of food aid to the area
    which would have prevented any starvation from occurring
    was what led to the revised UN mandate to hunt Aydiid from its previous humanitarian oriented one. It is what led to the dissolution of UNOSOM I and the beginning of UNOSOM II.

    If Siad Barre's forces did not burn and loot the food staples of the people in Baay and Bakool they wouldn't face food shortages in the first place .


    The blocking of the Food Aid only made it worse, but the scorched earth policy destroyed the agricultural lands of those people and thus caused the famine.


    The sequence of events:


    Scorched earth policy ---> famine.


    Blocking of Food Aid by corruption and war ---> mass starvation to death.


    As for Dabshid,


    Your argument is solely based on your hate and cuqdad. It has no basis in historical facts.

  11. ^^


    We all know the whole story:


    - Barre's forces conducted a scorched earth policy in their retreat (and also possible ''punishment'' on the riverine peoples who were suspected of aiding the USC).


    - USC forces (corruption) and the raging war (between SNF and USC) hampers the delivery of Food Aid to the famine-stricken regions.


    We all know that story too well, it is pointless and utterly insulting to the victims if people distort the story and present a half-story to use it for their political propaganda.

  12. The irony is that the supporters of the extremist are using Nationalist retorics and actually think that Alshabab stands for the blue and white.



    As for Xisbi Islam, they are old school Somali wadaado ala Sayid Muhammed Abdulle Hassan. They have still some emotional attachment to the blue and white.













    HARGEISA, 26 JUNE 1960


    Mr. T. E. Bromley to the Members of the Council of Ministers of Somaliland




    Hargeisa, June 26, 1960


    Your Excellencies,


    I have the honour to ask you to confirm on behalf of the Government of Somaliland

    that, should they in any way be a party to any agreement for, or any instrument

    having the effect of, transferring, or confirming the transfer of, jurisdiction over the

    territory of the Government of Somaliland, to any other Government, such agreement

    or instrument shall provide that the obligations of the Government of Somaliland

    in respect of the following instruments are transferred to, and accepted by, that , namely :


    (a) The Interim Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of

    Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland for a

    United Kingdom Aid Mission ; *


    (b) The Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom

    of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland ; *

    1 Came into force on 26 June 1960 by the exchange of the said letters.

    1 See p. 331 of this volume.

    1 See p. 339 of this volume.

    360 United Nations — Treaty Sénés 1960


    © The Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great

    Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland regarding

    interim arrangements in respect of the Somaliland Scouts ; 1


    (d) The lease entered into on the 12th of April, 1960, between the Government of

    the Somaliland Protectorate and the Minister of Works of the United Kingdom.

    I have the honour to propose that this letter and Your Excellencies' reply giving

    the confirmation aforesaid should constitute an Agreement between the two Govern



    Please accept, &c.






    The Council of Ministers of Somaliland to Mr. T. E. Bromley


    Your Excellency,




    Hargeisa, June 26, 1960

    We have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of to-day's date ,

    which reads as follows :


    [see letter /]


    On behalf of the Government of Somaliland, we have pleasure in giving the

    confirmation for which your letter asks and agree that Your Excellency's letter and

    this reply shall constitute an agreement between the two Governments.


    Please accept, &c.


    M. I. EGAL


    A. G. JAMA

    Ibr NOOR


    http://untreaty.un.o rg/unts/1_60000/11/5 /00020249.pdf


    You conveniently left out that information. :D