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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. Magaalada Marka oo Dadka ay Ilkaha ugu jiraan Dahabka iyo Qalinkaba ay Xarakada Al-Shabaab ku soo rogtay ammar ah in laga siibayo


    Isniin, August 10, 2009(HOL): Xarakada Al-Shabab ee ka arimisa magaalada xeebeedka Marka ee Shabeelada Hoose ayaa maanta lagu soo warramayaa in ay dadka halkaasi ku dhaqan ka siibayaan Dahabka iyo Qalinka Ilkaha ugu jira, waxayna sabab arinkaasi uga dhigeen in uu Islaamka ogoleynin.


    Dadka deeganka ayaa sheegya in ay al -Shabaab ay hareeraynayaan ciddii ay ku arkaan in uu ugu jiro Ilig Dahab ah ama Qalin ah, waxaana markiiba howsha siibidda gudanaya nin sita qalabka bixinta Ilkaha.


    ''Uma aan malaynayn in al -Shabaab ay u arkayaan Iliga Qalinka ah ee igu jira, waxa ay I geeyeen xaruntooda, waxa ayna iga saareen Iliggii iigu jiray'' sidaas waxaa wakaaladda wararka Reuters. u sheegay Bashir oo ka mid ah dadka degaanka magaalada Marka.


    Waxa kale oo uu Bashiir u sheegay wakaalada wararka ee Reuters, in uu arkay dhowr qof oo iyana afka haysta, kuwaas oo uu ilkaha ka saaray nin af xiran oo ka mid ah ciidamada markaasi ku howlan siibidda Ilkaha Artifishalka ee ay qurux ahaata Soomalidu u xirtaan.


    Waxa uuna hadalkiisa ku daray Bashiir in dadku ay ninkaasi ugu yeerayeen Dhaqtar, ''ninkaas oo isticmaalayay biinso iyo gacma gashi uu dadka uga saarayo ilka Artifishalka ah.'' ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray Bashiir.


    ''Sida aad u dhoola-caddeyso ayay iligtaada dahabka ah ama qalinka ah kuu eedeyn kartaa. waxaan la fadhiyay saaxibaday, markii ay i amreen in aan raaco Xoogagga Al-Shabaab, waana naxay oo waxaan u maleeyay in aan danbi galay, lakiin waxa ay ii sheegeen in uu danbi yahay Iligga iigu jira wayna iga saareen.'' ayuu Bashiir hadalkiisa ku soo afjaray.


    Dhaqdhaaqa Al-Shabaab ayaa waxa ay dhowr jeer oo hore fuliyeen xukunno kala duwan oo tacsiir iyo xad isugu jira, kuwaasi oo lagu fuliyay dad ku sugan Gobollada ay ka taliso Xarakada Shabaabul Mujaahidiin.


    Maxamed Cali Royter


    Boosaaso, Soomaaliya

  2. Well considering the fact that since 1991 there were warlords (A.Yusuf and Aideed),factional leaders (Ali Mahdi)and old Barre schoolboys (Abdiqassim) who made a claim to the presidency and achieved to become a president on paper, Sh.Sharif is indeed the most promising of the socalled presidents before him.


    From the list of ''paper-presidents'' he is thus the most promising of them all.

  3. According to the website,


    official profile of Sh.Sharif


    Sharif Sheikh Ahmed Sheikh Mahmud, Somalia’s youngest president ever, is the most prominent Somali politician in the 21 century. Born in 25 July 1964 in Middle Shebelle, has completed his Koran course when he was 9 years old. He continued his studies and joined Sheikh Sufi secondary school where he acquired a school leaving certificate for secondary education in 1988, a time the country was about to plunge into crisis.



    His journey of searching higher education has not been blocked by the nation experience of one of the continent’s longest and devastating civil war that destroyed the universities of the country he and people like him had in mine to study.
    He travelled to Khartoum, Sudan and started his undergraduate degree in geography at the University of Kordofan, before shifting to an Islamic law degree at Al-jaamac Al-maftuuxa University in Libya where he obtained his law degree in 1998, ten years after his secondary school.


    Sheikh Sharif returned to his country in 2000, a time Somalia was under warlord’s control, a time two friends in Mogadishu neighborhoods could not visit each other as a result of clan separation and social mistrust. Scared and scarred people, the legacy of the civil war was everywhere in the country, and Sheikh Sharif’s had ambitions of saving Somalia, a dream no one could imagine it may come true in a few years.


    He established Alshuruuq Agency, a cultural and heritage institution and the Federation of Adolescents in Mogadishu that created social interaction among Somalis in the capital, who never crossed virtual boundaries formed by war bosses. That step forward reshaped the city and brought together long term missing friends, schoolmates, religious leaders, women and elders.


    In his mission of restoring law and order in a ruined, failed state,
    he became the regional attorney of his home province, Middle Shabelle, where he was the chairman of provincial court in Jowhar between 2001 and 2002. The warlord in charge of the province, Mohamed Omar Habeeb Dhere had never appreciated the uncompromised Islamic law that Sharif exercised which favors no one whether he or she is high profile or law profile, rich or poor, man or woman, white or black or clan superiority.


    He was expelled from the region by Mohamed Habeb, the governor of Middle Shabelle.
    Many of Jawhar residents and other visiting Somalis suffered after Sheikh Sharif left the region since the law enforcement forces listened one man’s words that become the regulation of that area.


    He then went back to Mogadishu in 2002, and started teaching geography at Jubba secondary school since 2004.
    He is a simple man with humanity and respect, who never discriminated people regardless to race, religion and ethnicity.


    The former chief executive officer of Somalia’s Foundation of Scholars during 2003 and 2005 was also the chairman of Sinai Islamic court in Mogadishu and later the leader of the Islamic Courts Union that controlled much of southern and central Somalia in the last have of 2006.


    Under his six months government, Somalia has seen swift political and economical changes. Warlords were chased out, and their influence demolished. Roadblocks of peace removed in short time, with less expenses with the help of people’s support and capability, Mogadishu international airport and port were reopened after sixteen years which majority of Somali people considered as a long waited victory that every other force failed to bring, even with deployment of international forces under U.N mandate in 1993.


    His short lived government was overthrown in December 2006 by Ethiopian forces claimed they were helping the Transitional Federal government of Somalia, a fragile, warlords dominated and divided institutions that did not do a single task of its assignment since it was established at Mbagathi, in Nairobi in 2004. He fled to the border between Kenya and Somalia, where he was detained, with three other Somalis, by Kenyan police on January 21, 2007 near the Hulugo border. He met the US Ambassador to Kenya for talks regarding cooperation with the TFG. He was under the protection of Kenyan authorities staying at a hotel in Nairobi. On February 1, 2007 Sharif Ahmed was released from Kenyan police authorities. By February 8, Sheikh Sharif Sheik Ahmed had gone to Yemen.


    As exile opposition leader, the former leader of the ICU was in many foreign capitals in search of a headquarters of his proposal of establishing the Alliance for Re-liberation of Somalia. In a big conference in Asmara, the Eritrean capital, he and his colleagues brought together nearly 500 delegates from Islamists, parliamentarians, civil society and Diaspora in September 2007. The representatives elected Sheikh Sharif as the chairman of the new opposition umbrella in 14 September 2007 and adopted the action plan of the institution.




    In Feb. 2008, he had meetings with European envoys in Cairo setting up an agenda for a next Nairobi meeting between ARS and international community members where Sharif and Ould- Abdalla, U.N special envoy to Somalia signed a memorandum of understanding in Nairobi which paved the way the establishment of national unity government.


    In June 9, 2008, Sheikh Sharif’s ARS and the Somali government have signed an agreement the U.N has praised as “a good progress and a courageous step forward to restoring the dignity of their wounded country ´´.


    In the agreement, the government and ARS agreed “Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement the TFG will act in accordance with the decision that has already been taken by the Ethiopian Government to withdraw its troops from Somalia after the deployment of a sufficient number of UN Forces” that gave Sheikh Sharif a huge support of the people who realized Ethiopian troops will not leave without a consensus in the political parties.


    After two years in exile, he returned to Mogadishu in December 10, 2008 before Ethiopian forces leave the country receiving huge crowds of welcome in the capital unlike any other leader.


    Under the agreement, 200 parliamentarians from his alliance joined in an expanded parliament of 550 members late December 2008.


    Sheikh Sharif realized the need of serving to his nations after his parliamentary block of the ARS suggested that “they want Sh.sharif as their candidate of the election”. Sharif Ahmed, has accepted the proposal at Lisiesta Hotel in Djibouti, and a group of excited supporters picked him up waving Somalia’s flag.


    On Saturday, December 30, 2008, the Somalia expanded parliament elected Sheikh Sharif, moderate Islamist opposition as new national president during a run-off vote in Djibouti. Ahmed passed the necessary majority of votes, 213 just before 4.00 am local time (01.00 GMT) during an all night session of parliament under a U.N brokered plan to forge a unity government in Somalia.


    He was sworn in the next day at Kempinski Hotel. The president’s full day in office, was spent in the African Union summit in Addis where Somalia tops the agenda of the meeting.

  4. The sheer ignorance and sillyness of the supporters of the extremists is baffling.


    They have become fashion critics and are talking about Sh.Sharifs style of clothing like little brats discussing the new fashion a celebrity is rocking lol


    Criticize the man on his principles and political agenda. Dont become like little brats and discuss his clothing style.

  5. The Saudi clan who have established a theocracy in the deserts of the Middle East and are the guardian over the two most holy Muslim cities are playing the game like this:




    Not only did they establish a clannish kingdom but they have succesfully subdued the religious movements in their country and created a form of ''Islamic Rule'' that safeguards the political order they have established.

  6. In such dark days
    , where the religious pretenders seem to have zero interest for the well-been of the Somali masses,
    we need to appreciate
    the job of the Mujaahideenta Soomaaliyeed in Gobolade Dhexe.

    b] Insha allah, Mujaahideenta Soomaaliyeed will protect the Somali masses in the rural regions from the religious pretenders and their alien ideology from Afganistan. More importantly, these Mujaadineen will safeguard the ancient-old Somali way of life and way of exercising our religion from the religious pretenders who want to create a Taliban regime in Somalia.

    I stand by those words.


    And this Quote perfectly illustrates my stance towards the Ahlu Sunnah in Gobolade Dhexe.


    Pay attention to:


    In such dark days and We need to appreciate



    I would welcome any day any defeat of the religious extremists by Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jammacah.


    Appreciation and support are two words with different meaning. I welcome and appreciate the bitter struggle Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamacah is engaged with the religious extremists and would welcome any victory of the Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamach. That however does not mean that I support their religious inclinations neither their agenda of placing the Somali masses under the same pseudo-religious rule the extremists of Alshabab want. The Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jamacah too are a faction that is after political power, and I have no illusion that when they gain the upper hand they will not consult nor cooperate with the different segments of Somali society in creating local governing institutions.


    They too are after their own religious agenda, albeit a Sufi kind of theocracy.



    So, Fabregas


    If you cannot understand the multi-layered reasoning of mine and can't connect the dots dont accuse me of hypocricy.


    Again, neutrality does not mean that one should disconnect oneself from Somali affaires and give carte blanche to the factions in commiting grave injustices to the Somali nation and country.


    I explained my choice clearly, and I will always shed light on the injustices committed and the ludicrous claims of political and religious pretenders.

  7. The religious pretenders contributed to the displacement of more than 200.000 people from Mogadishu city just to attain selfish goals: political power.


    After the masses were displaced and as such left behind an empty, destroyed city to the power-hungry factions the religious pretenders have gone to the safe havens of the masses and want to ''rule'' them?


    That alone shows that these religious pretenders are after political power and as such will even introduce socalled ''Laws'' to civilians that are faced with inhumane living conditions.


    Why not provide for the internal displaced masses and give them shelter and food? Why are ''foreign'' organizations (mostly NON-MUSLIM) providing food, shelter and health care to the more than 400.000 muslim civilians?


    Those are questions to ponder on for those shameless amongst ourselves who support these religious warlords.

  8. The religious pretenders contributed to the displacement of more than 200.000 people from Mogadishu city just to attain selfish goals: political power.


    After the masses were displaced and as such left behind an empty, destroyed city to the power-hungry factions the religious pretenders have gone to the safe havens of the masses and want to ''rule'' them?


    That alone shows that these religious pretenders are after political power and as such will even introduce socalled ''Laws'' to civilians that are faced with inhumane living conditions.


    Why not provide for the internal displaced masses and give them shelter and food? Why are ''foreign'' organizations (mostly NON-MUSLIM) providing food, shelter and health care to the more than 400.000 muslim civilians?


    Those are questions to ponder on for those shameless amongst ourselves who support these religious warlords.

  9. Halkii lagu barakacay oo ay ugu daba tageen kooxaha xukun doonka


    Iyadoo Nus malyan ruux ay ka barakaceen dagaalada aan dhamaadka laheyn ee ka socda Muqdisho, una dhaxeeya kooxaha xukunka dalka ku loolamaya, ayaa shacabka noqday kuwa midida loo soofeysto hadba dhinac laga jaro.


    Shacabka soomaaliyed oo ah kuwo dhibaatada joogto u noqotay cad bistiisna ah ayaa wali la daala dhacayay gaajada iyo abaaraha heysta tiiyoo ay u sii dheer tahay dagaalada lagu dhex dagaalamayo ee lagu barakacshay.


    Kooxaha isku haaya siyaasada soomaaliyed ayaa noqotay kuwo danaheeda siyaasadeed eegata, kuwaasoo ugu siraad koraya daadinta dhiiga shacabka oo ah mansab ay ku gaaraan Kursi.


    Boqolaal kun oo u barakacay meelo banaan ah sanadkii 2007-dii kadib dagaaladii Itoobiyaan iyo kooxaha kacdoonka kala horjeeday ayaa waxay hada labo sano kadib goobaha loo barakacay noqdeen kuwo bilicsan una muuqaal ekaatay mid ka mid ah magaalooyinka waa weyn ee soomaalida.


    Sidaas oo ay tahay ayaa barakacayaasha u qaxay Ceelasha Biyaha oo isaga naaloonayay nolol iska dhex dhexaad ah oo ka madax banaaneyd dhinacyada ku lugta leh dagaalada ay kaga soo carareen Muqdisho ayaa hada waxay u muuqdaan in laga daba yimaaday.


    Kooxaha mucaaradka ayaa mar kale door biday inay xukun ku siraad koraan oo ay barakacayaasha degay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye si siyaasadeysan u xukumaan, deetana isticmaalaan awaamiiro gaar ah.


    Si kasta oo ay tahay ayaa waxaa wali muuqanaya xukun jaceylka kooxaha dowladda ka soo horjeeda oo ay ku doonayaan inay la wareegaan talada dalka, oo ay ku doonayaan inay meel kasta hogaankeeda noqdaan.


    Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

  10. Halkii lagu barakacay oo ay ugu daba tageen kooxaha xukun doonka


    Iyadoo Nus malyan ruux ay ka barakaceen dagaalada aan dhamaadka laheyn ee ka socda Muqdisho, una dhaxeeya kooxaha xukunka dalka ku loolamaya, ayaa shacabka noqday kuwa midida loo soofeysto hadba dhinac laga jaro.


    Shacabka soomaaliyed oo ah kuwo dhibaatada joogto u noqotay cad bistiisna ah ayaa wali la daala dhacayay gaajada iyo abaaraha heysta tiiyoo ay u sii dheer tahay dagaalada lagu dhex dagaalamayo ee lagu barakacshay.


    Kooxaha isku haaya siyaasada soomaaliyed ayaa noqotay kuwo danaheeda siyaasadeed eegata, kuwaasoo ugu siraad koraya daadinta dhiiga shacabka oo ah mansab ay ku gaaraan Kursi.


    Boqolaal kun oo u barakacay meelo banaan ah sanadkii 2007-dii kadib dagaaladii Itoobiyaan iyo kooxaha kacdoonka kala horjeeday ayaa waxay hada labo sano kadib goobaha loo barakacay noqdeen kuwo bilicsan una muuqaal ekaatay mid ka mid ah magaalooyinka waa weyn ee soomaalida.


    Sidaas oo ay tahay ayaa barakacayaasha u qaxay Ceelasha Biyaha oo isaga naaloonayay nolol iska dhex dhexaad ah oo ka madax banaaneyd dhinacyada ku lugta leh dagaalada ay kaga soo carareen Muqdisho ayaa hada waxay u muuqdaan in laga daba yimaaday.


    Kooxaha mucaaradka ayaa mar kale door biday inay xukun ku siraad koraan oo ay barakacayaasha degay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye si siyaasadeysan u xukumaan, deetana isticmaalaan awaamiiro gaar ah.


    Si kasta oo ay tahay ayaa waxaa wali muuqanaya xukun jaceylka kooxaha dowladda ka soo horjeeda oo ay ku doonayaan inay la wareegaan talada dalka, oo ay ku doonayaan inay meel kasta hogaankeeda noqdaan.


    Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

  11. Originally posted by Fabregas:

    quote:Originally posted by Meiji:



    You can disagree with SH.Sharif on his policies but dont spread false information and call people Murtad.


    The extremists are Gaalo themselves considering the many injustices they commit against poor Somali civilians.

    Adeer you chat too much baris and pasta to be frank with you. You just said people shouldn't be called murtad, but then straight after you said extremists are gaalo themselves. This is in line with your confusion ever since you joined this forum. The first time you were an adeer shariff supporter, then you made a bogus muqdisho society one man fanclub; next moving onto supporting the clan militia " mujahideen" ahlul sunnah( who you claim are religous warlords). And then sometimes you lecture on about warlords, whilst you have defended notorious warlords of Somalia yourself. So my advise to you: a true neutral2. or support your region and be a cyber clan warrior3. ama root for one group/s/ideology; otherwise cut the x..............


    I am using the extremists own silly reasoning and called them ''gaalo'' themselves. They should know that other people can throw with words just like them.


    As for my political stance:


    I denounce injustice no matter who commits it, and never blindly support a person or faction like most SOL members.


    Been neutral does not mean been quit about injustices that are committed nor does it mean been indifferent to the Somali plight and not speaking about Somali politics.


    I have made my choice: I will defend the genuine interest of the Somali nation and denounce all injustices and political/religious pretenders.



    PS: When did I ever defend a warlord? You should not throw around accusations.

  12. Mohamed Ali Nuur “Americo” was named as ''Ambassador'' to Kenya by the foreign-created regime headed by A.Yusuf in 2005.


    Moreover, the old man A.Yusuf himself is a silly racist who has humiliated the bantu Somali community worse than this incident with Dalxa. He even denied them their Somali nationality:


    Mowliid Macaane "Col: Yuusuf wuxuu yiri Jareerweyne Somali ma ahan"

    Posted by Baydhabo

    Sunday, January 06 @ 06:22:17 PST

    Waiirkii hore ee dhallinyaradda iyo isboortiga Mowliid Macaane oo xalay wareysi siiyey Idaacadda HornAfrik ayaa eed kulul u soo jeediyey madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed oo uu ku eedeeyey in uu yasmo iyo xaqiraada ku wada beesha Jareerweyne oo ku tilmaamay beel aan Soomaali aheyn oo shisheeye ah.



    Xildibaan Mowliid Macaane ayaa sheegay in dhawaan isaga iyo rag wasiiro iyo xildhibaanno ah ay salaan ugu tageen madaxweynaha, markaasi kadib sida uu xusay Mowliid Macaane Col. Yuusuf uu ku yiri, isagoo salaan uu salaamay ka qaadayo '"Jareerweyne Somali ma ahan, ee waa Zinzinbarian". ayuu qeexay Mowliid Macaane in hadalkaasi uu ku yiri Col. C/laahi Yuusuf mar isaga iyo rag ka tirsan dowladda ay ku booqdeen madaxtooyada Baydhabo.



    Mar la weydiiyey Mowliid Macaane sida hadalkan looga rumeysan kara in uu ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha iyo in uu Mr Mowliid u oranaya sidan kadib markii uu iska dhex waayey liiska golaha wasiiradda ayaa waxaa xusay in ay marag u yihiin ammuurtan mas'uuliyiin ay kamid yihiin wasiirkii gaashaandhigga C/risaaq ***** Biixi, Maxamed Ibaarin Xaabsade, wasiirka gaadiidka circa iyo dhulka iyo rag kale.



    Mowliid Macaane ayaa sheegay in beeshiisa Jareerweyne aysan ku qanacsaneyn xubnaha laga siiyey golaha wasiiradda, isagoo meel kasta oo ay waxgaradka beesha ku sugan tahay ugu baaqay in aysan aqbalin waxa ay soo dhoodhoobeen C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Nuur Cadde waa sida hadalka uu u dhigaye.



    Wasiirkii hore ee dhallinyarradda iyo isboortiga dowladda KMG ah Xildhibaan Mowliid Macaane ayaa xilkiisa golahan cusub ee wasiiradda waxaa looga magacaabay Axmed C/salaan Xaaji Aadan oo kamid ah milkiilayaasha raadiyaha madaxa banana ee HornAfrik.

  13. Originally posted by General Duke:


    God gave him a special pardon to shake hands with this woman, however he looks away from Somali women because he is devout


    Fake Shiekh and fake clanist who support him.

    I know what god gave him, and thats more than you were praying for your idol A.Yusuf.


    We all know how cheerfull you was at every rumor of A.Yusuf meeting the US secretary of State:


    Yusufites have the least credibility in opposing the current foreign-created regime.


    Dont insult our intellgence and memory, we all know how you supported the foreing-created regime through thick and thin because your uncle was at the helm. Now a refugee in Yemen, who is too afraid to spend the last days of his pathetic life in his own country amids his kinsfolk. BTW, why didn't he attend the celebration of the ''state he built''? :D

  14. The extremists are at it again with their fake propaganda.


    I lisened to it, Sh.Sharif was talking about muslim leaders ignoring muslim countries in plight while rushing to please Mr. Bush.


    Than he send his gratidute to Mr.Obama for giving attention to the plight of Somalia. Nothing wrong with what he said, and certainly nothing to label him ''Murtad''. He is more knowledgable in our religion than many of the religious pretenders who pretend to be holy prophets send to salvage the muslims.



    You can disagree with SH.Sharif on his policies but dont spread false information and call people Murtad.


    The extremists are Gaalo themselves considering the many injustices they commit against poor Somali civilians. The displacement of 200.000 muslim civilians and causing of Fitnah has been denounced by dozens of Culama'udiin and they all denounced the extremists for causing this tremendous hardship on muslim civilians.


    The extremists should oppose Sh.Sharif on their real reason: They want to be in the ruling seat themselves and are powerhungry.


    A message to the extremist religious pretenders:


    Dont abuse our beloved religion for your sick campaigns to attain political power.

  15. But getting back to memory lane and on the eve of the most historic meeting of this government,
    I can only hope
    for the best. I can only hope that Secretary Clinton will do the right and in doing so, she will put pressure on
    our neighbours and call on them to commitment troops, especially kenya.

    No sane Somali would ever wish for Ethiopians and Kenyans, who have a vested interest in keeping Somalia on its knees while political pretenders perform their periodic ''pilgrimage'' to Addis Abebba and Nairobi, to send troops to Somalia.


    Ever since the creation of the foreign-created regime in 2004 and the shameless quisling who went to Addis Abebba to request 20.000 Ethiopian troops, it has become normal to the foolish to openly state their wish to have Xabashi and Kenyan soldiers in Somalia.


    Where are the days that you were put on trial for been suspected of working with Ethiopia and Kenya??

  16. Originally posted by Jaanjumow:

    I think I have the solution. Let us have a blend of Federalism and Centralism. I will explain what I mean. First of all, Puntland is too powerful for this strategy. It is shaped as an independent country. It needs to become a region that does not have regions within it, whilst at the same time having the same powers as a federal region. The country should be split into federal regions with EQUAL opportunities. Mogadishu will not choose the governors of the regions (which shall be made up of districts), but the people residing in those regions will through local elections (doorashooyinka deegaanka) throughout the whole country. The regions governors will have a regional assembly which shall decide how to spend its budget. They will be given a budget big enough to pay the salaries of the civil servants (e.g police, teachers) by the central government. It will also have control over the regional police force. It will be in charge of building new roads, schools and hospitals etc. Tax shall be collected throughout the whole country which will be given to the central government. All revenues from ports, airports, oil etc, shall be given to the central government. With this money the government will decide a budget for itself and FAIR budgets for every single region. The government will be in charge of national defence and overseeing the work of the regions. The National Assembly (Golaha Shacbiga) in Mogadishu shall include MPs that are voted from their constituencies nationwide in general elections. The central Impartial government will hold the power to veto any of the actions of the regional assemblies if it deems them unfit, only after voting on the matter. It will also hold the power to make new national laws and every region will have to follow them or else face consequences. If a region fails to follow any of the laws passed by the National assembly and refuses to acknowledge them, the National Assembly will have the right, after a unanimous vote, to disband that regional assembly and call for fresh elections in that region. This will ensure the rights of the people to choose their own leaders, and also make sure the country has a far system of governance regardless of clan lines.

    Enlightened view bro.


    Your scenario is one in which the central government is on top while it grants local autonomy to districts in certain area's and ultimately has the power to disband a regional administration if it acts against the national interest of Somalia.


    Your scenario is one in which the central Somali state devolves some responsibilities to regional administrations and in which regional administrations take care of regional affaires without negatively influencing the national interest of Somalia.


    The 'Puntland'model as pushed forward by Duke is nothing but a ''state within a state'' and if other Somali clans follow that example we will have ''clan-based states within a state''.


    Imagine how that would weaken the central Somali state and how that would aid foreign predatory powers in their quest to interfere and control Somali affaires.

  17. A weak central government
    and powerful state level government where developmental issues are decided in perspective to the needs of the local states interest.



    You have proven my stance. A clan-based mini-states will lead to a weak central government that will fall prey to powerful external predatory powers, or just implode.



    My opposition to your clan-based mini states and a weak central state are based on having the interest of the nation at heart. What you are proposing is a weak attempt to pave the way for secession. More importantly, it is a bad copy of the political scam of the TPLF called: ''Federal Ethiopia''.


    In the socalled consitution of 'Puntland' one does not backdown to talk about secession and one has explicetly stated that if they get not their way, they will secede. Such language and behaviour is to be expected from clan-based mini-states. Imagine the situation where you would have 5 clan-based mini-states in which one or more clan-based mini-states can threaten to secede if their demands are not fulfilled. In such a scenario, the Somali central state would fall victim to the powerplay of the clan-based mini-states and division would be maintained.


    The Somali nation would be weak, since external powers would try to manipulate the inter-Somali affaires and the clan-based mini-states would hapily enlist foreign actors to back up their power play. In short, the monthly ''pilgrimage'' of the political pretenders to Addis Abbeba and Nairobi would continue to exist.



    PS: As for Mogadishu and the South, even in your scenario of clan-based federal mini-states those regions would be dominant since they have the resources and population size needed to be dominant.