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Posts posted by Meiji

  1. Maxaa ka socda Magaalada Jowhar?



    Xaalad jahwareer ah tii ugu weyneyd ayaa ka taagan Magaalada xarunta u ah Gobolka Shabellaha Dhexe ee Jowhar, kadib markii Islaamiyiinta gacanta ku haaya Magaaladaas ay ku soo rogeen canshuuro adag iyo lacago si xoog ku jiro looga qaadayo goobaha ganacsiga.



    Sida ay sheegayaan wararka waxaa maalintii labaad hakad ku jira goobaha ganacsiga Magaalada oo saaka ay yihiin kuwo albaabada loo laabay, kadib markii shalay Magaalada si saf ballaaran goobaha ganacsiga looga qaaday qaab ay awoodi ku jirto lacago lagu sheegay canshuur.



    Mid ka mid ah Ganacsatada ku dhaqan Magaalada Jowhar oo ka mid ahaa dadkii laga qaaday lacagaha canshuurta ayaa ku cataabay in wax aan horay loo arag ay la soo baxeen Maamulka Islaamiyiinta ee gacanta ku haaya Magaalada, waxaana uu sheegay in si xoog iyo qasab ku jirto looga qaaday canshuuro la mid ah tii uu ka qaadi jiray Maamulkii Maxamed Dheere.



    "Waxn aan looga baran ayay nala yimaadeen nimankaan Magaalada gacanta ku haaya, waxay nala dhaqmeen si aad u xun waxay si xoog canshuur xad dhaaf ah nooga qaadeen goobaheena ganacsi, anaga waxaan is laheyn wey dhamaatay baadii iyo canshuurtii xad dhaafka ee nagu heyn jireen Maamulkii Maxamed Dheere, laakiin hada kuwaan ayaaba aad uga daran oo dhaqaale doon noqday"ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah ganacsatada Magaalada Jowhar oo codsaday inaan la magac dhabin, kaasoo inoo sheegay in lacag ku dhow 20$ (Labaatan Doolar) shalay loogu qaaday goobtiisa ganacsiga.



    Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Maamulka Maxkamadaha ee Magaalada Jowhar uu ku soo rogay goobaha ganacsiga lacago canshuuro ah, waxaana ay u sheegeen dadka Magaalada inay bixiyaan lacagaha canshuurta ee ku baaqatay 8-dii bilood ee ay gacanta ku hayeen, taasoo dadka ay aad uga yaabisay.



    Goobaha ganacsiga ayaa la sheegayaa in saaka loo xiray arrimahaas, kadib markii Maamulka Maxkamadaha ay bilaabeen inay goobaha ganacsiga tagaan oo ay handadaad iyo si qasab ku jirta lacagaha canshuurta uga qaadaan goobahaas.



    Magaalada ayaa u muuqda mid kacsan oo shaqsi walba uu la amakaagsan yahay hab dhaqanka cusub ee uu la soo baxay Maamulka ka arrimiya Magaalada, bedelkii hore dadka ay ahaayeen kuwo la dhacsan habka maamuleed ee uu shacabka ku hogaaminayay, hase yeeshee Maamulka ayaa iminka isu badalay mid dhaqaale doon ah.



    Si kastaba ha ahaatee ganacsatada magaalada Jowhar ayaa ah kuwo ka biya diidan lacagaha canshuurta xad dhaafka ee filan waaga ku noqotay oo ay ku soo rogeen Maamulka Maxkamadaha, taasoo ay sheegeen in ay tahay mid aan la aqbali karin, bacdamaa 8 bilood ee dhamaatay lacagahooda oo canshuur ah lagu soo rogay.

  2. Originally posted by Peace Action:

    The mafia is productive but still illegal. Why do you need a macmal port when the major Mogadishu port is open?

    The maffia? Again, explain why you accuse them of been ''maffia''.


    Also, Mogadishu port can be open while other private ports are open too. Free entreprise is a right which Somalis have to safeguard very carefully.


    2 day later, and still no answer to my questions. I will post the history and background information on Ceel Macaan, which one hand will dispell the misinformation and hatred shown by those who hail from the Northeastern region, and on the other hand will show why the business group behind Ceel Macaan is one of the most important and productive segment of Mogadishu society, and how such business groups will transform Somalia for the better.

  3. Emperor, you opened a topic filled with misinformation and accusations.


    And dont compare legitimate businessmen to the pirates.



    Anyways, I will repeat my questions and If you do not answer them I will assume that you have nothing in your basket except hot air filled with misinformation and animosity towards particular segments of Somali society.


    Let this be an example to those who spread misinformation and think they will get away with it.




    Few questions,


    First, the source used for this newsreport is shady. No mogadishu-run website have mentioned this yet. So, you should have used more sources, especially those close to the subject matter, namely sources from Mogadishu itself.


    But lets assume there is truth in the report by (the of Northeastern region).


    You opened a Topic about the port of Ceel Macaan based on that source and then remarked ''Mogadishu is back to its old days'', which you defined as:



    ''the days of owning illegal ports, Air strips and isbaaros,''


    Questions: Is Ceel Macaan illegal? Against what Law is private entreprise? Do you know Ceel Macaan? How it started, how it is operated, and what its functions are, and last but not least how important that port is in Somalia and for its people?


    Next, you linked the re-opening of the port to Sheikh Shariif,


    Questions: What is the basis for that link? In the article which you posted there is nothing said about Sh.Shariif. Is your link based on presumptions about the clan background of those that supposedly reopened the port?




    You linked the private entreprise of Ceel Macaan, which you labelled illegal without explaining why, to the criminal act of setting up isbaaro.


    You remarked: ''Adeer the port of El-ma'an is in itself the worst kind of Isbaaro.... ''


    What definition do you use for the concept of ''isbaaro''?


    If you understand under Isbaaro, the criminal activity of setting up a roadblock in which people are extorted from their money to pass the road or else..(face the consequences of those that have the guns and man the roadbloack)...then how does this definition apply to the port of Ceel Macaan?


    That is the general definition of roadblock, and honestly I can not understand how you can associate the private entreprise of Ceel Macaan to such criminal activity.


    Please answer these questions, and I am hoping that you answer them as clear as possible without resorting to the usual rethorics.


    I came to reason, not to lisen to the usual propaganda.


    So am waiting for your reasoning.



    I am still waiting for your answers.

  4. Waranle,


    Thanks for your contribution and the arguments you provided.


    This is the kind of debate I was expecting, people stating their views and then supporting it with rational arguments.


    I will in a short while post a profile of Sh.Shariif, and answer some of your allegations based on that profile.


    First we need to get the setting right, we cannot discuss about something without having the background and correct information at hand.

  5. Emperor,


    As I said, just answer those questions, and dont resort to time-wasting tactics.


    When you answer those questions, I will prove to you that Ceel Macaan is the most succesfull private entreprise in Somalia outside of the xawaalado sector.


    And as Twisted-Logic pointed out, Ceel Macaan made more revenues then Kismaanyo, Berbera AND Bosaso port combined.


    This alone can explain why and their loyal supporters (Emperor, Gen.Duke, Peace Action) are nervous at the prospect of the re-opening of Ceel Macaan port and have already resorted to spreading misinformation and cheap propaganda about Ceel Macaan.


    Dont be scared for business competition, and just face it without resorting to cheap propaganda.




    You too, answer those questions.


    You said ''do you want an illegal, private port owned by one individual to operate ''


    This is the proof for your ignorance and animosity towards businessmen of Mogadishu with no rational basis.


    you said it is illegal, is private entreprise illegal in Somalia?

  6. ''This so called new transitional government needs to be inclusive, instead of 4.5, it should be based on region. How do they expect thriving and prosperous regions in somalia(puntland in particular, somaliland as well) to be part of the process if they are not well represented. There needs to be real incentives for puntland to relinquish it's 'autonomy' and I don't see that happening anytime soon.



    Its amazing how rethorics change simply because A.Yusuf left the building.


    But I agree with you on the region-basis instead of the artificial 4.5 quota system.

  7. Somalis have one particular characteristic which is difficult to shake off. Besides been receptive to clan emotions one way or the other, Somalis have the characteristic of evaluating personalities and criticizing as such these individuals while not looking at what these individuals stand for (i.e. their idea’s and arguments) and the wider environment in which they operate. As such, we approach Somali politics along the lines of ‘’hebel said this’’, ‘’hebel did this’’ ‘’hebel then answered or countered with this’’, ‘’hebel x has conflict with hebel y’’


    The ''hebel'' kind of approach to politics leaves out all rational discussion of the idea’s men bring forward and undermines sound evaluation of the different strategies and ways to tackle the problems we face. More disturbing is the inability of most people to differentiate personalities from idea’s, and as such find themselves directing their anger and criticism towards the individuals instead of towards their idea’s and arguments. This then leads to a campaign of looking for every dirt one can find against persons just because one does not agree with what they stand for i.e. their political believes, their approach to the realization of their believes, their arguments etc. In this campaign of character assassination the tactic of spreading misinformation is central.


    Now let us take one particular case, which lately has caught my attention. That’s the case of Sh.Shariif.


    We can disagree with his political believes, we can even disagree with his strategy and tactics to realize those political believes, but we should address those issues instead of revolving our disagreement on the person of Sh.Shariif. We all have the right to address those aspects which we disagree with. But lately, a lot of people have directed their criticism towards Sh.Shariif himself instead of his political believes and the strategy and tactics applied by him to realize those believes. These people went even further then simple criticism and have exhibited some kind of hostility and disgust for the person in question. One only has to look at the terms these people apply, i.e. ‘coward’, ‘hypocrite’, ‘puppet’ etc.


    The basis for this animosity and disgust for the person in question is not built on rational and objective reasoning but is mostly founded on misinformation and inability to address the relevant issues, namely his political believes, strategy and tactics etc.


    How can we change this sad state of affairs? How can we rationally and objectively discuss the problems we face and their solutions without wasting valuable time in attacks on persons and what they did?


    Tackling misinformation and challenging those that attack persons rather then their believes is the way forward. If you disagree with the political believes of a person, present your case and support them with rational arguments. We should be able to understand your disagreement by reading your arguments and seeing how those arguments support your disagreement with the political believes of other men. This kind of constructive debate must be free of misinformation, since that leads to basing our arguments and believes on a shaky foundation (misinformation).


    To conclude this topic, I will present in a short time a profile of Sh.Shariif which hopefully will dispel a lot of misinformation which is spread on the media, and which hopefully will encourage many of us to debate about his political believes, past actions, applied strategy and tactics etc without descending into cheap attacks on the man himself and in this way wasting valuable time.

  8. Let this be an example to those who spread misinformation and think they will get away with it.




    Few questions,


    First, the source used for this newsreport is shady. No mogadishu-run website have mentioned this yet. So, you should have used more sources, especially those close to the subject matter, namely sources from Mogadishu itself.


    But lets assume there is truth in the report by (the of Northeastern region).


    You opened a Topic about the port of Ceel Macaan based on that source and then remarked ''Mogadishu is back to its old days'', which you defined as:



    ''the days of owning illegal ports, Air strips and isbaaros,''


    Questions: Is Ceel Macaan illegal? Against what Law is private entreprise? Do you know Ceel Macaan? How it started, how it is operated, and what its functions are, and last but not least how important that port is in Somalia and for its people?


    Next, you linked the re-opening of the port to Sheikh Shariif,


    Questions: What is the basis for that link? In the article which you posted there is nothing said about Sh.Shariif. Is your link based on presumptions about the clan background of those that supposedly reopened the port?




    You linked the private entreprise of Ceel Macaan, which you labelled illegal without explaining why, to the criminal act of setting up isbaaro.


    You remarked: ''Adeer the port of El-ma'an is in itself the worst kind of Isbaaro.... ''


    What definition do you use for the concept of ''isbaaro''?


    If you understand under Isbaaro, the criminal activity of setting up a roadblock in which people are extorted from their money to pass the road or else..(face the consequences of those that have the guns and man the roadbloack)...then how does this definition apply to the port of Ceel Macaan?


    That is the general definition of roadblock, and honestly I can not understand how you can associate the private entreprise of Ceel Macaan to such criminal activity.


    Please answer these questions, and I am hoping that you answer them as clear as possible without resorting to the usual rethorics.


    I came to reason, not to lisen to the usual propaganda.


    So am waiting for your reasoning.

  9. Abtigiis,


    Leaders (not the military ones) do not have to be on the battle field.


    You mix up military leaders and the political leaders, the former are obliged to stand in the battlefield since they command military units while the latter are supposed to stand in command, and if the centre of command falls in enemy hands they need to be evacuated so they can continue commanding the entity they are the leaders of.


    When Mogadishu fell, the military leaders of the ICU stayed behind in Somalia and Mogadishu, while the political leaders went into exile to command from a safer place.

  10. ''Anyway, we have unique oppurtunity for peace to prevail in Somalia, let's hope we don't squander this around.''




    Thats what we have been hearing during the start of every attempt of reinstating the Somali state since 1991.





    ''That we endorse him does not change our perception of him. He still is a bad leader, coward, and a pathetic flip-floper; but if he is not declared president, then Nuur cadde and others will be. We are afriad those will take orders from Ethiopia.''




    You accuse Sh.Shariif of the same reasoning you are engaged in.


    The main reasoning behind his decision to seek diplomatic channels for realizing his goals was that he also believed in ''If I (representing the ICU) do not come to terms with the West/Int. community they will seek other men who will be worse, and we are afraid those men will be the usual warlords and ethiopian puppets''


    Other people will accuse you of been a hypocrite and a flipflopper, like they did in this topic.


    And you answered with:


    ''There is nothing inconsistent or hypocratical here. Simple pramatism and politcis 101.''



    Doesnt that also apply for the case of Sh.Shariif?

  11. Although Sh.Shariif is a man that is radically different then those that ran for president since 1991, the process and context in which a Somali government is supposed to arise still remains the same.


    Since 1991, we had the method of organizing conferences in foreign capitals and creating a government for Somalia in a foreign country, which then had to be transplanted into Somalia and had to be tested by the reality on the ground. We all know how this unnatural transplantation ended..


    Hence, why I do not believe in foreign-created and backed governments for Somalia, and hence why I do not believe in this latest attempt of transplantion most propably led by SH.Shariif.


    Although Sh.Shariif is a fine man with good qualities and is engaged in an admirable struggle, I do not believe in the ability of individuals to radically challenge or bring change to systems from within. They will achieve alot and bring closer illusions of progress and succes, but eventually the reality will prove that those were just illusions (fata morgana), and that bad systems need to be replaced by better systems, and this involves the crushing of the old system in most cases.