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Everything posted by Jumatatu

  1. Originally posted by OG_Girl: ORGILAQE, shaqo smeyso , what love you talking about bal :rolleyes: :rolleyes: gix...gix...gix...
  2. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: Naayaa OG, How dare you, you should be skinned alive and thrown into acid bath...for saying that to my princess.
  3. The former prime minister of Somalia, now a resident of Virginia, was sued Thursday for allegedly allowing war crimes and other human rights abuses to be committed in the 1980s....A similar lawsuit was filed against a former Somali Army battalion commander who allegedly carried out and supervised killings, torture and beatings. He also lives in Virginia. ...One of the lawsuits says that between 1980 and 1990, the government engaged in torture, killings and rape as part of a pattern "of systematic human rights violations against the civilian population of Somalia.....Mohamed Ali Samatar was Barre's defense minister from 1980 to 1987 and prime minister from 1987 to 1990, and therefore exerted control over the country's armed forces, according to the lawsuit....The other lawsuit, against battalion commander Yusuf Abdi Ali, alleges that he participated in and oversaw beatings and torture of civilians, including beatings of a pregnant woman who miscarried as a result. That woman, who spent six years in prison, is one of the plaintiffs read more on.. Ex-Somali leader sued for war crimes Could this open the flood gates for more similar cases..? Am thinking of suing Smithwestern, nationalist for propogating, endorsing and verbally supporting crimes against humanity in Somalia.. . I will be following the outcome of this case of Samatar and then consult legal advisers to bring Smith and co. to International court...
  4. Nationalist do you really have to present the pictures of your family as PoW...damn....!
  5. Originally posted by Mobb_Deep: Nice try juma. JB is closer to Qardho than good old boy Juma na'mean. adiga ma diwan gelinta ayaad uu qabilsantahey qardho waba yaabe..?
  6. HA saxiib halke ku daqnatey.? Mida kale my support for the government is not under question, but I question its motives from time to time. And before you jump on the clan gun, ka firso waxaa laga yaba in aan aniga kaga dhawahey Coloneel ina Yeey...
  7. MsWord you need to take a chill bill, look yourself in the mirror and come to the sense that you are not bigger than the blouse you are wearing...apart from that I cant think of anything else to say about your giberish you so confidently utter.
  8. ^^ ee bwana ee...usi lalamika..aw siyo.. is just a confirmation or acceptance of the statement you made.
  9. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: Wasenge Baridi nyinyi Loh..! Jamani...! Mbona matusi..? Ajiibu..! I thought SOL was ceritified.. :confused:
  10. Caqiil ebu umulize huyu jama yako, mambo takuwaje , Hussein Aideed Wasiru za Nji za gigene, Colonel Shaatigaduud Wasiru za Feda. Hapo ndio nataka ku juwa Serekali za Colonel Yeey ita onikana vipi? Orgilaaqe u have already said , dont spin it sxb,
  11. Originally posted by Caaqil: A power hungry col + A qaadwade shariif + A musician/singer + A vet Dr What a combination Loooooooooooool.... This had me rolling in the ground....how in heavens name did u come up with it.
  12. ^^which defeatism..? Could you elaborate more on it please and define it..thank you.
  13. Originally posted by ORGILAQE: To be honest I am glad to see the true difference between Puntland and Somaliland finally coming out! Which is..? :confused:
  14. Smith if you could get through your one track mind that no country is willing to commit troops to Somalia today as it is, then may be we could talk about what is needed by the President in co-operation with the Parliament and the government to create the situation in which forerign troops can be helpful You see unlike you I see the joint and concerted effort of the Parliament, President and the government of Somalia as a solution to the problem, while you see the solution to foreign invassion. As far as terrorism is concerned, I think it is used as a tool nowdays to get the help of Bush. HA sxb I think your assumption is way offline, at least on me. I'm not and nor is anyone questioning the legality of the President or the Parliament, but by questioning its motives it does not necessarily have to reflect to being opposer. The over riding belief of all is the fact that this is probably the last chance we have to create a nation that is unified but alas we seemed to be making all the moves on the opposite direction.
  15. Smith as usual and typical of you your arguments are weak and do not posses enough element to constitute a position of stance. Unfortunately it is the same with our President. First and foremost who does the national security and stability of Somalia concern, the parliament, not the AU, nor Zenawi or even either president Cabdalla and Museveni. Hence the point of start for C/llahi Yusuf should be the parliament that elected him. Was the issue of disarmanent and construction of National security forces raised in Parliament, no. Both in his inaguration and swearing in speech the President was hasty in the call for foreign troops. The problem exists and should be tackled lets not be abstract about it, but the approach to tackle it is delicate and needs tact and ability which is either absent from this President or he wants others to do his dirty work for him. And also note his call for foreign troops was not heeded neither forthcoming from foreign countries. But the question in here is it clearly displays the president's intention, he does not want a SOmali solution or even one from his Parliament. Now you said : However if some of our MP’s and other groups outside the parliament decide to take the selfish route then there has to be a way of dealing with them. In other words force will be used, tell me where is the reconciliation in here and what makes you think the foreign troops and that that support C/llahi Yusuf are immune from repercussion of harm they cause. Let me remind you again this is a reconciliation parliament, president and government (once it is established), thus it should be as such no force but through understanding and dialogue we can form and shape a better Somalia, Inshallah. Any other approach fuels and expands the disarry that exists.
  16. Smith you are avoiding answering my questions. Those whom you claim have bondage on the lives of the Somali people are MP's now and have unanimously elected, in retrorespect, elected one of their kind as a President. Now tell me where is the role for the foreign troops? Dont go bashing on the bush and criticise Daynile just answer the question please. And also that of Wiilo who are the 'terrorist'?
  17. Here we go again with Smith. Saxiib putiing aside your cheap rhetoric, tell me please why do we need foreign troops whether they will be under our control or not. Forget about the fact that we are merely reposting what the net sites are saying same way you are. Just tell me why we need foreign troops when we have from time to time argued that all the warlords are in parliament and hence a parcel of the government in transition. And why above all is this president adamant on foreign troops?
  18. Originally posted by Ameenah: Back to reality.. 'terrorists seem to be the concern of every somali politican'. Who exactly are they? I wonder too..? :confused: :confused:
  19. HA as I said in my text , disregarding whether Bush accepts or not, for the President to appeal and make such call is undermining the whole peace process and his stature as a genuine reconciliatory President.
  20. In a month of Ramadan our president C/llahi Yusuf has endorsed the idea for Bush to send troops to Somalia to fight terrorist based in there. I wonder what else is in stock for us regarding our incumbent preesident. This call by him will not go down well in many circles. Whether Bush accepts the call or not, C/llahi has shown his true colours. Read about the call: C/llaahi Yuusuf oo soo dhoweeyey .....