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Everything posted by Siciid1986

  1. I traveled to Somaliland in June of this year at the end of 2 difficult years of my life...... It was a little intimidating being there at the start ( Somaliland is an unrecognised state ) but I found a people consumed with demonstrating their civility and peacefulness, in very testing circumstances. Having been there and spent time with the Somalilanders , I believe Somaliland deserves International Recognition of its Independence and that Countries that will not accept the de facto separation from the mess that is Somalia need to be pressed for a fuller explanation as to why they wont support 20 years of peaceful growth in a very difficult region. Robert Watkin The Journeys Awards have been created to showcase the talents of emerging filmmakers Vote for your favourite short-listed films. Your vote will count towards the People's Choice award.
  2. Sayladda magaalada Burco ayaa todobaadkii u danbeeyay la ciirciiraysay Xoolaha ka kala imanaya gobolada Somaliya, Puntland, Kililka Shanaad ee Itoobiya iyo kuwa ka yimaada gobolda Somaliland ee dhinaca Bari. Sayladda Burco oo ah Saylada ugu weyn sayladaha Somaliland oo suuqeedu xaami-noqoay muddadii ka dambaysay xilligii ay dawlada sucuudigu xayiraada ka qaaday xoolaha Somaliland iyo kuwa Somaliyaba, iyo bishii Arafo oo bilaabanaysa ayaa waxa buux dhaafiyay Saylada Xoolo badan oo ka kala yimi jahooyin kala duwan. Waxa sidoo kale u shaqo-tagay Kumanaan Qof, Gaadiid fara badan oo ah noocyada xoolaha qaada iyo kuwa keenay Adhiga. Xoolahan tirada badan ee buuxiyay Saylada Burco oo isugu jira Wanan iyo Orgac. Wariyaha Ramaasnews ee Burco Mahad C/laahi Faarax Booqasho uu ku tagay Saylada Burco waxa uu idhihiisa ku arkay, inay adhigaas si weyn u gadanayeen Shirkaddaha Indhadeero, Aadan Baradho, Ina Quule iyo Jeeblayaal tiro beelay, kuwaas oo dhamaantood xoolaha ka iibsanaayay noocyadooda kala duwan ,Yaryarka iyo Waawaynka, Qiimo sare oo u dhexeeya ilaa $50 Doolar ilaa $60 Doolar, kaas oo kaash lagu kala qaadanaayay. Dhinaca kale, dawlada Hoose ee magaalada Burco ayaa iyana maalmahan saylada Xoolaha ka wada Ololayaal balaadhan oo isugu jira wacyigalino ay dadka Ganacsatada ah iyo kuwa kale ugu sheegayaan in ay Saylada ku soo dhaweeyaan dadka ganacsatada ah ee xoolaha ka keenaya Koonfurta Somaliya iyo kuwa Puntland, isla markaana ay dhawraan nadaafada iyo Cashuur ururinta. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka golaha deegaanka Burco Axmed Cabdi Falay oo hawlahan dawlada hoose ka wado Saylada Burco uga waramay Shabakadda Ramaasnews ayaa Ganacsatada Xoolaha iibsata ka codsaday Adhiga ay iibsanayaan in ay ugu horaysiiyaan kuwa ka yimi taraagyada dhaadheer, isla markaana waxa uu usoo jeediyay dadka kalena in ay soo dhaweeyaan dadka Xoolahooda usoo iibgeeyay magaalada Burco kuwaas oo uu sheegay in ay ku soo hirteen nabada ka jirta Somaliland. Waxa kale oo uu Axmed Cabdi falay usoo jeediyay Ciidamada kaantaroolada laamaha dawlada ee ay qusaysoba in ay si deg-deg ah u siidaayaan xoolaha lagu soo cashuuray degmooyinka ka baxsan Degmada Burco si ay dhakhso ugu dhoofaan una tagaan magaalada Barbera. Ugu dambayntii iibsigan xoolaha ku yimi mudadii ay xayiraada ka qaaday Dawalad sucuudigu iyo bishii Arafo Oo isgalay ayaa sare u qaaday dhaq-dhaqaaqa Ganacsiga suuqyada magaalada Burco ee Caasimada gobolka Togdheer kaas oo ay hore u saamaysay xayiraadii saarnayd xoolaha wakhti laga joogo 12 Sano. Waxa sidoo kale isbadal wayn laga dareemay hoos u dhaca sarifka lacagaha qalaad ee suuqyadda Burco mudaddii adhigu furnaa isagoo markii horena hoos u dhaci ku yimi bilihii ina soo dhaafay.
  3. “Wadaadka Yar Ee Shariif Haddii Uu Somaliland Nabadgelin Waayo Carabkaanu Ka Jari Doonaa” Faysal Cali Waraabe Mar uu ka hadlayay siyaasada sheikh shariif ee baryanba uu wado siyaasad xumo ka dhan ah Somaliland, islamarkaana hadii an imika laga hortagin ay halis inagu tahay, tilmaamayna in xukuumadani aanay dalka difaaci karayn taasna lagaga bixi karo doorashada ooh ore loo qabto hogaanna loo dooran, waxanu yidhi “wadaadyar oo reer koonfireed ah ayaa la inooga taag la’yahay oo meel walba la taagan Somaliland ma jirto iyo dadkaba dhibtu way ku wada dhacday, xagee ayay iyaga kaga dhacday inaga dawladii calanka huwanayd baa ina xasuuqday , iyaguna iyagaa is laayay oo badda isku guray, ma dadkeenii diyaaradaha lagu duqeeyay iyo waxa uu is barbar dhigayaa kuwo iyagu dagaalamaya oo kursiga kala jiidanaya, hadaba waxaan idiin sheegayaa dawladani dalba ma difaaci karayso ee walaalayaal inagu aynu midowno oo dalkeena aynu ilaashan, carabka ayaanu ka jaraynaa sheikh shariif iyo kooxdiisa hadii ay ina nabadgelin waayaan, doorashada waa in la qabtaa oo codkiina ku ciil baxdaan” “waa la ina khiyaameeyay oo waxa la inala sugayay inta koonfuri hagaagayso markaa hadaynaan hogaan wanaagsan oo inaga samata saara waa in la hela, xaafada axmed dhagax way biyo laadahay halka madaxweynahana xilli walba uu biyo helo, cisbitaalka waxa ka taagan waad arkaysaan.
  4. Gobolka Sanaag ayaa raxmadii roobku ku hoortay kadib markii abaaro ba’an laga soo doogay Ceerigaabo-( Gebi ahaanba dalku wuxuu soo maray xaalaado ba’an oo abaaro ah kuwaas oo saameeyey naf iyo maalba,dad aad utira badan oo xoolo dhaqato ah ayaa saben xumaadkii abaaruhu sababeen inay xoolahoodii ka madhaan oo ay caydhoobaan kadibna soo galaan magaalooyinka si ay ugu badbaadiyaan naftooda. Gaar ahaan xooladhatadii gobalka sanaag ayaa miciinsaday waqtigii abaaruu dheceen buuraha kaymalayda ah ee silsilada golis,si ay xoolahooda wixii abaaraha kabad baaday ay uga raadiyaan baad iyo biyo,- waqtigaa xooolaha ayaa ka sinmay dhimashada waxana yaraaday neef mac oo saylad lasoo taago . Salaadaha rabi bariga ah ee roobdoonta ah ayaa magaalo walba laga tukan jiray iyadoo si is daba jooga wajibaadka loo gudanayo kadib markii cirka dhibic laga waayay .wadada u dhaxaysa magaalada ceerigaabo iyo Burco, ayaa gadiidku sigan jiray inuu boodhka ku dhaabmo abaaro awgood, Xooluhuna ay gabi aahan ka hayaameen jiidaahaas oo biyo laa’antu waqtiga abaaraha u dheertahay. Raxmada ilaahay lagama quustee xili uu dadku yidiidilo beelay ayaa roobabkii cuurteen dhamaan gobolda jamhuuriyada Somaaliland marka laga reebo meelo yar oo sida ilo xogogaali sheegayaan aan wali roobab fiicani ka di’in. Magaalada Ceerigaabo ee xaarunta goboka Sanaag ayaa waxa kada’ay roobab laxaadkooda iyo biyahoodu aanay ka di’in mudo laga joogo 12 sano , roobabka oo kada’ay degmada Ceerigaabo bishii October ee 2009-ka, raxmadan ayaan degmooyinka kale gobolku laqabin degmada Ceerigaabo,gaar ahaan degmooyinka bariga sida Badhan Laas-qoray iyo Dhahar,sidaa waxa shabekada wararka ee Sanaagnews u xaqiijiyey Cabdiqaadir Maxamed Ibraahim oo katirsan degmada Badhan ee bariga gobolka sanaag wuxuuna sheegay in waqtigan degmooyinka barigu ay weli ku jiraan xaalad biyo dhaamis,xoolaha iyo dadkuba waxay la’il daran yihiin abaarihii lasoodhafay oo wali degmada wax roobab ah lagu mahayo,ayuu yidhi. C/qaadir waxa uu intaa raaciyay dadkii abaaruhu barakiciyeen kumay soo laaban degmada Badhan iyo waliba degmooyinka kale bariga gobolka sanaag,dedkii deegaamadan waxay ubara keceen meelo ay kamitay degmada Ceerigaabo oo masaafo dheer noo jirta ayuu yidhi. Iyadoo soo guurtadii badan koodii ku kala laabteen degaamadoodii ayaa waxa jir wali dad aan xarumahoodii wax roobab ahi ka di,in, oo olihii degaamadaasi ay6 wali dulsaar ku yihiin degaamo kale sida dadkii ka soo guuray bariga gobolka Sanaag. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Gobolka Sanaag ayaan raxmadda Roobabka kawada sinayn oo meelaha Qaar ayaan raxmada roobabku ku dul Hogan sida ila xogo gala oo war galeen noo xaqii jiyeen, iyadoo degmooyinka qaar lagu jiro xaalad barwaaqo sida degmadda Ceerigaabo ee Xarunta Gobolka Sanaag. Cumar Siciid Nuur Ceerigaabo/Somaliland
  5. Mar uu ka hadlayay faysal Cali Waraabe warbixin TV-ga Al-jaziira uu ka sii daayay dhawaan gobollada dalka Somaliland waxa u yidhi “barnaamijkaas laga sii daayay tv-ga Al-jaziira gobollada Sool Sanaag iyo Buuhoodle casaan baa laga saaray dhulka Somaliland oo waxa layna keenay magaalada Burco, iyagoo ka dhigaya wixii galbeed ka soo xiga Burco inay Somaliland yihiin arrimahaasna waxa u sabab ah kooxaha walaweynta Somalia oo saxaafadeena qaarkood luqadii walaweyntaasi ay qoraan oo ay ka mid yihiin wuu yiri iyo walaxaa qaraxday, iyadoo laga tagay kalmadii (dh) ee afsoomaaliga rasmiga ah lagu qoray ee dhaqanka inoo ahayd, waxaanan shacbigeena iyo saxaafadav Somaliland-ba aan usoo jeedinayaa inaanay kelmadaha walaweynta Somalia aanay u bedelin kelmadihii afsoomaaliga asalka u ahaa” haatuf
  6. Somaliland has been hailed as a beacon of stability in the troubled Horn of Africa region since declaring independence from Somalia in 1991. But Al Jazeera's Mohamed Adow, reports that some experts now believe the self-declared republic is at crisis point, as an election row deepens.
  7. Dahabshiil Bank International – Djibouti, East Africa The new bank will make Dahabshiil’s marketing spend more powerful and less expensive through the use of a cost-effective Djibouti – Dahabshiil Company is the largest money transfer company in the Horn of Africa specializing in fast and reliable money transfers in Africa and around the globe. The company which prides itself on being trustworthy, reliable and innovative is planning to launch a new Islamic banking arm, which is scheduled to take place in Djibouti in early 2010. The new bank will make Dahabshiil’s marketing spend more powerful and less expensive through the use of a cost-effective and targeted financial public relations campaign to build trust, credibility and confidence in the Dahabshi Bank International brand within the global business and investment community, as well as the wider public. The new bank vision is to offer the highest standard of banking services to customers, achieve the highest return on capital among peers and have maximum development impact on community. Our Mission is to succeed by focusing on three objectives: Accountability, Integrity and Profitability. Accountability comes from selecting world-class people, processes and technology; we maintain a solution-oriented culture where top performers are rewarded. Integrity is a result of upholding Shariah principles, which we consider as universal Values that benefit our customers. Profitability is enhanced by leveraging our platform over a large market share in our key markets; our proven ability to provide inclusive and socially responsible banking services beyond traditional customers is one of our competitive advantages. Value statement The key values that underpin the bank’s operations start with Shariah compliance. This means interest-free banking, treating customers as investors and sharing profits with them. The bank is driven to contribute to the local and regional communities that it serves by increasing access to banking service and connecting the region to the international financial system. We value transparency in all our dealings with our customers and regulatory authorities. The Sponsor History Dahabshiil Financial Services (Dahabshiil) is the largest remittance company in the Horn of Africa. It was founded in 1970s as a general trading enterprise in Somalia by a Somali entrepreneur, Mohamed Said Duale, who through exceptional business acumen, hard work and a rare knack for identifying opportunities has demonstrated how the pursuit of commercial interests can support social and economic development. When the Somali government collapsed in 1991, along with all government institutions, Mohamed Said saw a void in the financial sector and developed a vision to keep Somalis in the Diaspora firmly linked to their Families in the devastated country. Today, Dahabshiil has an extensive worldwide money transfer network serving Diaspora communities from East Africa, in particular, Somalia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Sudan, and Ethiopia, providing them with a vital and often life-saving link to their home countries. Dahabshiil has the largest network, over 220 outlets, in Somalia, and accounts for the biggest share among all remitters to the country. In addition to money remittance, Dahabshiil Group includes companies in general trade, real estate, construction, and telecommunication. It is a major shareholder of Somtel, a principal private telecommunication company serving the Somali region. Business Operations The group has its head office in Dubai Airport Free Zone, UAE, and at present have more than 1000 branches and agents in 44 countries around the world. In the United Kingdom, Dahabshiil has more than 200 agents. In the USA, Dahabshil, Inc, an affiliate Company, is currently licensed in 11 states and is a member of the Cooperate Council on Africa. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), it owns Al-Dahab Exchange based in Dubai and licensed by the Central Bank of UAE. Dahabshiil is also licensed in Canada, Djibouti, Uganda and many other locations. Dahabshiil has partnership agreements with several international remittance companies and banks which complement its network. In ‘Bank-less’ Somalia, in addition to money transfer, Dahabshiil provides its customers, corporations and individuals, with a number of banking services including checking and savings accounts and business loans. It provides facilities to regional governments and international organisations operating in the region. Role in Social and Economic Development Dahabshiil operates as a business enterprise with a profit motive. Over the years, also it has served the development and social needs of the East African community, especially the bank-Less failed state of Somalia. Its operations have had a direct impact in reducing poverty and at times saving lives. As a remittance company collecting money from the Diaspora and delivering it to families throughout Somalia’s war-ravaged territory, Dahabshiil has been successful in serving both the urban and rural areas, sometimes in remote villages that have no other means of contact with the rest of the world. Initially and during the early years of the major waves of migration from Somalia, Dahabshiil primarily served families that relied on the remittances as subsistence money. The company usually transferred small amounts not exceeding US200 per transaction. As the Diaspora settled in their new countries of residence and pursued professional and business opportunities, both the level and purpose of remittances have changed. Significant amounts are now transferred for investment, trade and other purposes. These funds now help build new houses, factories, schools, telecoms and power generation services in Somalia whose people have received very little international development aid for nearly two decades. Dahabshiil’s services have contributed directly to the development of a vibrant private sector in Somalia, where most public services are provided by private enterprises. Despite an enormous infrastructure deficit, local entrepreneurs, with the help of their relatives in the Diaspora, have been able to provide basic social services at affordable costs to the community. Today, Somalis enjoy some of the lowest telecom rates in the world, thanks to the people’s entrepreneurial spirit and the generous support they receive from members of the Diaspora. Dahabshiil has built an enduring bridge between the ambitions of the local people and the charitable instincts of the Diaspora, creating a unique framework for social cohesion where practically every Somali working abroad has a direct interaction with his/her family members back home through un interrupted flow of monthly remittance. Dahabshiil has contributed significantly to the maintenance of a functioning financial system for the Somali population that have no access to formal banking services. At times Dahabshiil has served as a “bank” of last resort to regional administrations in Somalia. These governments often obtain loans and advances from Dahabshiil to provide for basic public services. Dahabshiil is the largest private sector employer for the Somali population, providing well paying jobs to a large number of people at all skill levels in a country where unemployment runs above 90%. The company generates jobs in all parts of the country helping alleviate poverty. Through the success of its money transfer operations, Dahabshiil has a remarkable record in Social responsibility. The company provides grants to a wide range of social projects and causes in all parts of the country. It gives donations to builds schools, hospitals, bridges, wells, and a variety of other social welfare services. Recognition for Quality Service Over 90% of Dahabshiil’s transactions involve small transfers of less than $200. The Company has built a sterling reputation for reliability, quick service and low cost, which still constitute its core competitive advantage. It delivers money to even the most remote and isolated villages in the Horn within 24 hours! In Somalia, Dahabshiil is the favourite payment facilitator for most the international development, humanitarian and news organizations including United Nations Organizations such as UNDP, WHO, WFP, and UNHCR; the European Union; Save the Children (USA and UK), Oxfam, Care International, UK Department for International Development (DFID), the BBC World Service etc. Dahabshiil was in November 2008 honoured with the award of Top Manager by the International Association of Money Transfer Networks (IAMTN) at their annual conference in London. The award of Top Manager of the year is the first of its kind given to an African company and in winning Dahabshiil overcame competition from major global money transfer brands such as Western Union, Coinstar and Unistream. The award not only recognised the outstanding service that Dahabshiil offers its customers and its commitment to social responsibility, but also endorsed the company’s excellent record for complying with the most rigorous international standards of conduct. Strategic Partners It is Dahabshiil’s intention to collaborate with strategic partners, especially financial institutions and international/regional development banks that promote the development of the private sector and the strengthening of the financial systems in emerging African countries. The promoters intent will be that these partners take up an equity stake in the bank and to that end will continue to engage both prominent business personalities in the region as well as institutional investors. These partners have been identified on the basis of their added value/synergies/market Capture/branding value etc. to the bank. This will include partners such as the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The bank’s other investors will also include potential investment from Islamic funds and financiers based in the Middle East whose value will be through the provisions of regional presence in the area, technical development assistance, trade finance and Islamic Banking product development. The results of discussions with strategic partners have been positive so far and the promoters are confident that once the bank is operational, these partners, crucial to the further development of the bank will be secured. Expansion Strategy The bank is expected to be highly profitable with a very good return on investment, based on the business plan and financial projections. The bank over the projected period is expected to yield an internal rate of return of 133%. The sponsors intend to broaden the capital base of the bank and its shareholding in line with its regional expansion strategy. It is the key sponsors hope that these investors will facilitate and participate in the expansion of the bank in exchange for an increased upside on their investment as the bank matures in size. The ownership and shareholding structure is expected to evolve and the plan in place allows for options for the initial investors to realise part of the gain on their investments early enough. An initial public offering of the bank is also anticipated within 5 years of the bank commencing operations. This will be done either by way of a private placement or through listing on a major stock exchange in the region. The existing sponsor, Dahabshiil, will continue to remain as the majority shareholder even after broadening the shareholder base and continue the same level of commitment to the bank. Zakat Fund DBI will establish a Zakat fund with special regulations and a management committee to administer it. The Fund shall have an account independent from other accounts of the bank to deposit the Zakat money and disburse from it according to the directions of DBI’s Shariah Advisory Board. Disbursements from the fund shall be made by decisions of the Panel in accordance with the principles of Shariah. Critical Success Factors The successful realisation of the objectives of the bank, including the regional expansion and continued profitability will be pegged on having in place certain critical elements which include: A capital base that will support the vision and mission of the bank; The right strategic/technical partners; .Highly experienced management team and recruitment of the right calibre of staff with the ability to grow within the organization; . Appropriate infrastructure for the branches and satellite offices at the most efficient Cost; . Latest technology both in the back office and front office operations and robust Business management systems; . Tap on the under-served segments (for example, people with monthly income of less Than DFr90, 000) and the un-banked populations of Djibouti and Somalia; . Quality service level in the market which will be noticed by customers; . Innovative Islamic banking products and services that will differentiate the bank from the existing banks; . Competitive pricing of products and services that will benefit both the customers and the bank; . Leverage on the strategic alliance with the existing Dahabshiil network and link to the Diaspora for marketing purposes, service provision as well as its brand which is Perceived to be adding great value to the development of the Region and its people; and Link with the strategic business partners and investors 3 Products and Services Following is a brief description of the products and services of the new bank and a general explanation to how these are treated and applied in Islamic Banking. Element of Differentiation The bank intends on differentiating itself from its competitors namely on account of the following: Promotion and Distribution through Dahabshiil network DBI will be afforded with a vast and existing network through which it will be able to promote and distribute its products and services through Dahabshiil network. This will be able to save On time and costs involved in market penetration. Further, the Dahabshiil network in the Somalia region already have an existing deposit base, which the bank will utilise from day one. Flexibility in Pricing Strategy The bank has a clear strategy of investing in state of the art technology as a way of increasing efficiency and ultimately service delivery to its clients. Though the intent is not to compete with other players in the market on price, by virtue of the size of the market targeted by the bank as compared to that serviced by other banks in Djibouti, combined with the use of technology, the bank will have the ability to reduce prices based on its volume of business if competitive pressures require it to do so while maintaining profitability at an acceptable level. Innovation The bank will continuously introduce new and innovative products and services in the market which are in compliance with Islamic Sarah. Islamic Banking Products DBI will offer a suite of Islamic financial products and services to its clients who are interested in conducting their personal and business financing transactions in a Sarah-compliant manner. Operations will focus on a) asset finance, b) partnership finance and c) lease finance. DBI will deploy the most common Islamic financing instruments. The main principles underlying Islamic Banking are: . No interest is received or charged. . Lending is generally asset-based. . Concept of profit and loss sharing between the bank and customer. . Excessive risk-taking and the use of complex financial derivatives is avoided. . Only lawful activities can be supported by the bank. Islamic banking offers the best of both worlds: the profit-driven approach of traditional banking within the framework of universal ethical and moral values. Lending The bank’s lending products will be governed by Islamic Shariah Rules and Principles. The Islamic banking lending products offered by the bank will include the generally accepted products highlighted below. Murabaha (Cost-plus transaction) - Murabaha is a purchase and sale with an agreed-Upon profit margin. Qard al-Hasan (Loan without profit) – Qard is a loan without profit. The borrower is Required to repay only the principal amount borrowed but may pay an extra amount as a token of appreciation at the borrower’s absolute discretion. Qard contracts can also be used to support current accounts, in which customers lend the money to the bank. The bank generates profit on this loan and returns the capital and some of the profit it has obtained. Mudaraba (Partnership) - In Mudaraba, the customer provides funds to the bank, which then invests the funds into various investment schemes and financing. The profit sharing is agreed in advance. Ijara (Lease) - Ijara is a concept closest to the conventional idea of leasing. This involves payments processing for asset acquisition, rental calculation and payments, arrears processing, and sale of the asset at the end of the contract period (in the case of Ijara way iqtina). Musharaka (Investments) - Musharaka means “to share.” In a banking context, it indicates that all profits or losses are shared equally. Istisna (Manufacturing Contract or Project Finance) – In an Istisna sale, the buyer asks the manufacturer to create a specific project or commodity with material from the Manufacturer. The price is fixed after all parties give their consent and agree on all the necessary specifications of the project or commodity. Salam (Forward Sale) - Salam is a sale in which the seller supplies specific goods to the buyer at a future date in exchange for a price fully paid in advance. It is typically used to finance agriculture. The bank must take delivery of the commodity on maturity and it can enter into a parallel contract of Salam with another party to sell the commodity on the future date. Tawarruq (Reverse Murabaha) - Tawarruq is a finance method with which one can raise loan financing through buying instalments in a commodity owned by the bank. Applicants then authorize the bank to sell their share in this commodity, on their behalf, to a third party for cash and then deposit the proceeds into their account. Sukuk (Islamic Bond) - Sukuk is an Islamic bond that must be linked to an underlying Asset. Banks cannot raise funds by issuing generic fixed or floating coupon-bearing Bonds. Banks can securitize a stream of cash flows from Ijaras or Murabahas and then Issue Sukuks. The coupon cash flow for these Sukuks can be the cash flow from the Underlying Ijaras or Murabahas. Savings: In general, savings products in Islamic banks are similar in many ways to savings accounts at commercial banks, with the following distinctions which will also apply in the case of the new Bank:- Interest cannot be paid on savings accounts in Islamic banks. As such, no promise of Reward can be made to the depositors. Savings accounts are governed by the Mudaraba rules, whereby the depositors are The capital providers and the bank is the Mudarib. Depositors are awarded a share of the profits of the bank at the end of an accounting cycle, based on a pre-agreed point system that allocates profits per monetary unit per time unit. As this is tied to the amount of profit generated by the bank, the actual profit distribution may vary between one period and another, although the agreed point system is fixed. As such depositors will know how much return they got at the end of the period, as Opposed to depositors at a commercial bank who know how much return to expect at the beginning of the period. Theoretically, depositors are also supposed to share in the losses incurred by the Bank if any. However, it is generally accepted that the bank’s owners may agree to Make a contribution to the depositors to maintain the bank’s competitive position. This, however, causes an added strain on the bank’s capital base by further Amplifying its losses. Savings accounts can be general, participating in the profits of the bank as a whole, Or specific, targeted towards financing a particular investment or project, and share in the profits of this specific investment or project alone. Profit calculation: at the end of the accounting period (which can be monthly, Quarterly, semi annually, or annually) and as the bank calculates the profits generated during that period, it also calculates the points for profit sharing. Points are allocated for the bank’s own capital base and other non-profit-sharing monies at its disposal (E.g. current accounts), as well as for every eligible monetary unit deposited in the savings accounts multiplied by the number of eligible days it was deposited in the account. The total of these points represents the total profits, and a share is allocated to each point. These shares are then distributed to each account in accordance with the number of points it gathered, while the bank retains the remaining profit corresponding to its capital base and the other non-profit-sharing monies at its disposal. The shares of the savings accounts are then distributed in accordance with a pre-agreed ratio, part to the depositors, and part to the bank as manager of the accounts (Midrib). Yours truly, Dr. Mohamed Osman Nur Chief Executive Officer Dahabshil Bank International-Djibouti
  8. Monday, November 9, 2009 Despite a desperate attempt on behalf of the establishment media to reinforce clichéd stereotypes to prop up the war on terror, by depicting the Fort Hood shooter as a devout Muslim fundamentalist, it turns out that just like the 9/11 pasty hijackers, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan had a taste for the very much westernized sins of alcohol and strip clubs. Ever since last week’s tragedy at Fort Hood, the establishment has been straining at the leash to portray Hasan as a radical jihadist who harbored a hatred for America, a disdain for western culture, and a common ideology with Al-Qaeda, even going so far as to claim that Hasan attempted to contact Al-Qaeda, which wouldn’t be a surprise bearing in mind that Al-Qaeda is little more than the CIA’s Arab legion. Hasan’s description as a “devout Muslim, and one who had difficulty finding a wife who would wear a head scarf and would pray five times a day,” is contradicted by the revelation that Hasan was a frequent visitor at his local strip club, where he would drink alcohol and pay women to lap dance for him. “Hasan sat at a table in the back corner of the club, to the left of the stage on which strippers dance around a pole, employees said,” reports Fox News. “I remembered his face because it was the first lap dance I [gave] to a customer while working here,” said 31-year-old Jennifer Jenner. “When I saw his face [Friday] on TV, I jumped out of bed, I knew it was him.” “Jenner said Hasan was dressed casually both nights he came to the club – in jeans and a T-shirt the first night and then wearing a baseball cap the next. She recalled that he arrived at about 6:30 p.m. and stayed until 2 a.m,” according to the report. Strip Club Visits Contradict Contrived Stereotype Of Fort Hood Shooter FOTR 340x1692 Hasan has been characterized as an “Islamic extremist” by all corners of the media since it emerged that he was upset about being deployed to Iraq. He is stereotyped in reports of being “a Muslim first and an American second,” and yet his behavior suggests the opposite. Hasan’s penchant for strip clubs, which would be seen as complete abomination by fundamentalist Muslims, mirrors exactly the behavior of the 9/11 hijackers in the months before 9/11. Many of the 9/11 hijackers not only frequented strip clubs and got regularly drunk, but they also purchased pornography, sex toys, gambled, and had sex with prostitutes. This type of behavior is consistent with these men being westernized Arabs who were being paid a lot of money to pose as fundamentalists, when in reality they spent their spare time indulging in activities that real fundamentalists would consider to be sins beyond repentance. As soon as it became known that the Fort Hood shooter had an “Arab-sounding name,” Hasan’s entire motivation for carrying out the massacre was dutifully “explained” by the media in double-quick time. His characterization as a devout fundamentalist Muslim exacting his own personal jihad was relentlessly pushed by the network news shows. However, as was also the case with the 7/7 bombing patsies who led westernized lives completely at odds with their portrayal by the media, Hasan’s strip club visits contradict the contrived notion that he was an Islamic fundamentalist seeking to inflict revenge upon the infidels at Fort Hood, since by the nature of his own behavior, Hasan was one of those very infidels.
  9. Markabkii ugu weynaa ee abid yimaada biyaha Somaliland oo ku soo xidhay Marsada Caalamiga ah ee Berbera+Sawirro Berbera-November, 08, 2009-(Berberanews)-Markabkiiugu weynaa ee abid yimaada biyaha Somaliland, ayaa maanta markii uu horraysay ku soo xidhay Dekedda magaalada Berbera tan iyo markii la dhisay. Markabkan oo dhererkiisu yahay 236 Mitir, halka cabirka uu kula jiro biyaha ee afka qallaad loo yaqaanno (Deep Line) uu yahay 9.7 mitir oo ka mid ah kuwa ugu waaweyn maraakiibta isaga kala goosha dalalka adduunka. Markabkan oo uu raran qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada waaweyn ee dalka, islamarkaana sida raashin kala duwan, ayaa layaab iyo ammakaag ku riday dadweynaha reer Berbera iyo shaqaalaha dekedda Berbera oo iyagu heegan u gallay sidii ay u soo xidhi lahaayeen markabkan, kuna guulaystay. Kaasoo boqolkiiba affartan qabsaday qaadka guud ee Dekedda Berbera. Sida uu noo soo tebiyey weriyaha shebekadda Berberanews ee Gobolka Saaxil Yaasiin Jaamac Cali, maamulka dekedda Berbera, ayaa si weyn u soo dhaweeyey imaatinkan markabkan weyn oo ay ku sifeeyeen tallaabo wanaagsan oo u soo korodhay sumcadda dekedda. Maareeye-ku-xigeenka Dekeda Berbera Bille Xirsi Ciid oo ka hadlay immaatinka markabkan, isagoo ku sugan dekeda sheegay inay maamul ahaan soo dhawaynayaan, waxaana ka mid ahaa hadalladiisa; “Waxaanu aad ugu faraxsanahay soona dhawaynaynaa maraakiibta caalamiga ah ee ku soo xidha dekeda Berbera oo sumcad iyo sharafba innoo ah, maamul iyo shaqaaleba waxaanu heegan ugu jirnaa hourmarinta dekeda Berbera, adeega guud ee aanu bixinaa waa boqolkiiba boqol dhinaca shaqaalaha iyo qalabkaba, waana deked shaqaysa 24 saacadoodba.” Maareeye ku xigeenku waxa kale oo uu sheegay inay ku gudo-jiraan qoditaanka cabirka hoose ee biyaha ay ku soo xidhaan maraakiibtu oo ay u addeegsanayaan qallab casriya oo ay soo iibsadeen, isagoo intaa ku daray inay sii xoojinayaan adeega shaqo ee dekedda. Mid ka mid bayloolada ka shaqeeya dekeda ee soo xidha maraakiibta, laguna magacaabo Xirsi oo ku guulaystay xidhitaankan markabkan, ayaa isaguna ka warbixiyey dareenkiisa “Aad baan ugu faraxsanahay inaan markabkii ugu weynaa ee Dekeda Berbera yimaada ku soo xidho, runtiina wax faraqi uma dhexeyaan isaga iyo kuwii hore ee aan soo xidhi jiray, waana innoo sharaf iyo magac in maraakiib waaweyn oo caalamiya ku soo xidhaan dekedda Dekedda Berbera, ayaa awood u leh inay ku soo xidhaan maraakiibta waaweyn, iyadoo biyaha deep-lineka loo yaqaanno ee dekedda Berbera ay iman karaan maraakiibta 12-ka mitir cabirkooda hoose yahay. Yaasiin Jaamac Cali Berberanews, reporter
  10. War Bixiin Buurta Daallo Iyo Socdaalkii Weriye Yaasin Xassan Cabdi + Sawirda
  11. Mutah Beale launches TV show to present "true Islam" Islam is backward, breeds terrorists and suppresses women, are just some of the lies the media promotes about Islam, says American rapper and convert to Islam Mutah Beale, who is set to launch a TV show next month to counter the negative stereotypes about Muslims. Beale, who shot to fame as a member of the "Outlawz" formed by hip hop legend Tupac Shakur, is set to launch Napoleon TV on Dec. 1 to introduce people to the "true" Islam and counter what he terms "media lies about Islam." "It seems like here in America the media is attacking Islam in every way possible, so I decided to use the media to give people an understanding about the true religion of Islam, which is whole and peaceful" Beale told Al Arabiya. Napoleon TV, named after Beale's rap alias, will be launched in Britain on cable network Sky's Up & Coming channel where Beale will present his audience an eclectic mix of segments from introducing top celebrities to Islam to explaining verses of the Quran. The show, which will reach people in Europe and North Africa, will also give Muslims in the West unprecedented access to scholars in the Middle East with a segment on fatwas, or religious edicts, where people can call in and seek advice from accredited scholars in English, a feature Beale says will help Western Muslims in need of guidance on religious matters. Beale will also use the channel, which brands itself as a "platform for up and coming TV channels, to air his documentary, "Life of an Outlaw," which is currently in the works and will be produced by Hollywood actor and comedian Mike Epps. Top Audiences will also be treated to an inside look in to the daily life of the rapper, who left hip for Islam, with a segment called "Napoleon--The Real Me," a reality show that will follow Beale, who is now a motivational speaker, around When asked what makes his life so interesting, Beale answered:"I want people to see that being a Muslim is a part of everyday life, which could be me taking my sons to a soccer game or me in a business meeting." "People will get to see me going about my business while always striving to get closer to Allah." The audience will also get a look at exclusive footage of Beale in the African nation of Gambia where he is currently working on opening an orphanage with U.K.-based charity Muslim Global Relief. "I was an orphan and this is something I want to do because it is close to my heart," Beale said, adding "I will not be making a single penny out of this all money raised will go towards helping orphaned children." The next stop after Gambia, could be from Gaza to Kashmir "anywhere where they will have us," Beale said. So who should tune in to Napoleon TV? Muslims who want to learn about their religion and non-Muslims who have misconceptions about Islam or anyone interested in understanding why someone would give up the luxuries gained from selling more than 40 million records worldwide. "My goal is to introduce people to Islam and let them leave with an accurate understanding of the religion of Islam." Napoleon TV will be launched on Dec. 1 on Sky channel 843. The show will air daily from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
  12. Berbera: Boqollaal Xafiisyo, Hudheello iyo Dukaamo 9 Sanno ka Hor la Xidhay oo Dib loo Furay “Dhawaaqii xayiraad-ka-qaadista xoolaha ee Sucuudiga oo dib u soo noolaysay rajadii dhallinyaro u xadhko-xidhnaa tahriib” Warbixin – Weriye Maxamed-Biid, Berbera Dhawaaqa lagu sheegay in dawladda Boqortooyada Sucuudigu xayiraaddii ka qaaday xoolaha Soomaalida, isla markaana maxjarka caafimaadka xoolaha ee Berbera u aqoonsatay ka ugu muhiimsan Geeska Afrika, ayaa noqday mid ay guud ahaan si weyn u soo dhoweeyeen bulshada xoolo-dhaqatada ah ee Somaliland iyo Somaaliya, iyadoo si gaar ah looga damaashaaday xarunta Gobolka Saaxil ee Berbera oo ah marinka xoolahaas intooda badan ka dhoofi doonaan. Damaashaadka qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada Berbera, ayaa laga dheehanayaa wajiyada dadka, waxana dib u soo noolaatay rajadii nololeed ee dhallinta reer Barbera oo intoodii badnayd shantii sanno ee u dambeeyey ka tahriibeen, kadib markii xayiraadda lagu soo ragay xoolihii noolaa ee Sucuudigu dhoofin jiray, kaasoo 65% dhallinyaradu ka xoogsan jireen raacista maraakiibta xoolaha qaada. Tan iyo markii xayiraadda xoolaha Boqortooyada Sucuudigu ku soo rogtay waxaa la ogyahay in gebi ahaanba in dhaqdhaqaaqii ganacsi iyo xarakaadkii shaqo ee ka jirey magaalo-xeebeeddaas Berbera, waxaanay arrintaasi saameyn aan la qiyaasi karin ku yeelatay guud ahaanba degenaanshihii iyo muuqaalkii magaaladaas oo maalinba maalinta ka dambaysa laga dareemayey in intii tahriibtay maahee intii kale ku noolaan kari waayaan shaqo la’aanta iyo kulaylka xagaaga, ugana haajireen gobollada iyo degmooyinka kale ee dalka. Ugu yaraan 80% ayaa xidhmay meheradihii ganacsi ee ka furnaa Berbera, waxana inta badan meesha ka baxay kumanaan qof oo meherado kala duwan ku haystay magaaladaas sida; hudheello hunto, kuwo hurdo, dukaanno, sharaablayaal iwm. Dhinaca kale, waxa dhawaaqaasi gidaarada ka kiciyey kumanaan dad ah oo waayey meel ay subaxdii shaqo ugu kallahaan, kadib markay waayeen shaqo iyo kharash ay ku tahriibaan. Xafiisyadii dhoofka xoolaha ee Berbera ayaa dib loo furay. Waxa kaloo la furay xafiisyadii wakiillada maraakiibta ee xoolaha qaadi jirey oo ugu yaraan sagaalkii sanno ee dambeeyy xidhnaa. Sidoo kale waxa dib loo furey xafiisyadii bad-mareennada ee dhallinyarada reer Berbera ee u xilsaarnaa kaltanka shaqo ee dhallinta raacda maraakiibta xoolaha qaada. Waxa dib loo furey xafiisyadii shirkadaha waaweyn ee dhoofka xoolaha ee Berbera, kuwaasoo ay ugu mudan tahay shirkadda INDHO DERO Group oo la filaayo in ay noqoto ta ugu horreysa ee xoolaha u dirta Sucuudi Carabiya, lana rajaynayo inay noqoto ta ugu xoolaha badan ee wakhtiga xashka. Shirkadda labaad ee la filayo inay xoolaha u badan dirto waa CALI WARAABE COMPANY oo iyadu ah wakiil ka ahayd Aljaabiri oo ah ninka maxsharka dhisay, maxjarkaas oo ka sakow qaddarka Alle ah ka sababta u noqday shuruudda koowaad ee Sucuudigu ku xidhay in xoolaha Soomaalidu ka dhoofaan dekedda Berbera, warqadda caafimaadkana ka qaataan oo keliya maxjarka Berbera, halkaas oo ay ka hawlgeli doonaan dhakhaatiir caalimi ah iyo kuwa Somaliland ee wasaaradda xannaanada xoolaha. Jamhuuriya Online
  13. New film aims to uncover latent, and blatant, German racism Guenter Wallraff spent 14 months as a Somalian in Germany Guenter Wallraff's provocative new film Black on White is released this week. The journalist and filmmaker wore black make-up for over a year, trying to establish himself in German society as a Somali-born man. Wallraff created the identity of Kwami Ogonno from Somalia for his latest documentary, which aims to uncover the casual racism in German society. The film follows him attempting everyday activities like renting a caravan and applying for an apartment. ”After the 14 months I realized how widespread everyday racism is," director Pagonis Pagonakis told Deutsche Welle. "Not just the violence we read about in the media - the everyday racism. You can't find a flat, you can't get a job. You are sitting in a bar and someone says to you, 'you nigger'." Guenter Wallraff in a beer gardenBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Wallraff travels throughout the country in his controversial film Wallraff travelled some 6,000 kilometers across Germany accompanied by filmmakers Pagonis Pagonakis and Susanne Jaeger to complete the film. The filming was done both with a secret camera carried by Wallraff, and cameras meant to resemble amateur cameras, which Jaeger and Pagonakis used from a distance, posing as a couple. "People just thought we were tourists just shooting there," Pagonakis told DW, "Because we are white and he is black, they never guessed that we could be friends." 67-year-old Wallraff is no stranger either to controversy or disguise. In the early 1980s he spent two years as a Turkish guest worker in Germany, working in various low-paid jobs. He also spent three years as an editor at the Bild mass-circulation daily, and published a book exposing the big-selling newspaper's sloppy journalism. The new film shows how unafraid Germans are to admit their racism. At one point in the film, the attendant at a campsite openly tells Wallraff that his skin color is the reason why he can't get a spot for him and his family. "I was very surprised that a lot of people had no problem giving permission [to let us use the film material in which they appear], because they thought they did right," said Pagonakis. "For instance the lady that had this flat and didn't want to rent it to a black man." Black community criticizes film The film has been criticized by members of the German black community, notably musician and writer Noah Sow. According to Sow, Wallraff used the issue of racism as a self-serving vehicle. "He apes repressed minorities and receives money, attention, and even respect," Sow told public broadcaster ARD. "He can't have black experiences as a painted white man, and he can't put them into context, even if he thinks he can." Guenter Wallraff as his African alter-egoBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The film has angered members of Germany's African community "We had a lot of discussions with black people beforehand," countered Pagonakis. "For example with human rights activist Mouctar Bah, who is also in the film. He said it is a good idea because maybe we as white people would show our people what is going on." "The film is not about black people. We don't say how black people feel in Germany, we just say how white people react when they see somebody who seems to be black,” Pagonakis said. The film has also been criticized for deliberately provoking aggressive situations. "There is a scene in a bar where a woman is talking to someone who is not her husband or her friend and he just asks if she wants to dance. This is what people call a provocation," commented Pagonakis. Black on White goes on general release throughout Germany on Thursday.
  14. Ciidanka Qaranka Sl ee Jiidda Buuhoodle oo uu horkacayo Col. Axmed Maxamed Aadan Guul ( Dalbac) ayna weheliyaan saraakiisha ay ka mid yahiin Col Ismaaciil Xaashi Huruuse, Col Maxamed Sh cabdi Dabcasar (Tuur) & Capt Cali Ducaale ayaa waxa ay saaka socdaal ku kala bixiyeen daafaha magaalada Buuhoodle, halka sidoo kalena ay tageen goobtii laga xaadhayey maalmahan garoonka diyaaradaha inkastoo xiligaasi aanay la kulmin wax dadweyne ah oo la xusi karo oo goobtaasi joogay ( Daawo sawirada). Ciidanka Qaranka ayaa beryahanba ka waday deegaanka hawlo lagu xoojinayo barnaamijka rajo soo celinta Buuhoodle ( Buhotle Restore Operation) waxana ay maanta oo dhan wadeen barnaamij wacyigelin ah oo dadweynaha deegaanka loogu sheegayo inay isdejiyaan, ka dib markii ay dadka qaarkii werwer ka muujiyeen raxanta gawaadhida dagaalka ee gelbinaysay saraakiishani.
  15. Warbaahinta Ku Hadasha Afka Xukuumada Oo Difaacday Calasow Hargeysa, Octobar.24.2009 (Saxannews) Qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta kuhadasha afka Xukuumada ayaa si wayn u difaacday Daahir Calasow oo ahninka iska leh Shabakada wararka ee Waagacusub, kaas oo ay Ururadasaxaafada ee Somaliland ay canbaareeyeen wararka uu ku daabaco bogiisa Internetka, kaas oo caadaysto inuu warar been abuur ah ka qoro Shirkadaha ganacsiga Somaliland, isagoo kagaga doonaya inay siiyaan Baad.Shabakada ku hashada afka Xukuumada ee magaceeda la yidhaahdo iyo ayaa si badheedh ah u difaacdayDaahir Calasow, isla markaana canbaarayn u soo jeedisay Ururada saxaafada iyo Suxufiyiin reer Somaliland ah oo maalintii doraat shiray yeesheen ku canbaareeyey ninka la yidhaahdo Daahir Calasow, islamarkaana uga digay inuu ka waantoobo hab dhaqanka xun ee uu caadaystayiyo wararka beenta ee uu ka faafiyo Somaliland isagoo adeegsanayamagaca suxufinimo. Koox sheegatay inay yihiin Suxufiyiin reer Somaliland, balse ka baqdayinay magacyadooda shaaciyaan ayaa iyagu difaacay Daahir Calasow, islamarkaana si badheedh ah u weeraray Ururada Saxaafada ee reer Somaliland, kuwaas oo ay ku tilmaameen inay u addeegayaan dano gaarah. Sida ka muuqata Warbaahinta ku hadasha afka Xukuumada Rayaale ayaamuujinaysa inay ka xumaaday canbaaraynta loo soo jeediyey Daahir Calasow oo ah nin isugu u shaqeeya Hay’adaha sirdoonka Maraykanka,Somaliland iyo Somalia, kaas oo isagu lagu bartay wararka uu geliyobogiisa Internetka inay yihiin kuwo runta aad uga fog, isla markaana ku salaysan been iyo inuu ku helo lacag Baad ah oo uu kaga qaado Shirkadaha ganacsiga ee Somalia iyo Somaliland, madaama uu xidhiidh la leeyahay hay’adaha sirdoonka, waxa uu qoraaladiisa ku soo bandhigaa qormooyin uu farta ku fiiqayo cidii fullin wayda danihiisa inay kamid yihiin amaba ay xidhiidh la leeyihiin Ururada ay Argagaxisada ku tilmaanto dawladda Maraykanku. Hadaba waxa la is waydiinayaa waxa ay Warbaahinta Xukuumadu u difaacayso Daahir Calasow, isla markaana ay ku canbaaraynayso Ururada saxaafada iyo Suxufiyiinta reer Somaliland.
  16. “In Sannad ka badan Mushahar iyo kiro toona maanu qaadan, imikana…”Maxamuud Saalax Nuur (Fagadhe), Safiirka Faransiiska ee Somaliland…Waraysi “Hargeysa waxa jooga rag Mushahar ka qaata Somaliland, Jabuuti iyo Faransiiska, laakiin anigu…” Paris (Bnn)- Danjiraha Somaliland u jooga dalka Faransiiska Mr. Maxamuud Saalax Nuur (Fagadhe), ayaa markii ugu horaysay ka waramay xaaladiisa Caafimaad ka dib qaliin saacado badan qaatay oo dhowaan lagu sameeyay iyo muranka ka dhashay dhaqaalihii Xukuumaddu ugu talogashay. Maxamuud Saalax Nuur oo u waramay shabakadda wararka Internet-ka ee Hadhwanaagnews, waxa uu sheegay in hadda laga wareejiyay Cusbatalkii lagu qalay oo gaar loo lahaa, kuna yaala caasimada Faransiiska ee Paris. “Laf-dhabarta ayaa la iga qalay, wuxuuna qaliinkaygu qaatay waqti dheer oo ilaa afar saacadood iyo badh ah. hadda Caafimaadkaygu sida dareenkaygu yahay, aad buu u wanaagsan yahay,” ayuu yidhi Ambassador Fagadhe. Wuxuuna intaa ku daray, in todobaadyo kooban ka dib Dhakhtarkii qaliinka ku sameeyay dib u eegi doono, si looga saaro Birro xilligii la qalay la geliyay. “Alxamdulilaah, waanu ka kaaftoonay in Cusbatalka nalagu qabsado, sidii ay dhibaatadu ugu dhacday ragii Addis Ababa joogay sida Talaabo oo kale (Wasiir Kuxigeenka Caddaalada),” ayuu yidhi Mr. Fagadhe oo ka waramay sidii loogu gurmaday markii uu qaliinka galay oo uu sheegay inay gacan dhaqaale siiyeen jaaliyadda Faransiiska oo uu tilmaamay inay dhamaantood wada shaqeeyaan. Mar la waydiiyay kaalmada uu ka helo Xukuumadda Somaliland, waxa uu ku jawaabay; “Horta, warbaahinta ama Xukuumadda ha noqotee aad baa looga hadlay. Markaa, si aanu arrintaa u caddayno halka aan ka joogo iyo Safaarad ahaanba waxa mawqifkayagu yahay – arrinkani wuxuu gaadhay heer Wasiirro ay mawaaqiif kala duwan oo is jiidhsan kala qaateen, gaar ahaan wixii xaga dhaqaalahayaga ku saabsan sidii dawladda gacan nooga siin lahayd ama ha ahaato Kiradii guriga ama ha ahaato Mushaharkayagii ama hadday tahay intii aan Cusbatalka ku jiray,” ayuu yidhi. Wuxuuna intaa raaciyay; “Labada Wasiir ee isku qabtay anigaa u dirnay iyo isagaanu ugu dhiibnay oo aanu nidhi u *** iyo waxaas, arrintaas waan la yaabahay. Waayo, muddo dheer markii aanu sugaynay, muddo toban bilood ama sannad ka badana wax Mushahar ah iyo wax kiro ah iyo caantayn nala siiyay ma jirto, wax naloo soo dirayna ma jirin....Labadaa Wasiir ee arrintaa isku qabtay, midi waa Wasiirkaygii oo waa Wasiiru-dawlaha Khaarajiga, ka kalena waa Wasiiru-dawlaha Caafimaadka oo ah nin aanu saaxiib gaar ah nahay. Waa run oo way jirtay inaan Taar diray oo aan idhi, ‘haddii aad sidaa mashquul u tahay oo dhibaato dalkii ka taagan tahay, wixii aad ii haysay ninkaa (Wasiiru-dawlaha Caafimaadka) ii soo mari’, laakiin runtu waxa weeye, waxba lama soo marin oo waa dhab…Wasiiru-dawlaha Khaarajiga Siciid Maxamed Nuur wuxu yidhi, ‘ninkaasi baanu ugu dhiibnay oo uu yidhi iigu dhiiba’ arrintaa waxba kama jiraan, waxbana layguma dhiibin Wasiiru-dawlaha Caafimaadka. Imikadaa qudheeda, taageero waan u baahanahay, mushaharkayagii waanu u baahanahay, guryaha kiradoodii waanu u baahanahay.” Danjiraha Somaliland ee Faransiisku waxa uu walaac ka muujiyay saamaynta taban ee ay arrintani ku yeelan karto sumcadda Somaliland. “Arrintaasi sumcada wadanka uma wanaagsana, Safiir la diro oo xaalada aan ku jiro ku jirana lama arag, lamana maqal. Way jiraan niman la iska magacaabay oo mushahar ka qaata dawladdaha ay joogaan, laakiin anigu dawlad kale oo aan mushahar ka qaataa ma jirto oo aan isku halayn karaa ama ninka kale ee nala shaqeeya….Rag baa Hargeysa jooga oo mushahar qaata, Somaliland ka qaata, Jabuuti ka qaata, Faransiiskana ka qaata, cid ay ka socdaan iyo meel ay ka socdaana aanaan garanaynin. Rag noocaas ahina way jiraan oo wax laga naxo ah, mana doonayo inaan waxaas sheegee, waa nalagu khasbayaa, waana nalaga hadlinayaa,” ayuu yidhi Danjire Maxamuud Nuur Fagadhe. Ambassador Fagadhe waxa uu ku dheeraaday waxyaabo xidhiidhka dalalka Somaliland iyo Faransiiska ku saabsan oo ay Safaarad ahaan qabteen iyo barnaamijyo dhinaca horumarinta iyo La-dagaalanka Argagixisada ah oo ay Faransiisku balanqaadeen. Wargeyska Ogaal
  17. London: UDUB, Somaliland’s ruling party, in disarray In the past two months, I have attended two meetings in London organised by UDUB, the ruling party of Somaliland, one in Shepherds Bush and the other in Woolwich. After this experience, I can confidently state that UDUB is in disarray. The organisers clearly lack both coordination and communication skills, as no more than 50 people were present at both meetings – despite the presence of more than 50,000 Somalilanders in London. I also observed power struggles among the organisers, as they blamed each other for the lack of supporter turnout. Most of UDUB’s so-called executives seemed to be self-nominated and without portfolio. The best example of UDUB’s unprofessional organisation involved the scheduled arrival at Heathrow of the Somaliland Minister of Interior Affairs in the evening of Monday October 19, 2009. I was amongst those invited to welcome the minister, and others had made the effort to travel all the way to London from Sheffield, a journey of several hours. I arrived at the airport at 9.30pm, well ahead of the expected arrival time of 10pm. After spending 20 minutes fruitlessly wandering around the arrivals terminal, I called one of the UDUB representatives who had invited me to the welcoming event. I was surprised to learn that the minister had arrived at 8:30pm and already been taken to a hotel in north London by his relatives. This is an example of how poorly the UDUB party operates – both inside and outside the country. The same miscommunication and mismanagement is happening in Somaliland, but mainly escapes publicity because of the lack of freedom of press. I have come to realise that the quality and professionalism of UDUB members is low compared to those of Kulmiye. While Kulmiye supporters include the educated and elite, they have a better chance of ruling Somaliland properly. UDUB appears to be supported by clan-oriented people who care little for the welfare of their fellow citizens. The ministers of Public Works Department, Finance, Interior Affairs and, in particular, Foreign Affairs are all examples of UDUB members who are in power because of their clan lineage. It is about time that the people of Somaliland wake up and take the opportunity to promote those who will support good governance, democracy and prosperity for the country.
  18. Halkan Ka Daawo Muuqaalka Dhacdadii Dhulka Dumay ee ku yaala Baliyada Dhalaama cune Ee Degmada Kalabaydh Gobolka Sool
  19. Dhalinyaro Gaadhaysa 400 Oo Xisbiga UDUB Ka Soo Digo Rogtay Kuna Biiray Kulmiye (Haatuf) - in ka badan 400 afar boqol oo dhalinyaro ah oo xisbiga udub ka soo diga rogatay ayaa shalay ku soo biiray xisbiga kulmiye. dhalinyaradan oo ay wateen guddomiyihii iyo guddoomiye ku xigeenkii garabka dhalinyarada ee xisbiga UDUB ee gobolka Sool, Mr. Deeq Cali Maxamed iyo Xaali Xirsi Cali ayaa waxa xaflad balaadhan oo soodhoweyn ah logu sameeyay xafiiska xisbiga kulmiye ee magaalada Lascaanood xaflada oo ay goob jog ka ahayeen wafti sare oo ka socda xisbiga kulmiye oo u horkacayo eng Cali Siciid Raygal oo iyagu hada gobolka ku sugan iyo masuuliinta xisbiga ee gobolka Sool, Cali Siciid Raygal oo halka ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in ay dhalinyarada reer Sool ee xisbiga udub ka soo baxay ay soo dhowaynayaan,kuwaas oo u ku tilmaamay in ay soo arkeen xaqiidada udub tala oo aan ahayn mid u danaynaysa bulshada iyo dalka,taas oo u sheegay in ay bulshada Somaliland ka tagantahay quus iyo faro madhnaan,mr cali waxa uu intaku daray in ay iyagu wadaan danta dalka iyo ta dadka reer Somaliland ayna isugu mid yihin,waxa ay ku dedalayaan haday talada qabtaana ay tahay dalka ooay ka sameeyaan isbedel dham ah oo la taban karo.ayna ku dedeli doonan in ay xooga saaran wax ka qabashada kabayaasha halbawlaha u ah arimaha bulshada.waxa uu inta ku daray in xukumada Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ay dalka meel walba ka curyamisay anayna waxa horumar ah anay u soo wadin.ugu danbayntiina waxa uu dadka reer Sool kula dardarmay in ay doorkoda ka qataan isbedelka la donayo in dalka laga sameeyo,C/waaxid C/qaadir C/raxmaan oo isna halka ka hadlay ayaa garabka dhalinyarada udub ee ku soo biiray xisbiga kulmiye amaan u soo jeediyay iyada oo u sheegay in dadka reer lascaanood xaqoodi kaga maqan yahay xukamada Rayaale,balse xisbiga kulmiye ula diyaar yahay in u wax u qabto, mr Deeq Cali Maxamed gudoomiyihi garabka dhalinyarada udub ee hore oo isna halka ka hadlay ayaa ka hadlay wax yabaha ay uga soo diga rogteen udub taas oo u ku tilmaamay in ay ka soo guureen markay arkeen in aanu soo wadin wax horumara kuna fashilmay wax ka qabashada qaybaha bulshada,isla markaana anay fulin balamada ay xukumadu hadiyogoor ku dhawaqdo.waxana uu inta ku daray in ay taas ku rajo weeyn yihin in xisbigan ay u soo diga rogteen ee kulmiye uu wax badan ka qaban doono. isla markaana ay wixii maanta ka danbeya tageero hiil iyo hoba ah la garab taganyihin xisbiga kulmiye, waxa kale oo iyana halka ka hadlay masuulin kale oo xisbiga kulmiye ah kuwaas oo ay hamid yihin gudoomiyaha xisbiga kulmiye ee gobolka Sool Bile Xasan Xaaji Cali .
  20. Ah, to be a little kid again with skinned knees that is easier to heal than broken heart. In the golden years of childhood, we used to be ourselves and nobody else. As kids we did things just for fun and to make us laugh. Authenticity was an involuntary impulse in our veins. There were no false notes on our cheeks. We used to hate rain at night and we did not like goodbyes. With a gentle heart that was tied with an easy thread. Honesty with a sincere smile which goes hand in hand with a strong desire for beauty and pleasure. A pleasure seeker from sunrise to sunset. A teen – age era that runs after beautiful dreams, beautiful flowers, and beautiful scenes. Ah, I wish to be young again with that imperial rate of sixty horsepower. No mortgage headache, no monthly utility bills, no burden of responsibility, with no worries of any sort. Socializing myself with courteous girls that have great smile, which reflects a glow of happiness. That sleeping beauty with curly hair and romantic eyes that are dressed up with bushy eye – brows. Those heavenly bodies of the category ,slim and tall. Those silky long legs and cozy boobs. Heart to heart talk to those royal beauty queens with dimple on their cheeks when they smile, were my love – interest. A romantic dinner decorated with a bunch of flowers and lot of lightening candles on the table. Then strolling or walking to the beach. Sometimes staying home, watching a movie while courting and cuddling on the coach. But up to now, always my dating ends up with a broken heart, due to Mother In Law from hell. In several times, I was trapped in a life – boat by a witch Mother In Law from hell. She always misjudges me by reading an evil on my eyes, and suspecting me on unhealthy marriage. I got heckled in several occasions where my brain went blank; and my cunning wit evaporated. Slapped the door on my face and received dark angry words from her. That bad impression of the Mother In Law from hell, left a never lasting bad taste in my mouth. Owing to that, my dating always ends up with crash and burn. My wife is her mother’s slave. She would hang on her for every word whenever she criticizes everything about me. My dressing, my diet, and my eating habits, and the way I will raise up my child. Not being allowed to wear the shirt and the pant that I prefer. If a cow gets out of the pen, and the calf follows. You don’t get mad at the calf. You put the cow back in the pen. The Mother In Law from hell is the butt of jokes and comedies all over Africa. She is always the cause of all divorces. That is a brief spectrum of my social habit – ordeals. But my psychological dependence is strictly panned and tightly sealed under the Privacy Of Information Act. According to a poll prepared by Hawa, a non profit Organization in Hargeisa. Nowadays young girls have got a new vision of dating aging - men. The poll says almost two third of young girls who fling to older men believe and say. " Older men are better , more generous, more reliable, and more secret worthy. Never had the experience of cheating, a broken relationship, or empty promises. The reason we are dating older men is simply because. Most young men of our age have already deserted this barren country. Went through illegal human trafficking in between the devil and the dead sea. The few numbers who are left behind are staying home idle; and are regarded as snooty. Having not the least gleam of hope to get a mean job for survival. Continuing the revelation, the spokeswoman for the Organization said. " That is a spine numbing ride that boils our blood and sparks out our rage. It is a child abuse in rank and file, and a Human Rights Violation." Zahra from Hargeisa University also said, "Our fate is trembling on the balance. And right now there are no reliable men of our age to make dating with. Girls are living increasingly busy lives to earn their basic essential needs. Gone are the days where we look for young men of our peers to take care of us. That is why our morals are down and our love to be hijacked by expired older men with dirty diapers. But in reality, though we are dating older men; yet this relationship is missing the sensational live sentiment and drive, in It’s true sense. Because the ingredient and the recipe don’t match each other. The quality of our future will depend directly on the quality of our thinking. That is why all our perceptions and intuitions are faulty; and our logics gives the wrong answers. Because if your eye – sight is sharp but looking at the wrong directions; you will not see what you are looking for. As everybody is in a despair mood and can’t wait for a never ending tomorrow of Mr.Riyalle’s empty promises of honey and milk." Zahra ended with her painful anecdote. Dear reader. recently I made a bidding on a contract for exporting Dead Rats. I assumed that this is the merest contract and nobody would bother. But suddenly it turned in to a hot cake. As usual, when opportunity presents itself in the World of whom you know, not what you know. You assume that it won’t work ; before you even give it a try. When you doubt about what you can achieve, you limit your opportunity and you sabotage your own chance of success. It was just like a blind date, and I went to the party as an alien, and a passenger in a football team. Willing to take the risk. Bearing in mind that I won’t lose anything if at all the worse comes. As I have learned in my early childhood. If you want something; you must make some noise. And if things don’t work out. It is not the end of the World. In Africa, you must keep trying until you are a dead meat. Because the only way to get something is to present yourself out there; and be a willing to face the rejection. A date may be just a hello again. " Stop hesitating, Life is nothing but taking risks." I said to myself. As I have had survived more than one false start in the past. After few days, finally I was turned down simply because of my heavy accent from Taxes. My face turned bright red. Lately, I shrugged and said with a self – defeated attitude, " what is the big deal ? Did I fart in a Mosque ? An interviewer with an infidel suit screamed at me and send me out of the interview – room. I left the interview hall dragging my feet with despair. But lately confessed myself. This is Africa, and every shoe is on the wrong foot. Even love is hijacked by aging men that are wearing dirty diapers. Work opportunities is no exceptional. We are a hog – tied nation by the Mother In Law from hell; that we have already prepared her coffin. But always survives all flood and fire. That is why our destiny is in the dirty hands of juvenile delinquents from the orphanage center, and expired old men wearing dirty diapers who are called, GUURTI. This House of Elders who represent no one except their stomach and wallet. The Rift valley Virus of Mr.Riyalle, for sure is a pressing deadly disease. But there are more killing diseases sponsored by the GUURTI (HOUSE OF ELDERS). The tribal Smoking Pipe, Clan Traffic Jamming, Personality cults, and Las – Anood Bird Flue from Mr.Xaabsade. Who is a fickle that always swings his faith from Sunni to Shia, and vise versa. Mr.Sulaiman, the harsh truth is that. You are introducing in the market that old poisonous prescription that brought Mr.Riyalle to the power in the first place. Candor once went further boldly in smiles, lately crept home in tatters and tears. Put all your false antidote, and personal greed in a drawer and close it tightly. We have no room for your old phenomenon. Which introduces a religion that is a friendly to the Communist Party, and have good relationship with the Western World. Mr.Sulaiman, you are an Eastern with Western roots. According to your family tree. As it is recorded in Burao Municipality archives; with authentic signature of your thrill – maker cousin, Mr.Silaanyo. Mr.Sulaiman, a man’s action is a motion picture of his beliefs. We got your message that says. Religon is a rival authority that needs to be controlled or suppressed. A platform for bombs, explosives, terrorist activities, and rejection to civilization . And people are sick of it right now. You always count your eggs before it hatches. But you have to know that religion is a missionary tradition that is woven in to the fabric of our veins and a stream in our blood. We know that your cousin is the most charismatic figure. We congratulate you for letting him win the American Lottery Numbers. But our Mosque and School of thought does not accept Gambling Money as a Charity Donation. There is no a grace in a favor that sticks to the finger. You can give that donation to your false Doctor with the four eyes; who can make the trees pregnant. It is a breach against Human Rights Act to impose your ill views on unwilling listeners. There is a feeling of shame in size, if not in quality. But take your time for now. Who knows what is next in Mr.Riyalle’s rule and reign. I pray for myself not to vanish, or to be disappeared by a hit – man operation on the street. Or melt in a suicidal mission of a walking bomb. Fifteen cents in the red and you are a dead meat. The first commandment in my Budhist Mantra says. You can’t be told what to believe; and you can’t be forced to abandon your core – beliefs. The person who tells you to calm down; is usually the person who got you mad in the first place. People want to know, why did split with your old ally Mr.Riyalle? Nowadays you live on a nervous moments, hungary for pain. Because of the seeds that you have had planted with your own hands in the past. Dear reader, after watching the uprising rally at Burao in the mid of last September. Burao, the land of the brave and the land of the free. I came to realize that Mr.Riyalle is no more sleeping on the lion’s Den. That is a clear evidence that the past dust of friction in between the Lion and the Tiger had settled down. The dividing walls of sand of evil has crumbled after the family reunion. The seven years of UDUB Empire colony is at dead end. That illegal clandestine marriage has broken in to pieces. The Bear’s hug in between the Lion and the Tiger; was a picture worth ten thousand words. Mr.Riyalle no more pulling the apron strings of the Lion when ever his spider – web – palace is shaken or threatened. Mr.Lion, thanks for discovering lately that Mr.Riyalle is a chameleon with an invisible color dye; who has a respect for no one. Every thing that he touches is either illegal, immoral, or frightening. Always acting as a painter that turns white in to black. He is a sealed book and a volume that is hard to read. Mr.Riyalle,your regime has many heads but no brains. Big names standing on no legs. Mr.Riyalle, this time, killing time is not a murder, it is your suicide. Eat the eggs but don’t kill the chicken that feeds you with the golden eggs. Better the fruit lost, than the tree. when you hear us singing. It is not a sign that we are happy. But Music is poor man’s Parnassus. It takes more muscle to frown than to laugh. A man is not poor if at all he can smile. Nowadays most of the people spend their time reading the menu, while you enjoy the banquet. A Native Indian scalps his enemy as a battle trophy, but a black leader skins his civilians. Mr.Riyalle, When you are depressed, you sell some blocks of the Government Real Estate and then you go shopping in Europe. While poor families are dying for the lack of drops of drinking water. Our sweet hearts, youth graduates from local universities are shadowed with despair. Can see no gleam of hope to get even food for work. As a consequence of that, risking with their lives by going through a suicide mission in the dead sea, as illegal immigrants. While some of your un -existing local NGOs receiving monthly, tons of food and sell it in the local markets under your concern. Dear Somalilander, by digging deep we can steal the wind from the sails. Democracy became a scourge to beat us to death. Mr.Riyalle is a curse inflicted on us as a punishment from Allah; after we alienated Mujahid Abdirahman Aw Ali and embraced an alien person with stained reputation. Because a rebellion to a freedom fighter is disobedience to God. Whom the God would destroy, they hate the nobleman and they love the snooty. We made a mountain out of a molehill. You can debate with the lettered men, you can wrestle with the wild animals, but you have to fear the ignorant. Somaliland had only two good men, one dead and the other unborn yet. By now, there is no use to strip already naked man. But let not the mistakes of yesterday, or the fear of tomorrow spoil our today. Patience is a poor man’s weapon. Even a frog would bite if it had teeth. Mr.Riyalle, Diplomacy is the art of letting some one else, show you his own way. Slander expires at a good man’s door. After the white man’s arrival, no more hearing a clatter or a rattle of annoying sounds of the pedestrians on the side walk of the road. A complete noise abatement. A gentle breeze buffing and puffing in to the open air. It looks as every one’s win. Though some scholars predict that this agreement is anti – pain for relieving the fever temporarily. As everybody is speaking in an amiable tone in agreement to the settlement of the pressing crisis. No more ambivalence of mixed feelings, and no more doubting about what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. There is a smell of sage and wisdom on the air. And we got relaxed after the white man’s intervention. That is a proof that white man is brain. Black man is dumb and unproductive. Teaching his terms with the big stick. Thanks God , Mr.Riyalle will no more speak to the International Community the same tone and attitude, he did speak to the Xareed Tribe Elders. As an African dictator, the big stick is the only language he can understand. Mr.Riyalle, you have wrapped yourself in the most rigid ethical code of diplomacy. Keeping us in the dark for couple of weeks. Experienced unpleasant drama and a future – shock. Mr.Riyalle, It is good when you are hunting for the truth; to have your mind free of false friends. Always pick the path that leads to where you can see further.   Dear country man, the man with the Satan’s crappy name, finally has bent down on his knees. But still he is cooking a bad dessert by wasting time. Please tell him to understand that it takes forty two muscles a person to frown; and only four muscles to pull the trigger of a decent sniper rifle. In Somaliland there is always a reason to think overtime. A drowning man does not need a mirror. He needs a hand, a way out, and a swimming lessons. If you burp, sneeze, yawn, or hiccup. You can say excuse me. But it is inappropriate in a number of other situations. For example, if you kneel down forward, and ending up your nose down in a hot soup. If you do what you should not, you must hear what you would not. Mr.Riyalle, don’t beat about the bush. This time, killing the time is not a murder, it is your suicide. Because the white man is watching you, and he is the master mind of all magicians Mr.Riyalle, you are cute when you are angry. The Three Piece Suit Is Yours And The Shame Is Ours. Yusuf Deyr, Hargeisa.
  21. Warbixin Ku Saabsan Muuqaalka khayriyada Gudmo-biyo-cas: Deegaan Hodan Ah Oo Dawlada Somaliland Moogan Tahay! Mise waabay Ilawday? Ceerigaabo (Oodweynenews)- Gudmo waxay dhacdaa galbeedka magaalad ceerigaabo una jirta 95 km juqurafi ahaan waa meel udhaxay xeebta iyo oogada ahna dhulka loo yaqaano Guban, Gudmo waa meel camiran Xagaa iyo jiilaalba sababtoo ah waa meel aan aad u kululayn marka loo eego gubanada kale. hadaba hadaynu eego dadka Gudmo waa meel kulansatay oo ay ku nool yihiin dad tiro badan oo gaadhaaya ilaa 19400 oo qof , lagana heli karo dhamaan qabiilada ay soomaalidu ka kooban tahay badankooda , waana kuwa ugu faca weym magalooyinka kuyaala G/sanaaga . Hadaba inagoo ka warami doona qaar kamid ah taariirkhdii ay gudmo soo martay , dhaqamadeeda dhaqaalaheeda , qaabka iyo muuqeeda ,Nimcooyinka uu Ilaahay ku manaystay ,ka madhnaan shaha Hayaayadaha Dawliga ah iyo kuwa maxaliga ahba, wax qabadka shacabka , ku tiir sanaanta wax soo saarkooda , xaga suugaanta iyo sii haysashada dhaqanka kiisii wacnaa , istaraatiijiyada wadooyinka ufuran .tan amniga iyo tan dhaqaalahaba. Intaynaan utegin waxyaabahaas oo dhan ee ay khaas ka la noqotay , bal aynu taariikhdeeda wax ka tilmaano , gudmo waa magaalo fac wayn oo lasoo yiiley ilaa mudo ku dhow 65 sano markii hore waxay ku bilaaban tahay iyadoo ahay rugtii beeyada laysugu keeni jirey lahaydna halwado oo ufuran dhinaca xeebta oo qudha halkaasna laga dhoofinjirey dekadaha Xiis Shalcay Berber iyo weliba maydh, dhamaantood bucshadaha ka soo digana dekadahaas wuu soo gaadhi jirey iyadoo lagusoo bedeshey beeyadii iyo haragii ay dhoofiyeen , lana soo waridey bucshado cusub sida raashin dhar weel qalab kala duwan mid dhismey iyo mid farsamoba , sidaas daraadeed gudmo malahay wado isku xidha dhica Oogada marka laga reebo ta soo wareega ah ee xeebaha ka soo laabanaysa , hadaba waxyaabah layaab kaleh ee ah wax qabadka bulshada taas oo aanay dawlad iyo haayadoba aanay ka taageerayn wax qabadkeeda oo bulshadu udhar adaygtay siday uga midhi dhalin lahayd, horuumarka dalkeeda waxaana ka mid ah wadada dheer ee isku xidha Oogada iyo xeebta sida Ceerigaabo iyo Gudmo ama Yufle, iladgugma ,Daryare, suudho Gudmo , Daris Xiis Shalcay ilaa ber bera iyo xaga bariga oo dhan .wadadaas oo ay bulshada halkaas taalaa iska kaashadeen cidkastoo aragtaana aanay uqaadanayn in ay bulsho samaysay ayna moodayaan in kenbeniyaal shisheeye sameeyeen. Hadaba bal aan khayraadkeeda wax ka taabano , Gudmo waa meel khayrad aad ubadan leh , kagana duwan wadanka intiisa kale marka loo eego , gudmo waa meel ay hoos yimaadaan deegaano aad u balaadhan oo iyana ay ku hareeraysan yihiin khayraad aad ufara badan . Bal aan qaar ka mid ah khayraad ka iyo dhaqaalaha ay leedahay Gudmo aan tilmaano 1. Geed xabkeedka oo dhan iyadoo hoy u ah ,sida beeyada oo dhamaanteed ay ku taalo lagana helaayo noocyadeeda oo dhan , sida moxorka (fooxa) maydiga labadaas nooc oo loo yaqaano Beeyada oo usii kala baxda dhawr qaybood oo xabko ah sida Musabi Buddo Koorib Marbuush iyo qolof , qaybaha Xabkaha waxaa kaloo kamid ah Malmala oo laga guro geedka dhidinka loo yaqaano , xabag cadaadeedka iyo qaarkaloo badan oo ah geed xabkeed ukhaas ah gudmo iyo nawaaxigeeda . Muuqaalka xabagta beeyada ee Maydiga (Musafi) 2. Xoolaha nool oo ah lafdhabarta soomaalida oo ay gudmo qani kutahay 3. Beeraha oo gudmo ay leedahay beero badan iyo kuwo kale oo degaan ahaan ku wareegsan.kuwaas geedaan ahaan ku wareegsan waxaa kamid ah beeraha waaweyn ee layidhaahdo Daris oo dhaca dhinaca Bariga Gudmo una jira ilaa 4km waa beero aad ubalaadhan oo laga beero khudaarta noocyadeeda kala duwan , xabxabka oo wakhtigeer uu aad uga soo go’o uuna gaadho meelo far badan oo dalka ka tirsan sida Ceerigaabo Burco Berbera iyo weliba dhinaca bariga sida Badhan iyo boosaaso waxaad garan gartaa waxsoosaarka gaadhaaya goboladaas oo dhan in uu yahay khayraad badan , Darisi waa beeraha wax soosaar keeda ugu weeyni uu yahay cunada adag sida Galayda iyo hadhuudka , kadibna iyagu dib usiticmaala baaqigana ganacsi ahaan usii iibiya , Beeraha waxaa kaloo kamid ah Buluuluco , Qooxalehe, iyo deegaano kale oo balaadhan oo hoos yimaada sida suudho iyo dheef lo’aad dhamaan beerahaas aynu soo sheegnay waxay ku yaaliin deegaamo ka tirsan Gudmo biyo cas , waana beer wiyeer dhamaantood , si toos ah loo beeto wakhti kasta. Muuqaalka Daris iyo Waxsoo saarka ay leedahay sida Xabxaka , Galayda iyo Noocyada Khudaarta eek ala Duwan 4. Qoriga sida dhamaska oo aad ugu fara badan iyo geedka Madaahda oo haatan meesha keliya ee ay dalka kaga sii hadhay san ay tahay udmo oo qudha ,qorigeedana laga sameeyo alaab fara badan oo kala duwan sida Albaabaan, Daaqadaha , kuraasta , Miisaska iyo weliba Roomadaha guryah lasaaro (qoray saarka guryaha, halka balkeedahan guryaha iyo hoon soonyinka lagu dhisto xadhkona laga sameeyo . Muuqaalka Qoriga iyo khayraadka ugaarka ah ee Gudmo biyo cas 5. Xiga yo xaskhusa oo laga sameeyo dhamaan noocyada Xadhkaha kala duwan, khasatan laga sameeyo dhirta ay ka mid yihiin Mooliga iyo Xaskushuba , 6. Maydhada oo iyna ukala baxda dhawr qaybood , gudmo waa meesha keliya ee haatan dalka kagaga hadhay, waxaana loo isticmaalaa qaybo kala duwan sida dermooyin , cawsaska oo lagu sameeyo , kolyaha alaabta lagu guro , saladaha , dhiilaha , haamaha iyo doobiyada , qaar kaloo badan oo kala duwan , geedka maydhada layidhaahdo Mar waa cunto oo waa geedkii lagu baxsaday 1918-1922 waagii saydika Maxamed cabdule xasan iyo Gumaystuhu uu dagaalka qadhaadhi dhexmaraayeen , waageedka leh midho timirta oo kale ah lana yidhaahdo Awaag waa nooc timirta kamid ah , geedkaas oo aad gugu badan , Hadaba waxaa iswaydiin leh waa meel sidee u eg gudmo maxay kaga duwan tahay dalka intiisa kale dhaqmadeeda iyo qaabkeeda , hadii aynu ku horano wax yaabaha layaabka leh ee gudmo u khaaska ah aduunkana aanay meelina lawadagin , lana odhan karo waxay kamid miyhiin Mucjisooyinka Caalamka waa Biyo dhawr nooc ah oo meel wada maraaya sida biyo macaan iyo kuwo qadhaad , biyo kulul iyo biyo qabow oo meel wada maraaya oo hadii aad saqa dhexe aad ubaahato biyo diiran aad helayso hadii aad ubaahato kuwo qabona aad helayso , waa meesha keliya oo adoo fadhiya aad labadaada gacmood kula qabanaysid biyo macaan iyo kuwo qadhaadh , kuwo kulul iyo kuwo qabow , Biyaha layaabka ah ee ay Gudmo ku khaaska tahay qaar qabow qaar kulul , qaar macan iyo qaar qadhaadh Dhinaca kalena waa meesha keliya ee laga helo geedka looyaqaan Madaahda ama timo dheerta oo ah geed faa’iido badan leh aadna udheer oo gaadha ilaa 80 Miter geedkaas oo ah mid hadeer ka dabar go’ay dalka intiisa kale . Gudmo waa magaalo cagaaran oo dhinacyo badan ay ka xidgan dhir kayn ah iyo beero ay ku wareegsan yihiin . Xaga dawlada iyo wax qabdkeeda Gudmo waa meel la odhan karo dawladu way ilowdey amaba umaba diiwaan gashana marka la eego sida aanay uga war hayn , ama waxay ka wardoontaa wakhtiga doorashooyinka oo sanduuqay geysataa , waa meesha keliya ee dadka intaas le’eki ku noolyihiin ee aanu joogin qof shaqaale dawladeed ahi , maleh goob dadka cashuurata lagaga qaado , maleh goob boolis oo dadka amingooda laga ilaaliyo , waa meesha keliya ee dadka bulshada intaas le’egi ku dhaqantahay ee aanay madaxda gobolka iyo degmaduba weli tegin kuna taala galbeedka Magaalada Ceerigaabo hoosna timaada degmada ceerigabo , waxaa la odhan karaa Gudmo mataqaano macayada madaxda gobolka Degmada amaba dawlada oo dhan laakiin waxay qaar kamid ah kamaqashay cidaacada BBC landan , weligeed halmar ayaa waxaa soo maray wefti uu hugaaminaayey wasiirka wasaarada Qorshaynta qarak Mr Sanyare , waxaa la odhankaraa halkaas mar ayay arkeen cid sidata shaadh dawladeed oo sare marka laga reego boolika oo marmar taga , malaha goobo caafimaad MCH iyo dhakhtarba , dhinaca iskuulada waxaa jira hal iskuul dugsi H/Dhexe oo ay bulshadu iyadu gacanta ku hayso halka halmacin aanu dawlada mushahar ka qaadan ,aanayna ku jirin tabarbarada macalimiinta (Scott ) , ayna qalabka dadkoodu u iibiyaan , mar aanu waraysi layeelanay Maamulaha Dugsiga Gudmo biyo cas, maamule Saciid cali shaywaal waxa uu noo sheegay in aanay dawladu wax waxtar ah oo xaga wax barshada ah oo lasheegi karo in aanay kasoo gaadhin,
  22. part 1 of 3 part 2 of 3 part 3 of 3
  23. Daawo Dimoqraadiyadii Somaliland oo maraysa in heestii nooloow siyaad nooloow lagu bedelay hees cusub oo ah nooloow Rayaloow
  24. Sanaagland: Neglected by its own people Sanaagland is the largest region of Somaliland, and it is also the most neglected. This disregard has been ongoing since Independence, but most of the current blame falls upon Sanaaglanders themselves. Many have migrated to the western part of Somaliland or further, and invested both money and time away from home. (Photo: sheep housed in one of Dayaha school dormitories ) Expatriates from Sanaag can be found in North America, Europe and Asia. For example, most of the Somali workers in the UAE originate from Sanaag and are among those who have the highest incomes. When these expatriates send money home, build houses and settle their children in Somaliland, Hargeisa is a more popular choice than their native area of Sanaagland. One of the reasons behind this is that the government of Somaliland has concentrated almost all development projects in the capital city and its environs, rather than sharing the national income equally with other regions. The lack of interest showed by Sanaaglanders in their homeland can also be blamed in large part on the underdeveloped transport infrastructure. Accessibility by road is often tiresome and time-consuming: overland access to Erigavo, the capital of Sanaagland, takes at least 12 hours on the nearest tarmac road that connects Burao and Lasaanod to Mogadishu. This has a negative impact on business development, as merchants have to use other means of transport, such as expensive air travel. Cash crops cannot be exported to west Somaliland due to lack of accessibility; for example, the famous cabbage farm owned by Mohamed Jama has been abandoned. Farmers have to divert their sales to Bossaso which is hostile to Somaliland. Another factor is that the Hargeisa-based government discourages aid directed towards Sanaagland, under the pretext that the East is not stable. The government claims that it cannot guarantee the safety of aid workers who could deliver desperately needed medical and humanitarian assistance to the Sanaagland people. Sanaagland has the highest rate of infant mortality in Somaliland due to lack of medical care and qualified doctors. Education is another area of concern in Sanaagland. Dayaha Intermediate school was built by the British in the colonial era, and is the alma mater of most educated middle aged Sanaaglanders. The school has been extensively looted, partially demolished and is currently being used as a shelter for livestock by pastoralists. Students now have to travel a long distance on the rough Garadag road in order to attend higher education in Hargeisa. Sanaagland is fortunate enough to have an abundance of water and a fertile landscape. Sanaaglanders need to return to their native land and contribute to alleviating the suffering of its people, rather than always looking to Hargeisa. Regardless of clan or district, the people of Sanaag must come together to ensure a better future for this most beautiful but neglected part of Somaliland. Written by : M. Ali with editing of Sarah Howard